• Published 23rd Feb 2013
  • 3,357 Views, 82 Comments

Step Up, Don't Suck - KodyGears

[WG + Kody Collab] You and Allie Way meet every Saturday to go bowling.

  • ...

Chapter Two






The bowling had concluded and you had about as well as a performance as to be expected. (High score: 28) Treble bowled almost exactly his average while Sea Swirl had a really good day. Of course, Allie completely ran away with the lead.

Now, as promised, you and Allie are currently locked in another head to head battle of your favorite arcade game in the bowling alley, Street Fighter II: The Equestria Warrior. The two of you would often play when you were finished bowling. It allowed for some of the kids around to clear out when their parents finished up bowling themselves and took them home. Some of your matches get quite intense.

Unfortunately, as Allie Way gets into the game, she starts to lean forward toward the screen. Sometimes she leans in far enough that it starts to block your vision of what’s going on. A quick reminder is enough for her to lean back, though. Still, with how close to the screen she gets, it’s almost a wonder how she doesn’t need glasses.

Either way, she still remains as the toughest opponent you know. She uses one of those “bullet hell” strategies. She always says it’s to keep you on the edge of your wit, but you think it’s because she likes to torture you with a screen full of projectiles. You can put up a pretty good fight though. If you ever break through her endless wall of shots, you can deal some good damage to her. In the end, you often end the match with one of you only having a few hit points to spare.

“I’m closing in on ya!” you say, feeling like a predator going in for the kill.

“No! No!” she squeals excitedly, leaning to her side. She often reflects what happens in game, as if she is physically trying to dodge your character’s actions in real life.

You narrowly dodge another one of her missiles and pull a fake out on her. Going low instead of high, you input the string of commands you have on muscle memory. Low, medium, medium, launch. Medium, medium, heavy, launch, quarter-circle backward, and super!

You watch as her character’s lifebar rapidly drains. Allie frantically mashes buttons as she constantly repeats “no” to herself, hoping to break out of the attack. Her efforts are all for naught as her vitality drains to zero and the game declares you the winner.

“AAAAUUGH!” Allie exclaims, leaning back with her hooves in her face. You watch her display, your shoulders shaking due to a silent chuckle as your character’s victory animation plays. You’re a little afraid she might fall over with how far back she bends. After a few seconds she begins to lean forward again, hooves dropping with one of them landing next to the joystick.

“Rematch,” is all she says.

You smile as you pull out a bit. She paid for your first match so now it’s your turn. Dropping it into the machine, a sound plays confirming that your money has been entered. Pressing the two-player option, the screen flashes before opening back up to the character select screen with its rather energetic music to get you pumped up for the battle that’s about to occur.

Putting your cursor over P. Honda, your usual character, you don’t select yet instead letting the timer run down as you get a quick breather from the last fight. Even though it’s just a game, sometimes it really does take it out of you.

Allie keeps going back and forth between certain characters, sometimes humming to herself in thought, as if she’s trying to think of which character would best counter your choice. Flipping throughout the list for a little bit, the timer to select a character begins to get dangerously low. She ultimately decides on Pen, her usual choice, and you finalize your selections.

The screen then shifts over to the stage select screen. You scan over all of the available countries, trying to decide where to duke it out. Whenever Allie chooses, she never really cares about where you go and often just picks the first place her cursor happens to land on. You put a little more thought into it, trying to pick something that would best fit the mood. And right now, the Amareican stage seems the most appealing, if only because you want to hear the theme that plays on it.

As the game starts up and that familiar tune hits your ears, you immediately prepare for the onslaught of projectiles that she has in store for you. Taking to the air, you’re surprised when she suddenly bum-rushes you, going in with her melee rather than her missiles. Your character’s vitality begins to chip away as she pulls a simple combo on you. You quickly regain your bearings as she drops it and you begin to bring the pain onto her once again.

As you slug away at her, you notice her leaning forward in the corner of your eye. Her teeth are gritted and her eyes never seem to blink. She acts almost as if her whole life rides on this one game. You can’t fight the urge to smile. You always thought it was cute with how overly determined she can get.

