• Published 6th Mar 2013
  • 2,239 Views, 187 Comments

Lucky's Seven: The Changeling Hunters - Lucky424

It was eight months later when the others turned up. Just what were the Seven up to during that time?

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Epilogue Charlie: What did happen the night before the bug hunt? (Suggestive. Nothing is described, I'll leave that to your imaginations.)

Quick A/N: This one gets a little suggestive. Nothing too descriptive, but that's why you have an imagination!

“I must admit, so far I have had much enjoyment on your world, but with the current affairs in other parts of the world, I understand why you described it that way.” I shifted slightly as Luna laid down next to me on the warm sand. “One thing though, how can an area such as this have such a high crime rate?”

I sat up and looked around at our surroundings. It had been about fifteen years since I had been to Santa Monica beach, and America in general. It was mid afternoon on a Saturday in July, meaning that it was full of tourists and families. “It is just the way things are. It's always been like that for as long as I can remember. Some do it for fun, others do it because they believe they have no choice. There are many reasons, and I couldn't name them all.”

A slender tanned arm reached up, and its hand gripped my shoulder and pulled me back down, before being wrapping across my chest. We had become close in the past three months. Very close. We stayed there for a few more hours, just listening to the sounds of the world passing by with hardly a care. Eventually the sun started to descend from the sky, and we made to leave. A shadow fell over us and I looked towards its source.

There were a few men stood in front of us, and they did not look like the kind of people I would associate with. “Evening gentlemen, is there something I can help you with?” The group started to snicker to each other, before one stepped forward.

“A Brit huh? Well, I guess you wouldn't know this, but this is my area after sundown, and no one else comes around here. So to leave, you're going to have to pay. We'll take your money, and your friend can pay us in another way.”

Slowly, we both stood, and I placed Luna behind me, shielding her from them. “I don't think so. We have no money on us, and if you lay a hand on her, I will not be very happy.” They just started to laugh, and one of them moved his hand to his back, returning it to his front with a knife in it.

“I can see by the look in your eyes that you realise we mean business. Now, why don't you hand over what ever you have on you and her, then you can leave.” I tilted my head a little to the side and nodded. “I'm glad we could come to a reasonable compromise.”

“Huh? Oh, I wasn't nodding to you. I was nodding to them.” I pointed behind them, and took glee in the looks on their faces. Racing out of the shadows were two vehicles. They only had two seats, but were designed for use by three people. The third person, however, was in charge of a triple-barrelled machine gun mounted on a swivel plate. The vehicles just skimmed across the sand and closed the distance quickly, finishing up with their sides facing us, the guns trained on the group.

“What the fuck are they?!”

“Really? Don't you play video games? These are M12 LRV Warthogs. Fully working Warthogs.”

“Bullshit! Those guns ain’t real!”

“Yes they are, and so are the rifles that the drivers are pointing at you. Let me introduce you to The Shadows.” That was the squads new name. We weren't keeping it secret, but what we did was. And their motto? 'Umbras Semper Sunt Vigilántem', 'The Shadows Are Always Watching.' The one in charge looked to the vehicle directly in front of him, noticing for the first time the barrel pointed in his direction. I reached in to my pocket for the phone given to me and dialled the first number on the quick dial list. “General, it's Fire Rain, can you arrange for local police to come to my assistance? We're on Santa Monica beach, a hundred and fifty foot north of the pier. Yeah, we'll stay on site until they arrive.” I slipped the phone back in to my pocket, and crossed my arms.

“Now now, I'm sure we can come to some agreement. We'll just leave and you can use the beach any time you want!” They were panicking now, worried about what was going to happen. The knife wielding thug took a different attitude, and thrust it towards me. I spun around, pushing Luna with me as the knife brushed my stomach, my fist connecting with his jaw and sending him in the the sand. He twitched once and then lay still. The sound of sirens filled our ears, and the five remaining thugs dropped to their knees and placed their hands on their heads, staying still.

“All of you, put you weapons down, and step away from them!” I turned my head to the side, looking towards the officers who had arrived on scene. The General had pulled out all the stops, three SWAT teams and ten squad cars. I caught sight of movement to my left, seeing Simon start to train his rifle towards the police. Still doesn't trust Americans, can't he let it go? I made a cutting motion across my throat at him, to which he nodded and climbed out of the seat, placing the rifle on the floor and stepping away. “Which one of you is in charge?”

