• Published 17th Jul 2013
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A Housecarl's Journey - Crysis Commander

Though Lydia has sworn to guard the Dovahkiin with her life, his constant mistreatment of her is beginning to take it's toll. After a battle with an unknown mage, she is sent to Equestria. How will she get home?

  • ...

Chapter I: A Quest of Her Own

Regaining consciousness, Lydia attempted to open her eyes only to be greeted by the sun giving her a less than friendly wake-up call. She closed them and grunted. Her throbbing head did not help her predicament in the slightest.
Turning onto her side, she opened her eyes again. There was one thing she immediately noticed: the earth and grass beneath her had somehow become much more colorful that the usual monotonous color Skyrim had to offer. She felt her armor to make sure it was still intact and checked her shield and blade. Everything about her seemed to be in order besides her slowly fading headache, but the surroundings still puzzled her.

Ahead of her, just beyond a hill or two, sat what seemed to be a town the likes of which Lydia had never seen. Though she was a good distance away, she could make out a few of the buildings, each one stranger than the last.

"Where am I? Why is everything so...bright?" Lydia asked of nobody in particular. Walking to the peak of the nearest hill, she could make more of the structures, and most odd of all, it's inhabitants.

"Horses? Why are they colored so strangely? Where are their masters?" she whispered to herself.

"Hello there!" said a child-like voice from behind Lydia.

Finally, someone to explain things, she thought, turning to face the source of the voice. Behind Lydia stood a small, brown-spotted colt. Though he had a cream colored coat, he wore a red cloth around his head.

Wearing a confused expression, Lydia knelt down to the colt's height. "Hello there, little one. Where is your master?" she asked in the manner she would address any other beast of burden in Skyrim. To Lydia's astonishment, the colt's expression changed into a look that seemed to match hers.

"Master? What are you going on about?"

Lydia's eyes went wide. She stumbled back, scrambling to her feet and drawing her sword. "By the Eight, the beast talks! What manner of dark magics is this?"

The little horse giggled a bit. "Of course I can talk. All us ponies can talk, and you're the strangest looking pony I've ever seen," he said, tilting his head a bit to the side.

As he spoke, Lydia backed farther and farther away from the mysterious talking horse, fearing for her very life.

"You stay away from me, monster! I am unsure just what sort of trickery or madness has caused you to talk, but I will have no part of it."

A light tapping on Lydia's shoulder caused her to scream and jolt around. A purple horse with a darker purple mane stood behind her. The oddest part about this horse to Lydia was the horn jutting out of it's skull.

"I knew there was something funny going on here," the lavender horse said.

This was the last thing Lydia remembered before fainting.

"Will it be okay, Miss Twilight?" Pip asked, a concerned expression on his face as he looked at the unconscious creature in the hospital bed.

He was answered with a nod from Twilight. "The human will be fine, Pip. They're usually quite tame creatures, though this is the first human to come around here in quite some time."

Pip smiled and looked at the "human"- as Twilight called it. He gingerly extended a hoof to brush the hair from her face. Despite Pip having never seen a creature such as this before, he was not afraid. In fact, he felt rather comfortable in the human's presence, even if it was unconscious and lying in a hospital bed.

Lydia's expression changed from one of rest to one of discomfort as she slowly opened her eyes, nearly blinded by the pale, artificial light above her bed. She turned onto her side to avoid the blinding luminescence and opened her eyes further.
The motley colt from before was looking back at her, a smile on his muzzle.

"Ms. Twilight, the human is awake!" he said energetically.

"Stendaar's mercy!" Lydia cried. She scrambled out of the bed, landing on her back on the opposite side. With a grunt, she returned to her feet and reached for her sword. Nothing was there. Her eyes widened as she looked down to see that not only was her sword was missing, but her armor as well, leaving her completely...exposed.

A deep blush overtook Lydia's face. As quick as she could, she grabbed the sheets from the bed and shielded herself from the strange talking horses.

Twilight looked a bit confused, but Pip couldn't keep himself from staring at Lydia; his muzzle appeared to have a slight reddish tint.

"Where is my armor and equipment, foul demons?" Lydia snapped, trying to mask her deep humiliation.

The older pony stepped forward. "I imagine you're wondering why we can talk, correct?" she asked.

Seeing as they were not attempting to inflict some sort of vigorous torture upon her, she shifted her look from one of rage to one of curiosity. "Indeed. How...how can you talk? Where am I? What are you? How do I get back home?"

