• Published 1st Mar 2013
  • 1,425 Views, 6 Comments

Another Love Story - Wing Star

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The Wonderbolts

Chapter 2: The Wonderbolts

Summary: Years later, Thunderlane and Soarin’ are now stallions, but they have not seen each other since flight camp. Before Thunderlane’s younger brother was born, Thunderlane’s parents could not afford a bigger sized house in Cloudsdale. With that, they decided to live somewhere else with more space, however not too expensive. Ponyville, a small town for all ponies, was perfect. At first, Thunderlane was very upset that he had to leave his home town, and especially leaving Soarin’, but he quickly understood why they had to leave Cloudsdale. For a young colt, Thunderlane was very mature about the move. Granted, that while Thunderlane was leaving Cloudsdale and all of his friends, he never told Soarin’ that he was moving. He thought that it would break his heart if Thunderlane left, so to avoid any unnecessary damage, he thought he was being a good friend by not telling him. But, colt was he wrong.

As Thunderlane and Rumble were rushing through the crowds of pegasi into the stadium, cheering had been darting the two’s ears. They both were fighting their way to get into their seats. Thunderlane and Rumble rushed, their hooves stayed connected, so that Rumble would not get lost through the crowd. The crowd was screaming out of sheer excitement in the stadium. The Wonderbolts are known throughout all of Equestria, the skilled pegasi with amazing acrobatic skills. Everypony knew who the Wonderbolts were everypony except for Rumble.

Rumble is still a young colt, sure, he has heard of the very famous Wonderbolts, but has never seen the Wonderbolts perform. Ever. Mostly because the Wonderbolts don’t usually perform in flatlands, like Ponyville. But, it didn’t matter. Thunderlane got two tickets to see the Wonderbolts in Cloudsdale. Just so that the two of them could spend some time together. Rumble didn’t really want to question his older brother about how he obtained the tickets; he was over joyed about the fact that he and his brother were going to see the Wonderbolts. A sigh of relief was uttered by the large stallion, they finally made it to their seats, moments before the announcement of the Wonderbolt’s performance. Thunderlane and Rumble can now join the raging crowd by screaming and chanting, for this event in Cloudsdale, only Pegasus ponies were in the stance. A loud and obnoxious ‘boom’ hit the ears of all the Pegasus ponies, so loud, that it was able to grab their undivided attention.
“Fillies and gentle colts! I now pronounce the amazing, the talented, and the most skilled flyers in all of Equestria… Mares and Stallion clop your hooves together for the Wonderbolts!”

As the announcer’s voice screamed when saying “Wonderbolts”, Six pegasi appeared from a cloud very high from the stadium, and almost at lightning speed, they started their formation. Their acrobatic skills were overall impressive, hundreds of ponies cheering throughout the stadium. One Pegasus hovered above the other five, it was hard to tell in the sky, but it was a mare that was leading the Wonderbolts. A mare is the leader of the Wonderbolts. Thunderlane found that quite odd at first, mainly because when he was a colt, The Wonderbolts leader was a stallion. Times have changed the fact that the leader of the Wonderbolts was a mare, did not bother Thunderlane, not at all. It just surprised him, ‘I guess mares have their rights, so, I guess I can’t complain.’ Thunderlane thought, staring specifically at the bright yellow mare. He was impressed. As the crowds cheered and called out the name “Spitfire”, it did not take Thunderlane and Rumble long before they figured out that Spitfire was the mare and team captain of the Wonderbolts. Spitfire alone did incredible flips and acrobatics that left the crowd amazed and speechless. The other five Pegasus ponies stuck to their own routines. Until a stallion pony with a dark blue mane and tail started forming the same routine that Spitfire was doing earlier. To his extent of his flexibility was overwhelming, his speed and stunts were as well overall impressive. Thunderlane could not help but notice him, all his attention was completely captured by this blue manned stallion. The crowed of Pegasi started to shout and cheer for the blue manned stallion, “Soarin’! Soarin’! Soarin’!”

The exciting crowd repeated over and over. A sharp and tense pain struck Thunderlane’s spine when the crowd said his name, Rumble next to him, saw that Thunderlane began to sweating beads that were forming on the top of his forehead.
“Is something the matter big brother?”
No, Rumble. Nothing’s the matter.” With that, Thunderlane wrapped his hooves around his chest, feeling his steady pulse, slightly beating faster. Thunderlane kept his eyes on the performance of the Wonderbolts, however, he never took his eyes off of Soarin’. His eyes were glued to the pale blue Pegasus. He just stared at the acrobatic Wonderbolt, carefully watching his every move that Soarin’ made. Not only was the crowd cheering for Soarin’’s acrobatic skills, they were also cheering for the stallion’s speed. His speed was even greater than Spitfire’s. Thunderlane was in dis-belief of how fast Soarin’ was for a Wonderbolt, Thunderlane was overly impressed with Soarin’’s speed and grace. Thunderlane was speechless. His mouth opened, Soarin’ left Thunderlane feeling amazed and dazzled. However, Thunderlane’s staring did not go unnoticed, as if on instant, Soarin’ caught a glimpse of the cloud that Thunderlane and Rumble were sitting on, and Thunderlane staring at him. But, Soarin’ continued his performance, as if he did not notice Thunderlane at all.