You bring your full attention back to the game, only to cringe as a result. You probably should have been paying attention, as she’s now wailing away on you again. You rock the joystick in an attempt to break out of her combo string as your health falls away in discernible chunks.

Finally, a break in her assault gives you time to put some distance between you and her. You see her backing up as well, undoubtedly gearing up to finish you off with a barrage of projectiles. Without much time to act, you move forward again as her character begins his animation with his hooves glowing with energy. As it releases, you jump over and close the gap before rapidly tapping the attack button. Your character begins dealing out the blows himself as the fight begins to turn in your favor.

“That freaking Hundred Hoof Slap!” Allie yells out in frustration. You know it’s cheap, but then again, you’re not the one who bases their strategy around throwing projectiles. As she mashes all the buttons and wrenches the joystick all around to the point you’re half afraid she’ll break the machine, you hear some ponies come up behind you.

“So, instead of bowling, y’all come here to practice and get good at them little filly games?” they ask.

A quick glimpse behind you confirms who it is. Sighing inwardly, you wonder why Hard Ball is here. His team usually finishes and packs up before yours. You guess it’s because today your team went fast because you really wanted to hit the arcade. You choose to ignore him as Allie breaks free from your combo.

He chuckles before continuing. “The two of you are just wastin’ yer bits on these stupid games. Y’all could probably do somethin’ real good with the money you throw away on these-”

“AH-BUP-BUP-BUP!” Allie exclaims, flailing a hoof somewhere in Hard Ball’s direction before returning it to tapping the buttons, eyes never moving away from the screen.

The stallion gives you a confused gesture, pointing at the mare with a raised eyebrow. All you can do is give a shrug in return before bringing your eyes back to the screen.

“Ya see? These things are turnin’ yer brains into mush! Just look at her!” he exclaims loudly, pointing towards the mare beside you. When he doesn’t get a response out of Allie, he sighs and continues. “It’s no wonder y’all aren’t any good.”

“C’mon Hard Ball, we went over this earlier.” you respond as you input another combo. “It isn’t about winning, it’s about fun.”

“Yuh.” Allie mumbles half-attentively. You raise an eyebrow at her as she mashes the buttons feverishly.

“Is that what y’all think?” he asks, the words icy as they leave his mouth. You give him a nod, not taking your eyes off the screen for a second. “Well then, what if it were all about winning?”

Your feel ears perk up. “What are you getting at?”

“What I’m sayin’ is how’s about yer team an’ mine have a little wager?” he asks, smugness oozing from his voice.

Pfft,” you respond. “We’d never agree to that, would we Allie?”

“That’s nice,” she responds, starting to lean a little too close to the screen again.



“Well I know you ain’t got the guts for the challenge...” Out of the corner of your vision, you see him walk around to beside Allie Way, who has now switched to a more defensive game. It’s hard to get around her blocks as she’s waiting to get her own jabs in “But what about yer team captain here?”

You begin to see trouble brewing in this situation. “Hey, you can’t ask Allie now, we’re in the middle of something here!”

Your cries are ignored as Hard Ball begins, “Allie, what would you say ‘bout yer team against mine? Think you can take us in a game of bowling with somethin’ on the line?”

“Neat,” she responds, still unaware of the world outside the arcade cabinet.

“In fact, I might just go ahead an’ do y’all a favor...” he states with a wicked grin. “We compete in the wager known as... the Bowler’s Bond?”

“The Bowler’s what?” you ask. You take your eyes off the screen for only a moment as a combo goes through her defenses and momentarily stuns her character.

“Oh c’mon, everypony knows about The Bond! The wager of two captains for what is most important to them.” He turns his pestering back to Allie. “So whaddya say? We got a bet, captain?”

“Yeah, whatever.” she mumbles.

“Wait, what!?” you exclaim, taking your hooves off the controls. “Allie-”

“Well that settles it!” Hard Ball butts in. “It’s a bet! How does two weeks from now sound?”

