• Published 12th Mar 2013
  • 1,979 Views, 119 Comments

Secluded Once More - AgentSnail

With Dash and Jason re-drafted into the military, Scootaloo is left alone, without that spark that made her life turn around. Now she's back where she started, and the chances that her situation's going to get better don't look good,

  • ...



"Psst, Sweetie, where's Rumble been these last two days?" Scootaloo asked, leaning over as Cherilee left the room.

"I dunno, I think he's sick."

"Ah, I hope it's not bad." She felt a swell of worry and yearning, already missing the colt. Well, that wasn't true, she'd missed him yesterday as well, but the feelings hadn't been as strong. She looked up as the clock struck another minute later and sighed. She could go visit him after this stupid thing was over, tell him what he missed and all that. Although there wasn't really much, school was starting to get more than a little repetitive. Sometimes she thought she learned more from Jason in a few days than she had from Cherilee in the last month.

Speaking of Jason, Dash and he'd moved next to the Capitol, which hopefully meant that they'd be home soon. She felt a slight wave of nervousness wash over her, what if they didn't approve of Rumble? She bit her lip. It wasn't like they were dating or anything, but she just felt like Jason wouldn't want to have her dating somepony new while he was away. He hadn't exactly warned her about things like this, but he'd also said that young love was overpowering.

And from her experiences so far, that was true. At the same time, she knew she was a smart filly, and didn't want to disappoint either of them when they got back. They wouldn't say no, right? She wouldn't be kept from Rumble for some reason like Applejack wasn't comfortable with him even being near her sister, she didn't think, but that didn't mean she was right. No, Jason and Dash wouldn't do that, they had to know how she felt, at least partially.

She was getting ahead of herself again, dammit! This all assumed that Rumble was interested. She thought he was, but he could just be acting shy or something. If he didn't, then where would she be? Scoots scratched her head in thought, a seed of doubt coming to rest in her stomach. If he didn't... then what? All this had been for nothing?

Rumble seemed like more than a friend though. He was always there to make her feel better, and he seemed to act differently. She couldn't explain it, almost like he opened up to her more than he had before. And that meant something, something big? It seemed to, but she hardly knew her own feelings, let alone his.

She let her head hit the desk. What she wouldn't give for some of Jason's changeling emotion sensing powers right now... That would make it so easy too, just walk up and know, at the drop of a hat, which one it was. The bell rang and Scootaloo got up, sighing as she walked past her friends.

"Where're ya goin', Scoots?"

"I just--want to think about some stuff. I'll meet up with you two tomorrow, okay?" They nodded and she let out a sigh, before grabbing her scooter and slowly accelerating. They waved as she meandered down the small schoolhouse hill, impatient to get to Rumble's, but at the same time trying to delay any revelations.

Scoots cut around town, sticking to a packed dirt path that circled halfway around Ponyville, and returning to her thoughts. She found them relatively empty, which only served to distress her further. Apparently all the good things she could think about had already been exhausted durning detention, and now she was just left with the depressing ones.

Then her thoughts took another turn, forcing her into thoughts of the future. If this did work out, if she ended up with a colt-friend, then what would happen? She could look at Dash and Jason, but her mind kept drawing a blank at what kept them together. They did stuff with each other, kissed a lot, and loved one another, and she could imagine that with Rumble, kind of. Not that she loved him, that wasn't it. But she always seemed to be drawn to the colt.

"Ugh, this is IMPOSSIBLE!!" She yelled out, throwing her head back in annoyance. Why was it this hard? Jason'd just seemed to--

That was it, he just dove in, went for the proverbial kill. She wasn't committing herself for the rest of her life, she was just finding a colt and checking if he actually liked her. The more time she spent around him, the better a chance he would say something. And better yet, she could spend time with him.

Scoots skidded to a halt and changed direction, speeding up as she established a goal. Town started to blur by as she accelerated, her scooter wheels clacking along the smooth cobblestones. She turned again, weaving between a few townsponies. A wall of ponies came into view, at least something she couldn't get around at this speed, and she flitted her eyes back and forth before settling on a target.

Scoots jumped and fluttered her wings harder, sticking the scooter wheels against the wall as she cruised over a stall, landing back on the ground a few seconds later as ponies looked on slack jawed. She smiled, forgetting her stress for a moment as she soaked up the fame. A few seconds later Rumble's house came into view and she skidded to a halt, leaning her scooter against his fence.

