• Published 19th Feb 2013
  • 4,005 Views, 75 Comments

Mac's Daring Dash - SparityLoveisForever

Big Mac finds him self in the middle of Winter Wrap Up with mixed feeling for a lavender, bookish, unicorn mare, and a prismatic maned, cyan, pegasus, mare.

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Winter Wrap Up Continues With White and Purple Bird Nests.

Winter Wrap Up

Continues With

White and Purple Birds Nests.

Big Macintosh almost couldn't believe the words that had come out of Miss Sparkle's mouth. He initially remained silent to Twilight's statement. In three months almost whole town knew something about his failed attempt at starting a relationship with her. Big Mac looked around as everypony was starting to eye him with suspicion. The crowd whispering a bit as they waited for his response. Not wanting to wake up with his sister on his chest again, he figured his best recourse was to accept like he had apologized. Big Mac then quickly responded with a simple sturdy, “Eeyup.”

Everypony in the crowd around the podium took his acknowledgment, as though nothing was amiss between the two. Twilight felt like the first part of her plan was falling snugly into place. Big Mac wondered what Miss Sparkle had in mind for him to do. Applejack was unassuming figuring that Twilight and her brother had worked things out, and were now planning on spending some more time together. Rainbow Dash, however was likely the one pony who saw things for what they really were. Twilight was trying to re-capture Big Mac's attentions, while Big Mac was trying to prove he had apologized to his sister. 'The best part is AJ is buying it for now,' thought Rainbow Dash laughing a bit.

The group of ponies surrounding the podium soon dispersed everypony heading to start the tasks that they were going to be doing. Spike and Rarity were soon off to Carousel Boutique together. Spike as it turned out was much better at building bird nests than his caregiver. Pinkie and Soarin were soon off towards some of the smaller of the natural lakes and pools surrounding Ponyville to crisscross and score them by themselves. Apple Bloom and Applejack started to lead a group of stallions back to Sweet Apple Acres to start clearing the snow with the plows. Fluttershy soon had a group of animal team ponies, and was about to start getting them ready to rouse her animal friends from hibernation. Rainbow Dash had since, directed four sets of three pegusai to head south for the birds. Each group moved together so that they wouldn't get lost as per Twilight's suggestion. Rainbow Dash had kept a decent number of the remaining pegusai of Ponyville around town to clear up the skies once Fluttershy gave the signal that all the animals weren't in danger.

After the group from the podium dispersed the only two ponies who hadn't moved yet were Twilight and Big Macintosh. Twilight had stepped down from the podium, slowly made her way over the crimson stallion. Big Mac was still a little confused by what he was going to be doing for the lavender mare. Twilight Sparkle just came up to him, her clipboard in her magic aura, as she said, “Ready to help me out, Big Mac?”

“Eeyup?” He said looking back at her questioningly.

“Good, Now our first stop is Carousel Boutique. We're going to do a quick check and make sure everything is going along steadily. Rarity usually likes to get things done herself. With Spike's help she should be fine, but we still want to make sure everypony has things going smoothly. Big Mac, I just know you're going to love helping me out today.” Twilight's eyes shimmered with hope looking into his eyes.

Conflict was in his heart as he looked back at the lavender mare who had basically told him she didn't have time for him. He understood that his sudden attraction might have been an unwarranted affront to her personal opinion of her self, but he felt she at least deserved the chance that he never got. “Alright, Miss Sparkle. Let's head over to Carousel Boutique then.”

Unbeknownst to them Rainbow Dash had stayed almost in place on her cloud while she ordered sets of flight teams for the beginning of Winter Wrap Up. She had very little to do until she had to lead the clearing of the skies later today. She had heard the entire short conversation and figured she could follow them around for now. Sinking into the cloud she had been resting on, started to follow the pair of ponies she wanted to see if Twilight was going to make another bone-head move with Big Mac. Rainbow had taken steps to improve her stealth tactics since Pinkie caught her snooping on her and Soarin.

Soon stallions were bringing carts full of hay, sticks, and ribbon up to front of Carousel Boutique. There was a large long rectangular table set up in-front of the large roundabout building. Sitting behind the table on Rarity's chez lounge, were Rarity and Spike. Upon the table beside each of them was a bale of hay, a bundle of sticks, and three colors of ribbon. The materials had just arrived so there were only two bird nests were done by each so far. Twilight and Big Mac approached the table steadily looking over the current production numbers Twilight was a little underwhelmed. Twilight focused on Rarity, “Hello there, Rarity. Are things going alright here?”

