• Published 21st Feb 2013
  • 466 Views, 6 Comments

Fly With Me - shynight

When one colts excursion into the Everfree winds up with him being nursed back to health by a particularly kind pegasus, they'll both end up learning a thing or two about themselves... and perhaps each other as well.

  • ...

A Faitful Encounter

Have to keep running! Have to get away!

Shynight's hooves pounded mercilessly against the forest floor, the eerie, unnatural foliage of the Everfree looming around him as though the trees themselves were intent on hindering his escape. His ragged breathing was nearly drowned out by the pounding of his heartbeat in his ears.

No room to fly. Have to run, have to escape!

Shadows danced menacingly across the ground as the wind howled through the branches like laughter, adding fuel to his ever-growing fear. He ran without any heed for direction, having long ago tossed his saddlebags with the map and other equipment inside to shed the extra weight. He knew he was taking a gamble; if he was running further into the forest, he was doomed. Staying put, however, was not an option.

A sudden howl from close behind chilled Shynight to his very core. In desperation, he increased his pace, weaving between the trees as fast as hooves would take him. He chanced a quick glimpse behind him, but couldn't see anything through the unnatural darkness the Everfree was known for. Before he could turn back around, his hoof caught a protruding root, sending him sprawling face first through the dirt.

Shynight quickly scrambled upright and resumed running, the sound of wooden pawsteps growing steadily closer. He could smell the rancid breath of the timberwolves in the air as they chased after their prey. Suddenly, the bushes to his left burst apart as a timberwolf that had run ahead of the pack lunged. Shynight managed to duck away from the jaws of the predator, but winced in agony as wooden claws raked across his back and flanks.
Shynight ran on, at this point working on pure adrenaline as his muscles screeched in agony. He barely paid any heed to the warm sensation dripping down his sides. The ambushing timberwolf fell back in line with its brethren in hot pursuit, spurred on by the scent of blood. They growled and yipped as their quarry grew ever nearer.

Without warning, one of Shynight's back legs gave out, sending him once again sprawling through the dirt of the forest floor. He tried to get back up, but collapsed onto his side, too weak from blood loss to struggle any further. He yelped in pain as something stepped onto his foreleg. Shynight could do nothing but stare trembling into the eyes of the timberwolf pinning him to the ground, its hot breath washing over his face. The wolf gave a predatory grin as the rest of the pack gathered behind it. Shynight's breath hitched in his throat as he shut his eyes, awaiting the inevitable.

A sudden shout from behind him startled both him and the timberwolves. The voice continued, and while Shynight couldn't make out what was being said, the wolves' demeanor quickly changed. The timberwolf that had him pinned quickly stepped away, as did the others as the voice drew nearer. With a final shout, the wolves scurried back into the forest yelping in fright. As they disappeared, yellow and pink danced across Shynight's vision before everything went black.

It took several long moments for Shynight's brain to register the light filtering in through his eyelids. He slowly blinked open his eyes before quickly raising a hoof to shield them from the bright rays of Celestia's sun, wincing at the pain that shot up his foreleg at the simple motion. A startled gasp sounded from nearby. "Oh my, thank goodness you're awake!"

Shynight turned his head to see a butter yellow pegasus with a light pink mane. Upon her flanks was a cutie mark of three butterflies, while her face wore a look of worried relief. Shynight tried to sit up, but quickly collapsed back with a grimace as pain wracked his body. The pegasus quickly reached the bedside. "Please, you shouldn't try to move just yet! Your wounds need time to heal first!"

Shynight groaned as he looked about his surroundings. He was lying on a large, wood-frame bed in a small room. The room was furnished rather sparsely; a nightstand stood to the right of the bed with a lamp, and a bookshelf stood across the room. A few pictures hung on the walls, as well as a few birdhouses, but apart from that the room was relatively empty. Shynight turned to the yellow mare beside him. "Wh-... Where am I?" he managed to croak out. His throat felt like somepony had gone through it with sandpaper. The mare blushed a little and tried to hide behind her mane. "Oh, um, well, we're at my cottage. I live on the outskirts of Ponyville, near the Everfree Forest. My name's Fluttershy. What's yours?" She seemed to shrink back a little. "Um, that is, if you don't mind my asking?"

Shynight lay his head back on the pillow. "... I'm Shynight." "Shynight..." Fluttershy whispered. She turned to him with a grin. "That's a nice name." Now it was his turn to blush. "Um, th-thanks." He turned his attention back towards the mare. "What... what happened? How did I get here?" Fluttershy's grin dropped as she went back into her usual, well, shyness.

"Well, last night I heard timberwolves howling much closer to the edge of the Everfree than usual, so I went out to investigate." She turned to look out the window, a pensive look on her face. "When I got there, I couldn't really see much. All I could make out was that they were surrounding... something, or, as it turned out, somepony." Her face noticeably paled. "When I finally got close enough to realize that it, or, I suppose you, were a pony, I... well, I suppose I panicked a little. I just started yelling at them to get away until they backed off." Fluttershy turned back towards the bed and its occupant. "When I got to you, you were bleeding horribly. I got you back here and treated your wounds. You've been sleeping since then."