“Cool.” Allie murmurs.

“Perfect! Two weeks it is then!” he says before circling around back to your side. He closes the distance before whispering into your ear. “Make sure y’all bring your A-game. Celestia knows you’ll need it.”

Your eyes no longer focusing on the screen, you watch Hard Ball as he trots away, cackling all the while. A rock begins to form in your gut. If this is just a simple bet, then he is way too happy about it.

The victory fanfare of the arcade machine rings in your ears as Allie lets go of her controls. Springing backward, she begins to shout.

“WOO!” she exclaims, waving her hoof toward your snout. “IN YOUR FACE! Time for you to go home and be a family colt!”

You simply stare at her, mouth agape. She doesn’t notice your expression as she dances around goofily, humming some victorious tune. When it comes to bragging, Allie doesn’t joke around.

She continues her display for a while. “So was somepony talking to us?” she asks in the middle of ‘stirring the pot’.

“You just... agreed to a bet against Hard Ball. Our team against his in two weeks,” you say, still somewhat in shock.

“Wait, what!?” Allie exclaims, her dancing coming to an abrupt end. “Why would I ever do that?”

Your eyes go between her and the arcade machine.

“...Oh,” she replies simply. With a shrug she adds, “Well, it’s not a big deal. We’ll just tell him the bet’s off and we don’t want to do it.”

“What if he doesn’t let us back out?” you ask.

“Please. Then it’s just a case of saying, ‘I’m the manager so shut up.’ Simple as that.”

Her response causes you to smile. She’s right, they can’t actually force you to go through with the bet and even if they try, Allie has authority here. They may try to call you a few more names, but that’d be nothing new. You let yourself relax a little more.

“You’re right,” you say. “Them and their silly little ‘Bowler’s Bond’. So, next game?”

If there is a record for the fastest drop in a facial expression, Allie would have broken it just now. The smile on her face vanishes in an instant and is replaced with a concerning frown as her eyes widen. You could have sworn you saw one of her eyelids twitch, too.

“Th-The what...what did you just say?” she asks shakily.

“Uh...the bet?” you reply unsurely. “He said something about the ‘Bowler’s Bond.’ Why?”

“He, uh...” she begins with a shaky chuckle, “He didn’t mention anything about ‘the wager of two captains for what is most important to them,’ did he?”

“Yeah?” you say, concern building up again.

Her eyes defy all logic and widen even more. “Oh no, no no no nonononono! This is not good, this is very not good!”

“Wh-What?” you ask. “What is so ‘not good’ about the Bowler’s Bond?”

“Did I just hear somepony say ‘Bowler’s Bond?’”

A third voice enters the conversation from behind you. Turning around, you are greeted with a mare sporting a large, red mane and an overwhelming amount of make-up. Standing before you is the owner of the alley, Big Wig. And judging from the excited look in her eyes, she seems quite keen to ensure that she heard you correctly.

“Uh...yes?” you respond nervously.

“Oh my,” the mare starts. “We haven’t had a Bowler’s Bond in ages! Hoowee, this is exciting!”

The feeling of nervousness in your gut steadily growing, you cast a glance over to Allie, only to find her with her hooves on her head and shaking it from side to side. “Um...I’m a little in the dark here, apparently. What is this Bowler’s Bond?”

“Why the Bowler’s Bond is just about one of the biggest wagers a team can make! Comes right from the code in the olden days,” Big Wig explains. “When a captain challenges another captain, they compete for the most important thing to both of them. Their teammates.”

“What?” you ask. “A wager of teammates?”

“That’s right!” she says. “In the Bowler’s Bond, the team who loses must vote off one member, of their team, never to return again. And I know I’m not supposed to play favorites among those in the league, but...” She leans close to you, losing her happy expression before whispering, “I’ll be rooting for you.”

She stands up again with her bright and cheery demeanor. “Oh, a Bowler’s Bond Bet! How exciting!” she says while walking away.

You turn back to Allie who is now nervously biting her lip, looking down, and rubbing the ground with a hoof. Eventually, she slowly looks back up at you.

