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Corrupted and Shattered

Shattered Diamond

Corrupted and Shattered

A week later

Diamond stood, legs set apart as if facing a strong wind, blood dripped from numerous gashed and cuts from his body. For two days now the Crystal City was under siege, using the chaos, Diamond and Sapphire had moved towards the palace, and had struck when many of the guards where outside, fighting the unknown force. Now Sapphire lay behind Diamond, bloody and barely breathing, a long gash down one side and a front leg that bent all wrong.

Sombra's dark laugh rang out, the demon unicorn held a broadsword of obsidian in his magic grasp, opposing Diamond's diamond blade, which the white unicorn held aloft in his own grasp. The younger stallion charged with a roar, swiping at Sombra's head, only to be thrown backwards, slamming into the wall, with the king’s dark blade at his throat,

" Now, little Prince, you will pay for the trouble you caused me" Sombra hissed at him, extending his S's into a snake like hiss. Diamond flicked his eyes to Sapphire, and met her own purple ones, filled with fear and terror.

I'm sorry my love

The end never came, opening his eyes, and seeing the lack of sword, Diamond dragged himself over to Sapphire and pulling her to his chest.

Sombra had his own problems, more pressing than some young prince.

Two alicorn goddesses to be exact. One taller than the other, the color of pure cream, with a dark red mane and a quill mark, the other with a tricolor mane and a sun mark.

"SOMBRA!!! You have been found guilty of murder, treason, conspiracy to commit murder, accessory to murder, unlawful imprisonment, attempted murder, you are sente..." the deep booming of the larger alicorn was cut off by the rage filled voice of the smaller.

"You took my sister from me! you corrupted her, turned her against me! You took Discord, my oldest friend away and made him a monster! You even have the guile to invade my kingdom and attack my ponies!" Celestia's horn lit up, flames flickered at her coat, the other goddess watched. "Die you beast" Beams of light shot from Celestia's horn and tore throw Sombra, blasting him, cracking him, and shattering the demon.

A white pulse flew from his ashes, everything crystal dissolving as it touched, Sapphire buried her muzzle into Diamond as it neared them....

Author's Note:

I felt that Sombra was connected to all the other events 1000 years before the return of Nightmare Moon.

If anyone is wondering about Cadence and how is she related into the blood line, look at it this way.

Aragorn in LoTR isn't technically the heir to the throne of Gondor, just the person closest to the blood line. Cadence is the same, she isn't directly related, but is still the closest heir to the Crystal Throne.