• Published 27th Feb 2013
  • 675 Views, 7 Comments

The Heart of Chaos - Jaestring

Celestia needs Discord's help, but can she trust him?

  • ...

Chapter 3: Infiltration

Meanwhile in Canterlot...

Luna looked out over Canterlot and the distant Ponyville and sighed. How could she be surrounded by so many ponies but feel so alone? It was almost as bad as being back on the moon, without her anger and jealousy to distract her. She had Twilight, but the purple pony spent all her time in the library studying history of the royal princesses. Luna rolled her eyes at the thought, Princesses didn't learn how to rule from a book, but Twilight wasn't going to be breaking that habit anytime soon.

She remembered feeling her sister cross the border of Equestria two days before, and out of her range of detection. It had happened before, when Celestia had gone to Saddle Arabia or the Griffin Kingdoms for diplomatic duties. Yet, it had never seemed so... final.

Luna turned back to Celestia's room, so full of color and cheery sun-symbols. It wasn't to her taste, but it was the only place she felt as though it still held a piece of her sister. The sheets still smelled like sweet frosting and warmth, and the family photographs that hung about brought wonderful memories of her sister to mind.

That was when she noticed that something was different. Something about the room had changed in the two days since she had last been in here. What...?

A statue sat on the desk by Celestia's bed. Made of dark glass, hollow, and filled with dancing lightening. She would recognize that statue anywhere, it was the statue of that had once belonged to their Grandmare. It had been broken once, Celestia must have figured out a way to fix it then teleport it back here.

Luna wondered if Celestia new the significance of that statue.

"Princess Luna!"

Luna turned to see Twilight running into the room, followed by a winded Spike.

"Luna, you have to see this!" Twilight levitated a parchment so close to Luna's face she had to push it back in order to read. The message was short, with no name signed, but the magical signature was clear: Discord.

"What do you think it means?" Twilight asked.

It is of the utmost importance that you do not raise the moon nor the stars tonight.


Discord watched the city below from the cliff face. Magic-cancelling devices spun at regular intervals throughout the Griffin's capitol. His lip raised into a growl as he watched. Griffins... so afraid of magic. They couldn't use it themselves so they feared it. They were so scared they couldn't stand it existing and tried to stomp it out wherever they spread.

He felt a seething hatred for the griffins. He hated their fear and their magic-cancelling devices. He wished he could bring chaos down on the head of every griffin in the place. He would show them the kind of chaos he relished in: Absolute Chaos.

He also felt hatred at himself, for being so weak. The scene of Celestia falling as the spear pierced her back replayed itself over and over in his head. Useless... so useless...

As soon as Celestia fell they had descended, each with a miniature magic-canceller around their neck. He had tried to fend them off, but without his magic he was just another creature, no match for the unit of highly trained Griffin commandos. He was fast, but they were faster. He was strong, but they were stronger. Worse, they had the advantage of numbers. When a second unit arrived he knew he stood no chance. He had to flee as four of them flew away, carrying Celestia. He wasn't exactly sure how he did it, but he managed to get out of range of the cancellers and teleport away.

He had transformed himself into a bird and followed the griffins back to their camp, hoping for a chance to rescue the Princess. He watched helplessly from a distance as they clamped a canceller around Celestia's neck and iron chains around her hooves. As if she could run in the condition she was in. Thankfully they had removed the spear and treated her wounds, but she was still unconsious.

Discord worried about the amount of blood she had lost.

The next day he followed them to the outskirts of the city. He couldn't follow them in, with their cancellers so strategically placed. He would be forced back to his own form and reduced to fighting with no advantage in a city full of paranoid, fearful griffins. Each and every one militarily trained from a young age.

He spent the night and the rest of the morning casing the city. It was miles wide and miles across, suspended in the middle of a large canyon. There was seemingly no bottom to the canyon, and the city was instead built in from the sides. Bridges and arches supported the main platforms and structures, giving the illusion that the city was floating. The palace sat in the heart of the city, domes pointed skyward.

Discord had flown around the entire city, testing for weaknesses, looking for holes in the defenses. But it was futile, it was as if the city was surrounded by a bubble that negated magic. From the palace at the center there were periodically placed magic-cancelling devices. Guard posts (which more aptly could be described as 'nests') hung from the bottoms of the platforms and were perched at different spots of the canyon walls. The only way in or out was to fly. Getting to Celestia was not going to be easy.

If he was to have any hopes of saving the Princess, it was going to have to be with his wits, not magic.

He knew it was useless, but he yet again stretched out his magic in an effort to sense her. His magic crashed against the barrier created by the cancelers.

Discord shook his head in disgust. Normally paranoia and fear made him giddy, egged him on; but he couldn't work with... with this.

He turned away from the city and back to the small cave he had carved out of the canyon wall with his magic. As he crossed the threshold he wondered again why he was bothering to save her. Had he not wanted revenge? This would not only save him time and energy, but keep him from suspicion. He could push the ponies into a war with the griffins who had angered him so.

