• Published 17th Mar 2013
  • 617 Views, 38 Comments

Stories In Equestria: The Rise of a New Guardian - The_Silent_Hero47

Life is funny. I was just a normal 15 year-old brony, living the casual high school life. But one day, an unsuspected visitor came into our world and messed everything up.

  • ...

Chapter 1: Encounter With the Lord of Chaos

I opened my eyes and I saw a dark shadow lingering over me as if watching me die, I wanted to look away from the stare of bright white eyes that peered into my darkest soul. But I only managed to focus on the glare from death, I'm guessing that's what it is. But then I heard a voice calling for me, almost pulling me farther from the shadows.

"Hero, Hero wake up !" The voice was faint but I could still hear it. "Hero don't do this to me, Equestria needs you...I need you."

"L-Luna?" I managed to ask in a shaky voice.

"Hero, Hero come on get up we need you now." The voice said once again. But then I felt a sharp pain in my head, it was unbearable.

This is it, I'm dying here and now. I thought to myself as what little lights became brighter in my vision.

I woke up from my slumber, the nightmare I was having, scratch that, been having for a while now was getting more life like every second. I was covered in sweat, whatever was happening in my dreams were intense. I slid off my bed and grabbed some clothing for the day ahead of me.
Six A.M. and I have to be at school by Seven? What could I possibly do to kill time? I thought to myself as I walked to the bathroom to cleanse my body from my dark dream sins, as I was putting my clean folded wearing material on the sink I look at a nearby mirror. Only to see a drained face with messy hair, and slight stubble staring back at me. My life is just a whole fucking big, long routine. I thought as I went to take a nice, and badly needed shower.

As the water as if it was from Satan himself, was hitting my body as I thought about what I was doing with my life, sure I am a brony some people don't consider that good on some terms, but other then that there was no excitement in my shallow shell that is my life. A half hour passed and I finished my shower and throw on my interesting clothing choice, I walk back into my room and gather my needed things.

"Lets see." I began speaking my thoughts. "Wallet, check, key to house, check, phone, check."

I looked around the room for something that was screaming to get my attention, other then my laptop, which I intend to keep not stolen from me, nothing seemed fit. I passed some brief minutes watching television, mainly weather channel, then grabbed my Hoodie and i Pod before taking off to a place where it feels like hell, school. After locking my door I started my i Pod and pushed play, then began my daily routine of walking to the beat of wubs and other songs caged inside my music device. It was so cold outside that I could see my breath when I talked, of course no one thinks that a dessert, like St.George would be so cold, guess again I nearly had to cover every part of my body around Christmas time.

Utah has never doubted me when it came to extreme weather patterns, from over 100 degree blazing summers, to -5 winters, the state of Utah has been eye opening weather wise. Before I knew it I was at Pine View High School, normally when I get here only the lunch ladies and about two to three janitors are here so I opened one of the many doors leading into the high school and wondered the halls for about another half hour.

Maybe I could work on some projects that are going to be late soon. I chuckled on the inside about that thought, I mouthed to myself
"What work?"

So I went on with my daily trend around the school, it was dull and boring of course. What else would I do when none of my other friends were here? Once I was around the science hall, I heard a voice I wish I never heard had I known what was ahead of me.
"Tsk, tsk pity human, will your life ever be exciting?" The voice was louder then my music, and that's saying something.

"H-hello?" I asked into the what seemed to be an empty hall. There was no response so I just thought I was thinking about the newest episode at the time 'Keep calm and Flutter on' too much I decided to just shrugged it off. Few minutes later I was near the front end of the school when I saw my friend walking into the school, he's the reason of why I am a brony.

"Hey Dakota, whats up?" I asked shaking my head up as I spoke.

"Sup." Dakota said in a deep and brunt voice.
He was about 6 feet tall and was just about the most skinniest person I've ever met in my life.

"Nothing much, although I think I heard someone talk to me in the science hall, like Discord or something." I said with the thought of his voice bugging me at the moment.

"Eh, probably just thinking about the new episode too much." Dakota said in a tone that sounded like he didn't care, I don't know if he didn't care but that was his normal tone for everything.

