• Published 25th Feb 2013
  • 1,210 Views, 15 Comments

Nightmare Rising - The Brony in Denial

Although the elements of harmony had sealed the monster known as Nightmare Moon inside Luna, what if she was still present, subconsciously tearing Luna apart, and what if she was able to break free?

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4 The Mare in the Mind

Twilight suddenly jolted awake, she felt light headed and her sight was blurry, eventually she gained focus. She was in a black abyss, there was no indication to where she was supposed to go and what she was supposed to do. She called out hoping for an answer, “Hello?” Her voice echoed through the void, no answer.

She let out another hello, again, only the trailing voice of her echos responded. She spun around in panic, she let out a series of “Hello,” and “Luna,” but no answers were given, only the empty echos.

Then, she heard a faint whisper in her head.
Move forward Twilight Sparkle, The voice sounded faintly like Luna’s.
Twilight called out, “Luna, is that you.”
Yes, you can hear me for I am talking to you directly through my mind, now listen up. Move forward and you should eventually make it to the main area of my mind. There somewhere should be Nightmare Moon.
She should be lingering within the emotional or memories of my mind, you need to find her and defeat her in anyway. Also, once you leave this room I will not be able to communicate with you.
“Wait, how do you know all of this?” Twilight asked.
Its stated within the book.
“Oh right.”
Enough conversation, now get moving.

Twilight used her magic to create just enough light for her to see in the room, the light revealed a small path that led to a small smudge of light. She trotted down the path as quick as she could, prepared for whatever could be in front of her.

As she advanced closer and closer to the light, she closed her eyes due to the emens (dunno if i spelt that right) amount of light, When she made her way through she slowly opened her eyes again.. She was in what looked like another endless room, but this time the room was a vibrant of light colors.Surrounding her were what looked like bubbles, but upon closer inspection they all depicted different memories.

Some were fierce battles with foes of many kind, most of the time they were alongside her sister. She saw their battle with Discord, defeating him with the Elements of Harmony. She saw battles of beasts of which she had never seen or heard of before.

She was in awe of the power that both Luna and Celestia possessed in every battle she watched. She shook her head, What are you doing Twilight? You have a mission to do!
She walked away from the bubble as it floated away, she ran throughout the vast room trying not to be distracted by Luna’s endless memories.

She spent a large amount of time searching for Nightmare Moon, she collapsed on the ground exhausted. She began to talk to herself in between her breaths, “I... need to find... Nightmare Moon.” She pushed herself up for another run, again she ran throughout the fields of memories, only catching short glances of each of them.

Then she heard a sound of crackling, she stopped in her tracks and froze in fear. She glanced left and right looking for what it was but, nothing was there. She took a nervous step forward, as she did the floor under her suddenly turned a pitch black, she screamed as she fell into the darkness.

She landed on the ground with a thud, she rubbed her head and got herself up. Ow, my head... she looked above her to see a faint glow of light. How did I get down here anyway? Just then the rings of laughter filled the air, Twilight looked to her sides seeing nothing.

“Who’s there!” She demanded.
Another roll of laughter filled the air. She looked back up to see a small figure blocking most of the light from above.

“So you managed to find me?” The figure expanded its wings and slowly descended into the pit. Twilight recognized the voice and replied, “Nightmare Moon?”
“Correct my darling. I do hope you have a plan, because you stand no chance against me.” She landed in front of Twilight, a wicked smile stretched wide across her face.

She looked like she during their last confrontation, but... there was something off about her appearance. Something more sinister, it was in her eyes, they were no longer a faint blue, they were completely black. Her mane too had lost the lighter shade of blue they once were, but was now a dark purple.

Twilight could feel the energy around her slowly increase more and more, Twilight looked at Nightmare Moon’s face, her pupils slowly dilated more and more as her energy and smile got bigger. “Now, what is it you want exactly?” She asked in a calm tone, but Twilight could hear the malice in her voice.

As if she would snap at any moment.

Twilight replied with whatever confidence she had left, “I am here to stop you.” Nightmare just stared at her with the same smile. Her eye twitched slightly, she then burst out in laughter, it was so loud that it shook every bone in Twilight’s body, soon the very ground itself trembled to it.

Then Nightmare stopped, everything was calm again. “Stop me? I’m afraid that won’t be happening dear.” She charged straight at Twilight in what seemed like a blink of an eye. She fired a beam right at Twilight that sent her flying back. She skid across the ground.

