• Published 27th Feb 2013
  • 803 Views, 28 Comments

I was born for this... - FrostyDawn

Sand. Lots of sand. And some strange creatures made from cloth. This is all Rarity has to go by in this strange, dry place.

  • ...


I awoke with a shock as I found my face on the floor. Rainbow Dash leaned over me.

“Rarity! Are you alright?” She asked, helping me up. I found myself in the same spot as when I ‘left’, talking with Rainbow as if I never gone anywhere. “What happened? You just started staring off into space, and then collapsed! Wait. Are you... crying?” She asked raising an eyebrow.

Now, my eyes were watering, in fact, as the heavenly song still rang in my head. “Terribly sorry, Rainbow. I-I think I just had a moment there.” I said, hoping to cover up what I experienced.

“Alright. Want me to come by later?” The pegasus asked. I simply nodded, and she drifted out the door.

It was all so strange. I felt like I spent days in the desert, but Rainbow sounded as if a second had passed. But for now, I had a job to do.

It had taken me hours to gather all the red silk I had. It took even to craft them into the closest I could to fulfill Red’s wish. After a solid chunk of my schedule out the window, I was finished. I had made two replicas of Red’s cloak. Bold and dynamic, yet simple and graceful. Since I wasn’t sure wether Red was male or female, I made one for both. Both designed with red hoods, orange embroideries, and red and orange scarves that draped over the shoulders. But now, was the hardest part.

Weeks had passed, and I left the outfits at the center of my boutique, for all to see. No buyers. Not even a second glance. I was starting to think my efforts were in vain, despite my own attempts to reassure myself. Something told me they would just gather dust.

Moments before I was ready to close up for the night, I took a curtain and was ready to drape it over the ponyquinns of the cloaks. But then, there was a voice entering the shop.

“Hello there! Are you the owner of this boutique?” It was a cheery, young voice, and I turned behind me. Two ponies. A gray and brown unicorn stallion and a white and red pegasus mare.

“Why, yes... I am.” I responded, setting the curtain down.

“We were going to take a trip up to Canterlot, and we wanted some outfits.” The stallion said. “Would you happen to have anything for a long walk together?”

Those words struck a chord with me. “Well... I have these.” I said, motioning toward the red robes.

The pegasus smiled widely. “Ooh! Those look wonderful! And they’re matching! What do you think?” she asked, turning to her partner. The unicorn scratched his chin, and smirked.

“I like it. Looks like you read our minds.” He said to me.

“Well, I’ve also fitted them with sleeves for any winged ponies or for holding saddlebags. Perfect for hot or cold weather.” I said, hopeful. I might actually have a buyer for these.

“Well, my mind is made up. We’ll take them.” The unicorn said, and the pegasus clapped excitedly.

“Wonderful. Thirty bits, then.” I said, and the unicorn summoned a pouch of coins. He passed them to me, and slipped the robes over himself and his mare. The two thanked me, and set off into the night with their new crimson robes. As I watched, I couldn’t help but feel satisfied as a small part of me felt complete.

I did it, Red...” I thought, wondering if he would hear me.

Comments ( 9 )

*deleted due to changes*

2224647 Well, I hesitated with the epilogue, and I kind of agree that it's a little cheap. But I made that ending for a reason. I don't want to spoil anything later, so I'll just say this: Rarity isn't the only one.


* deleted because spoilers*

2225070 I see what you're getting at. In the future, I'll try to be a little more subtle with any hints.

Comment posted by FrostyDawn deleted Mar 7th, 2013

2244876 I'll just assume you haven't played the game yet.

Not enough info in the description or the comments for me to get a clear idea of what it's about. So I won't read it. try to put some more into your description so the audience can get an idea of what the stories about. In other words, catch the audiences attention.

Revisited this story while I was skimming through my favorites and I see the small changes you had made and I have to say I approve!

I'm not sure you'll still see this but I hope you're still going at it!

I want you to know that when my grandmother was in the hospital in 2013, I printed this entire story out and read it to her by her bedside. While she eventually died in that hospital, I have never forgotten this story because of those memories. I like to think it helped her enjoy those final days. Thank you.

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