I took hold of Luna's hand and walked towards them, a few keeping us in their sights. “That would be me. The password is 'Moon Mover'.” I felt Luna's hand tightened around mine, and the police lowered their weapons. “The guys on their knees tried to mug me and my VIP, the others are with me.” The SWAT teams moved up and took the thugs in to custody, leading them to a waiting riot van.

“Do you want to press charges sir?” I switched my attention from them to the officer, giving her a quick once over. There was a small tug on my arm as Luna let go and walked over to Simon.

“No...no, I don't think that will be necessary. I'm sure they are already wanted for other crimes, so take them in for that.” She nodded to me and walked off, with me going in the other direction. “Luna? Are you okay?” Turning around, she had tears in the corners of her eyes. “Luna, what's wrong?”

“I think it may be best if I was to return home as soon as possible. I...saw the way you looked at her, and it is clear I no longer please you. I wish to go home.” I knew that's what this was about.

“I wasn't 'checking her out', I was sizing up her body to see how capable she was in doing her job, nothing more.” I slipped my arms around her back and pulled her close. “No one could ever come between us, and after you leave I doubt I will find another that would even hold a candle to you.”


“Fuck off Simon!” Slowly, her arms came up and returned the embrace, burying her head in to my shoulder. After a moment, she pulled away and walked towards the ramp for the pier, her hand still entwined with mine. I put two fingers up to my eyes then waved my hand out in a wide arc, indicating that the others should spread out and keep watch. They all nodded and walked off in different directions, and I followed Luna up to the top, where the sun was just disappearing over the horizon.

“I have something to discuss with you, Captain.” This drew my attention, as it was the first time since she met my parents she had called me that. “In the past month or so, I have had to buy slightly bigger sized clothes. Exercise is not helping, and I believe there is only one other possibility. Do you remember the night we shared back in Canterlot?”

“Uh, no, not all of it, I'm afraid. From the end of the party, to waking up in the morning, it's all gone. I'm sorry.”

She just sighed and a light shone above her head, revealing her horn. “I shall just have to show you then.” With that, she gently touched it to my forehead and there was a flash right in front of my eyes.

I had just finished my dance with Luna when she leaned up and kissed me. I was a little shocked at first, but it was nice, and surprisingly gentle. There was another flash as the camera went again, and I heard it clicking for another shot, so I held the kiss and put my middle finger up to it, seeing the light through my shut eyes. There was a little giggling coming from the top of the throne room's dais, and then Celestia spoke. “Well, it seems you won our little bet. I wonder yet what you have planned for my forfeit.”

I pulled away from Luna, a hurt expression on my face. “You did this for a bet? Luna, I...I don't know what to say.” Pulling away from her embrace, I left the throne room and stalked along the corridors, most of the guards moving out of the way of the Captain who looked ready to kill if somepony said the wrong thing. Having made my way to a deserted section of the castle, I started to climb a stairwell, subconsciously ending up in the observatory.

I didn't know how long I was alone until I heard the door crack open. Not wanting to be disturbed, I didn't even bother turning around as I spoke. “Who ever has just entered, leave. I don't want to be around anyone at the moment.” I heard a sigh before the pony that had approached turned and left for the door, cracking it open. They must've hesitated for a moment, as it took a few seconds for the door to close. I just closed my eyes, finally allowed to be along with my thoughts. Do I really fell that way about her? She's a fucking horse! I'd be jailed for that back home!

“You know, acting like this would make some ponies think you really are a monster.” Turning around, I was greeted by a unicorn guard, flanked by some others.. “Do you even realise what just went on down there? It wasn't even because of the bet, but it's not my place to say.”

“Pin Point, right now I'm not in the mood. Why don't you go find a cave on a map so you go there and shove your head up you fla....”

“Captain, are you in there?” I sighed, knowing who the voice belonged to. I didn't feel like talking to any of them at the moment.

“Yes Fluttershy, I'm in here.” She trotted in and glanced at the other ponies.

“Everypony go back to your posts. The Captain and I need to have a chat.” We waited for them to leave and Fluttershy closed the door quietly. “Captain, I'm disappointed with you. Not angry, just disappointed.”

“Shy, are you really giving me this speech? I heard it all back in basic, and it didn't work then, it's not going to work now. I just want to be alone right now, I need to get my head clear.”

“No, what you should do is go back down there and apologise for storming out.”