“Oh, Twilight, darling I didn't even notice you arriving. Spikey and I are doing just fine here. We only just got the materials, and Spike really cuts down on the work I have to do. I honestly can't imagine doing it without him any more. Oh, you know if you see Lyra and or Twinkleshine have them come over after lunch. They're such a help putting the nests up.” Rarity beamed a bit moving to start working on nests again. In the time she had taken to tell Twilight all that, Spike had finished three more nests he was quite adept at it.

“We're fine here, Twilight. I'll send you a note if we run out of materials before our target. I'd kind of like to get back to the conversation Rarity and I were having about gems.”Spike said quickly as continued to work on his nests glad to just sit next to the ivory mare of his hearts desire.

“Oh, OK then. Well, Big Mac, they seem to have things handled here. I'm sure we can find Lyra and Twinkleshine before lunch. We do have sometime before we need to go check up on Pinkie. Why don't we go get a snack,” Twilight smiled. She had set up last year that some of the eating establishments should have a few stands in the market during Winter Wrap Up. Normally set up by some who couldn't help too much with the physical labor requirements for some parts of wrap up. This way they could still use their talents to help out the others.

Big Mac just nodded and proceeded to follow Twilight Sparkle, as she led on towards the market square. Spending more time with Miss Sparkle would've been a dream come true about four months ago, but it felt forced and a bit awkward for the big red stallion right now. Still he moved with her at a steady pace. He couldn't help but get the feeling someone was watching them. He swiveled his head looking around, but he didn't notice anything unusual. Shrugging it off he soon took a sample from the Sugarcube Corner stand moving to sit with Miss Sparkle. He had to admit spending time with her like this just sitting there gently eating a few snacks was nice. Twilight soon asked, “Big Mac... Why did you want me as your special somepony?”

“Miss Sparkle, my Pa always told me, 'There are things a stallion has to know. I want ya to learn everythin' ya can boy. When ya find that special somepony in ya life it will be some kind of smart mare.' Now Ah know a great many things, but Ah feel like there is just so much Ah missed out on because he's gone. Ah had to quit high-school to help on the farm when pa passed. Ah had to stop seeing my friends when Apple Bloom came along with Ma's passing. All Ah really wanted was a chance, Miss Sparkle. Ah'm not even sure Ah deserve one.” Big Mac looked down at his snack and finished it quickly. Not wanting to say anymore.

Twilight Sparkle was flabbergasted by the words that came out of the stallion's mouth. Their parents had always been a tender issue for both elder siblings of the Apple family. She didn't know what to say to his response since she hadn't expected much of a response at all. She just looked back at Big Mac saying,“Everypony deserves a chance Big Mac and I didn't give you one. Thank you for giving me one Big Mac.”

Big Mac just looked back at the lavender mare with almost empty eyes. 'It isn't that easy to just restore yourself in my heart Miss Sparkle,' thought Big Mac. Here they were enjoying a snack, and spending time together like he had always imagined, but it wasn't right something was off. It wasn't a happy afternoon of a couple spending time together, it was a frosty morning sharing a snack with someone who had stomped over his heart only three months ago.“Ah'm giving ya a chance, Miss Sparkle, but It's hard to really enjoy my time with you now. It's like we're oil and water right now, Miss Sparkle. Instead of a simple chemistry with somepony I was hoping for...” He just trialed off not really sure he had much else to say on the matter.

“Well let's just see where we're at by the end of the day.”After Twilight said this he just nodded as the two took their snack wrappers to the waste-bin and tossed them in. Soon the pair of ponies were just walking again in silence. Twilight was never sure where to start a conversation with the stallion. She hardly knew if he had interests outside of the farm before seeing him reading some the more advanced books in her library.

Rainbow Dash just watched and listened from her cloud the bit about his parents was something She had expected to hear from him in response to why he liked her. He had talked to Rainbow a lot about his parents and she had in turn told him a few things about hers. They had shared a lot over the previous few months knowing a lot about each other. So far Twilight hadn't made any new mistakes but part of Rainbow Dash wanted Twilight to mess up. If Rainbow interfered at all Big Mac would just comfort Twilight and she would lose her chance. 'No, if I even stand a chance at ending up with that kind, strong, smart, stallion. He's got to come to me,' thought Rainbow Dash. Soon the two ponies below were on the move again.

Rainbow Dash had only moments to follow with her cloud cover her wing-beats almost silent, while she moved to follow the two ponies below. Her eyes and ears focused on their every movement as they made their way through Ponyville walking together and making minor bits of marginal conversation. The pair of ponies passed by several houses as they continued towards the lakes. Twilight was making some suggestions to some of the ponies they passed along the way each nodding in agreement as they continued about their task. Rainbow came to a stop again seeing Twilight and Big Mac stop, Twilight beginning a conversation with Lyra and Twinkleshine.

