• Published 21st Feb 2013
  • 1,093 Views, 101 Comments

Wings for a Pony 2: The Brotherhood of Shadows - Lonely Shadow

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Chapter 9

It was a quiet Friday afternoon as Star and Bolt made their way to school. Both were looking forward to the weekend despite the fact that a full day’s schooling was still in store for them. On their way they began talking.

“Alright, it’s almost the weekend! Sleeping in, hanging out with the guys, maybe even getting some time to learn how to fly!” Bolt was practically vibrating with joy.

“I know! Spend time with Mom and Dad, and getting my reading done!” Star chirped with a smile, while Bolt raised an eyebrow at her.

“Reading during the weekend? Sweet Celestia Star, you are such an egghead!” Bolt snickered.

“I am not an egghead! I’m well read like Aunt Twilight,” Star retorted.

“Egghead…” Bolt whispered.

“Oh shut the buck up!” Star snapped.

As the two siblings made their way to school and talking about their plans for the summer, they came across Summer Wind and a few of her friends. One of them, a unicorn, was slowly nudging Summer away from the others as they tried to stifle their giggling.

“What do you think is so funny?” Bolt asked Star as Summer approached.

“Got me,” Star admitted, watching with bemusement as Summer was again nudged towards them.

“Go on…” the unicorn encouraged Summer.

“No Daisy, I can’t…” Summer whimpered slightly.

Despite her protests Summer ended up a few feet in front of Star and Bolt as the other fillies giggled behind her. Summer kept her face almost completely hidden behind her long green mane as she looked to Bolt.

“H-hi Bolt…” she whispered.

“Hi… Summer…” Bolt replied nervously.

"Um... you and your family are going to the Gala right?" Summer asked.

"Well I know my grandmother and aunts are... why?"

“Um… I was wondering if… maybe… I could be your plus one for the Grand Galloping Gala next month…?” She blushed heavily.

"You.... want us... to go to the Gala together?" Bolt asked slightly startled.

"I mean... if you were going and its not too much trouble." Summer continued.

"Well... me and Star weren't really planning on going." Summers face fell at the news.

"Oh... I didn't think you were but I had to ask." She had a look of disappointment across her face.

"B-but I can go! I'm sure my mom or grandparents can get a spare or have one!" Bolt replied quickly.

"Oh... I-I couldn't ask you to do that for me Bolt." Summer continued looking guilty.

"Its no big deal really. My mom and grandparents get so many invites and stuff I'm sure one of them will have a spare."

"Oh! Well... if you're sure." She smiled at him sweetly, "Thank you Bolt. And please, don't kill yourself trying to get one. If you cant go or get a spare its OK." The two ponies smiled at each other for what felt like forever, “Well, um… I should go. I promised Daisy and the others that we would hang out when school was over.”

“Oh… uh… yeah, I understand.” Bolt chuckled nervously.

“So… I’ll uh… see you later then.” She turned and regrouped with her friends. As they walked both Star and Bolt heard Daisy talk to Summer.

“I told you he would say yes.” When the girls were out of view, Bolt turned to see his sister with a big smirk on her face.

“What?” Bolt asked, starting to feel uncomfortable.

“I think she likes yoooouuuu!” Star teased.

“You think so? Don’t be pulling my leg Star!”

“No, I’m serious! Did you see the way she looked at you? And she asked you to take her to the Gala? I think she has a big crush on you. Well that or she's just using you to get a ticket.”

"What?! She wouldn't do that!" Bolt's face contorted in anger.

"Calm down brother. Summer is a good friend of mine, she wouldn't do something so mean." Bolt gave a relived sigh and trotted along with his older sister.

“Wow… my first time at the Gala… and with a filly.” Bolt had a dreamy look on his face.

“You do know that the Gala is going to be boring as dirt , right?” Star remarked.

“Who cares!? I have a date!” Bolt grinned widely.

“Now you just have to wait for a few weeks.” Bolt’s enthusiasm vanished instantly.

“Crap… well… it’ll be worth the wait.” His smile returned, causing Star to chuckle at her brother’s renewed resolve.

“But seriously… I’m happy for you, brother. Summer’s a nice filly,” she encouraged as they continued walking to school.

“You think Mom and Dad will let me go? I mean, it is more of an adult event,” Bolt asked.

“Sure they will. Mom and Dad were going when they were our age. I’m sure they’ll let you go too.” Bolt suddenly chuckled.

“Can you imagine Mom and Dad as teenagers?” Star chuckled as well.

“No, I can’t!” The two siblings laughed at the idea as they drew near their school.

“You know, Mom or Grandma could probably get a ticket to the Gala for you, Star. They usually get extras since they’re in the Wonderbolts.”

“Oh, I don’t know… I’m not exactly Canterlot material. And besides, I wouldn’t want to hurt your chances with Summer. Can’t imagine it would be romantic having your older sister around.” Bolt pondered what Star said, his brow wrinkled in concentration.