But if Celestia is right, and Galaxis is back, I'll need her help to either recover him... or destroy him. Revenge will have to wait.

Inside he lit a lantern hanging from the ceiling, illuminating the contents of the makeshift hideaway. It revealed a griffin, tied up in the corner, squirming and letting out muffled sobs. Not far from him was a magic cancelling device, torn open to show its contents. It was filled with wires, magnents, and one blue crystal Discord assumed powered the device. He had been proven right when the device died once the crystal was removed.

"Ahhhh, I see you're awake," Discord purred as he walked towards the creature, which began shaking uncontrollably.

Discord laughed, "Oh, you're afraid? Gooooood, but not exactly uncommon for your kind."

He reached out towards the Griffin, who flinched. His claw gathered the rope around it's beak and pulled harshly. Doing so hadn't been the smartest of Discord's decisions, as soon as the griffin's beak was free it turned and bit him sharply.

In his anger, Discord turned the griffin into a squid. Apparently, squid also have beaks, and this one was determinedly latched to his arm.

"Oh, horsefeathers!" Discord said through gritted teeth.

He reached out with his paw and grabbed the squid so hard it puffed up like a balloon, eyes bulging. It squeaked, releasing his arm.

"Now you listen," Discord whispered, venom dripping off each word, "you are going to cooperate. If you cooperate willingly, you might just survive, and get to leave in one piece, and in a form somewhat resembling yourself. Do you understand me?"

Discord never would have thought a squid's beady little eyes could convey so much. Hatred, fear, and most of all, a deeply seated need for self preservation. The squid gave what Discord was certain was a nod, or at least as close to a nod as a squid could give.

"We have an accord then," he loosened his grip on the squid a little and held out his claw. The squid taised its bound tentacles and shook.

Discord dropped the squid, who fell to the floor with a loud Splat!, then reverted to its griffin form.

"No good, son of a changling!" The griffin growled, however, he had the sense to keep his voice down.

"Is that supposed to be an insult?" Discord asked, but the griffin had the sense to keep his mouth shut, "Now, if you're quite done with all this retaliation nonsense, I have some questions for you..."


Discord watched anxiously as the sun sank further and further behind the mountains. Did Luna get his message? Would she heed it?

Night spread, leaving the land in complete darkness. Discord and his griffin captive waited a few minutes longer, but the moon did not rise, nor did a star appear in the sky. He let out a small sigh, now came the hard part.

Discord held out the rope muzzle he had created for the griffin, who pulled back, "You know thats just going to disappear as soon as we reach the boundary..."

Discord rolled his eyes, "No it won't, this is real rope. Now, I can't have you shouting your feathered head off, so take the muzzle, or I take your beak."

The griffin glared and did not budge.

"Very well then," Discord chuckled, "have it your way." He reached out and grabbed the beak from the griffins face.

The beakless face stared for a moment, eyes widening with shock. It raised its bound claws, looking for the beak. After a few moments of disbelieving groping, he glared at Discord.

"Now this, unfortunately, would be reverted to normal once we pass through the boundary," Discord said with a sigh, "too bad, you look so much better this way..."

Discord wrapped the muzzled around the beak, and placed the beak back on the griffin's face, "you remember what I told you?" The griffin nodded. Discord reached out with his magic but sensed no deceit from him. Pity, He would have liked to have acted upon the threats he had made.

Discord pulled his magic from inside of himself, transforming himself. Outside of Equestria, using magic was much more difficult, but not impossible. Not for him, at least.

His bones cracked, his skin shifted, and his muscles quivered. It wasn't as fast or as efficient when using Equestrian magic, but it would have to work. After a matter of moments, two griffins stood side by side, rather than one. Where the true griffin was broad and musclar, Discord was slim and sleek. The yellow eyes with red irises looked intimidating out of the lighter, tan-coated griffin.

They dove off the edge of the cliff, and Discord was amazed at the speed and grace the griffin form actually allowed.

They descended cliff until Discord felt a change in the air currents. The instant his wings pushed out, he turned his head. There it was, a dark hole in the cliff wall. Out of the hole spilled thick sewage, making sticky slurps as it fell down the walls of the canyon. Discord looked at his companion, who nodded. They flared their wings to stop the descent, and made their way into the dark passage.

The tunnel was humid and claustrophobic, and that smell... Thank Celestia they were still outside of the boundary, Discord had to create a bubble of clean air around his beak just to press onward. Movement was slow as they had to move single, file on the tiny pathways that ran along the sewage. It was made worse by the steep incline. It wasn't ten minutes in before Discord heard a quiet gagging sound behind him, and the rope pulled taught. As much as Discord delighted in the griffin's discomfort, they needed to move quickly. He gave it a pocket of fresh air of its own.

The tunnel had several, much smaller tunnels in rows of three periodically throughout the tunnel, about as big around as his shoulders. As they continued up the sewage line, the tunnels became more and more frequent.

"What are these for... is it to keep the pressure from releasing?"