I watched as the head dropped lower as I shouted. Hear come the tears. “....no.”

“What was th...”



BECAUSE SHE LOVES YOU, YOU STUPID MOTHERBUCKER!!” I watched as she slowly raised her hooves to her mouth, obviously she had said something that she didn't mean to. The seriousness of the moment was interrupted as Pinkie Pie dropped from the ceiling. “um, Pinkie, I know I broke a Pinkie Promise, but it got a bit heated in here andfdfdd.” Pinkie had shoved her hoof in Fluttershy's mouth, and then just nodded and walked out of the door, both of us following her with our eyes.

“Okay, so that just happened. Now what was that about Luna?” The yellow mare just turned to the door and walked out.

“Go ask her yourself.” I watched the mare leave the room and gently close the door behind her. I just stood next to the wall dumbfounded. Next thing I know there was a pain in my fist, and blood smeared around the hole in the woodwork. Figuring a good nights sleep would sort all this out, I made my way down to my room, opening the door and entering.

Wait a minute, that was locked. Who's been in here? I shrugged at this and sat down on the edge of the bed. I looked at my hand and the knuckles were scraped open. Looking around, I tried to spot my first aid kit, but it wasn't on the desk where I left it. I felt a hand on my shoulder, gently pulling me back. “Who ever the fuck you are, you better let go, or I'm going to tear that arm off and shove it up your ass.”

The hand removed itself and it's owner got off the bed, walking in front of me. My eyes were downcast to the floor, but as a pair of pale, slender legs appeared, I slowly lifted my gaze, coming across a slender figure. My eyes roamed higher, lingering on the chest for a few seconds longer. “Hey, my eyes are up here.” Carrying on, my eyes met the other set.


She gripped at my shoulder, running her hand down my arm. “Let me see that hand.” I pulled it away and hid it from her view. “Captain, I said let me see that hand.” Slowly, I brought it back out, and she took it in hers, before bending down and kissing it. The dull throbbing that had taken up residence disappeared and the cuts closed themselves over.

“Thank you ma'am.” I stood up and looked her in the eyes. “About earlier, I'm sorry for the way I acted. I let my reactions get the better of me again. I..” A hand was gently placed over my mouth and I stopped talking, before Luna pushed me on to the bed, standing above me with a thoughtful expression and hungry eyes. A voice from across the room drew my attention.

“Am I done yet Luna?” Following the sound, I saw another human in the room, but this one had hair of green, blue, and light purple. Celestia. She was cleaning the floor whilst dressed.... provocatively. Luna just giggled and shook her head, climbing atop me and resting her chest against mine, before bringing her soft lips to mine. I tired to reach my arms around her to pull her close, but she pushed them back down against the bed. When she finally pulled away, I tried to get free again.

“Not yet, my Captain, we are not finished. Celly, come over here please, it is time for the rest of your punishment.” Celestia stood up and walked over unevenly in the shoes she was wearing and stood by the edge of the bed, awaiting further instructions. I couldn't help but look, although, one thing had to be asked.

“Luna?” She turned her head back to me. “I can understand your robe, it looks easy enough to make, but just where did you get a maid costume for a human from....and one like that?” I had inadvertently moved my gaze to Celestia, and a hand moved it back to Luna.

“Tis simple, we asked Rarity to make them, one for each of us, once we discovered this transformation spell. As you have served us so well recently, it is our turn to serve you. The....bet we made...this was to be the punishment, but during the day around the castle staff. I...did not want you to hear about it, as we had a no ba.....” It was my turn to do the silencing, as I placed my free hand over her mouth.

“It's okay Luna, I understand now. And I am grateful that you went though all this to make me happy.” She leaned in and kissed me much more passionately, until someone clearing their throat interrupted us. “So, what's the rest of her punishment?”

“Whatever you see fit. When you were injured against the Diamond Dogs, I entered your dreams as you know. Including some of the more........'adult' ones.” I started to blush deeply, knowing just how.....different they got sometimes. “I have taken great care to get some of these items right, and you may wish to look them over before use.” She waved her hand and a curtain on the wall revealed a selection of......items not normally found in a castle for royalty. Or most bedrooms. I think.

Standing up, I went over to the wall and got a selection of said items. Walking around to the other side of the bed, I addressed 'Celly'. “Hands behind you back please.” She did so without hesitation, and a few moments later they were secured in a length of rope. Heh, score one for learning knots in Scouts. “Luna, can she use her magic whilst like this?”