“Well… what if we get you a date?” he suggested.

“Oh… I don’t know. Stallions aren’t really interested in me. I think it’s because they don’t like that I’m smart.” She lowered her gaze as if the statement hurt her.

“Come on. There must be a stallion that you like?” Star looked rather reluctant to answer her brother’s question, her face growing red with embarrassment.

“Well… I do have a crush on somepony…” Bolt raised a curious eyebrow.

“Oh? And who would that be?” he asked with genuine interest.

“That’s none of your business!” Star snapped suddenly.

“Whoa! Hey, take it easy! It was just a question.” Star’s anger faded and her face filled with regret.

“Sorry… I just feel like if I tell you, you’ll just laugh at me.”

“Come on, sis. You know me better than that.” Bolt sounded as if he was insulted. “Now come on. Tell me who you have the hots for.” Star bit her bottom lip.

“Steel Valor…” Star’s face became a bright crimson as she spoke his name aloud, while Bolt gave his sister a look that suggested he thought Star had gone mad.

“Steel Valor? The captain of the hoofball team and most popular pony in school? Uh… no offense Star, but I think he’s kinda out of your league. Besides, I thought you said you weren’t into jocks?” Star frowned at her brother’s remark as she tried to explain the reason for her rather odd choice of stallion. True, Steel focused more on sports than magic, but Star had seen that he was more than just that - or at least she hoped so.

“He’s not just a jock! He gets very good grades in class. How else would he be able to stay on the hoofball team?” Bolt smirked slightly.

“Personally, I think he just has good connections so he can’t be kicked off,” he muttered.

“You don’t know that! And how do you know I can’t ask him out? I’ve had colts tell me that I’m pretty.”

“Then prove me wrong - ask Steel Valor to go to the Gala with you.” Star hesitated for a moment. She had never asked another pony on a date, or had even been asked herself. Still, she put on a confident smile as the school came into view.

“Alright little brother… you’re on!” Star and Bolt shook on the bet as they made their way into Ponyville High... though secretly Star was a nervous wreck about what she intended to do.


Sixth period had arrived, marking that it was time for the students to head to the cafeteria. It was also one of the few chances Star got to see or speak with Steel Valor outside of class. She looked around the hallways as most of the students made their way to the cafeteria. At first she thought that she had missed him, but soon she spotted him talking with one of his friends near the lockers. Steel was a unicorn with a light purple coat, a dark purple mane and tail with a yellow streak, and green eyes. His cutie mark resembled a hoofball with a fleur de lis in the center. Star hesitated and looked to her still bare flank. She and Bolt were often mocked for still not having their cutie marks, and here she was about to do the unthinkable for a filly of her stature. Could she really do this? Just walk up to the captain of the hoofball team and ask him to go to the Gala with her and her family? “I must be crazy,” Star muttered to herself.

Once Steel was alone Star took a deep breath and made her way over to him. When she was certain that he was within earshot, she cleared her throat and tried to speak. “H-hello Steel…” she murmured, causing Steel’s ears to perk up and him to turn to face her.

“Oh hi! Um… I’m sorry, I can’t seem to remember your name,” he admitted with a little embarrassment.

“It’s Star.” Her face began to blush, "Not now!"

“Oh! Right, I remember you. You’re in my teleportation class. You’re really good.”

“Oh… I’m not that good really.” She blushed even more.

“No, I mean it. You make that advanced stuff look easy.” He gave her a warm smile. “You know, I don’t think we’ve talked before.”

“No, we haven’t actually.” Star was actually starting to relax around Steel.

“Don’t you have a brother? What was his name… Firebolt?”

“Yes, that’s him.”

“Man, he’s lucky. I wish I had a sister.” Star smiled at that remark. “Hey… did you want to ask me something?” Star’s eyes widened a little as the moment of truth came upon her.

“Oh, right! Um… well… you see I was wondering if… if maybe you… the thing is that the Grand Galloping Gala is coming up next month and…” She stopped, feeling that she couldn’t finish the thought, before making one last try. “I was wondering… if…” She didn’t want to do this, she wanted to leave and never look back. Still she closed her eyes and forced herself to speak, “Steel will you go to the Gala with me?!” As she finished the hallway went quiet. She opened her eyes to see a surprised look on Steel’s face.

“Wow… I uh… I wasn’t expecting that,” Steel replied, regaining his composure.

“I’m sorry! It was a stupid thing to ask! I’ll just…” She started to leave, but Steel put a hoof on her shoulder.

“Wait! Wait! It’s OK… don’t leave. No one’s ever asked me out before, let alone to something like the Gala.” Star turned to look at Steel, not exactly sure where he was going with the conversation. “You have tickets then?”

