• Published 29th Apr 2013
  • 16,575 Views, 674 Comments

In a Flash of Lightning - Onomonopia

A hero comes to Equestria to re-capture a villian, but the world is not what he expected.

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Twilight and the others were worried about Billy. Celestia had informed them of the events that had taken place late last night, from the revel that the monster Doomsday was still alive, to Marvel actually threatening them to reveal what they knew about him. Twilight had watched Billy fly off from her window and had been worried ever since, hoping that he didn't find the monster by himself. Her prayers were answered as one of the guards informed the ponies during their morning breakfeast that they had spotted Captain Marvel flying in. They had all rushed to his room in joy, but when they arrived they found he had barricaded the door and refused to come out.

"Billy, please come on out," Twilight begged him, knocking on the door with her hoof. "I know that you're upset with the princesses lying with you, but that's no reason to barricade yourself off from us. Please come out." Silence was all that answered her and she tried again with the same result. Spike was next to try.

"Come on Billy, you can't sulk forever. Come on out and talk." His efforts were in vain as well and he backed away with a dejected sigh. Applejack had enough of it and tipped her hat forward before walking up to his door, banging on it.

"Billy, now ya listen to me. Ah'm the Element of Honesty, so ah know how bad it hurts to be lied to by your friends. But ya never get anything done by sitting there and sulking. So come on out know and let's talk." When Billy didn't answer, Applejack got even more frustrated. "Billy, come on out this instant or ah'll drag ya out!"

"Try it."

Those two words had a very strong effect on the ponies, who began to back away from the door slowly. That had been a threat and Billy had known it. Twilight and the other new at that moment that something else had happened last night besides the confrontation with the two princesses, something darker. But while his response made the other ponies scared, all it did for Applebloom was make her annoyed.

"Billy, ya get out here right now. Ah wanna talk to ya!" she yelled through the door. When he failed to respond, she turned towards Twilight with a look in her eyes. "Blast the door down."

"Wha? Applebloom, you heard him. If we try that, he'll-"

"He won't do anything. Trust me, ah know him." Twilight wasn't sure, but all the other ponies nodded their heads, but also backed away from the door for safety. Twilight nervously approached the door and aimed her horn at is, magic primed and ready to fire. With one last hesitant look at her friends, Twilight fired her spell into the door and blew it open.


"Before any of the others could react, Applebloom ran through the door and jumped up onto Billy's bed, where he had been laying with his head in a pillow. He glared at the ponies that nervously crept into his room.

"I thought I said to stay out or else!" he shouted, trying to look mad.

"Or else what, ya blast us with yer lightning?" Applebloom asked with a raise eyebrow. She smiled when Billy didn't respond, knowing that she had got him. Then she looked a little closer and noticed that his eyes were red and puffy, as if he had been...crying. "Billy...what's wrong?"

"Nothing," he said quickly, rubbing his eyes on his sleeve. "I just had something in my eyes, that's all."

"Billy, what's really the matter?" Twilight asked him, joining Applebloom on the bed next to him. "Please tell me...I'm worried about you." Billy refused to speak to or even look at them, instead hiding his head in his knees. Applebloom frowned at him and sat there thinking for a moment. Then a huge smile crossed her face and she grabbed him by the arm.

"Come with me, ah want to show ya something," she said with a smile and jumped off the bed, dragging him along with her. He didn't even had time to protest as the filly dragged him out of his room and down the hallway. Despite her size, Applebloom was still an Apple and one of the strongest fillies in all the land. After a few minutes of being dragged, Billy finally agreed to walk to whereever she was dragging him. They walked mostly in silence, Billy still mad over her dragging him, but after a while of walking, he found that he began to become more curious as to where she was taking him. They walked out of the castle and into the streets of Canterlot, the guards letting them by with only raised eyebrows. After a few more minutes of walking, Billy finally took the bait.

"Okay, I'll bite, where are we going?" he asked her. She turned to him with a sly smile on her face.

"If ya want me to answer ya, ya need to answer me. What happened last night?" Billy shut up once again and Applebloom continued walking with a shrug. They continued to walk and Billy noticed that all of the ponies in the town were now staring at him a bit differently. Yes they were still staring at him, but their eyes seemed to have a look of fear in them along with the loathing. He wasn't certain, but he had a feeling some of the guards had spilled lathe events of last night to the town. One of the ponies scowled at him and Billy scowled back, smiling when the pony jumped back away from him. The two of them finally stopped walking when they had reached a small diner near the edge of Canterlot with an amazing view over the landscape. Billy could just make out Ponyville from there and squinted his eyes to get a better view.

"It's beautiful, ain't it?" Billy turned back to Applebloom, who had seated herself at one of the chairs overlooking the land, a small smile on her face. "If ya look close enough, ya can see mah farm from here." Billy looked off into the distance and found that she was right, he could see a little bit of her farm.