She walked up and knocked, shifting uneasily on her hooves as she waited. One, two minutes, and no sign of answering. Scoots knocked a final time before walking away, her head hung low. He hadn't left town because of her, right? No, that was overreacting. Get a hold of yourself. Next plan of action, find someone that knows stuff.

She thought for a moment before replacing the helmet on her head and jumping on her scooter, buzzing her wings and accelerating away. Twilight knew things, it wouldn't be hard to ask her a thing or two, and if anything bad had happened, she'd be one of the first to know.

Scoots accelerated, swerving around ponies this way and that as she approached the town square. The number of ponies suddenly increased and her dodging became more frequent, as well as the annoyed comments from the villagers. She exited mostly unscathed and turned towards Twilight's library, making a critical mistake as she approached. A set of wheels caught as she tried to skid to a stop, sending her into the door at a speed much faster than she would've liked.

Her head ended up resting against the door as parts of her body checked in. Everything seemed to be in orde- ow! Twilight opened the door and Scoots' head hit the ground, leaving what would probably be another lump.

"Scootaloo! What happened?" She knelt down and picked up the filly, dusting her off and leading her back inside.

"Just a crash I guess." Scoots responded, trotting back to the door to grab her scooter.

"That was some crash. You aren't hurt, right?"

"No, I don't think so," She paused. "OH MY GOSH!"


"Nothing." She giggled. Twilight facehoofed, walking back over to a pile of junk. Human junk. Oh shit.

"Hey Scootaloo, you mind if I ask you a few questions?"

"Uh..." Just act natural... "Sure, go ahead."

Twilight sighed, bringing over a magazine and opening it to a page with scantily clad women. Actually, as she took the magazine into her hooves and sat down, flipping through some more of the pages, they were all like this. "You know what these are, Scoots?"

"Pointless amounts of clothing?"

"No, the life forms."

"Oh the hoe-mons, right?"

"Humans, Scootaloo. Anyway, if this stuff's coming through from Jason's world then why hasn't any pony stuff come through? Or changeling stuff? Why would it only be human things, unless there's something he isn't telling us, you know what I mean?"



"Jason's committing really elaborate fraud?!"

"Yes--wait, no! I think he's a human." She put on a apologetic face, like Scoots was about to start crying. The opposite occurred as she started laughing, and Twilight suddenly decided to imitate the perfect confused expression.

"Ha, oh my god. I know you don't trust him, but this is ridiculous."

Twilight's face went red. "It's the truth. I do trust Jason. But--he lied."

"Okay, so even if this was true." She giggled again. "Even if it was, wouldn't he be human now?"

She stuck up a hoof to rebut. "Well--" Her hoof drooped, before it rose again. "You know why magic works, Scootaloo?"

"No, not really."

"Well honestly, neither do I. Not completely, anyway. But we know it works that way, right?"


"We take it on faith, because there's sufficient information to back it up."


"And Jason's the same way right now."

"Fine, whatever. Have you seem Rumble?"

"No, not in the last couple days. He came by here the other day, checked out a book." She walked over to a book on a pedestal, sweeping her hoof down the list until she got to about the middle. "On--romance?" Twilight blushed a little, rubbing at her chin. "I wonder if he made a mistake?"

Scoots felt her face heat up. "Do you know where he is now?"


Scoots facehoofed. "You were supposed to know this."

"I don't keep tabs on the townsponies."

"Ugh, alright."

"Why are you looking for Rumble, Scootaloo?"

"He wasn't home, and I haven't seen him for a couple days." She shrugged, trying to hide her slight lie. "Anyway, I'll see you later." Scoots walked back outside with a sigh, grabbing her scooter as she left and hopping back on. She pulled the pad of paper out of her saddlebag, writing Twilight's onto you guys. before putting it back away and buzzing her wings. She sped off, skidding to a halt again as she caught sight of Cloudchaser, who was trotting quickly towards the center of town.

"Cloudchaser, have you seen Rumble?" Scoots asked, pulling up alongside the mare.

"Yeah, I was going to visit him right now. I'm sure he wouldn't mind a visitor."

"Huh?" She asked, her blood cooling as they moved up to the Ponyville hospital. She ditched her scooter and followed the mare inside, not sure if she wanted to ask what had gone wrong. Okay, positives. He was being visited, he must be conscious. That was good, he was going to live. But what if he was paralyzed? Could Jason heal that?

"Well, we're here." Cloudchaser said, walking inside a small hospital room after a quick knock on the door. "Hi Rumble, how's your arm?"

"Bett- Oh hey Scoots."

"What happened to you?!" She asked, running over to the bedside and placing her fore hooves on the bedspread.