“Not yet, but my Mom is a Wonderbolt so she can get a few tickets since she performs there.”

“Wow. I never met a pony with a Wonderbolt as a parent.” He chuckled slightly, “In that case… sure. I’d love to go to the Gala with you.” Star blinked in bewilderment.

“Y-you will?”

“Sure. I don’t see why not. Could be fun.” He smiled warmly at her. “But hey, we can talk or hang out before then if you want.”

“We can?”

“What? You think just because I’m captain of the hoofball team means I only hang out with the cool ponies? Not that I don’t think you’re cool,” he hastily added.

“Oh. Y-yes we can hang out, definitely!” At that moment Star felt a huge weight lifted from her shoulders.

“Well. I think we better get to the cafeteria, I haven’t eaten all day,” Steel replied.

“Good idea. I could use some food.”

“See you later then. I have to go meet one of my buddies. But I'll try to get back to you soon Star.” Steel waved goodbye as they went their separate ways . Soon afterward, Star found Bolt at one of the tables and sat next to him after purchasing her lunch.

“Soooo, how did it go?” Bolt asked, half-smiling.

“Looks like we have a double date.”

“No kidding? He actually said yes?” Star nodded. “Holy pony feathers …”

“What? You didn’t think I could get him to say yes?”

“No. I just didn’t know he was into eggheads.” Star responded with a punch to his right foreleg. “Ow…! Or mean eggheads.”


School ended several hours later, the front door filling with colts and fillies dashing home. Bolt and Star talked about going to the Gala with their dates and what they would say to their mom to get extra tickets. Before long they reached their home, where it was clear that both of their parents were home from work. They set their saddle bags down and entered the living room, where they found Clay drinking some apple cider he obtained from Sweet Apple Acres and Firefly on the couch reading.

“Hi Mom! Hi Pop!” Bolt shouted as they approached their parents.

“Hello kids.” Firefly pulled them into a tight hug. “How was school?”

“It was great!” Bolt exclaimed.

“Oh? And why is that?” Firefly asked curiously.

“Because Summer asked me to go with her to the Grand Galloping Gala!” Both Firefly and Clay looked at Bolt with surprise and joy.

“Well how about that? Congratulations kiddo,” Clay replied, giving him an encouraging smile as Firefly began to tear up.

“Oh… my little colt is becoming a stallion!” She gave him a tighter hug.

“Mom!!!” Bolt’s face turned a bright shade of red as the life was crushed out of him by his mother.

"Sorry sweetheart.... did she have tickets?" Firefly asked releasing her son.

"Well um... she didnt have any. In fact she was hoping that I had tickets and I said I would get some..."

"Bolt..." Firefly shook her head.

"Please mom..." He looked at her sadly, and his mother gave a sigh.

"I know that your grandfather Comet couldn't go this year. So I'll ask Rainbow if she can give you her spare."

"Thank you mom." He gave her a firm hug.

“What about you, Star? How was your day?” Clay asked as he took another sip.

“Well… Bolt wasn’t the only pony who got lucky. I asked Steel Valor out to the Gala too and he said yes!” Within seconds Clay was choking on his cider. Firefly, Star, and Bolt looked at him in startlement as he coughed to clear his throat.

Eventually he managed to sputter out, “What!?” between coughs.

“Dad, are you OK?” Star asked.

“Since when…” Clay coughed again. “Since when were you interested in colts?”

“Since I turned thirteen, Dad.” Star frowned. “Why is it when Bolt finds a girl you’re proud of him, but when I find a boy you act like I’m a filly?”

“It does seem unfair, Clay,” Firefly agreed.

“I just don’t want some colt we don’t know taking advantage of our daughter. We know Summer Wind, but I don’t know this Steel Valor.”

“I’m not stupid, Dad! I can take care of myself if he tries anything. All I’m asking is for you and Mom to let me try to spend some time with him at the Gala.” She turned to her mother. “Mom, can you please get tickets for me, and Steel?” Star pleaded, giving her a dose of sad eyes.

“Of course sweetheart,” Firefly giggled as she kissed Star’s forehead.

"Hey!" Bolt frowned at the display.

"Sorry Bolt, but she can pull off the sad look a lot better than you." Firefly teased.

“How can you be OK with this? With everything that’s been going on, you really think letting our daughter go out with a stallion is a good idea?” Clay scowled.

“Are you suggesting that a teenaged colt is abducting fully-grown, capable unicorns?”

“We don’t know who is behind the kidnappings! It could be anyone!” Star rolled her eyes.

“Dad, you’re being overprotective. You guys will be there too, right? And so will Bolt, Grandma and Grandpa. And it’s not like we’ll be alone.” Clay thought on Star’s argument. He still wasn’t entirely secure about Star being with a colt, but her logic was sound.

“Fine… but only if your mother and I are there too.” Star smiled.