"It's pretty and all, but why did you bring me over here?" he asked her once again, but just like last time she wouldn't talk until he told her what had happened. He really didn't want to talk about it, but he also wanted to know what she was thinking, so with a heavy sigh, he sat down and began to speak.

"Last night...I found a village that the princesses hadn't found yet na dit was ripped apart," he said softly so that the other ponies sitting there wouldn't hear. "The buildings were destroyed, the ground was torn up...but the worst part was the bodies. They were everywhere, laying in the same spots that they were killed in. And some of them still had their eyes open, eyes that looked at me like i could still do something to help them, like I could save them. But I can't. I failed them."

Applebloom listened silently, waiting for Billy to continue. "I realized that it's my fault that there have been so many deaths lately. If I had searched for Doomsday from the beginning, I might have found him within the first day or two and saved all those who died...but I didn't. I chose to screw around in Ponyville and let all those who needed me die. It's all my fault. I'm no hero...I'm just a failure." Applebloom watched as Billy placed his head on his arms, covering his face. She looked off into the direction of her home and let out a small sigh.

"Ya know why ah like to come up here?" she asked him. When he didn't respond she continued talking. Because I can look over mah home and realize just how lucky ah am to have one...but ah almost lost mah home. Four times now," she said with a sigh, looking over at Billy. "Monsters from the darkest corners of history came to try and destroy mah family and friends. Ah have to admit, ah was certain that they would. But ya know what happened next? Somepony showed up to stop them. Somepony used their power to fight back the evil ponies, even when they had no reason to. That somepony saved me and mah sister more than once and never even asked for a thank ya. Ya know who that pony was? You."

"What do you mean?" Billy asked her, picking his head off the table so that he could look at her.

"If ya hadn't been in Ponyville when the monsters attacked, if ya had been off fightning that Doomsday character, mah hom eand mah family would've all been killed," she said with her head bowed, remembering Cyclops almost stepping on her. "Ah'm not saying it's a good thing that ya weren't there for those other ponies in the other towns, but ya were there fer us when we needed ya, even when most of us didn't like ya. Yer not a failure Billy...yer mah hero." Billy let her words sink in, not sure what to say. What she was saying was sweet and she knew she was trying to cheer him up, but he still felt cold inside.

"It still doesn't matter. I let them die. I could have saved them and i didn't." Applebloom let out an annoyed sigh, hoping that he had gotten beyond that.

"Look, ah know ya feel guilty fer the deaths of those ponies and ah can't even begin to guess what that feels like, but it wasn't like ya were purposely trying to avoid helping them. Ya couldn't go help them because ya were too busy saving us. We needed ya just as much as they did." She sighed at Billy, who had still yet to give a reaction to her words. "o ah guess what ah'm trying to say is...thank ya." Applebloom hoped out of her chair and walked over to Billy, giving him a quick peck on the cheek. She smiled as his face turned as red as his shirt and he looked at her with wide eyes."Now that ah've got yer attention, did ya listen to what ah just told ya?"

"Yeah, I guess..." he said weakly, looking off into the distance. "Do you think i should have done it?"

"Done what?"

"Ended Erebus and the all the others that attacked Ponyville. Because of what Celestia said is true, this isn't the first time that you have been in mortal danger before and it probably won't be the last. So you think I should have ended the threats before they could come back and strike again?" Applebloom sat back down in her chair and looked up at the sky.

"Ah guess that's what ah get fer asking ya to tell me what's on yer mnd," she said with a small laugh. "Honestly...ah don't know. Ah know mah sister and her friends would say that ya shouldn't kill, but that;s up to ya really. Now ah don't think ya would kill, that's just not you. But on whether it's the best decision...ah just don't know."

"I suppose that's the best answer I could have gotten, but thanks for trying anyway," Billy said with a grateful smile. Applebloom gave him another look, peering through his thoughts.

"What else is bugging ya?"

"Nothing much...just something one of the ponies said. He claimed that I was like a deity descended upon this land and that my actions could have saved so many more if I tried to be more direct with them, like if I stayed as the captain all the time. What do you think about that?"

"Ah thinks he's crazy and ya be crazy to listen to him. Yer not the one to go putting yerself above others, yer here to help others," she said with no trace of doubt in her voice. "And that one ah can say is the honest truth. Come on, let's head back, ah'm sure the others are worried about ya and ya also have some apologising to do." Billy sighed and started to follow her, when something out of the corner of his eye caught his attention. The silver mare was standing in a side alley, motioning for him to join her. Applebloom walked over to him and looked to where he was looking with a confused look.

"Whatcha looking at?" she asked.

"Something that I need to take care of," he said quickly. "Head back to the castle, I'll join the rest of you later."

"Alright, but don't ferget ya owe someponies some apologise."