“Sorry...” she mumbles.

“This is ridiculous!” you shout, throwing your hooves in the air. “Since when did bowling have this complex ancient code about it!?”

"It’s throwing rocks at sticks!” Allie exclaims in response. “An act old as time itself! What made you think it didn’t!?”

“Oh, well, pardon me for not knowing the most intricate details of the sport! Let alone a tradition that hasn’t been done in ages!” you retort.

She opens her mouth to respond, but stops. Putting a hoof over her muzzle in anguish, she lets out a disgruntled sigh. “Alright, alright. Yelling at each other isn’t gonna solve anything.”

“You’re right,” you agree. “We need to do something. Why don’t we just go to Hard Ball and tell him it was a misunderstanding?”

Allie drops her gaze to the floor. “I’m afraid we can’t. Once a bet is established by a Bowler’s Bond, it’s pretty much set in stone. If we back out, it’s considered a loss, so we’ll still have to fulfill our part in the bet.”

You can feel that tension building back up in your stomach again. “Is there any way out of it that doesn’t end up with us having one less teammate?”

“We might need to consult the book about this,” Allie says calmly.

“The book?” you ask.

“Yes,” she says as she begins to trot in the other direction. “The Bowler’s Bond is kind of a sacred thing. So much so that there is actually a full ruleset established for it.”

You begin to trot after her. “So somepony actually wrote a book on it?”

“I know, it sounds silly. But when the foundation of an entire team is at risk, it helps to have everything written down for somepony to read up on, right?” she says.

You give her a shrug in agreement. Taking care to avoid the other ponies in the alley, she leads you to a door at the far end of the building. A “Staff Only” sign hangs on the door and it has a noticeably dull color to it, unlike most of the other decor of the building. Pulling out a ring of keys from her pocket, Allie sifts through them until she lands on one that shares the same gray color of the door.

Placing it into the lock and turning it, the door opens with a slight squeak. She quickly trots inside and flicks on the lights. Within the confines of the room is an assortment of different crates and random bowling gear. Shoes, pins, balls, cleaning utensils, and more litter the room. The lights overhead hang from thin wires and flicker occasionally, standing as testament to their lack of use.

Making your way over all of the random objects, you follow Allie to the back. She scans her eyes over the labels on every crate in her search. It doesn’t take her too long before her gaze settles on a smaller box near the back. On the box is a small paper that reads “books.” She quickly trots over to it and cracks the lid off with her magic. Reaching into the box, she begins to root through the contents. She levitates out all of the books that are not her current bounty, including the likes of ball control guides, manuals for lane equipment, and other similar texts.

“Ah!” she suddenly exclaims. “Here it is!”

Retracting her head from the box, she holds a small brown book in her hooves. On the cover is a golden ball with pins on either side. She lifts the book to her muzzle and blows a stream of air onto it, expelling the dust right into your snout. Coughing into your hoof several times, you cast an annoyed glance to Allie, who just gives you a sheepish smile in return.

She sets the book into her hooves and pushes back the cover, which opens with a distinct crack. “This guide has everything you need to know about the Bowler’s Bond...”

“Okay, so what are our options that don’t involve losing a teammate?” you ask.

Allie skims through the pages, quietly murmuring the contents of each section to herself. She stops flipping after only a few seconds. “Only two,” Allie claims. “One, both captains agree to cancel the challenge, which I can’t see Hard Ball doing. That stallion is about a stubborn as a toddler. Or two, we win the bet.”

You stare at the mare in disbelief for a few moments. A barrage of thoughts go through your head. Many of them are schemes to slip out of the bet, yet none of them seem feasible. Other thoughts include what the reactions of Treble and Sea Swirl might be when you inevitably have to tell them. And a few more thoughts depict just how screwed you might be.

“They’re going to vote me off...” you say in a groan. “Treble hates me and Sea Swirl always sides with him... I’m as good as gone.”

"Whoa whoa whoa,” Allie says, holding up her hooves. “Even if they did vote for you, you and I vote for Treble and then it’s tied.”