“Fine by me. I’ll just be happy to go to the Gala!”

“I’ll get the tickets, and your father will talk to Rarity about making our suits and dresses,” Firefly replied. “Right, Clay?”

“Sure. Rarity will love making you a dress. I’ll see if she has the time.”

“I’ll go with you. Kids, I want you to finish your homework while we’re away,” Firefly explained as she followed Clay out of the house and they began making their way to Rarity’s Carousel Boutique. When they were out of earshot of the children, Firefly decided to speak with Clay.

“Star is right, you know. You are being over protective of her.”

“And what, we should just ignore the fact that an unknown assailant is abducting unicorns?”

“I highly doubt a colt is capable of what has been reported. Besides, there hasn’t been an abduction in months.”

“He just wants us to let our guard down… I just know it.”

“I’m not saying that we shouldn’t keep an eye on her. I’m just saying that you can’t act like every stallion she likes is a psychopath. And as I recall you went behind your mother’s back when you met me, the way she told us about it.” Clay gave a slight sigh.

“I know… this whole thing has got me paranoid. And she’s just growing up so fast.” Firefly gave him a sympathetic look.

“I feel the same way. But we have to stay strong… it wasn’t easy for Rainbow to let you go either from what I remember,” Firefly remarked.

“Now I know how she felt,” Clay mused.


Before long Clay and Firefly arrived at Rarity’s boutique. Clay knocked on the door a few times before hearing a stallion’s voice from within.

“One second please!” Soon a stallion emerged from the front door, wearing a rather fancy suit.

“Hello Germane,” Firefly said with a smile.

“Firefly! How wonderful to see you again! And you too Clay.” He gave Firefly a firm hug.

“Likewise. Is Rarity here?” Clay asked, looking behind Germane.

“Yes, she is. I’ll go fetch her.” Germane stepped back, allowing Clay and Firefly to enter. “Rarity! We have guests!” Soon, the fabulous fashonista unicorn herself entered the room.

“Clay! Firefly! How good to see you two dears again.” She hugged them both with joy.

“It’s nice to see you too, Aunt Rarity,” Clay replied, returning the hug.

“Now, what brings you two to my shop?”

“We were wondering if you could make two dresses and two suits for me, Firefly, Star, and Bolt.” Rarity went wide-eyed, a happy grin plastered over her features.

“Oh my! All four of you need outfits?”

“Yes. Star and Bolt were lucky enough to get dates, and apparently they are to meet at the Gala,” Firefly replied.

“Oh! How romantic! The two of them with their true loves! And during their first time at the Gala!” Rarity had a dreamy smile on her face as she imagined the scene.

“Yeah… romantic,” Clay scoffed.

“I take it the father isn’t approving of his little princess growing up?” Rarity teased.

“Pretty much,” Firefly chuckled.

“As I recall you threw caution to the wind when you met Firefly. Going behind all our backs to flirt with her?” Rarity gave Clay a coy smile.

“Since when is it wrong to want your daughter to be safe about who she dates?” Clay retorted.

“It’s just very amusing how much you’ve changed over the years. Seems like only yesterday I was helping your mother raise you, and now you are a grown stallion raising a family of your own.” Rarity smiled.

“Yeah… anyway, about those clothes?” Clay asked, starting to feel uncomfortable.

“Oh! Yes of course! I should have something made for all four of you before the Gala. Oh! And I should make something for Dinky and Sky! And I can’t forget Twilight, Fluttershy, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and of course myself!” She started to get giddy at the thought. "Its a shame Rainbow insists on wearing her jumpsuit instead of one of my fabulous dresses."

“I hope that we aren’t asking too much?” Firefly asked. “I mean, that’s seven different dresses and three suits within a few weeks.”

“Oh Firefly! You make it sound like it’s going to be hard!” Rarity chuckled and continued, “It’s no trouble at all. Business has been rather slow lately, so I should have plenty of time to make sure that all of us look our best.”

“Well… if you’re sure.” Firefly knew that Rarity was good, but seven dresses at such short notice?

“Don’t worry. If anypony can do it, my Aunt Rarity can!” Rarity gave Clay a warm smile.

“Thank you, Clay. I will certainly make sure that they do you all justice.”

“Thank you, Rarity. How much do we owe you?” Firefly asked.

“Owe? Why Firefly, darling. I do not charge for my friends and family.”

“Oh my… that’s very generous of you.”

“Think nothing of it. I am the Element of Generosity after all. Now if I am to have any hope of getting the outfits done in time I must begin at once. Shoo, shoo!” She quickly hurried them out of the building, closing the door behind them.

“She could have just asked us to leave.” Firefly muttered, shaking her head.

“Yeah… but when it comes to making outfits she’s a savant. Plus she’s giving us clothes for free, so I think we can let her pushing us out the door slide this once.” Firefly nodded slightly as they trotted back home side by side.