Just imagine him having sex. I thought to myself chuckling on the inside.

We spent the next hour or so talking about video games, how much school sucked, and of course ponies before the bell rang to go our separate ways to class. My first class was Language Arts, I know what a way to start the day. After learning about commonly misused and misspelled words, the bell rang to excuse us to our next class I tried my best to beat the rush hour in the hallways to get to the other side of the school for my next class when suddenly I heard him again.

"Sigh, James I think your expecting too much out of your simple and boring life." The voice said in a disappointed tone.

I stopped in the middle of the hallway, stunned at what I just heard. I would of responded to what I just heard but kinda figured, having someone yell 'what are you talking about?' is kinda weird, and this is coming from my mind. So I just rushed on to my class, besides maybe playing my trumpet will calm me down a bit. After reaching my destination I walked towards my locker case holding my musical instrument, and started placing the music sheet that we were practicing on neatly on my stand while I was putting together my trumpet when I saw him, Discord standing right in front of me. I did what any normal person would do and freaked the fuck out running out of the room, my teacher seeing my weird action yelled at me as I was running out the door.

"Where the hell are you going?"

I ran up stairs, past ramps, and through stragglers in the hallways into a deserted bathroom. I went into the nearest unlocked stall, and locked it breathing slightly calmer after doing so. I started trying to calm myself down by any ways possible, taking deep breaths and telling myself I'm not going insane.

"It was just an illusion, it was just an illusion." Just then Discord teleported right in front of me.

"Oh stop acting like this is all new to you, I thought Luna was giving you visions on what I'm here for." He said in a pish posh tone.

How did he know about my nightmares? I thought to myself before speaking.
"You're not real, you're a cartoon character made for little girls!" I yelled not caring who heard me.

"Oh really then can a cartoon character do this?" Discord then slapped me on the face leaving a red mark in the shape of a lion's paw on my right cheek.

"Ah, ow, what the fuck, how did you do that?"I asked him loudly.

"See if I were a cartoon character that mark wouldn't even be there." Discord said mocking my voice.

"Okay, say if you are real, which I am finding that really hard to believe, what the hell are you doing here?"

"Man, you're not that smart aren't you," Discord said giving me a look that practically screams 'are you kidding me?'
"You see James, I am here to take you to a magical place I think you might like it, called Ponyville!" He said in a corny happy voice.

I was seeing his plan, he wanted me to go in there to distract the ponies long enough to take over again with chaos, but I saw through it.
"As much as I would love to see Equestria and Derpy I'm afraid I'm going to say no to your offer, Discord." I said feeling brave that I found out a partial plan.

"I didn't offer an option for you, you are going and that's final." He said in a powerful tone.
I unlocked the stall and ran for it but before I could get outside the bathroom I felt like I hit a brick wall made out of soft fur.
"You think I'm going to let go that easily? Ha! No one can outsmart me, you of all humans should know this, James."

He walked over to me trying his best to corner me, I found many ways out of his traps but somehow I ended up back into the stall from before.This looks like the end for me. As I heard that thought in my head I shivered, I didn't want to die not now I had so much to look forward too. Discord looked at me and grinned, he then pulled that halo around his head act like he did in the episode. I closed my eyes, I didn't want to see my death come towards me, not now, not ever. I heard him snap his fingers and seconds later I was falling I opened my eyes and saw a never ending swirl of lines and colors, I yelled to the point to where my voice couldn't be heard anymore. This is it James, you're falling to your death. I thought as I closed my eyes and waited for the impact.

Soft, thin, and almost pointy grass broke my fall, I looked up but couldn't see anything so I put my head back down and yelled hoping that someone could hear me.
"Help, Help me for the love of god help!"
My hoarse voice was breaking and I was losing my focus on trying to stay awake, I didn't hear anything until almost five seconds before I blacked out, what I heard was the sound of hoofs coming to my almost limp body.

Author's Note:

This is a Restart of my first Fanfiction. Hopefully this will do much better then the original one.
Editing goes to JXWheeler.