"I was at the, uh, library a couple days ago, and then I was running through the park," He paused, "To find a place to read the book, and long story short I stepped in a hole and broke my leg like this."

Scoots was lost for words for a moment. That had been a book for her, she assumed, and he'd ended up breaking his leg just to try to read it. And he wasn't even mad.

"Then what happened?" She asked, wiping a slight fog out of her eyes.

"A lot of yelling happened. I dragged myself a ways before Cloudchaser found me and flew me over here."

"You're a tough little guy, Rumble." The mare said from a chair in the corner.

"So how long are you stuck in here?" Scoots asked, reaching out a hoof and touching at his cast.

"I get to go home tonight, walking around and all."

"After only two days?"

"The cast heals it faster, I think. And it was only a hairline fracture, so..."

"Yeah, you had me worried..." She said, smiling up at him. He smiled back and shifted, pulling the covers back and sitting up more straightly.

"Sorry, I was kinda embarrassed about this."

"Why? You hurt yourself, that's not embarrassing."

"I stepped in a hole. That's like as pathetic as it gets."

"Oh shush." A pony walked in a few steps and muttered something to Cloudchaser before she hurriedly got up.

"Sorry you two, weather stuff. Try to get home before too late, Rumble." The foal jokingly saluted, before the two other ponies left, their galloping steps disappearing down the hall.

"So can you walk right now?" Scoots asked, her worried expression returning.

"The doctor has to come by, then I'm released."

"Does it still hurt?"

"No, not really. It was pretty bad while they were putting the cast on, they kept bumping it and stuff." He replied, wincing at the memory. Scoots jumped up on the bedside next to him, wrapping her arms around his body. Rumble smiled and put his good arm around her shoulder, leaning his head on top of hers.

"You doing anything tonight?" He asked, his face turning a light red.

"No, why? What did you want to do?"

"You want to--go on a date with me?" He asked, looking more nervous than she'd ever seen him before. Scoots hugged him a little tighter, and he seemed to calm down a bit. Her heart soared, he was into her, she had been right about him, even with all of the worst-case-scenarios that had gone through her head.

"Sure." She replied, giggling at the volume of his sigh. Another knock sounded at the door before a doctor walked in, looking at the foals and chuckling to himself.

"I'm sure you're pretty bored, let me just make sure you can go and I'll release you." The doctor grabbed Rumble's arm gently, tapping the cast in various places and watching Rumble's face. "Does any of this hurt?"

"No, just feels normal." Rumble replied, watching as his hoof was surrounded in a magical aura.

"The swelling's down, that's always good. Hold your leg straight for a moment." Rumble complied, and the doctor started to gently push against the bottom of his hoof, leaning more and more into the push until Rumble grunted in pain. "It hurts?"


"Well that was a lot more than it should take to walk, so you're good to go. I'm leaving the cast on for a couple days, you can come in and get it off the day after tomorrow. And no jumping off of things or sprinting."

"I'll try." Rumble said, chuckling at the doctor.

"I'd hope so, unless you want to be stuck back here for another day or two." The doctor wrote a few words on his clipboard, before he gave a quick wave and left, grinning at the foals.

"So this date..." Scootaloo started as Rumble shifted in the bed, moving towards the side and flapping his wings as he jumped to the floor.

"Yeah, I set it up two days ago. I'm not giving it away though, just meet me in the park."

"Where are you going?"

"It's not much of a date without other things, right?" He asked, smirking back at her. "Just meet me there, okay?"

"Yeah, do I need anything?"

"Just your good looks and personality." He replied, watching her blush at the compliment. "I'll be there in a few minutes, just find a place that you like, okay?" Rumble broke into a careful run as he went down the hallway and out the door, leaving her in the room alone.

"Yes, yes, yes!" She squealed, blood pounding in her ears as excitement started to work it's way through her system. But at the same time, her nervousness grew, and she was left feeling conflicted. What if she screwed something up? She shook her head, trying to rid herself of those thoughts as she left the room and followed Rumble's path to the door.

Her ride to the park was much longer than she remembered it, as her mind thoroughly thought through everything that could easily go wrong. There were so many things, it'd be lucky if she sat down without setting off a mine or something. Scoots stopped at the edge of the park, taking off her helmet and dragging the scooter behind herself as she looked around for a spot to set up camp. Eventually she decided on a nice rounded hill, and dragged the scooter to the top before sitting down.

It was almost sunset already, putting a slightly dark filter on the surrounding environment as the sun sank lower over the horizon. She stared at the red tinged clouds for a while, admiring their beauty, before a tap on her shoulder pulled Scoots out of her reverie.

