• Published 19th Feb 2013
  • 3,137 Views, 42 Comments

Potions Are Serious Business - Rough_Draft

Hearts and Hooves Day is drawing near, and Twilight is determined to figure out this whole "love" business.

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Something's Brewing

Part II: Something's Brewing

Through darkened woods, a lone unicorn trotted. Danger lurked on every side. Creatures free to do as they pleased. Ominous branches that had never seen the sun. Careful to avoid thorns and leaves of poison joke, the unicorn trod through the darkness without fear.

And in the distance, a red-hooded pony trailed after her…


Twilight Sparkle knocked three times on Zecora’s door. She looked back when she thought she heard a rustle in the forest behind her. Probably a feral rabbit. Or a manticore. But far away and hopefully in no mood to trouble a humble pony like herself.

When Zecora opened her door, Twilight was fighting the urge to shiver. The zebra smiled warmly. “Twilight Sparkle, always a pleasure! Your visits here I do so treasure!”

“Hello, Zecora. Can I come in? I have some questions.”

The zebra stepped aside and let in. Twilight managed to find a bench to sit on. Zecora’s accommodations were simple, but effective. She could appreciate that kind of thinking. Much like her library was devoted mostly for books, the majority of space in Zecora’s hut was given over to the large, always bubbling cauldron in the center. The source of so many medicines and magical potions that were the zebra’s specialty.

Zecora trotted over to the cauldron and stirred it for a moment with a spoon from her mouth. Then she smiled. “Now tell me, Twilight most kind, what is it that’s on your mind?”

“I want to know all there is about love potions.” Twilight took out her research notes and read them over. “Hearts and Hooves Day is coming up and I want to figure out just what it is that makes love work. Where does it come from? How does it spread? Why are there so many songs and stories—?”

“If those are your questions, I can be of no help.” Zecora pointed a hoof at Twilight’s forehead. “Love is something you can only feel yourself.”

“But you make love potions, don’t you?”

The zebra nodded sagely.

Twilight spread her hooves in confusion. “Then you must know how it works!”

“Ah, but there’s the problem, of course. A potion only encourages love—it cannot be forced!”

Twilight put her head down between her hooves and sighed. She was getting nowhere. Everyone just danced around the subject of romance, but no one could tell her why.

She felt the zebra’s consoling hoof on her shoulder. “If you can’t find an answer here, I may know of another, my dear.”

Twilight perked up. “Really? Where?”

“The answer you seek lives close by. Go and see your friend Fluttershy.”

“But…” Twilight grabbed her notes and read them over furiously. “But I just came from there! All she was doing was reading one of those romance novels!”

Something squeaked and rustled in the bushes outside. Twilight looked out the window, but saw nothing there. She looked back at Zecora, who had gone back to stirring her cauldron.

“It’s not my business to pry,” the zebra said quietly, “but there’s more than you realize about Fluttershy.”

“More? What do you mean?”

“I keep secrets as best I can, but your dear friend has her own plans. She came here alone a week ago in search of a potion called Spirit’s Glow.”

“Spirit’s Glow…” Twilight wrote it down in her notes. “Did she say who the potion was for?”

“She never said who, but if I had to guess?” Zecora smiled. “You.”

Twilight’s quill snapped in half. She dropped the pieces on the floor, along with the rest of her notes.

“…Me?” Her lip quivered. “She was going to use a love potion on me?!”

Zecora lifted a hoof and came around the cauldron. “Now, Twilight, don’t assume! This potion was meant for her to bloom! To raise her—”

“Oh, I know exactly what you mean.” Twilight grabbed her notes in her mouth and ripped them apart in a wild twist of her head. She spat them out the window and kicked the hut’s door open. “Thanks for your help, Zecora. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a pegasus to see!”

She didn’t bother to hear what else the zebra had to say. Twilight raced out of the hut and back through the shadow-filled woods.


By the time, she got to Fluttershy’s cottage, there was no sign of the pegasus. The animals there were all taking naps or playing around, paying no attention to Twilight. She dashed on down the road to Ponyville, still very upset.


At Carousel Boutique, Rarity was working on a line of dresses for Hearts and Hooves Day when Twilight Sparkle came charging up the stairs to her workshop. She turned with fright when she saw her fellow unicorn panting and snorting madly.

“Why, darling!” she exclaimed. “Whatever is the matter?”

Nothing!” Twilight shouted. She caught herself and coughed politely. “I mean, it’s nothing to worry about. Have you seen Fluttershy?”

“I haven’t seen her since yesterday. We were getting our manes and tails done at the spa.” Noticing the frizzle in Twilight’s mane, Rarity added, “You look like you could use a spa day yourself.”

“No time for that! I’ve got to go!” Twilight turned and ran back downstairs. Rarity went to the window to watch her racing away from the boutique and back through town.

“Oh, you poor dear,” she said quietly. “I had no idea you were so anxious to find your special somepony…”


Racing into Sugarcube Corner, Twilight looked around at the crowd of ponies buying chocolates and other sweets for Hearts and Hooves Day. But of course they would. They didn’t have to worry about their so-called “friends” trying to make them fall in love!

She was about to leave when a bouncing pink pony ambushed her with a hug. “Hey, Twilight! Here, have some free candy!”

Pinkie Pie stuffed her friend’s mouth with a handful of sweets. Twilight chewed and swallowed them reluctantly.

“Pinkie, I—” She paused and licked her lips. “Oh, my, that’s good. But I’m not here for candy. Have you seen Fluttershy around?”

“Nope! She’s probably at home tending to all her critter friends!” Pinkie Pie bounced up and down with delight. “Even animals want to feel loved on Hearts and Hooves Day!”

I’ll bet they do, Twilight thought grimly. She pictured Fluttershy pouring drops of love potion into their food, bending them all to her will. And who would suspect such a sweet and innocent pony?

“Fine,” she said. “I’ll see you later.”

Pinkie Pie waved. “Okey-dokey! Hope you find your special somepony!”

“Grr!” Twilight shot out of the bakery, dodging the other ponies in her path. She had no time for this. All she could about was Fluttershy and her nefarious scheme.


It was getting dark when Twilight finally gave up her search. She’d been over every inch of Ponyville, but couldn’t find a single feather to give away where Fluttershy was hiding.

On her way back to the library, Twilight had plenty of time to think about her last encounter with the pegasus. She had been acting suspicious from the very beginning. Applejack had noticed it when she gave her the romance novel. She could hardly look Twilight in the eye when they spoke. And there was even that little slip about Zecora’s knowledge of potions. She’d all but admitted her guilt to the pony she was trying to deceive!

I just don’t understand, Twilight thought bleakly. You’re supposed to be the Element of Kindness. How is this being kind?

She was almost home when she heard a rustling in the bushes next to the library. Twilight caught a glimpse of a red-hooded cloak and somepony racing down the avenue.

When she saw the pony’s yellow hooves, her jaw dropped. Twilight leapt forward and called out, “Fluttershy, get back here right now!”