"My name is Twilight Sparkle and this is Pipsqueak. The land we're in is known as Equestria, the main inhabitants of which are like us. We're ponies. Now...who are you?"

"I...I am Lydia; housecarl and protector of the Dovahkiin."

Twilight tilted her head to the side in curiosity. "What's a 'Dovahkiin?'"

Lydia was about to explain, then decided against it. These creatures may be able to help me return to Skyrim, but I shouldn't tell them of the Dragonborn. I'm clearly in some other world, meaning that there must be a Dragonborn here, as well. If I tell them about Skyrim's Dragonborn, then the one here may seek to destroy him and gain his power. As much as I despise him, I cannot allow that to happen; my oath forbids me.

"It's...it's nothing of your concern," replied Lydia, hoping that the ponies would buy it.

After pondering Lydia's story for a moment or two, Twilight nodded. "Alright, then. Since you're a human, I know you aren't from Equestria. Where are you from, Lydia?"

"I am from Skyrim, a country in the land of Tamriel."

"Hmm. Sky-rim. I've never heard of it before," said Twilight, brushing her chin with a hoof.

"Wait. You said that you know I'm a descendant of man. How do you know this?" asked Lydia. She wrapped the sheet around her body and sat on the bed again, expecting a lengthy story.

A sigh escaped Twilight's lips. "Beginning a year or so ago, humans started passing through here on their way to the mountains, claiming to join the following of Sagittarius and seek his guidance."

Lydia looked puzzled. "Sagittarius? What is that?"

"It was the name given to a constellation by Starswirl the Bearded. Little did he know, however, after assigning the constellations their identities, a creature representing each formed. Years back, our town was attacked by Ursa Minor, one of the named constellations. Sagittarius, the centaur, is said to have retreated into the mountains after it was created. Followers of the constellation's creatures have been around ever since, but none as prevalent as Sagittarius. Since it is half man and half horse, both humans and ponies have flocked to the monastery where Sagittarius is said to live. They haven't really bothered us, so us ponies haven't bothered them."

Twilight walked to the open window and looked out at the distant, snow-capped mountains. "Though I do get the feeling that there's something more going on; something sinister."

She returned to Lydia's bedside and chuckled. "I'm probably just over-thinking things."

"Okay, but how does that help me get back to Skyrim?" asked Lydia in more harsh of a tone than she had intended.

"Oh, sorry, I lost track of what I was saying. My original point is that to allow followers of Sagittarius to travel across dimensions to live at the monastery, Sagittarius sealed his power into a blade said to be kept there."

She reached into her saddlebag and levitated a book over to Lydia. "Here. This will explain the process of it's use and where the monastery might be located."

Lydia eyed the book mindfully. Flipping through the parts that Twilight had already told her, she came to what appeared to be some kind of cryptic message:

Through the valley that stretches as far as one can see,

To survive that is to prove you are indeed worthy.

Within the mighty mountains there His home doth stand,

For those who reach it, He will be sure that their reward...

...will be grand.

"It says something about a lengthy gorge and a mighty mountain range." Lydia said, looking to Twilight for a translation.

The unicorn's eyes widened. "I...I know what it means, but..."

"But what?" asked the housecarl, her nervousness increasing at Twilight's hesitation.

"It means that in order to get to the monastery, you have to go through"-Twilight gulped-"the Valley of Trials and the Ghastly Mountains."

Lydia pondered a moment. "I'm assuming that the valley is filled to the brim with trials and the mountains are rather perilous?"

Twilight nodded.

Bringing her hand to her mouth in a pondering manner, Lydia stood from the bed and walked over to the window, the ends of the sheet around her dragging across the floor. Looking to the distant mountains to the north, a pang of both fear and excitement swept through her. A determined smile crossed her lips.

"I guess I have no time to lose, then," Lydia said, turning back to the two ponies.

Her new-found vigor seemed to radiate into Pip as a tenacious expression appeared on his muzzle. For Twilight, however, Lydia's determination seemed puzzling.

"You mean you...want to go through all of that?" she asked.

Lydia nodded. "Of course. I always love a bit of adventure."

"Miss Lydia, is it okay if I come with you?" asked Pip, his eyes pleading.

The housecarl laughed and walked over to Pip, putting a hand on his head. "I'm afraid you're a bit young for adventuring, little one."

"But why?" whined Pip, a more childish nature showing itself in the young colt.

He seems similar to the young boys in Skyrim; never wanting to know a moments rest as the crave of excitement consumes them, thought Lydia. Though it was an admirable trait in the little pony, Lydia shook her head.