“And what does a tie vote say for the Bowler’s Bond?” you ask.

“In the event of a tie, then the captain of the team...” she begins, but trails off.

“Gets to choose?” you ask, a little hope restored.

“...has to leave,” she finishes nervously through her teeth. “For failure to keep unity and allowing such a divide among the team.” The lift in your spirits her words provided now made them drop and somehow burrow lower than before.

You slowly suck air in through your teeth at this news. The lift in your spirits her words provided now made them drop and somehow burrow lower than before.

“But Treble wouldn’t allow that. If he wants to vote you off, it means he wants to win. I’m the best they’ve got and even though we don’t get along all the time, he wouldn’t let me get dropped.”

“If he’s under fire, he’ll just call your bluff anyway. Should we vote for Sea Swirl instead?”

“Wait, if we vote Treble, and then vote Sea Swirl... Wait a minute!” she suddenly exclaims. “Why are we thinking about this as if we’re definitely going to lose?”

“Because they’re ranked so much higher than us?” you suggest.

“Details, details,” she says with a wave of her hoof she closes the book and tosses it back into the box with her magic. It kicks up another good portion of dust, thankfully away from you this time. You follow her out of the room and she turns off the lights behind you. Closing and locking the door again, she begins walking to the posted scores of the league next to the front counter.

“Okay, let’s see...” she says, scanning up and down the page. “Here’s us and our averages,” she points out with her hoof. “And here’s them and their averages.” She reaches quite a bit higher to show it.

Her eyes flick between the two lists of names, but you can’t focus on it due to a growing sense of dread. You never liked looking at listed scores, averages, or even your own scorecards. You had come to terms with your subpar bowling ability long ago and just enjoyed having an excuse to see a bunch of ponies you could call your friends.

“Hmm...” she lets out in a loud thoughtful hum. “Well, I definitely beat Hard Ball,” she says. This was no secret. Everypony who was a regular knew that for all of Hard Ball’s gloating, Allie easily trumped him.

“Okay, one of ours can beat one of theirs, but that doesn’t help when there are three more members,” you say.

“Actually, it does,” she responds. “With the difference between me and Hard Ball, then Treble actually beats their second best. And there’s enough leftover to give Sea Swirl a serious advantage. That just leaves...” She slowly turns to you.

“...We’re so screwed,” you say, dropping your head.

“Hey, not yet we’re not,” she says. “Look, we have two weeks. Don’t stress about it for now.”

“Don’t stress about it!?”

“For now.” She looks to the pile of scorecards on the counter and looks up at the clock. With a sigh she says, “Look, I’m afraid I have to enter in today’s scores. I think I’ve put that off long enough.” You nod in response. “Go home for now. Let it go. I’ll think of something.”

Breathing in a deep breath and slowly releasing it, you say, “Okay. I hope you come up with something, Allie, because if it comes down to me then we lose.”

“Don’t talk like that,” she says, giving your shoulder a nudge with her hoof. “Like I said, just let it go for now. See you later?” she asks with a smile.

“Yeah. Later,” you say before turning around. You can hear Allie stack the scorecards and straighten them by tapping the pile on the desk as you walk away.

Opening the door causes you to get immediately hit with the warm weather. The sun just above the horizon indicates that it must be getting close to the end of the day. You figure it’d be best just to get home and fix something for dinner. You don’t feel like doing too much else at the moment. Walking away from the bowling alley, you just head down the path for home.

Allie said she’d think of something. What could she possibly come up with to help?


I...I’m not getting it, you think to yourself. How does a hoof even do that?

Upon arriving home about an hour ago, you quickly to your bookshelves and bust out the old guide on bowling stances. Just like the last time you read it, it doesn't offer too much help. You can’t quite wrap your head around what it asks of you to do with your hooves. Twist them back while you shuffle forward and just...what? It still makes no sense!

Sighing for the umpteenth time today, you set the book down and rub your temples. It’s been...an eventful day, to say the least. Ever since your chat with Allie, you've been a bit on edge about the situation you find yourself in. Just what would you do if you lose the bet? You can’t imagine the disappoint you would face from Allie. Not to mention Treble and Sea Swirl.