Twilight and Big Mac were standing just across from two unicorn mares. The first was a mint green unicorn, with a straight light blue mane and tail both containing a white streak, a pair of golden eyes, and a golden lyre as her cutie mark this pony was named Lyra Heartstrings. The second was an eggshell unicorn, with a flowing curly light pink mane, a pair of icy blue eyes, and a set of three blue stars for her cutie mark this pony was named Twinkleshine. The pair of unicorn mares were laying on a bench taking a short break from hanging bells around some of the animal burrows and dens. Twilight approached confidently to say in a casual tone, “Hey there, you two. After lunch I want you to head over to Carousel Boutique and help Rarity and Spike in putting up the bird nests...”

“Gah, bird nests? Again!? Really? At least hanging bells feels like we're being useful,”said a semi-disgruntled Lyra Heartstrings. Whom this year had, had enough of the animal team. The weather team got all the glory during Winter Wrap Up. It only made her more upset one of her best friends Bon Bon had been on the weather team for as long as Lyra could remember. Bon Bon was an earth pony she should be on either the plant team or the animal team. Lyra was upset she had to spend all day with Twinkleshine on animal team activities, when she could help Bon Bon with some of the snow moving around the town.

Lyra offered the same complaints last year and Twilight had half-expected them again this year. “Lyra, you know you're useful. Everypony is doing their best to make sure winter wrap's up on time this year. I know Bon Bon would be glad to know you did your part to help out. With everypony doing their part, then we can get everything done on time, and everypony will be able to spend more time with their friends after.”

“Eeyup,” said a slightly disinterested Big Mac.

Letting out a loud sigh Lyra just looked back at the two ponies in front of her saying,“Fine, come on, Twinkleshine, we have to finish hanging a the rest of those bells before lunch. Maybe Bon Bon and I can spend some time together then.”

Twilight watched them move off to resume their current duties leaving her and Big Mac behind before saying, “I'd like to have them work together like she wants; but Lyra is just over enthusiastic when it comes to the weather work, and that usually results in some pony getting hurt by that enthusiasm.”

Big Mac just nodded he had seen Lyra's attempt at aiding the weather team last year, which almost brought down half the trees at Sweet Apple Acres. 'Miss Sparkle is pretty good at problem solving, even if she isn't the best with ponies in her own life,' thought Big Mac. He made a motion for them to continue since Twilight had seemed to want things to progress smoothly with him around.

The two ponies below were on the move again, from the cloud cover Rainbow Dash continued to follow them. By their movements she could tell that they were heading for the lakes likely to rendezvous with Pinkie Pie. She had been dreading this part of following the pair of ponies but it was time to see if her improvements to her stealth flying had worked, or if Pinkie would just alert them to her presence. Rainbow knew it was pretty hard to fool Pinkie, but she could only hope that Pinkie wouldn't get a chance to tell them with Soarin keeping her occupied.

Rainbow Dash still hadn't thought of a way to get Big Mac to notice her as more than just a friend. She didn't want to just let him slip through her hooves like Soarin had, but she couldn't really make the first move without being a disloyal friend to Twilight. The whole situation was really giving her a headache. She might have a better chance of thinking straight after a nap, but she didn't have time to take one to let things sort themselves out. 'No, I have to wait, watch, and follow,' thought Rainbow Dash with a sigh, 'I really hate waiting.'

Author's Note:

In the Winter Wrap Up episode the very first time you see Bon Bon she is wearing a blue weather team jacket. If you don't believe me you're welcome to go to 2:21 in the episode and you'll see what I'm talking about. I'm following the logic that she is a weather team pony. For the final conversation in this chapter. I'm sure you'll say, “But, Sparity, that conversation is unimportant to the story.” To which I'll tell anyone who brings this up, “Is the story over?” If the answer is no then don't guess what is and isn't important. Anything could be at this point. As long as we're discussing important matters before I get anypony that says Dash wanting Mac to come to her isn't like her at all. I want to remind you of her mindset with relationships in this Equestria. She thought she had a relationship that was deeper than surface tension with Soarin, and she got her heart broken and had to miss out on one her favorite events in Ponyville. Just because she let jealousy cloud her vision and distort her element temporarily. Now In my opinion this means that rather than looking and hoping for a new relationship she'd want one to come to her. She feels she's laid the ground work with Big Mac in their conversations since Hearth's Warming. All she needs now is for him to realize he likes her more than Twilight. Part of him already wants to, but another part of him wants to see if Miss Sparkle can make up for her insensitivity. Big Mac is complex stallion for being the strong silent type, most of this type are usually. So let's just see what happens rather than debating specific ponies minds because if you spend all your time doing that nothing ever gets written. I'm writing how I feel they would respond in the situations I put them in. Thank you once again to all my readers and for the support I get from my fan base who encourage me to continue.