“Do you still plan on fighting? It will only lead to your demise.” Nightmare asked.
Twilight got up from the ground panting, “Yes, I can’t afford to let you escape, I can’t let my friends down.”
“Heh, pathetic.” She replied.

Twilight fired multiple shots at Nightmare which were all deflected by a shield that Nightmare made. The shield died down after the bullets fired and Nightmare jumped to the side and fired a ray of blue light that Twilight quickly dodged in time to avoid it.

Twilight quickly tired from avoiding Nightmares endless barrage of magic. Twilight managed to fire a few more shots before she was totally spent. I don't think i can keep this up much longer.

Twilight focused the last of her energy into one final shot, she fired straight at Nightmare Moon who stood in spot. The impact of the blast caused an explosion that engulfed Nightmare, she let out an earpiece scream that soon died down. Smoke covered the entire area, Twilight coughed and covered her eyes to prevent the smoke from getting into it.

The smoke began to die down, Twilight opened her eyes and looked beyond her. She gasped once the smoke faded away. Nightmare was nowhere to be seen, “Where did she go!?” Just then she heard from behind.

“Right behind you.” She quickly darted around her, Nightmare Moon was completely unscratched. Before Twilight had a chance to react Nightmare fired a ray of electricity at Twilight, she flew back before skidding across the ground and then collapsed against her will.

Twilight’s entire body shook from the impact of the blast, dark sparks continued to move around her body. Nightmare Moon stood tall and mighty over Twilight like a giant, she smiled in triumph.

“Well that was pathetic, wasn’t it.” She laughed.
Twilight glared at Nightmare Moon.
“Don’t you see fool, I cannot be defeated by the likes of you. I believe my time to leave is now.” Nightmare Moon turned her back on Twilight and walked away.
Twilight’s face twisted in rage, “Why are you doing this! What do you have to gain from this?”

Nightmare stopped in her tracks, remaining in place for a short moment, “What do I have to gain from this...” again the energy from Nightmare Moon overwhelmed Twilight. She turned her head to Twilight, her eyes glew a dark purple and she glared at her and her mane became a dark black.

Sweat began to roll down Twilight’s face from the sheer power of her being alone. Suddenly the ground began to shake, Nightmare Moon stood right above Twilight as if suddenly. Her horn glew a pitch black as lightning bounced off of it.

Twilight covered her face to brace the impact, but nothing happened. She looked up to see that Nightmare had gone back to normal.

“For years I had to watch as my sister took all the credit for what I did! I was the one who kept Equestria safe from harm, yet she took all the credit, they all loved her while I was left in the dark. Then the ponies, they showed no respect for the night. The anger and the rage of both my sister and these pathetic ponies drove me insane, the emotions of hate and rage, they changed me. For the better, I had become a new being, I could control the very forces of nature itself, something that not even my sister was able to do. She had to attack me head on, she defeated me, but only because I was weak, these new found powers of which I hadn’t fully grasped yet.”

Her expression got darker, more angrier. “Then she did the unthinkable, she banished me to the moon for an eternity. Do you know what that was like, spending day after day in complete darkness, being alone. Then you realize what you did wrong, you hope that you can be forgiven, yet you never are. Then when I came back once again I was able to cast the world into endless night. Then you...”

She growled, suddenly she was changing back to what she was just moments ago, her eyes were once again purple, her mane became a dark black, and the tip of her horn formed a black ball that became bigger and bigger by the second.

“Then you and your pathetic friends stormed in and ruined all of it, sealed me into the mind of Luna, and ruined me. You were the ones who pushed me over the edge, I was yet again sealed away. Now none of that matters, for now I will be freed from here.”

Twilight was dumbfounded by this response, “Is that all you want!? To get revenge on Celestia and then make it night again?”
Nightmare Moon laughed, “Of course not, i'm not out to make it eternal night again...”

“I’m out for blood.”

These words struck through Twilight’s ears. She stared at Nightmare Moon in shock unable to speak, Nightmare sighed, “Well, my time to leave is now. Goodbye Twilight Sparkle.” The ball around her horn began to shake around at uncontrollable speeds, then as if in slow motion, the ball flew down at Twilight, she screamed before everything went black.

Author's Note:

So my friend pointed out that I wasn’t doing Luna right. I was confused and it turned out that im not using the speech patterns she uses like with the medieval era talk. Ah well, we wont be seeing Luna for a while from this point on so I think all is ok.