"I'm sorry, Pip. That's the way it has to be. A trip such as this is too dangerous for one of your age. Besides, I won't be coming back here once I reach the monastery."

Pip's eyes widened. "Wh-what?"

"Once I obtain the Blade of Sagittarius, I can return to Skyrim. I know that one such as I don't belong in a place such as this. You have my thanks for your help, but I have to return home." She directed her attention to Twilight. "If you could tell me where my armor and gear are, that would be wonderful."

With a sigh, Twilight motioned for Lydia to follow and walked out of the room, Lydia not far behind.

"There's got to be a way I can go along," Pip said to nopony in particular. Suddenly, a crafty idea popped into his head. "I've got it!"

"Please, Miss Lydia. It's late. You can't leave at this hour. I ask you to please stay the night at my house," said Twilight, pleading with the human.

A sigh escaped Lydia's lips. "You horses are persistent, I know that much. Alright, I will sleep at your home for tonight only. I will leave first thing in the morning."

"Thank you. I just didn't want you to enter the Valley of Trials at night. Besides, your knapsack doesn't have any food in it. You can't go off on a journey with an empty stomach."

A growl from Lydia's stomach caused her to take the unicorn's suggestion more seriously. "I guess a hearty meal would do me good. Thank you for allowing me shelter and food for the night, Twilight."

"It's fine, really. Many of the humans who came through here before you stayed at the library, as well. I'm sort of used to humans by now." Twilight looked out of the hospital lobby towards the setting sun. "We should get going; it's almost dark."

With this, the human and the unicorn left, making their way to the library as the sun's last rays disappeared into the night.

Upon entering the hollowed-out tree, Lydia's eyes widened.

"I can't recall ever seeing such a great number of books in one place," she remarked.

"Well until you leave tomorrow, you can read as many as you like. Just be sure to put them back where you find them."

"Thank you, Twilight. I highly appreciate your hospitality," said Lydia, bowing her head slightly.

The unicorn rubbed the back of her neck with a hoof. She hadn't been expecting this much appreciation from her guest. "It's no problem Lydia, really." Before she could continue, a loud yawn escaped her lips. "Well, I think I'm going to hit the hay here in a minute. Goodnight, Lydia."

"Goodnight to you as well, Twilight Sparkle."

Twilight cantered up the stairs into her room, leaving Lydia with only the massive bookshelves for company. A with a sigh of contentment, Lydia approached the shelves and selected a book regarding the Valley of Trials and another about the Ghastly Mountains.

Now to find out what I should be expecting on my journey, she thought.

As she sat down to read, the familiar feeling of drowsiness came over her. She slumped forward in the chair, drifting off into a deep slumber.

Lydia's eyes slowly opened, allowing her to realize that it was now some time in the late morning. She rose to her feet, causing the two books in her lap to fall to the floor. Not wanting to be an inconsiderate guest, Lydia picked them up and placed them back on the shelf.

"Oh good, you're up," Twilight said as she descended the stairs. "I put as much food as I could in your knapsack, so you should be set to go."

"You have my sincerest thanks, Twilight."

The housecarl picked up her knapsack from the ground. Hmm. Even though Twilight only added food, it feel a bit heavier than it did yesterday, she thought. She quickly dismissed the thought as nothing more than her imagination.

"Alright. I'm ready."

Twilight and Lydia approached the gate to the Valley of Trials outside of Ponyville. The only thing separating Lydia from her journey now as the solid steel door surrounded by towering walls. She turned to Twilight and knelt.

"You have my regards for all of your assistance, Twilight Sparkle," she said.

"Thank you, Lydia. Be careful."

Returning to her feet, Lydia approached the door and pushed it open.

This is it. No turning back now.

With a deep breath, she stepped through the door and closed it behind her. Before her lay exactly what the poem had said: a valley that seemed to stretched as far as she could see. In the distance, Lydia could see the caps of the Ghastly Mountains - her final objective.

"There's no time to waste," Lydia told herself. With her best foot forward, she set off on her very own quest.

Some time later, Lydia heard a faint, muffled noise coming from nearby. She removed her knapsack and drew her sword, ready for anything this strange land could throw her way. To her surprise, the sounds were coming from inside her knapsack. Curious, Lydia bent down and undid the strap.

Suddenly, the top of her knapsack flew open, sending apples, carrots, and various other fruits and vegetables flying out as well as a motley colt with a red cloth around his head.
