• Published 21st Feb 2013
  • 779 Views, 3 Comments

Aliens Equestrian Marines - ShadowLeomus

Set years after the latest fim episode (season 3 episode 13) Pony kind has finally reached the stars and established colonies on many worlds. AS far as pony kind was concerned there was no life out there... they were wrong

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Chapter 10: (Unedited)

Chapter 10: (Unedited)

Goldroot looked up as She enterd the dropship.
"Midnight!" he said happyly "Are you a sight for sore eyes, we'd though you'd surely-" she stoped as Bullseye came in after her.
"What the hell?" he was about to pull he sidearm out before Minight stoped him.
"It's ok sir, he's with me" she said.
Goldroot looked at her doubtfully but left the gun where it was.
"What's going on Midnight?" he said "Tell me everything"
"Ok, but its abit crazy sir" she told him as she began her story.
Of her loseing her leg and falling at the hive, to waking up in the white one with her new leg, to meeting with Empathy and Dawn and everything that happend after, Bullseye correcting anything she got wrong.
she was when breathless when she finished.
"-I left her with Buttercup and came here" she finished.
The old vetrean had sat down into one of the troop compartments seat, trying to process the information he had just heard.
"So let me get this straight... The Prometheans are distant cusions of the Xenomorphs but are on our side?"
"and your the daughter of their queen?"
"Mmm hmm"
"And that makes you half alicorn and half Prothethean"
"And you have an little sister called Empathy Flame" he endded.
"Sounds right to me"
Goldroot shook his head "If I havent known you for so long I'd think you were crazy" He smiled "So what do we do now?"
"Well Dawn wanted me to arrange a meeting with you and her, said that she had a way to get to Marine reseach lab on A nearby world called Arralia" she said "But before that I want to go check on Empathy... I left her with Buttercup"
"I'll come with you, I'm intrested in meeting this sister of yours myself" Goldroot said, getting up.
They exited the ship and walked down the way Buttercup had went, but having looked for half a hour, decided to ask around.
"Buttercup? I think I saw her go into the bar"
Goldroot thanked the marine and dissmissed him.
"A bar? sounds like her" Midnight musued "Even if she looking after a filly, she'd still head there"
It turned out that the bar was just a large tent with a few chairs and tables, and a line of crates for a counter.
She saw Buttercup and Empathy at the far corner and asked Bullseye to wait outside, the tent was too small for a Promethean his size to fit anyway.
Midnigth and Goldroot made there way to them, seeing That Oats, Trevor, Pyro Lightning and Dusty were sittig with them.
"So your her younger sister?" they hear Oats say as they got closer.
"Yep, I'm 11 year younger then her"
Trevor was the first one to notice them "Well speek of the devl, Midnight... Captain"
"Corpral" Goldroot agnolaged, and turned his attention to Empathy "So this is the little filly I've been hearing about"
Midnight gestured to Empathy "Captain Goldroot... Empathy Flame" she gestured to the stalion "Empathy Flame... Captain Goldroot"
Midnight and Goldroot grabed some seats and sat down.
"I hear you got a new leg" Oats said "Can we see?"
Midnight abliged and showed it to them, flexing her claws thretingly.
"Wow... How does it feel" Dusty asked.
She shurged Dosnt feel like anything" she told her "the fingers took awhile to get use to, but It dosnt fell any diffrent then the old one"
"Does that mean you need to change your battarys every day?" Pyro joked.
"And avoide water" Lightning pipped in.
"No I'm ok in water" she raised her leg "Its water proof and I dont need battarys, Its powerd by a Fire ruby"
Pyro made a oh face and siped his drink.
Midnight noticed Empaty drinking somthing "Please tell me that's not Achaholic..."
"No, its apple juice" Buttercup Assured her "now... I think You owe us a explination"
Midnight sighed and told her story for the second time that day.


Midnight Flopped down onto the bunk and burryed her face into her pillow.
After meeting with the rest of her friends and telling them her story, its had been a exhasting affare of getting all the details for Goldroot and Her mothers Meeting and she had only just been give a chance to take a break.
Off to her side in a sepret bunk, Empaty Flame was snoring quitly.
The Filly had, had a tiring day and fell asleep asoon as she had hit the pillow, If only sleep would come to Midnight so easyly.
But try as she might, she couldnt convince her tired mind to rest, fear of what awaited her byond the blackness of sleep made her heart freeze.
Wether it was Nightmare's cryptic speeches or visions of what was to come, she was terrorfide.
Finaly accepting defeat, she got up and snuck out the tent she and her sister had been given.
Outside the tent was quite and still, apart from the nightwach, everyone was asleep.
She walked the length down the street of tents and ships, lost in thougt.
With everything that had happend, the loss of the Salura and a large portion of her Battalion, her secret uncoverd, finding the Ragnarock its crew, finding her birth parents, somtimes she wonderd if this was all just twisted nightmare and that Midnight was still in Cryo on the Salura.
But she had seen too much for her to belive that.
She let her mind wonder, what would happen if they got back, would the be split up and sent to other battalions? Or would her seacret be exposed and would she be draged back to Equus?
After the nightmare the last month had been, she was trying to dicide wether she sould leave the core and find somwhere she could settle down and-
She shook her head getting rid of the thouht, She was a marine though thick and thin, even if she did leave she wouldnt be happy.
Being a solder was in her soul and as long as there was still life in her vains, she would fight to defend Equus and her colanys, not to do so would discrace the memorys of everyone who had fallen in battle byside her.
So cuaght up in her thoughts she didnt knotice that insted of of going forward, but insted was going up.
she noticed this a muinite later and dropped like a rock onto her Flank.
Did I just... Walk up a wall?