• Published 1st Mar 2013
  • 3,295 Views, 152 Comments

I'll Love You To Tartarus and Back - AppleDash Group Collab 100th Prompt Special - LunaTheFox

A collab featuring 23 writers, who all came together to create a story of loved ones lost... and a long-shot at seeing them one last time.

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This chapter was written by Jondor.

Applejack panted, standing on an outcropping of rock above a pool of lava. Her mane was singed and half her tail was completely gone, just barely longer than her brother’s now. Her pith helmet was gone and her vest was in tatters. Worst of all, she was alone.

“Rainbow?” She called weakly, choked by the heat and fumes. The dim light cast by the molten rock below barely illuminated the walls of the small cave and the passage she had just come through was a great black void. “Dashie, where’d ya go?”

She must have taken a wrong turn when everything went dark. Applejack turned away from the dead end and started back toward the inky void she’d just come from. She stopped after only two paces when she heard a voice, not from the dark before her, but from the dim cave behind. “Applejack?” It called. It was a familiar voice, but one she hadn’t heard in years.

Applejack’s heart nearly stopped. “Mama?” She was barely aware of turning around, but when she did, there in front of her was the ghostly image of a proud mare she could see only in the family album now.

“Applejack, why are ya here?” Her voice and face were full of concern as she looked upon her daughter.

Tears started to run down Applejack’s cheek, she wiped them away with a hoof. “I had ta see ya again, an’ papa if I can find him.” She sniffed and finally managed a smile. “I wanted ya to meet my marefriend.” She shuffled her hooves. “She’s here somewhere, I need to go find her quick.”

Applejack backed toward the passage out, not wanting to take her eyes off her mother, and stopped short again at another familiar voice. “Tain’t necessary.” Before her eyes, two more ghostly figures appeared. The first was a strong stallion, her father, floating up next to his wife. The second really did make her heart stop for a moment out of shock.

“I’m sorry, AJ...” Dash’s transparent, floating figure was stricken and forlorn looking.

“Dashie, no...” Applejack barely whispered, tears flowing freely now.

“I think I stumbled on a rock and fell down some kind of pit. It was too small to spread my wings. I tried to grab the walls, but there was nothing but smooth rock and I just kept falling and falling.” Dash’s ghost covered her face with her hooves. “I found your dad, but I guess I’m kind of stuck here now...”

Applejack sobbed as Dash’s image floated toward her. Her hooves felt like they were plunged suddenly into ice water when the tips of the transparent cyan hooves passed right through her own orange ones. “But what about you an’ me, together forever?”

“That can be arranged!” A deep, echoing voice answered. It came from everywhere, shaking the walls of the small cave and knocking down rocks into lava that was rolling and bubbling now when it was calm mere moments ago. All three ghost figures were gone and the dim red light that previously lit the cave was brighter and if possible, angrier.

Panicking, Applejack turned tail and tried to bolt for the dark abyss that was the passage out. In her highly agitated state, she didn’t notice the telltale glint of a crescent moon and four silver hoofguards before she was consumed by the bubbling lava and all went pitch black.

Applejack’s scream broke the silence over Sweet Apple Acres, just barely beating out the rooster perched on top of the chicken coop. Her body trembled and her heart raced as she fought to calm herself. Her bedmate groaned and the cyan hoof laying across her chest twitched.

“Ugh.. AJ, can’t you make that stupid rooster shut up?” Dash pulled her marefriend closer, pressing her muzzle up against AJ’s neck. “It’s too early, train doesn’t leave ’til almost noon, we’ve got plenty of time.” The day’s delay had given them time to exercise some common sense. They decided that even though it would take a bit longer, they would take the train to Dodge Junction and set out for the Badlands from there rather than take the shortcut through Rambling Rock Ridge directly from Ponyville.

Twilight had almost certainly gone the shorter way, but she had just been going to take Cerberus back home. A short, secluded route and take it easy on the trip back. AJ and Dash were going to try and break into Tartarus and they weren’t quite sure where the gates were; they’d need their strength and their provisions to last. Dodge Junction was the closest organized civilization, it would be the place to start from.

Applejack spent a few moments to regroup and thank Celestia that Dash was a heavy sleeper, it wasn’t worth worrying her over some stupid nightmare. “Nah come on and get up, we got lots ta pack.” AJ carefully slipped out of Dash’s grip and rolled out of bed, landing with a clop of four hooves on the wooden floor. “I’ll get us some breakfast, if you’ll start packin’ the bags.” She grabbed a list from the nightstand where they had left it and spit it into Dash’s hoof sticking out from under the bedsheets.

The orange mare chuckled to herself as she left the room while Dash groaned and grumbled, managing to tangle herself in the sheets the same way she did every single morning she slept at the farm.

An hour before the train was leaving, Dash was going over the list again to make sure everything was packed. “Ball, dog treats, chew toys, books, maps, water canteens, snacks, first aid kit...” She mumbled to herself as she traced a hoof down the list. “All set here, AJ. Got your outfit ready? I wanna see!”

AJ grumbled a bit from up the stairs. “Ya sure I can’t talk ya outta this?”

“Hay, a bet’s a bet. Come on out.” Dash grinned to herself.

Applejack trotted out in her costume, her best poker face on. “There, ya happy?”

“Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh!” Dash squealed as she fluttered around AJ, taking in the costume from all angles. Everything was perfect, from the band on the pith helmet to the pocket on the vest. “I love it! All you need now is a pair of wings!” Dash gushed.

“Already got some.” Applejack grunted.

“What?” Dash’s jaw dropped.

“Rarity made stuffed clip on wings ta go with the outfit.” Applejack sighed. “And no, I ain’t wearin’ them. They’d just get in the way.”

Dash snickered, trying to hold back, but soon she was on her back laughing uncontrollably. “Stuffed clip on wings, oh my gosh, that’s too funny!”

“Laugh it up, fuzzball.” Applejack deadpanned. “Grab your bags so we can get goin’. And take this too.” She hoofed over her stetson.

“Your hat?” Rainbow asked as she struggled to get back to her hooves. “But you always make a big deal out of fit whenever I steal it.”

“Well, this time I’m lettin’ ya borrow it. I won’t need it with this silly costume, but you’ll need some kinda hat when we’re out in the desert. Trust me, take it.” Applejack blushed a little, still holding the hat out.

Dash took it gingerly and set it on her head, giving herself a quick look in the mirror before leaning in to nuzzle AJ. Beyond anything else, this gesture showed just how much the cowpony cared for her pegasus. Applejack’s face softened into a smile as she returned the gesture.

The sound of the train pulling into the station in the distance broke the sweet silence of the moment. Grabbing their saddlebags, they rushed out the door and galloped into town. They were off.

Author's Note:

From the author, Jondor:
I based the geography on this map (assuming that "Dodge City" is actually a misprinted Dodge Junction).