• Published 27th Feb 2013
  • 1,405 Views, 31 Comments

An Equestrian Journey - Aslfrasle

An endless abyss of sand in every direction. Among the sands, a lone unicorn draped in purple robes canters towards a mysterious light in the distance...the Journey begins

  • ...

The End of a Dream...

The air was still in the white void, emptiness as far as the eye could see in all directions. Among the blank, white canvas that was this space there was a single blot of color. A lone unicorn adorned in purple robes lay collapsed in the middle of the void. She was unmoving, though still alive as evidenced by her slow breathing. As she was lying there a looming white creature approached her, examining her prone form for signs of life. The creature finished its examinations and lifted its head to the sky, releasing a wave of sound in all directions. As if answering some unknown summons other creatures appeared out of the mists of the void and converged on the unicorn. The creatures were similarly shaped, all much taller than the sleeping unicorn though they had both a horn and wings and were all differently colored, all except one. Dancing around on her hooves in between the regal-looking creatures was the same fallen deity Twilight and her friends has met on her journey.

“So Celly, you must’ve found something pretty big if you’re calling all of us here like this.” She exclaimed with the same casual smile she always had. “Last time I saw you, Luna, and Cadence was when we had banish the pilgrims to prevent their greed from destroying everything; I still think we could’ve found a better way to solve that matter; though back to more important things, whatcha find?”

The white creature, referred to as ‘Celly’ looked down at the fallen unicorn and sighed. Pinkie looked at what they had gathered around, her mane deflating slightly when she saw the unicorn who had been so kind to her earlier.

“Aww, I really thought she would’ve made it. She certainly had the spirit and guts, and her friend seemed strong enough…” Pinkie sighed and looked away wistfully.

Seeing their hopes of someone completing the journey crushed, the beings slowly turned and departed from the area, each going their own separate way, reluctantly planning to find some new pony to restart the mission and succeed where others had failed.

Pinkie however, did not want to give up.

“HEEEEEYYYYY!” The others turned in shock at the loud outburst from the pink mare.

“I’ve always agreed with what you guys have said was necessary and even though I’ve had reservations about the way you guys do things I’ve never gone against them I knew you were doing what you all though was best,” Pinkie had tears in her eyes as she called to the others, “but this girl was the best chance we’ve ever had of someone completing the journey. For the first time since the good-old-days she made me feel like a deity again, she even got her friends to pray and make wishes as well just to make me happy, so I’m not going to give up on her. I don’t really know how yet, but I’m going to save her!”

The godly creature merely sighed at her clamor and looked away. ‘Celly’ looked towards Pinkie and called to her trying to reason the weeping deity.

“I don’t care what you say! She was so close, just a bit more and she would have made it!” She shouted at the white, godlike creature. “Can’t we just give her one more chance?”

Celly was about to explain that there was nothing they could do, since their powers began to fade they barely had enough energy to meet like this let alone return a lost soul from death. Before she could though, a group of strange lights appeared in the void. Each light was the same color as the cloaks of her fallen friends, and they each bore the respective sigil tat adorned her friend’s cloaks. They began to all call out in unison each one trying to suggest a way to save their friend Twilight.

Celly worked hard to understand their mad chirping, though after a few moments she was able to understand the gist of their plan. They planned to give their remaining energy to Twilight in hope that it was enough to bring her back. While they did not have much energy, barely enough to materialize, combined they just might have enough to bring her back. She turned to the four of them, explaining that if they chose to do this, they would disappear and cease to exist, they would be giving their very lives for Twilight to have a chance.

“Fluttershy, what are you and Rarity doing here? I thought I told you to stay back at the temple. You guys don’t need to do this!” Pinkie had managed to dry some of her tears, only to have them spring up again at the thought of losing her friend.

Fluttershy turned to her old friend and called out to her.

“I know someone needs to finish the journey, but...I can’t...you’ll disappear you know!” Pinkie tried to dissuade her former companion, all the while knowing that this was the only way. She sighed. “Will I ever see you guys again?”

None of them could answer, though they all hoped they would meet again in the future. They spent the next several moments discussing something with ‘Celly,’ presumably why this was all necessary, and why it was so important that Twilight finished her journey. After they finished, they all chirped a single thought in unison as they gathered into a single brilliant light.

See you later…

Then in a flash of shining light they disappeared into the prone form of the purple unicorn. Moments later, the unicorn was enveloped in a cocoon of light as she was lifted up into the sky of the blank void, finally ready to complete the task she had started.

Twilight felt a dull chill run through her body as she awoke. She strained to open her eyes, and found them surprisingly easy to open. She remembered falling unconscious in the middle of the snowy wastes of the mountain, and if that were true she should be incredibly sore and covered in frost yet she found herself light as a feather. She also noticed a surprising addition to her body that was not there before...wings. Poking out of slits in her deep purple robes were a pair of similarly purple wings, like the ones her friend Rainbow…RAINBOW!