Shynight turned to look at her, half incredulously, half dumbfounded. "How did a little thing like you manage to scare off an entire pack of timberwolves?" Fluttershy hid behind her mane again, but still held a small, proud smile. "Well, I suppose I just have a way with animals. It is what my cutie mark is for, after all." Shynight turned his gaze back towards the ceiling. "I suppose that would explain the butterflies." Fluttershy blushed. "I suppose... um..." Fluttershy scuffed her hoof across the wooden floor. "I couldn't help but notice your cutie mark while tending your wounds. I was wondering what it meant." She seemed to try to shrink a bit. "That is, if you don't mind my asking?"

Shynight turned to look down at his flank, noticing for the first time all of the bandages wound around most of the lower half of his body. Of course, he didn't need to see his cutie mark to envision it; a white, four-pointed star balanced evenly between the points of a crescent moon, both standing in stark contrast to his black fur and dark blue mane. "I'm a biologist, but I specialize in anything and everything nocturnal." He snorted. "Except for timberwolves, apparently." Fluttershy giggled cutely. Wait, why did I just think that!? "I suppose that's why you were in the Everfree?" Shynight nodded. "I was searching for a rare flower, the nightblooming cereus, although it's more commonly known as Luna's Flower. They only bloom one night out of the whole year, then they wither and die. It's said that anypony who finds one in bloom will find true happiness."

Fluttershy gasped. "Oh my. I didn't know anything like that grew in the Everfree." Shynight grinned. "As far as anypony knows, it doesn't. Like I said, it's extremely rare. Not much is known about the Everfree, but my research indicates the soil would likely be suitable for them. Where better to search for a rare plant than someplace nopony goes, especially at night?" Shynight flopped his head against the pillow, grinning. "Or at least ponies who knows what's good for them don't. Guess I'm not one them, huh?"

Fluttershy couldn't help but grin, too. "Perhaps not. But I still think it would be amazing if you found one." Shynight nodded. "Yeah... yeah, it would be..." Just then he let out a yawn. "Guess I'm still a bit tired." Fluttershy donned a serious expression. "You should get some more rest. It'll help your wounds heal faster." Shynight closed his eyes. "Whatever you day, Doc." Fluttershy rolled her eyes and giggled. "If you need me, give me a holler. I have to go take care of the animals around the cottage. Okay?" The only response she received, however, was a light snoring. She smiled to herself as she left to tend to her daily duties.

Author's Note:

Welp, this is my debut into the world of writing fanfiction, and I have to say if I was a pony, I would NOT be getting a cutie mark for it.
Feedback would greatly appreciated, as I tend to be over-critical of my own work.

Comments ( 5 )

Well, I doubt anyone will actually see this, but I'm finally changing the status of this to Cancelled.
Reading it again now, I still don't think I did a BAD job, I've certainly read much worse, it just feels... uninspired. Which I suppose is accurate. It was, like, 3 or 4 A.M. and I couldn't sleep when I got the idea to write this. I had the whole plan of starting the story in medias res with a chase scene, and I'm actually quite happy with that first section. Then I got past that and realized I had no bucking idea where I wanted the story to go. So I decided to wing it (Pegasus pun intended). Didn't work so well. The whole second half seems droning and rather rushed. I could probably improve this and come up with an actual plot line, but it would be more work than I'm willing to put into something like this.
Who knows, I may come back to this some day, or start with something else. Shynight's personality was originally based on Fluttershy's (whose personality is scarily similar to mine, at least offline), and I don't see how I could make the two personalities differ from each other enough to prevent the problems I had with dialogue in this. Besides, I much prefer FlutterDash to... FlutterNight, I guess? Not gonna call it ShyShy, that's for sure.
Plus, when I first wrote this, I was relatively new to the fandom and was still basically designing my OC. Nowadays, I have him pretty much completely ironed out, and I don't even ship him with Fluttershy any more, he's with Luna (makes more sense anyway, what with their mutual love for the night).
So, yeah, I doubt I'll ever come back to this, so, as a wise(?) draconequus once said, ARRIVEDERCI!

:rainbowderp: You... you faved it... YOU FAVED IT! :pinkiehappy:
Damn it, now you're gonna guilt trip me into continuing this... :ajbemused:

I'm not really sure when I'll get a chance to work on it though. Besides college, I'm also doing a read-through of Kobalstromo's The Little Things and editing a 65k+ word fic (although one of the authors recently left FimFiction, so I might not be needed anymore).
Plus it's been almost a year since I wrote this, so what few ideas I had come up with are long gone. I had never really hammered out a plotline for this. Actually, I only really had 2 or 3 scenes in mind, and I only remember 1 of them.
Just don't be too disappointed if I ultimately end up never continuing this. As I like to say, "Us procrastinators shall take over the world! ...tomorrow." :scootangel:



Keep going.


For yo friend? :fluttershysad:

I... but........... maybe.
If by some chance I manage to overcome my CLBS (Chronic Lazy Bastard Syndrome), I might go through and edit the first chapter a bit (it's not nearly as bad as I remember it being, but there's still a couple of spots of dialogue that make me cringe) before continuing on.
Actually, I might even do a bit of an overhaul and create a new OC. The Shynight from when I first wrote this nearly 3 years ago and the Shynight of today are practically two completely different ponies anyway, so making a new OC might help my mentality by keeping them separate.


Hey, man, re-rewrites happen all the time! Go for it!

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