"Oh... right."

Discord decided he didn't need to know. As they moved farther in Discord was certain they were far enough from the entrance he could risk a small, magical light. Besides, he was tired of accidentally stepping into the gunk whenever the tunnel took an unexpected turn. The light floated just behind his head, giving a soft, white light a few feet in front of them.

Discord didn't spook easily, but even he would have grudgingly admit that the tunnel was creepy. Moisture gathered at the top of the cave and dripped from the stalactites hanging raggedly from the ceiling. Insects and small animals hid from the light in small burrows where the path met the floor, but never in the small tunnels.

They pathway suddenly leveled out into a wide open cavern, and there were three new pathways. Discord turned and looked at the griffin, "Which way?"


"Just point, you imbecile!"

The griffin narrowed its eyes, and pointed straight ahead. Thankfully there was a little wooden bridge that crossed the slime so they wouldn't have to wade their way through. The bridge creaked loudly as they crossed it. Discord worried for a moment about its ability to hold their weight. When they reached the other side they let out a collective sigh of relief.

Click... click... click...

The jumped and turned, looking for the source of the sound. The sound stopped. Discord turned the light in all directions, but saw nothing. The pair made eye contact breifly, and laughed nervously as they began to walk.

Click... Click... Click...

Louder this time... closer. They jumped, again, looking around. The sound stopped again.

"Lets move a little faster," Discord whispered, his companion nodded.

As they made their way down the tunnel, the clicking noise would come and go. But every time they turned around the sound would stop.

Then something small hit Discord on the wing then bounce off into the goop. He turned and saw the griffin glaring holes into the back of Discord's head. Discord turned back around and shook his head, wondering at how childish the griffin could be.

Something hit him again, squarely inbetween his shoulders, and Discord was sure that it was a rock this time, "Stop that!" he whispered loudly.


They turned a corner when yet again a small stone hit him squarely in the back of the head. He spun around, enraged, "STOP!"


Discord reached out and yanked the rope off his mouth violently, "what?!"


At that moment a stone fell from the ceiling between them. Their expressions began to synchronize perfectly. They stared at the stone for a moment. Their eyes widened in realization that neither of them had been the source. They both, slowly, nervously, looked up, Discord raising the light as he did so.

On the ceiling was a griffin, if it could be called that. It was emaciated, with only patches of a musty coat. Its skin was so light it almost looked a sickly shade of gray, and instead of wings and legs so thin and long. It watched them with three pairs of green, glowing eyes. It opened its serrated beak and hissed, drool dripping. It then began to click its beak, mandibles working.


Discords companion screamed, sounding very much like a little girl. The thing jumped at them, missing both by just inches as they ran at full speed down the cooridor.


Every time they came to a crossroad the griffin would shout, "LEFT!" or "RIGHT!" Discord had a thought, and turned out the light. He grabbed his companion and jumped into one of the holes. It was a snug fit.

Discord motioned for him to be quiet, and he complied, though he shook so violently Discord wondered if it was audible.

CLICK CLICK CLICK... CLICK... Click... click...

The thing had passed the tunnel without noticing them. They both sighed a sigh of relief. They would have to move quietly, but if they were careful they just might make it.

Click Click Click

Their eyes widened again. This time the sound was coming from... behind them.

They turned and looked, another of the creatures was crouched behind them in the tunnel.

The griffin inhaled as if to scream again, but Discord pushed him out into the tunnel, jumping out after him. The creature followed, clicking the whole way. As they ran, more and more of the creatures began crawling out of the walls. They jumped agiliy from one side to the other. Some ran on the ceiling, on the walls. The faster ones would climb over the slower ones in hopes of catching their prey.

One jumped at Discord, and he clawed at the things eyes. It shrieked, little claws pawing at where a white liquid was pouring from its face. Three of its fellow creatures fell upon it. They didn't have time to think, they just ran.

The fallen one had provided enough distraction for them to get ahead of the creatures. The shrieking grew louder.

"There!" the griffin yelled. Ahead was a door, they slammed against it and pulled. It was locked.

"Watch my back!" Discord yelled, and began throwing every unlocking spell he knew at the door. None of them were taking.


The sound echoed down the cavern, drowning out the clicks and shrieks.

boom!... boom!... Boom!

Shadows of the small creatures were becoming visible, they were catching up!



Discord turned, and just beyond his vision he saw the shadow of something very big making its way jerkily down the cavern. They heard squishing noises as whatever it was stepped on the spider-griffins. Closer now, Discord could see that it was big enough that it took up the entire tunnel.

Discord had exhausted his knowledge of opening doors, so he did the last thing he could think of. He grabbed the griffin, and pulled him through the wall.

Author's Note:

Sorry this one took so long guys. School is really handing me my flank this semester!

Again, if you see any errors, please feel free to let me know!

Click.. click... click...

Comments ( 3 )


It is now finished and published! :pinkiehappy:


Holy... crap... I need moar! This is friggin awesome already!

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