• Published 28th Feb 2013
  • 1,120 Views, 18 Comments

The Change-Up - RainbowFlash96

All of the Ponies are all mixed up, will they be able to get everypony back to normal?

  • ...

Chapter 2

Pinkie Pie just kept on bouncing until she got into the library. The other ponies watched her perplexed. They had to be extra careful now that Pinkie has magical abilities.

"We're dead now aren't we" Dash said

"Yes, Yes we are." Twilight verified.

"Twilight," Rarity said, "whatever are we going to do now? I mean you've looked through all of your book already and we might want to fix this quick if we don't want Pinkie Pie to... well you no..."

"TWIILIGHTT!!!!" the baby dragon called out at the same time the five ponies heard a deafening CRASH!!!

They ran inside to find Pinkie Pie... and a huge mess. The furniture was everywhere and there was streamers and ballons and confetti all over the place.

"PINKIE WHAT DID YOU DO!!??" Twilight exclaimed.

"Well... i wanted to throw a party for every ones new lives sort of like a 'Welcome to Ponyville' party, but a 'Welcome to our new lives party'. Buutt... i wanted to put theses streamers up but i couldn't reach so i tried to use magic just like you Twilight and then there was a BOOM and everything blew up and then you guys came in and then you asked me what happened and then--"

"Pinkie! Stop. Okay it's alright, just don't do it again. Ever." Twilight gave her a death stare but Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie just smiled back at her.

"Okie dokie lokie!!"

"No Pinkie, do you Pinkie promise?"

"Yup, I promise!!! Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!" Twilight just rolled her eyes

"Twilight I tried to stop her but it was too late. I'm sorry" Spike apologized.

"Don't worry about it Spike... WAIT Spike, remember that book I read about incapacitating ponies magic?"

"Yeah Unfair Advantages 101 ... Here it is" Spike picked up the book and handed it to Twilight. She picked up the table that had been knocked over by Pinkie Pie, and placed the book on top of it and opened it.

"Hhmm... Oh! Here it is, how to incapacitate a unicorns magical abilities for the rest of the day. This is a fun parlor trick that is only ment to play tricks on other ponies, NOT for actual harm. Blah blah blah... could cause mental trauma.... caution...seriously don't use it... Okay it sounds safe!"

"Twi, really. Ar' you gauna use tha' spell o'n lil ol Pinkie Pie?" Applejack rebuked.

"No... Rainbow Dash is."

"WHAT!!! Um... Twilight did you just not see what happened when Pinkie tried to use magic? I know she's Pinkie Pie and all but seriously, I can tell you, this is not going to go well" Dash exclaimed.

"Rainbow Dash... I can honestly tell you that nothing is going to go wrong. As the book says its a fun parlor trick. It can't really do anything bad." Twilight explained.

"Okay, I'll try. But can we do it outside so I don't mess everything up... well mess it up even more?" Rainbow Dash added looking at the mess that was already inflicted upon the Library.

"Okay lets go." Twilight said and lead the ponies out the door. "Pinkie... COME ON!!!"


"Okay Twilight, how do I do this?" Dash was hesitant she had no idea how to use magic, she was a pegasus, she never needed nor had any intrest in magic at all.

They all gathered in the backyard of the Library. Rarity, Applejack, and Fluttershy were all lined up behind Rainbow Dash and Twilight as she tried to teach her magic.

"Okay Dash, just feel the power coming from your horn and try to focus it into the tip. Now... do you feel it?" Twilight asked

"Yeah... I feel it!!!! Oh my gosh Twilight this is so 20% cooler now!" Dash exclaimed

"Okay focus Dash, focus. Now were just going to start off with a simple levitation spell. Feel the power, focus all of your mind on the power and think hard, tell the stone to move!"

"Wait you just said to focus now your trying to tell me to think? Twilight sometimes you are really confusing."

"Okay sorry, focus on thinking hard, and commanding that stone to move. Come on Dash just a little more you're almost there."

The blue unicorn was really focusing on the stone. She tried with all of her might to force that stone to move. Move rock please move... MOVE! And with that the rock suddenly shot up into the air.

"I DID IT!!!! TWILIGHT I ACTUALLY DID IT!!!" Rainbow exclaimed. A roar of cheers suddenly erupted behind them.

"WHOO!! Way to go Dash. Yer had me quite scared there, but ya'll pulled it out in the end!" Applejack congratulated.

"Marvelous, simply Marvelous." Rarity said

"Yay!! go Dash.... oh if you don't mind me saying that." Fluttershy quietly said.

"Rainbow Dash... I'm quite impressed. Getting a levitation spell that quickly, you have a great talent." Twilight congratulated her.

"Thanks everypony, hey Twi maybe I'm as good as you!" Rainbow Dash joked

"Very funny Dash... Now do you think your ready to try it? You have the basic principle down, now it's just the execution."

"Yeah Twi, I'm ready for anything!"

"Okay, lets get this over with so we can concentrate on more important things... Pinkie would you mind coming over here for a second?" Twilight called out to the pink unicorn as she was sniffing the flowers.

"Hey girls, whatcha doin?"

"Pinkie could you just stand still there for a second please this won't take long." The pink mare complied. She sat down about twenty feet from Rainbow Dash and Twilight.

"Okay now Dash, you have feel the magic in your horn, concentrate and say the spell clearly. Got it?"

"Yeah Twilight don't worry about it i got this."

Rainbow dash closed her eyes and began to focus solely on the spell and the magic now building up at the tip of her horn.

"This might be a trick but this is fun, no more magic for you until the day is DONE!!!!" Rainbow shouted out the spell. Suddenly the red beam of light coming from Dash's horn shot out towards Pinkie Pie. The next thing that happened was so unexpected that even the author of this 'fic didn't see it coming...

The beam of light suddenly stopped just before it hit Pinkie Pie and shot backwards and hit Rainbow Dash. The powerful magic knocked Rainbow Dash right on her flank, and suddenly Pinkie was floating in a sphere of impenetrable magic. She opened her eyes and they were as black as the night sky. She opened her mouth and spoke with a booming voice.


"PINKIE!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Twilight yelled right back.


"Wha-- What just happened?" Dash looked up suddenly confused. She tried to cast the spell again but her magic wan't working.

"Twilight, I think I cast the spell on myself!"


The ponies now were all hudled in fear waiting to find out just what Pinkamena had in store for them.

Coming Soon
What will our little ponies do now? Will they be able to stop Pinkamena? Will Derpy finally show up? Are they all doomed? Is the Princess going to show up? Will everything eventually work out? You'll never know...until the next chapter comes out!

Author's Note:

Sorry I know i hinted Derpy was going to be here but i needed to cut the chapter short and on a dramatic note. Also, sorry if you didn't expect this to happen but the thought popped into my head and I was like "OH YEAH thats like 20% cooler now". Don't worry the next is coming soon!!! Thanks for all your support so far!