Still, you have a bit of faith. Allie said that she would come up with something. Though she can be a bit scatterbrained, you know that she wouldn't let you down. She is your team’s leader for a reason, after all. You just wonder what she will have in store for you the next time you meet.

You lean back into your couch and cast a glance to the clock. It’s just a few minutes till 11:00 PM. The mere sight of the time seems to spur a yawn in you as you involuntarily open your mouth. You figure you might as well get some sleep. Shaking your head, you slide off of the couch and onto your hooves. Turning to the hallway, you begin to make the trek to your bedroom.


A noise from behind catches your attention. Turning around, you find a small scroll wrapped in a blue ribbon resting on the desk near your window. Strange, you think to yourself. Who would send me a letter at this hour?

Walking over, you pick up the scroll. Bringing it up to your muzzle, you carefully remove the ribbon with your teeth before unrolling it to read.

You look at the clock again as if maybe you traveled backwards in time without realizing. Nope, it’s still way past when the bowling alley closed for the day. Looking back to the letter again, you confirm that the near-catscratch is definitely Allie’s writing. Every time you see it you can’t help but wonder how a unicorn can’t write more neatly.

Letting a puff of air escape your lips, you ponder what you should do. On the one hoof, it’s late and there’s no way that the place would be open. On the other, it’s definitely Allie who sent you the message. Maybe something in the magical delivery caused it to be delayed like crazy? Possible, but you don’t want to risk blowing her off if she does want you to go there now. It’s decided then, you’ll go.

You put a hoof to the window to check the weather outside and see if you need a light jacket or something. The cool, but not frigid pane tells you that it is a warm night and you should be fine. Then you look out into the dark streets you’ll be treading and decide to cover yourself in something anyway. A light silver windbreaker will do.

Slipping it on as you walk, you close the door to your house behind you. Looking around, you realize that the town can be a little creepy when it’s dark. A small amount of anxiety begins to build in your chest as the sounds of crickets and the occasional owl is all that you can hear. Amazing how you can become so familiar with the day’s normal hustle and bustle.

You tell yourself you shouldn’t be afraid. Only small foals were afraid of the dark. There’s nothing to worry about, and you shouldn’t keep Allie waiting. Forcing one hoof in front of the other, you begin your now not-so-familiar trek down the path.

A light breeze flows through the area, rustling your mane gently. A few clouds lazily drift through the night sky, but it is still quite clear for the most part. The same could be said for the streets as well. Not a single pony is in sight. All of the surrounding houses are pitch black through the windows as well.

The more you think on it, the more it seems like that letter was just a screw up in the system. There’s no way Allie would be out at this time of night, let alone at the alleyway. Even more so seeing that it’s long past closing time. Yet that doesn’t explain why you are still heading that way...just some strange curiosity, you suppose.

After only a few minutes of trotting through an empty Ponyville, you find the alleyway coming into view. You squint your eyes to get a little better view in the darkness, but you can’t make out the figure of the cream-colored mare anywhere. The alley itself also seems to be rather dim as well. You begin to question the validity of that letter again, feeling as though it was just a mistake.

Despite that feeling, you trot up to the door. Peeking in through the windows, you see that there actually is a very faint light coming from the inside. With a new sense of curiosity taking over you, you jiggle on the door handle, only for it to deny you access via its locks. Raising an eyebrow, you figure the next (and only) course of action would be to knock. Rapping your hoof on the door a few times, you keep your eyes focused through the window.

After a few seconds, you see a figure. Though it is obscured by the darkness, you can still make out who it is after squinting for a moment.

“Allie?” you say aloud to yourself.

Sure enough, walking up to the door you start to see recognizable features. The icy blue mane, the smooth purple shirt, and the confident smirk. As soon as she’s within reach of the door, she holds out a hoof and pushes it open.

“Hey, you made it!” she says. “Come on in! Sorry for making you wait, but our security doesn’t exactly like ponies trying to magic our doors after hours.”