"Hey Scoots." He said, quickly laying out a picnic blanket. "Sorry this isn't a fancy dinner or something, but I don't have enough money for that."

"It doesn't matter to me..." She said, nuzzling at his neck.

"Well it still kinda bothers me." He replied, shrugging his shoulders.

"Oh you, always the romantic."

"I read a book on it, so I better be."

She giggled. "I heard. I still feel bad for being the reason you broke your leg like this."

"It's not your fault. I wasn't looking where I was going." He pulled out a few plates of food and set them around, smiling lightly at her. "Now come on, enjoy yourself a little." Rumble said with a chuckle, handing her a plate with an assortment of food piled on.

"Thanks, this looks delicious."

"Don't say anything until you eat it, like I said, I put this together a couple days ago."

"There're grapes on here, I never would have guessed." She set down her plate, leaning towards him and putting her arms around his shoulders in a hug. "Thanks though, for all this. It's really nice."

"I was kinda worried that you wouldn't accept, actually. I couldn't tell if you liked me back."

Scoots giggled. "I had the same problem." She let go and ate a few bites of a rather pristine looking sandwich, taking a bite and grinning. "Rumble, what is this?"

"Uh, some daisy..." He opened up his sandwich, leaning against Scoots' shoulder in the process. "Daffodil, romaine, some pepper, a little mustard, and little bits of pickle."

"Whell irts derricious." Scoots said, her mouth completely full.

Rumble chuckled, blushing slightly at the compliment. "I didn't know what you liked, so I went through a fair number of sandwich ideas looking for something."

"Just how much time did you spend preparing for this?"

"A few hours." He said, staring over at her.

"You didn't even know if I was going to accept, and you spent all that time on this?"

"I guess, but it's not a big deal." He took another bite of his sandwich. "Big downside with this food though, it makes your breath smell terrible."

"Good thing we're both in the same boat." She paused, taking off her saddlebag and looking through one of the pockets as the contents spilled out. "Hey Rumble?"


"Can I sign your cast? I know it's kind of foalish and all, but-"

"Sure, go ahead." He replied with a grin, watching her take a marker to his cast, writing her name in looping letters.

"There, now your cast is like five times cooler." Scoots said with a chuckle, looking back up towards Rumble's face. He seemed to be hesitating about something, before his injured hoof went to her brow, sweeping a little hair to the side.

"You like me Scoots?"

"Yeah, wh-" His lips met hers, and for a moment her mind panicked and her muscles stiffened, before she managed to calm herself and let the kiss start to sink in. It was sloppy and inexperienced, but she couldn't care less as her eyes gently closed and her mind started picking up the subtleties. The softness of his lips, the ever so slight taste of citrus behind the sandwich flavor, the slightly scratchy fur on his muzzle. Rumble pulled away only a moment later, looking nervous again.

"Did I go too far?" He asked after a moment.

"I don't think you went far enough." Scoots replied, putting her arms around his back and rejoining her muzzle with his as the sun continued to set. Her heart was racing, but she wasn't scared or afraid. No, she felt the same thrill that she got when she flew or did something extreme with her scooter. And she couldn't seem to get enough of that feeling, as the kiss stretched on. She broke it off a while later, and laid down on the blanket, motioning for Rumble to do the same.

"Wow." Scoots said simply. "I've never done that with anypony before. But I'm glad you were the first." She continued, putting a hoof over Rumble's chest.

"Yeah, me too." He replied. "I've had a crush on you for a long time, and during all that I never thought that I'd be anything more than just another pony. But I'm so glad I kept with it." Rumble leaned over and kissed her on the cheek.

"And look at the results, your very own mare friend." Scoots said with a giggle.

"The perfect mare friend." He corrected. She smiled and hugged his side, watching as the stars started to come out overhead. Scoots started to doze off, the stress from the day suddenly evaporating into a gentle contentedness that seemed to seep from Rumble's body to hers. He put a hoof around her head and smiled, his own eyes getting heavy as the last sliver of orange on the horizon dissipated.

Scoots heard his breathing steady, and hardly took more than a few seconds to fall asleep. Her parents were coming home in a few days, and Rumble was her colt friend. She couldn't be happier.

Author's Note:

People were asking when they'd get together. Well...

I gotta get this story to meet up with the other one, so yeah. One more release and it's there. And if there are parts where Scoots isn't involved in Jason or Dash's point of view, I will be continuing this story because people seem to like it so much.