The performance was near its end. And the Wonderbolts were about to do their signature move to end the show. Half of the team was on one side of the stadium, and vice versa. In an instant both sides darted towards the middle of the stadium, at full speed. The pegasi were inching towards each other, closer and closer, but before they were a few feet apart, the six pegasi flew straight up into the air and connected hooves. And started leaning to the right direction on each side, they were now spinning around in circles at a very fast pace. And formed a very small tornado, the six pegasi alone created a little over one hundred wing power, the crowd was amazed, that the elite team of pegasi are fast enough to create a very petite tornado. Suddenly catching to their speed, they flew at each other and made a loud ‘booming’ noise. And sparkles covered the night sky, created a firework to end their show and ended it. And their performance.

Everypony clopped their hooves for the amazing Wonderbolts, and most ponies had already left the stadium, because Luna’s moon already set, as for Rumble and Thunderlane, they waited a while in the stadium, so that it wouldn’t be so packed with pegasi when leaving. Several minutes have passed; Thunderlane and Rumble were now staring into the dark sky, not saying a word to each other, just enjoying the sight of the beautiful night sky. A cold chill blew onto Rumble’s shoulder; the moment of silence was broken.
“Big brother?
“Yeah Rumble?”
“Can we go now? I’m hungry.” As the young colt held his stomach.
Thunderlane smiled, “Sure Rumble.” With that, the two Pegasus ponies began to fly towards the entrance of the stadium. As the pony press was waiting for the Wonderbolts arrival, the two pegasi were leaving the stadium.
“You ready to be mauled by a bunch of raging fans, pony press, and ponyrazzi, Soar?,” The yellow Pegasus pony said jokingly, she turned to her co-captain as they were walking.
“Eh,” All he could do was shrug. “It won’t be that bad, compared to last year’s Gala, right?”, with that, the pale blue stallion shot his captain a sly grin.
“Yeah, I guess that’s true.” Spitfire opened the doors with her hooves, only bright flashing lights illuminated through the goggles she and Soarin’ were wearing.

A herd of pegasi crowded the famous Acrobatics. Cameras were flashing as if they were bullets being shot through a shot gun. Even with the bright lights that creped through his goggles, Soarin’’s vision was still picture perfect.

Soarin’’s curious eyes got the best of him, he saw a dark gray stallion he once seen before, but he could not put his hoof on it. But, he has seen this pony before. Cameras still flashing, so many thoughts were occurring through Soarin’’s head. Moments and memories of his colt-hood.

It then struck him as if he was struck by a lightning bolt. It was him. The colt that he cherished, the one that really got away. Soarin’’s best friend in all of Equestria, Thunderlane. Soarin’ always had a deep affection for Thunderlane, for more than just ‘a friend’. And, now that Thunderlane was here, near Soarin’. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity to see his old colt-hood friend again. In high hopes of their relationship becoming something more, out of sheer desperation, Soarin’ dashed through the crowd of pony press and adoring fans, and tackled through some security ponies. He didn’t care; he just wanted to talk to Thunderlane. And with that, Soarin’ mauled the dark stallion from behind and left everypony in the room astonished and confused. Now both stallions on the ground, Soarin’ on top of thunderlane, cameras were now flashing at a much faster pace, as they capture the image of two stallions looking into each other’s eyes. A very romantic image indeed.
“Huh? S-Soarin’?”
“Thunderlane!,” Soarin’’s eyes were closed and his head rested on Thunderlane’s back, and held a very tight embracement. “I’m so glad to finally see you again!”
“Uh… Me too?” Confused. Thunderlane was speechless, he could not find the right words to say to Soarin’. He knew he at least deserved him an explanation for leaving his best friend. A stallion opened his muzzle, a ponyrazzi came trotting towards the Wonderbolt and Thunderlane and spoke loudly. “Soarin’! Soarin’! What is your relationship with this stallion?” As Thunderlane felt his eye twitch, about to speak, Soarin’ answered and said, “Oh! He’s my Colt-friend!” Soarin’ shouted excitedly.

As everypony gasped in confusion, a security guard from earlier pulled Soarin aside into the locker room, so that no pony could not discuss anything with Soarin’. With that, had a grip around Thunderlane, leaving his brother for a moment. Until, a security grabbed his brother assuming that he was with the pony who was with the Wonderbolt. Thus, Thunderlane and Rumble are in the Wonderbolts locker room.

Comments ( 6 )

welp... that was quick

Well, great job so far, there were some grammatical issues, but those can be easily overlooked, when you have such a good story, well done, have some moustache, you earned it

I cannot wait to see where this will go from here ^^, keep up the good work

Yay finally a colt-cuddling story about thunderlane :twilightsmile: i love this story...can't wait till the next chapter :yay:

Comment posted by CosmicThunder deleted Apr 12th, 2013

Not many Thunderlane colt-cuddlers, and on that not... GET ER DONE!

So far, Gut Gemacht!

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