“I see,” you respond as you walk in. She lets go of the door and it closes slowly as the two of you begin to walk down to the far lane. The bowling alley looks a lot different with most of its lights off. The carpet and wall designs are not as inviting as you remember them. The balls on the rack don’t shine to entice potential bowlers. The air around you actually feels cold enough to be unsettling. Unfamiliar shadows are cast every which way giving the entire place a sort of disorientating feeling. The only reason that you’re still somewhat comfortable here is because Allie is with you. Speaking of...

“So why did you make me come here this late at night?” you ask.

“Because...” she begins as you reach the lane. You’re glad to finally get near the current source of all light in the building. She turns to you and continues, “I have a plan to beat Hard Ball.”

“You do?” you ask excitedly.

“Yep! It’s real simple.” She uses her magic to lift up a pair of bowling shoes in your size in front of you. “We just use the two weeks to train you up into a bowling machine!” she says happily.

You feel heart drop down into your hooves.

“But... I suck at bowling, remember? We had nearly half a season and I haven’t gotten any better,” you explain.

“Well that changes now!” she says, tossing the shoes at you and making you scramble to catch them. “I’ll personally teach you and we’ll have you knocking pins down left and right. And center. And the ones in the back.” She reaches over and puts her hooves on your shoulders, the bowling alley’s new lighting making her seem to glow with determination. “You will knock down all the pins is what I’m saying.”

You roll your eyes. “Good luck with that,” you say.

Trying to turn away, you feel that Allie has hardened her grip, holding you in place. Looking back to her, she now has a stern look on her face.

“Didn’t I tell you not to be so hard on yourself?” she asks. You open your mouth to respond, but she beats you to it. “Look, this isn’t about that silly bet. Forget about Hard Ball and that whole ordeal for tonight, okay? Right now, I want this to be just you, me, and those ten pins down that lane.” She quickly waves a hoof down the track towards the pins before bringing her attention back to you. “If not for that bet, could you at least try for yourself? And for me?”

Your gaze flicks back and forth between her eyes. She is dead serious about helping you improve. Her grip on your shoulders doesn’t budge in the slightest as she waits for a reply. Seeing as she did call you out here this late at night, would it be fair to deny her this request? She just wants to help you, after all. You at least owe it to her to give this a shot, even if your efforts turn out all for naught.

Not to mention that puppy dog pout she’s making. Celestia have mercy on the soul who could resist a face like that.

With a sigh, you speak. “Okay.”

Her face lights up almost enough to brighten the otherwise dark alley. She takes her hooves off of your shoulders and quickly makes her way over to a switch between the seats. She flicks the switch and you watch as the bowling lane is illuminated by the lights overhead. You quickly slide your shoes on and go over to join Allie.

As the pins are set back down onto the track by the machinery, Allie speaks. “Okay, first things first. I want to just watch you bowl first and we can work from there.” She points to the orange ball resting on the rack. “I got it all shined up and ready to go, so hop to it!”

Walking up to the ball, you notice that it’s the same one you were using this morning. Picking it up, you walk up to the line, still a bit unsure about the few clinks and whirs you still hear from the alley’s machinery. Turning back to Allie, she just gives you another smile, a nod, and points towards the pins.

Taking another breath, you stand yourself up straight. Staring down the light of the lane finally gives you a sense of familiarity. It’s almost just like you were bowling earlier today. You remember how Allie would bowl and run through in your head again. You take your first step...

One, two, three... fourFIVE-

A hard last step hurls the ball out of your hoof and down the lane. It quickly goes left into the gutter and nearly bounces in the other lane altogether. With a loud THUMP it hits the back of the lane and a few more whumps and rattles sends it through the ball returner.

You look back to Allie who is now sporting a stone-like poker face. “Okay, let’s start with what you did right,” she says plainly. “Your stance at the beginning was good. Very nice. Looked very confident.”

“And then...?” you ask.

She bites her lip and starts slowly shaking her head.

“We have our work cut out for us.”