• Published 20th Feb 2013
  • 3,914 Views, 45 Comments

Magical Mystery Drama - AstroStar

The Season 3 Finale gets derailed after Twilight suffers an unfortunate accident.

  • ...


After a long final day of shooting, followed by the Royal Coronation Gala, which also served as the official wrap-up party for season three, Twilight Sparkle and her friends were glad to finally return to Ponyville the following day. However, before they made their way back to their homes, Pinkie had directed all of them to Sugarcube Corner instead. The five ponies, being accompanied as always by the faithful dragon assistant, were suprised to find out that Pinkie had set up a special wrap up party just for them, and at the centerpiece of the party was a special screen, where Pinkie started playing some of their old episodes.

They had decided to watch episodes at random rather than go in order and they were currently on the seventh episode of their watch party marathon, which also happened to be their least favorite. It was 'The Best Night Ever', an episode that brought back too many bad memories for everypony for one reason or another.

Twilight and Celestia enter the hall and stood shocked as the finally noticed the aftermath of the chaos brought on by Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, & Applejack. The prestigious Grand Galloping Gala had been ruined.

"Well, it can't get any worse," Twilight thought out loud.

Suddenly, the ground started to shake as a stampede drew closer to the gala hall. A few seconds later, the front doors burst open as a herd of creatures burst their way into the hall in fear. Standing in the doorway was Fluttershy. She looked out of breath, her gala dress in tatters and her overall frustration at an impossible high over her experience with these stupid animals. For perhaps the first time in her life, Fluttershy was consumed in pure rage.

"You're... going to LOVE ME!!!"

The rampaging pegasus resumed her chase and all hell breaks loose at the gala.

The seven viewers watched silently as the episode continued to play, with the aforementioned yellow pegasus hiding behind a sofa in fear of herself.

"That’s definitely not one of our finer moments," Pinkie said.

Spike was the first one to notice that Fluttershy went into hiding during the big rage scene. "You ok there, Fluttershy?"

Fluttershy smiled nervously. "I am, thank you. I... just have a hard time watching that scene."

Rainbow Dash gave Fluttershy a reassuring smile. "Trust me, I understand. But at the same time, that has to be the most popular moments of the show."

"Really? I always though the most popular moment was Pinkie's little mental vacation in ‘Party of One’?" Rarity pondered.

Pinkie simply shrugged. "Oh, it wasn’t so bad!" she smiled. Pinkie then let her eyes drift out of focus as she held the smile, much like she had done in the actual episode.

Applejack cringed. "Could you stop that? Seriously, that’s got to be the freakiest thing we’ve ever done."

Applejack felt a sudden tapping on her shoulder. The farmer turned around and was met face-to-face by Twilight Sparkle, sporting an insane cheshire grin on her face.

"HIIII AJ~!" the purple alicorn grinned madly. Applejack did her best not to wet herself right then and there.

"Well, Ah didn’t feel like sleeping tonight anyway," the orange earth pony said in defeat.

It didn't take long for Twilight to shake her head back to normal.

"Sorry Applejack, I couldn’t resist. But seriously though, it wasn’t any fun at all going through all that stress."

"Ah hear ya," Applejack replied. "It wasn’t fun for me either putting together the reunion. And that was before any of those activities Ah came up with. Plate spinning tounge-twisters? What was Ah thinking?"

Rarity put a hoof on Applejack's back. "It happened to all of us at one point, darling. Rainbow Dash almost quit her dreams to be a Wonderbolt, Fluttershy let her assertiveness training go too far, Pinkie Pie was at her wits end trying to be a babysitter, and I had to do the Sisterhooves Social race covered in mud!"

Rarity quickly noticed the angry looks being shot her way.

"Which was made worse by the fact that I was ready to throw away Sweetie Belle as my sister," the unicorn sadly finished.

The angry looks faded away as Rarity's point came across.

"And we all had it bad with this last episode and the switched cutie marks. Not to mention everything that happened after that..." Twilight added.

Rainbow Dash scratched the back of her head. "Boy, I never realized how much we put ourselves through, both good and bad."

"Yeah, we do," Pinkie nodded. "But it’s ok. We always manage to get through anything life or the show throws at us."

Pinkie quickly dashed into the Sugarcube Corner kitchen and returned with the cake she had prepared earlier, complete with the photo-frosting of the six friends.

"We make it through because no matter what, our friends will always be there through thick and thin," Pinkie smiled.