“Normally yes, but the bet stipulated that the winner would decide when it was over, so she currently has a magic blocking ring on her horn. I still have my magic, but the horn is....how to say this? Out of phase with the rest of me. It is there, but you can not see nor touch it.”

“I see. That means she won't be able to remove this then.” Celestia looked to the round red object with the black strap on it. “Celly, on your knees.” She looked at me worried for a moment before complying.

“Yes sir.”

I looked back at Luna. “'Sir'? Care to explain?”

“As I said, we are here to serve you tonight, so that makes you the one in charge of us.”

I popped the gag in to Celestia's mouth, to which she offered no resistance to. Hell, she seemed to enjoy it as I secured the strap around the back of her head. I pulled her back up and bent her over the bed.“And this 'punishment', how long will it go on for?”

Her face just contorted in to a massive grin. “Until you say otherwise. How did you know how to actually use that object?”

“One of my ex-girlfriends was in to this whole thing, hence why my dreams sometimes get weird. And what about you? You may have 'won' the bet, but I must admit, it hurt deeper than I though it would when your sister said that back there.”

I could see a glow around her head, and a box was floated over to me. On opening it, I was presented with what I assumed to be one of the horn rings. Luna had also floated the same objects over to her and got in to the same position as Celestia, but on the other side. “I will do anything you say, Sir.”

“Put the ring on yourself.” She reached for the box slowly, and pulled the ring out, hesitating with it just above her horn. There were some muffled words from my side of the bed, and I lightly slapped Celestia's cheeks. There was a stifled cry followed by a moan and her wiggling her ass around as if asking for more. “Naught Celly, you're supposed to wait until spoken to.” With an exhaled breath, Luna pulled the ring down over her horn, and the objects floating above the bed dropped to the mattress. I pointed to another gag and she picked it up, looking over it once before placing it in her mouth and fumbling with the catch. She got it right after a few seconds, and placed her hands behind her back.

Grabbing another length or rope, I then tied her hands in the same way, and she tugged at them, testing the knots. There was a frustrated grunt as she couldn't get her hands out. I reached up to the gags strap and pulled it a little, and got more slack then expected. “Tut tut Lulu, this won't do at all.” I pulled it tighter and made sure it wasn't loose before securing it. “Trying to deceive me like that...I think that earns you two.”

As my hand made contact, she jolted forward and tried to get up and walk away from me. I quickly grabbed her wrists and pulled her back. “Now, now. You must accept your punishment.” Another quick slap and this time she moaned with pleasure. “Oh, so you do like it...but we can't have you running away now, can we?” I lifted her over my should amidst muffled cries of protest and grabbed another length of rope, then dumped her on the bed. Moving my hands down her body slowly, I watched her shudder as they reached her hips, and I could see her arms straining to get loose.

“Well, somebody is eager!” Running them down her legs, I reached her ankles and proceeded to give them the same treatment as her wrists. After I was done, I let her go and watched her struggle for a moment before turning to Celestia. “Well Celly, I guess you know what happens next.” Nodding, she got on to the bed and placed her ankles together, allowing me to restrain them. Removing her shoes, I flipped them on to their bellies and slipped their legs under my arms. “Now then, this is going to be the first punishment.”

They squirmed a little until the feathers I had in my hands touched the soles of their feet, and they started jerking, their gags muffling their cries of protest, laughter, and what I was after, moans of pleasure. I stopped and let them catch their breath before sitting them up at the end of the bed. I just looked from one princess-turned-slave-for-the-night to the other. Smiles appeared around the gags as I grabbed more rope. “Don't give in just yet ladies, the night is still young.” Their eyes widened when I turned around as they saw the riding crop.

Luna pulled away, and her horn slowly faded from sight. “When we had finished our..... activities, you asked about the issue of what could happen. We may have looked human, but we were still ponies, and thus not compatible. When I came here, a doctor gave me a medical examination, and said I was a perfectly healthy human, which means we are now compatible, and we have not used protection...I...I”

I placed my hand over her mouth like I did all those nights ago. “Luna, that doesn't matter.”

Her gaze lowered to the floor. “But....I think I am....with child.” I tilted her head back up to look at me. “Your child.”

I pulled her in close and gave her a passionate kiss. “And I wouldn't want anybody else to do so. You're perfect Luna. Come on, let's go back to the house, my princess.”