• Published 1st Mar 2013
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The Secret of Smarty Pants - Rough_Draft

What do the Elements of Harmony and the fate of Equestria have to do with Twilight's old doll? More than she ever imagined!

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A Call to Arms

Thirteen – A Call to Arms

The moon was already low in the early morning sky as a train of Crystal Ponies made their way into the palace. Shining Armor stood ready to greet them as they entered, wearing his royal uniform and the Element of Patience. It felt a little strange to have a real Equestrian artifact around his neck, but he could bear it. He’d faced worse challenges during basic training.

Meanwhile, the audience chamber was getting crowded. Everypony had answered Cadance’s summons: tailors, dressmakers, and toymakers. All carrying their tools in saddlebags that had been hastily packed. All looking very confused and afraid.

“Thank you for coming on such short notice,” Cadance said as she ascended the throne. “I would not ask this if it wasn’t serious, but the Crystal Empire is under attack by the Changeling Nation. And while my husband and I will be defending it with our Elements of Harmony, I fear it may not be enough.”

Shining Armor touched the Element around his neck. He remembered to be patient while the ponies below murmured in confusion. Terror hung in the room like fog.

“This battle will not be won by strength of arms,” the Princess continued. “It will be won with courage, with patience, and above all else, with love.”

That was the cue. Shining Armor stepped forward, using his magic to raise Smarty Pants into the air. Every Crystal Pony stared up at the doll in wonder.

Cadance offered a confident smile. “She may not look like much, but this doll was the first gift I ever made, long before I became your Princess. This doll is filled with true love. And when put before a changeling, it is virtually impossible to resist.” She lifted a hoof and pointed at Smarty Pants. “This is how we will save our kingdom, my friends.”

The mood in the crowd was still thick, but Shining Armor detected a slight change. There were less anxious frowns and shifting eyes. He saw a few hesitant smiles, even a confident nod or two.

Even after the hell they’d been through under Sombra, the Crystal Ponies were stronger than they realized. They just needed someone to remind them.

“With our loyal guardians, my husband Shining Armor will wield the Element of Patience to stall the invasion.” Cadance pointed at the crowd. “While they hold them at bay, we will use the Element of Love and work as fast as we can. I expect everypony to do their duty.”

The crowd’s fear dissipated with each word and some even stamped their hooves in approval. Shining Armor and Cadance shared a knowing smile.

They had only a few hours until dawn. No time to waste.

Applejack trotted slowly toward Twilight and Fluttershy. The two winged ponies were having a conversation with the changeling called Ichor—and just thinking about that creature’s name sent a tingle down Applejack’s spine. But she refused to be swayed when she came right up to the edge of the forest.

Everypony turned when she cleared her throat. “Twi, sorry to interrupt y’all, but I gotta ask ya somethin’.”

“What’s up, AJ?”

Applejack pointed a hoof at Ichor. “What’s stoppin’ her an’ the rest of her kind from turnin’ on us the first chance they get?”

The changeling leader didn’t say a word. She did, however, suddenly transform into a copy of Rainbow Dash.

“Believe it or not,” the changeling said in Rainbow’s voice, “loyalty is something we understand. Usually between ourselves, but these are desperate times and our queen is leading us to ruin.”

“Well, pardon me fer sayin’ so, but we remember how tricky y’all were back in Canterlot!”

While she answered, Ichor changed again into a perfect imitation of Rarity. “And I’m sure you’ll pardon me when I say that we certainly remember how easily your friends Shining Armor and Cadance drove us out of Canterlot with the power of love. Despite what Chrysalis thinks, it’s obvious our defeat today will be the same as before, if not worse.” She leaned toward the earth pony, catching her off-guard with a very convincing Rarity-like glare. “And I assure you, I won’t let that happen again!”

Fluttershy quickly moved in between the two. “Look at it this way, Applejack. She and her friends would rather give up their attack than watch their kind be humiliated and scattered all over again. She’s doing it because she cares about them.”

Resignation washed over Applejack. She looked back at Ichor, who had reverted back to her true form. “I reckon I owe ya an apology then. Guess I’m still steamed ’bout what you an’ yer friends did to me an’ my friends.”

“Perfectly understandable,” Ichor replied. “We’re not asking for forgiveness. Just your help.”

“In the meantime,” Twilight interjected, “I think we’re about ready. The changeling swarm is close to entering the Crystal Empire, so we need to beat them there. But not all of us can fly, so travel’s going to be a problem.”

Applejack looked at Ichor. She frowned and put a hoof to her chin, thinking about the changeling’s body. A sturdy black shell and some very strong wings, much like a pegasus or an alicorn.

“Well,” she offered, “how ’bout those of you with wings fly those of us without ’em?”

“But even at top speed, a pegasus couldn’t carry an earth pony at such a long distance,” Fluttershy objected. Then, because she was Fluttershy, she blushed and whispered, “Er, sorry for arguing, AJ.”

Twilight brightened. “But you might be onto something. A single pegasus couldn’t, but two fliers can easily share the load of a single non-flying pony.”

“But we only got two pegasi and an alicorn!” said Applejack.

Twilight didn’t respond. Instead, she turned and smiled at Ichor.

The changeling caught her smile and returned it, though the fangs didn’t make it seem too friendly. “I see your point, Princess.”

She transformed back into Rainbow Dash in a flash of green and added, “We’ll give you as many pegasi as you need. There’s no time to lose.”

It had been a long time since Queen Chrysalis felt so glorious. The last time had been on the day when she and her subjects had taken over Canterlot. She’d stood on Celestia’s own balcony, filled with glee as she surveyed the kingdom she’d just won from those foolish ponies. But that feeling was back again as she trotted past the rows of changeling troops, who prostrated themselves and buzzed or hissed their oaths of allegiance.

“Remember this day,” said Chrysalis. Her gaze was focused not on her swarm, but on her target—the distant spires of the Crystal Empire. “Remember this as the day when our hunger finally ceased! When our golden age returned! When we ate our fill of love and restored the Changeling Nation to its rightful place!”

“We are ready, Your Majesty!” one of her retainers cried. “We will send them into the wastes we once walked!”

Chrysalis smiled. That one seemed more clever than the rest. He was certainly more obedient than wherever that whelp called Wriggler had gotten off to.

“Indeed, we shall,” she answered. With her head lifted high, Chrysalis closed her eyes and concentrated. She felt her body contort as her wings and horn changed color. Slowly, she let go of her true form and took on the appearance of a black alicorn in midnight blue armor.

Oh, if only Celestia and Luna could see her now. Chrysalis had no doubt that they’d be shocked, even horrified, to witness the return of the enemy called Nightmare Moon.

If her spies were to be believed, this was a face the Crystal Ponies had never seen before. Chrysalis was looking forward to making sure they’d remember. Their fear would be sweet enough to last her for a lifetime.

Around her, the changeling swarm transformed into ponies of every size, shape, and color. Crystal Ponies and earth ponies. Pegasi and unicorns. Full-grown mares and young fillies. It seemed like the whole of Equestria stood before Chrysalis.

Divide and conquer. Confuse enough ponies and rile them up with battle, and their love would be easy to claim. It had worked on the ponies who’d held the Elements of Harmony, and it would work just as well against the whole Crystal Empire.

Just as the sun began to rise in the east, Chrysalis flew into the air and pointed at the shining city on the horizon. “Forward, my subjects! Take their city, and take their love! For our Nation!”

For our Nation!” the swarm cried and raced toward the city at once.