"As if you'd let me." She walked off as Billy walked over to the mare. While he still couldn't see her face, he tell that something was wrong. She seemed more uptight than before and actually looked around a few times before talking to him.

'I'm glad to see that you have recovered from the sights of last night,' she said to him, casting a glance behind her. 'After what you saw, you have every reason to be upset.'

"I can't let things like that get in my head," he replied with a small smile. "Thanks to AB, I realize that now. What did you want to talk to me about?"

'The day of reckoning is coming and only you can stem the coming storm, but only if you gain the greatest magic of all,' she reminded him. 'And from what I've seen, you have yet to do so. You must hurry young Batson, time is no longer on your side.'

"Doomsday's on his way." Billy didn't ask that, he already knew it to be true. The silver mare nodded.

'Yes, but the stallion of darkness himself comes as well. Sombra is also on his way.'

"Any chance of Sombra running into Doomsday and letting him take care of my problem?" Billy asked with a half grin. The silver mare seemed to roll her eyes and walked past him.

'You must find the magic young Billy. This world depends on it,' she said as she walked away. 'As does mine,' she said to herself once she was out of ear shot. Billy watched her for a while before she vanished as he blinked. He shook his head and realized that she was on par with Batman for vanishing acts. He turned back towards the castle and headed off, deciding that it was time he took a more active search for this great magic.


Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and Rarity had been called from Ponyville to Canterlot earlier that morning, though none of them were to happy about it. Rarity had to skip out on a very important client, while Rainbow Dash had to miss a Wonderbolts practice. Fluttershy was worried about her animals, but she had left Angel in charge so she was certain they'd be fine. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo had also come along but unlike their sisters they were estactic to be there. Twilight and the others had gone to meet them at the train station.

"Hi girls!" Applebloom yelled as the three tackled each other into a group hug.

"Glad to see that you're all here alright, how was the ride up?" Twilight asked her friends as thr fillies rolled around on the ground.

"Fine, a bit bumpy but other wise alright," Rarity muttered, looking behind Twilight. "Where's Billy? I thought he was supposed to be with you?"

"Applebloom said that there was something that he needed to take care of, so he should be back soon," Twilight said as calmly as she could, trying not to worry. The two groups talked for a bit before Celestia took over the conversation.

"Hello weilders of the Elements, I'm glad your trip was nice, but we have grave matters to discuss," Celestia informed them. She teleported them away with her magic and back to the castle, apperaing in the throne room next to a table with the map of Equestria on it. "The monster responsible for the deaths of so many is on the move again and Luna and I are afriad that it is heading for Canterlot." She pointed to all the areas where the beast had been spotted or there had been traces of destruction. "Following the path we can now see that it is heading here. We thought it best to have all of the Elements on standby incase it manages to reach us."

"What kind of beast is it?" Fluttershy asked with curiosity. "If it's a animal I'm sure that I can talk to it."

"No Fluttershy, this beast had no soul or remorse. It slaughtered mares, stallions and foals without so much as batting an eye. The only way to protect ourselves is to stop it."

"Yeah, let's give him a good old fashion beat down," Rainbow agreed, flying above the others and doing quick airjabs. "That monster won't know what hit it."

"And neither will you if you do not calm down," Luna said sternly and RD descended to the ground with a huff. "There is also the threat of the former King Sombra to be accounted for. His plans to destroy you and the Elements are not over yet, not until he is defeated as well. At the moment we have no idea where he is, but we must be ready incase he reveals himself."

"Luna and I have taken the precaution of doubling the guards and keeping lookouts on all points in the city, but we wanted to bring all the Elements together here just in case. You all brought the Elements, correct?" Each of the six ponies each took their respective element out of their bag and put them on, allowing Celestia to sigh in relief. "At least we'll have our greatest weapon this time when he attacks."

"We also wish to have Bi-Captain Marvel with us as well, but he is out at the moment," Luna said with a small sigh, looking out the window down to the streets below in hopes of finding him. "So we must prepare for the attack that will come."

"Princess Luna, with all due respect, Sombra is nowhere near as brazen to come and attack us directly," Rarity said with a small smile. "After the beating that we gave him last time, he wouldn't dare to try and attack us in the heart of our strongest city. Not even he could be that bold."

"And what if I am?" All of the ponies gasped as darkness began to circle the room, covering everything except the ponies themselves in darkness. Sombra slowly rose from the floor, a smile on his face and magic flowing from him. Twilight, Luna and Celestia immediatly fired bolts of magic at him, but the attacks passed right through him as he began to laugh.

"Ah, I see that I get the same warm welcome as everypony else that comes into the throne room unannounced," he said with a chuckle, watching with delight at the ponies faces. "But for the those of you who don't know me, allow me to reintroduce myself."

"I am Sombra, your new king."