"You know, we’re going to have to take a new picture for the opening," Rarity said, taking a good look at Twilight's wings.

"Let's not sweat the small stuff until it's time," Applejack winked.

Twilight sighed. "Girls, no matter what this new season brings us, I’m glad that we’ll go through it together. With you guys by my side, I feel that I can face just about anything."

Pinkie suddenly smirked. "Really? Well I did have an idea for a follow up for ‘Lesson Zero’."

"Ok, almost anything…" Twilight corrected herself.

"Hey, it sounds like a good idea Twilight!" Pinkie grinned. "We could call it ‘Lesson Zero 2: Extra Credit!”

"Wait!" Applejack shouted, wanting in on the playful argument "How about ‘Lesson Zero: Smarty Pants’ Revenge’? The epic battle between Twilight and Big Macintosh for control of the ragdoll!"

Not wanting to be outdone, Twilight countered with her own idea. "Oh well in that case, how about ‘Party of One: Rocky Strikes Back’? Or 'Applebuck Season: When Oranges Attack'?"

Spike shrugged. "I'm personally still waiting for ‘It’s About Time: In the Year 3000’!"

"What? And miss the chance to do 'Spike at your Service: Driving Miss Rarity'?" Rarity playfully nudged the little dragon, making him blush.

"No way we do that before we get to ‘Dog & Pony Show: Lost in Manehattan’!" Rainbow Dash objected.

Everyone sis not expect Fluttershy to clear her throat.

"But then…" the shy pegasus began. "What are we supposed to do about ‘Sonic Rainboom 2: Electric Scootaloo’?"

The suggestion floored everyone in raucous laughter.

"Ok, there's no way we’re topping that one. You win Fluttershy!" Rainbow Dash could barely get her words out thanks to her laughing.

"Woo hoo!" Fluttershy squeaked a victory grin.

The rest of the party was spent coming up with mock plots for everypony's fantasy sequels.


It had been one month since the big Princess Coronation event and ever since then, Princess Celestia had been going over the ins and outs of being a princess with Twilight. It had been a lot of hard work learning the nuances of royal protocol, but for the student, it was an exciting challenge. Thankfully, Celestia did her best not to push her too hard considering how sudden everything surrounding her ascent to alicornhood happened, so she gave Twilight a few weeks off before her training resumed. So Twilight took that time to clear her mind the best way she knew how, inside the confines of the Ponyville Library reading her books.

At the moment, Spike was out gem-hunting so it was just herself in the library. Thanks to her new wings, reaching the higher shelves was no longer a hassle for her. She took the opportunity to look over some of the books she might have overlooked.

"Hmm... The Unknown Depths of the Everfree Forest... Sunflower Gardening and You... The Magical Physiology of Earth Ponies! I think I'll read that one next." Twilight suddenly noticed an older book at the edge of the shelf.

"Hey, what's this one?"

She took the book off the shelf and inspected its title.

"Exploring the Aether for Fun and Profit?"

Twilight's eyes shrunk. She slowly put the book back on the shelf. "I don't think we're ready for that one," she decided.

The purple alicorn returned to her bed and began to read the book about earth ponies and their magical connection to the ground. While she read the book, she suddenly became aware of a pink visitor to her library home.

"Hey Twilight! What’cha doing?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"I was just reading a book. Anyway, what brings you over here, Pinkie?"

Pinkie produced a piece of paper with an official seal on it. "Well, we got the report card back from HQ over the finale."

Twilight prepared herself for the news. "Well, what was the verdict?"

Pinkie quickly scanned the report. "Well, the good news is that the season finale brought in huge numbers for the Hub and it looks like there’s a high interest on Princess Twilight Sparkle figurines. As far as Hasbro's concerned, it was a huge success."

"What did the fans think?" Twilight asked. It had always been on her mind since she had that awful nightmare.

Pinkie shrugged uneasily. "Long story short, the fans are split over this honestly. Some of them don’t like that you became a princess."

Twilight's head hung in sadness. "I see..."

"It's ok though," Pinkie reassured the librarian. "They actually have very great points against why this change should never have happened. And it’s something I’m hoping we can address next season."

That fact made Twilight feel a little better. "That's good at least. But if some fans didn’t like it, what about the others?"

"That’s the best news," Pinkie smiled. "A lot of the fans were unsure at first, but they gave it a chance and as it turned out, they liked it! From the switched cutie marks to the coronation! From the looks of it, the consensus is that they’re happy for you Twilight!"

