• Published 1st Feb 2012
  • 904 Views, 11 Comments

The New Generation - TheBlackPanda

A sequel to 'A Hero's Story', Brandon and his daughters fight an oncoming apocalypse, and Discord.

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Intermission: It's time for some backstory!

Katherine watched the whole ordeal through the Mind's Eye. She wanted to vomit as she watched Celestia torment Brandon. It was horrible. He had been reduced to tears. The entire town had cursed his very existence. And John had her locked up in her room. She was holding back screams, it hurt to watch it happen. Finally, Brandon grew some sense and got the fuck outta dodge. She sighed and laid down in her bed. She let her fatigue swallow her consciousness. And she was welcomed with a flashback.


Buildings burned. There were people screaming. She tried to push past the crowd that ran against her. She was screaming for her mother, who had been swept in the opposite direction. Katherine managed to escape the crowd. She left the town, refusing to look back as the gryphons attacked Canterlot.

Time went forward. Equestria had finally built a school again. It was called high school. There were three divisions for every Equestrian. There were the Unicorns, the magically advanced and the smartest, the Pegasi, which had flight powers and extreme bravery, and there were the Earths, the overall strongest and most athletic of the three. There were entrance tests that they took, one for each type. Every type was examined. The students gathered in the assembly hall to announce who got what. Katherine was excited to learn what she got. Until they skipped right over her name. She was devastated, thinking that she had failed all three. When they were sent to lunch, Katherine was called to the office. In the office there were three people. A teacher, and two students, who were both girls. The first one had multicolored hair. She was wearing a white hoodie and blue jeans. The other one had deep blue hair. She was wearing a black t-shirt with a blue miniskirt. She had on blue knee socks and wore black shoes. Katherine sat down to the two. The teacher introduced herself, "Hello. I am Genesis, the headmaster of this school. We have decided to name it Canterlot High. You three, introduce yourselves."

The one with multicolored hair went first, "Hey. I'm Celestia. It's my first year here, and honestly, I think it's gonna be fun!"

The one with blue hair went next, "Hi. I'm Luna. I love this place already, it's amazing!" She looked at Celestia, "And that's my sister, by the way."

Katherine was shocked, they were so different, yet they had that family resemblance. She introduced herself, "I'm Katherine. Hi..." Her face felt hot. What the hell is wrong with you? she thought to herself. You can say more, can't you?

She opened her mouth to say more, but no words came out.

Genesis smiled, "Well, the reason I have called you three here is because you had the highest test scores out of all three tests!" The girls dropped there jaws in sync, "You three are the first in a hundred years to be dubbed alicorns."

Katherine was speechless, "B..But I thought that was a rumor?"

Genesis smiled, "No, child, but it rarely happens. There is one problem, however. You have to take classes for all three types instead of just one." That killed their joy. Genesis laughed, "I hope we can all get along! Go get some rest in the dorms! All three of you will be roommates, so I hope you don't kill each other!"

Genesis tossed Celestia the keys, one for each. The girls walked all the way to their dorm room. Once they opened the door, they were welcomed with a normal room. The girls sighed, Katherine in relief, Celestia in disappointment, and Luna somewhere in between. They picked their beds. Katherine threw a mattress on the floor. Celestia slept on a top bunk, Luna on bottom, and Katherine's mattress at the side of their bed. The three said goodnight to one another. The sisters rolled over and slept almost instantly. Katherine laid awake. She put a hand on her heart. It was beating furiously. She dismissed it as her excitement. Then she looked to her left and saw Celestia sleeping soundly, her light snore making Katherine blush. Oh, god. That's kinda cute... Katherine thought to herself. She fell asleep thinking of Celestia, and it was the best sleep she ever had.


The three had began an amazing friendship. They were always seen together, laughing, eating, crying, whatever. Then Katherine pulled Celestia off to the side. She was still blushing, and her heart was trying to jump out of her chest.

"Um, Celestia? I wanted to tell you something..." Katherine said, in a small voice.

"Sure. What is it?" Celestia replied.

"Well, we've known each other for a while, and I wanted to ask you something important..."


"It's just I, I...I...IthinkIhaveacrushonyou!" She threw the words out really fast. She was scared, she knew that this wasn't welcomed in the school.

Celestia was silent for a moment. She looked around. Once she concluded that no one was around, she pulled Katherine into a hug. She held her there. Katherine looked at Celestia's face. It was now or never. She went in for the kiss. Her and Celestia were kissing. Katherine felt like she was in heaven. When they broke the kiss, they looked to their right to see Luna clapping slowly, a sly grin on her face. "Well, 'Tia. I never knew you liked girls like that." Both girls looked at Luna in shock. They blushed. Luna laughed, "The only way to keep them off is to be open about it! They'll tease you until you come out of that closet, you know!"

Katherine and Celestia smiled at each other. Katherine kissed Celestia on the cheek. The two went to their bunks, glad tomorrow was Saturday.


Katherine sat up in her bed. Her and Celestia had been together for two months. Celestia's warmth helped her sleep. She laid back down. The girls had to go home for something important with their mother.


Luna and Celestia came back the next day. They seemed shaken. Katherine tried to hold her girlfriend's hand, and she felt a twitch. She pulled back. Finally, Celestia couldn't hold it back anymore. She took Katherine to a private area. She had a new air about her. She was wearing a white aviator's jacket with a sun on the left breast. Her beautiful multicolored hair seemed to flow even though there was no wind.

"Listen, babe. This is really bad. Basically, my mother is making me and Luna rulers of Equestria, but she won't let me do it if I'm, well, like this. What can I do?"

"Keep it secret." Katherine replied.

"Good idea... They're giving me immortality too! That's really cool, huh?"

Katherine's eyes grew wide. No, not now... she thought.

"What's wrong?"

"Immortality? That's horrible!"

"Why would it be? Living forever means never dying!"

"What about the rest of the people? You will never be able to enjoy someone else! They're always going to die without you!"

"Katherine, what do you know?"

"A lot! I am immortal! I was hoping you could get me away from this... And I know that when you go away to rule, you won't have time for me... I'll be left behind again!"

Celestia reached out to her, but Katherine stepped back. "I love you, more than you'll ever know..."

Katherine turned on her heels and ran, leaving Celestia behind.

The next day, Genesis told them that Katherine's parents had pulled her out. Celestia began to cry. She hugged her sister, knowing that she had lost that perfect someone.

And she couldn't be found.


Katherine woke up. She hated flashbacks. They sucked. You always felt bad afterwards. She wiped tears from her eyes.

First thing: Confront Celestia.

The last thing she wanted to do.