She remembered her friends and how they fallen as well. She searched the area for them, but could find no trace of where they had fallen. She began to frantically dig in the snow, thinking they had been buried while she was unconscious. While she dug, she heard a faint whisper in the back of her mind. The whisper intensified until it was a group of voices, ones she recognized as the voices of her friends. They spoke of each of them falling in the snow unconscious and nearly dead. The creature they had seen in visions had explained that completing the journey was both important and necessary, and that it would help restart this world after the calamity that befell it. She also explained that Twilight had been their last chance, and even combined they did not have the energy to bring any of them back from the dead. That was when her friends told her how they gave their life energy to bring Twilight back, saying it was the only way they would be able to complete this journey.

Twilight was devastated by the loss of her friends and sobbed uncontrollably into the snow. They tried to calm her down by explaining that they weren’t gone but simply living inside her as a part of her, and they had become one with each other to finish this journey together. This idea helped to calm her down, and as she dried her tears and got out of the snowbank she had been sobbing into she thought to herself calmly.

We finish this together.

She felt a new sense of confidence as she cantered slowly towards the light that had been her goal these several days past. She had lived for this, she had died for this and now she was finally almost done. Finally she reached the end of the mountain path, and as the winds finally cleared she saw the peak of the mountain ahead of her. With her newfound wings she took to the sky, higher and higher until she had breached the clouds themselves. She gazed at the mountain, the blue sky behind it and it’s rising yellow sun.It was a truly beautiful sight to behold.

She soared towards a massive pathway leading towards the mountain’s peak, large gates marking the spaces between bridges, and traversed the path to a massive open plain. The plain was filled with scarves, sprouting from the snowy ground like daisies. As she walked up the pathway towards the peak Twilight thought of all she had learned on her journey.

She had made friends and learned what they were willing to do to stay together.

She had learned what had happened to her kind and how she could help them be reborn.

She learned why her journey was so important and how much of difference she was able to make.

She had not been alive for long, yet she had already experienced so many amazing things, more than most ponies had experiences in her entire life.

She smiled at the thought of how much she had accomplished in the past few days, and slowly made her way into the light she had strived, and worked so hard to reach.

And as the world went white one final time, she kept on smiling and with and single thought in her mind. I’m coming girls.

A light surged from the peak of the mountain, surging out into the sky. The light made it’s way through the lands below, and wherever it went life seemed to follow. It breathed new life into the lands, deserts became fields, and ruins became cities. The entire world was reborn in the brilliance of the light’s glow.

After completing it’s travels through the former desert, the light soared into the sky, higher and higher until it could glimpse the entire world. Satisfied with its work, the light flashed brilliantly and with a wave of radiant glow the world was bathed energy restoring those who were lost so long ago.

A lone pony awoke in the middle of the streets of Canterlot, one of the great pony cities of Equestria. She was surround by 5 other ponies of differing races who were still asleep in the middle of the roads. As she looked up at the brilliant light in the middle of the sky, she felt a twinge of bittersweetness, as if she was forgetting something important, the feeling disappeared as she saw her friends waking from their slumber, and as she pondered how they got here, a single thought lingered in the back of her mind…

I made it girls. Now we can all be together

Author's Note:

This may have taken a while, but I finally got this finished, so I hope you all enjoy.:twilightsmile:

Comments ( 14 )
Comment posted by Aslfrasle deleted May 6th, 2013

*Sniff* :fluttercry: :fluttershbad:

I think "Sad" should be added as a category, cause this story brings tears to my eyes. :applecry::fluttercry::fluttershbad::raritycry::pinkiesad2:


This story has been reviewed by The Equestrian Critics Society

Story Title: An Equestrian Journey

Author: Aslfrasle

Reviewed by: Charelzzz

An Equestrian Journey is a crossover adventure that merges MLP:FIM with TGC’s critically acclaimed Journey; it is safe for all readers. The story is roughly 16,000 words long, and employs a highly original approach. The majority of the story is utterly devoid of dialog, the same as the game. Readers who have never played the game may find it difficult to understand. Lacking context, there is altogether too much mystery in the details. The effect is surreal for the first few chapters. However, if the reader takes it on faith that the story actually does hold together, later chapters convey some excellent storytelling. The finale is quite edifying; it is logical, with powerful emotional impact.

Score: 8.3/10

Full Review

This scored a direct hit to the feels.

3006189 Thanks for the compliment. I'm always amazed when someone is actually inspired/ motivated/moved by something I wrote. It's such a great feeling because you know something you did actually improved someone's day.

3006403 Well, thank you once again for your kind words. Moments like these are why I love writing in the first place:pinkiehappy:

3006456 Pinkie Pie as a diety... makes total sense. =D

There are no words, should.. Have brought... A poet

3236101 Thank you so much for such kind words. :twilightsmile:
I can never get over the amazing feeling I get when I hear that someone enjoyed something I wrote.

I love this. I like how mlp blends perfectly into Journey, and you made it happen.

3950590 Well, thanks. I'm glad you enjoyed reading this. It's been a while since I finished it so it's good ti know that new people are still finding it and enjoying what I wrote.

A Journey... together

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