"They are?" Twilight couldn't believe it. All things considered, hearing that the brony community reacted like this was far more than she expected. Her lingering image of her nightmare was now replaced by a chorus of fans all cheering her on. The purple alicorn princess nearly shed a tear at the thought.

"I wish I could thank them all personally!" Twilight exclaimed. "I just love our fans so much, I want to give them all a big hug. Too bad I can’t dimension hop, huh?"

"I think Surprise could find some way to make that happen," Pinkie thought to herself.

"What was that?"

"Oh, nothing."

Twilight waved any suspicion over Pinkie's statement away. "At any rate, I guess that’s all she wrote for season 3, then."

Pinkie nodded. "Yeah, I can’t believe how quickly it went! Even though it was short, but I’m happy with what we’ve done this year."

"And it wasn’t just about me becoming a princess. Everypony had a chance to shine."

"I know!" Pinkie laughed. "I got to invade Ponyville with my own personal clone army; Fluttershy managed to ‘reform’ Discord all by herself."

"Rainbow Dash got somepony to take under her wing..."

"Applejack had her family reunion and she finally got her own song number..."

"And then Rarity…" Twilight paused as her mind came up blank. "Uh, Rarity…." she struggled to remember.

The two pony's eyes grew wide in fear as they both came across the same thought at the same time. While season 3 was indeed a great season, there was just one minor detail that had slipped everypony's mind.

"We forgot to write an episode for Rarity!" Pinkie shrieked in fear.

Twilight banged her head on her bed in frustration.

"Maybe I should have made her the winner of the fainting contest after all," she thought.


Author's Note:

Thanks for reading everyone! Now if you'll excuse me, I'm getting out of here before Rarity finds out the reason why she didn't get much screen time this season. Bye! *makes a beeline to the front door*

Comments ( 15 )

oh CRAP RARITIES GOING NUCLEAR!!!! everypony hit the deck!!
love the story I actually added it to my group cant wait for the next installment XD!!! Wait there IS going to be another installment right!!!
oh my group name is The creation center if you where curious btw.


Well, I wanted to write branch out with some other stories, but I think I'll do a follow-up to this story at some point, perhaps sooner rather than later. :raritywink:


Well, you saw what happened in the episode. Sombra is kind of... dead. :twilightsheepish:

2584604 Good point. I wonder how everypony reacted to that, actually... :twilightoops:

Well, this was fantastic, and has actually gotten me to actually love, not just tolerate (see what I did there?) Twilicorn, and I'm excited to see if you do anything more in this universe. It seems like a good frame for commentary on the show, in addition to being just plain FUN. :pinkiehappy:


Well, Rarity fainted during the Sombra thing for starters. :raritydespair:

And as for expanding this universe... well you know that thing Hasbro released the other day? Well, it's really just Lyra's Big Idea. :derpyderp2:

2584686 I imagine that must have been awkward.

Ah, so I see! :pinkiehappy:

Haha it was funny when Pinkie and twilight did their faces and hiw everypony was making follow ups for each others horrid episodes. Overall great story !!!


Um... oops? :twilightsheepish:

Thanks for that catch! I'll fix it

Thanks to her new wings, reaching the higher shelves was no longer a hassle for her.

Because levitating them down with magic was so hard on her.

"Exploring the Aether for Fun and Profit?"

Twilight's eyes shrunk. She slowly put the book back on the shelf. "I don't think we're ready for that one," she decided.

You never know, could start off a popular episode or 2.
And I'm still waiting for 'lesson zero: alicorn edition', I actually want to see that in the show.

Bravo! This story gets a thumbs-up easily.
I was kind of hoping to see a humorously snarky comment about Twilight's coronation speech from the palace balcony. She turned her backside to the audience for several seconds while introducing her friends. That would be a natural mistake for Twilight, but not for a professional actress. Good thing she was wearing that heavy gown. :twilightblush:

Well, now we know why Rarity got so many centered episodes in the fourth and fifth seasons. I do wonder how you'll plan to explain the change that occurs in 'Twilight's Kingdom'. I doubt that blowing up Golden Oaks Library was something they wanted to do.

6682355 Sure! Go right ahead! :pinkiehappy:

Thanks! And just to let you know, there's a group for Minty fans on this site. I'm adding your story to the group right now.

People who saw Season 9:So, about that...

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