• Published 23rd Feb 2013
  • 570 Views, 1 Comments

The Night Of A Broken Heart - WanderingPony

The power of the Crystal Heart has been shattered. The Princesses are scattered. The Elements are a trap wielded by a mad goddess. And the Cutie Mark Crusaders are making friends with an elemental spirit older than Celestia. We're doomed.

  • ...

Chapter 16: When The Stars (Aren't Quite) Right

Fluttershy was feeling a mite stressed.

Too many ponies. And not ponies. Talking. Or, if their name happened to end in "Sparkle", theorizing about how rainbow pollution in the upper atmosphere was coming down in the form of moonbeam rain and the inevitable spicy-fication of Equestrian soil was at hand. Strands of her mane were beginning to take on that "Twilight's gone twitchy" spring and Pinkie's comments on how much better salads were going to be were just not helping.

Oh dear. Oh dear....and now that poor moth was bouncing off the window. What a curious little moth it was! The gardens in Canterlot had so many interesting creatures.

"I'm...um...that moth outside is really confused by all the lights and noise in here. I'm going to go help him on his way...", said Fluttershy. The words could perhaps have been heard about two feet from her mouth before being ground into garbles by the near-roar of conversations going on around her. The pegasus ducked her head and slunk for the nearest exit, a few wisps of pink tail curling around the edge of the door before vanishing like a shred of mist. Nobody noticed, which for Fluttershy was actually a rather nice thing.


OK, nobody noticed except Angel. That was even better. The white-furred critter took up a comfortable spot in his mistress's mane as she lifted herself into the air, floating upwards as if she was afraid of accidentally nudging a stray breeze and offending it. The moth ceased it's buffeting of the window and turned to regard the two with it's single, yellowing eye...which sprouted a goatee'd pair of lips below it.

"Fluttershy?", it managed to say in a voice that far exceeded the size of the hoof-sized creature it emanated from. "Oh, I'd SO hoped you'd think I looked good." The two settled atop the tower, where only a single rubbery line tied around a flagpole kept them company. The Discord-moth rubbed it's feelers together, with a fat spark of magic leaping from the collision. Two stories down, Pinkie Pie found herself bellyflopping into a previously unseen pile of pillows, her bungee line pouring out over the feathery debris pile in an industrial-sized spiral of sproinginess. The neatly untied cord sidewindered itself through a window in serpentine fashion and vanished from sight.

"Oops! I guess we get a peaceful, quiet spot on the tower without someone begging me for a cumulus full of chocolate milk.", and Discord's voice dropped to a more grumpy growl, "or poking me with their horns about how I do it.". The moth flapped it's wings irritably. Coincidentally, portions of the Canterlot Civil Service building managed to have a snowstorm of powdered sugar. Indoors. Concerned, Fluttershy nuzzled the peeved insect into a perch on her nose. "Oh...has it been hard living here in Canterlot? I mean, there's so many ponies and it's really so busy and..."

"...and my best friend is all the way in Ponyville, AND they get nervous every time I so much as vanish into thin air. Oh, Discord. You'll cause a panic. Discord, come down from the chandelier before Blueblood has a stroke. Discord, behave yourself. Discord, stop making all the courtiers spill pasta out of their mouths every time they say something even if it IS that bad. It's hardly ever fun at all!"

Fluttershy's wings stiffened in outrage before she realized it and hastily folded them back with a demure blush.

"But I did make a new friend, and since you're the best person I know about helping friends trust friends, aaaaand my new friend miiiight have the same kind of problems...could I ask you for a teensy-weensy bit of advice?"

"You made a new friend? Discord, I am SO proud of you! I know that most ponies don't know what to make of you at first, but you're a sweetie-sweet-sweetheart once they get to know you. Who was it?"

Discord wafted into the air to whisper the name straight into Fluttershy's ear.

Charitably, it wasn't unreasonable at all that the people inside the tower would mistake the resulting squawk of outrage and crash to be the Griffon Ambassador colliding with another tower after one too many evening nightcaps. I mean, who'd have thought you could get that kind of noise out of Fluttershy?


"And after what I did to Ponyville?", said the Discord-moth plastered to the roof.

Fluttershy twitched in midair at the thought. "But...she's a pony? She should know better...she...."

"...had an ancient evil amulet that brought out the worst in anypony who wore it? A nasty attitude and not a friend in the world? Heavens, Fluttershy. I know it's been a hard week, after she found you freezing to death in the snow..."

"...in the snow?"

Two feathery antennae covered a cyclopean eye. "I see Celestia and Luna are as excellent at breaking the news as ever. Yes. After you were done blowing up most of the Crystal Empire with the Elements of Harmony, she found you in one big slushy pony-pile near the tracks as the last train was about to go on by. That is, I made friends with the pony who saved my best friend in the world."

"...I blew up the Crystal Empire? But...Trixie?"

"She also saved most of the Royal Guard from being eaten by demons and Princess Luna adores her."

At this, Fluttershy's mind simply shut down from utter incomprehension and she settled with a delicate thump on the roof, Angel frantically trying to get her to snap out of it.

"I should have expected that. Now, I'm better at making people snap than unsnapping them..." The moth cleared his throat. "At last, I have Fluttershy under my spell. Mwah-ha-ha. I am so evil and devious. Bwa-ha-ha."


"STOP RIGHT THERE, DISCORD!", Twilight Sparkle yelled as she suddenly materialized on the tower roof. "I MEA-whoawhoawhoawhoaWHOA!" ...and slid down the slippery tiles she landed on to go flying into the into the air, wings extended. Sadly, wings feathered with rocks. The flight looked to be vertical and terminal as the alicorn tumbled helplessly end over end off the precipice...

...until a "Pretty Pretty Pegasus Baby's First Flight Parachute" canopy popped into thin air, neatly harnessed to the plunging pony. Stabilized, the gently twirling Twilight descended into a stable (if utterly undignified) drift to the path below. On the way down, she passed the window Rainbow Dash was sitting by, still muzzle-to-page.


"Mmm-hmm..." said Rainbow Dash without moving an inch. "Oh, Daring Do! Don't you know your new coltfriend is secretly a vampony?". Sadly for the alicorn, the new novel was still a better story than Twilight. A long minute later, Twilight touched down- and blinked back to the top of the tower.

"YOU LET HER GO YOU NAST- er, what?"

A doctor-scrub clad Discord was holding Angel in one paw, the bunny frantically rubbing his face against Fluttershy's muzzle.

"Hush now, quiet now. We're attempting nuzzle-to-nose resuscitation here, Twilight Sparkle. It's a delicate process." The precious procedure only took a few moments more to shake Fluttershy out of her daze as Twilight watched.

"I...I had the most horrible dream, Discord! Someone told me I made an entire city go boom and Trixie had to save everyone!"

"Umm...we kinda did and Trixie...er....saved us all.", Twilight said with a blush. Fluttershy went cross-eyed and tipped over with a rustle of feathers into Discord's waiting paws. Still in his surgical mask and scrubs, the chimerical chaos-bringer looked at his accuser and dropped Angel in front of Twilight...who promptly went over, kicked her in the foreleg and chittered something rather rude that would have probably made Fluttershy faint again, if she wasn't out cold already.

"Would you like to be a LITTLE more sensitive, Twilight?", the caretaker of chaos said peevishly. "If we rub Angel on her much more, he's going to start to peel."