• Published 30th Jan 2012
  • 897 Views, 2 Comments

Shadows of the Moon - Morty

Umbra is a secret organization run by Princess Luna. With her return, it has resumed activity.

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Introduction, The Deep

“Quin!” shouted the massive earth pony. “What do we do?”
“I don’t know I don’t know, let me just think for a second”
“Yeah, take your time, it’s not like OUR LIVES DEPEND ON IT!” shouted the volatile pegasus.
Quin surveyed the cavern to assess their situation, illuminating the space with magic. The bizarre scorpion-like creatures, each about three feet long with no visible eyes, were closing from all directions. The creatures clicked to each other as they closed in, somehow able to pinpoint the location of Quin’s squad through some means other than sight. Oh how he’d love to get a sample of their magic resistant exoskeletons, but now wasn’t the time for science. For now, he had to figure out some way to keep his friends alive.
The cavernous they had been exploring were now crawling with these monsters, creatures that had proven to be immune to Quin’s magic. The small black pony quickly formulated a plan.
“Move to the wall! Razorspark! Riposte! See how they fair against your long range. Spark, take the left flank, Rip you got the right. I don’t want anypony getting stung by these things. Crush, you’re my eyes. I’m dual casting.”
“Understood” Stone Crusherhooves replied gruffly. The giant earth pony stood at 6’7 feet tall, towering over even an alicorn. Most of his body was covered in heavy metal plate armor, with his horseshoes especially fortified and enhanced through Quin’s own magical power. There was no better pony to have watching his back.
Razorspark flew in circles a few feet from the ground, a small dark cloud forming in the center. She flew behind her cloud as the creatures approached.
“COME GET SOME FUCKERS!” the rather extreme pegasus shouted at her enemies..
Using her unusually long, thin legs she started to beat the cloud like it was a punching bag. Each strike of her hooves unleashed a bolt of lightning, blasting away creature after creature.
“Quin mon ami, whenever you get le chance I could really use a hoof over here!”
If Riposte was asking for help, Quin knew things were bad. He couldn’t open his eyes while dual casting, so he took the risk and tri-casted for just a moment, the sabrecat’s eye spell. Through the magic floating eye that appeared, he saw Riposte was having quite a bit of trouble. The young unicorn’s magical energy blade techniques had no effect on the strange opponents they now faced. Seeing that they were even immune to his magical telekinesis, Riposte threw whatever loose debris he could at them, but the creatures were growing bolder. Quin knew he did not have long.
Finally one of the spells was ready. Quin’s magic burned a summoning rune into the floor. In a flash of pink light three fine swords appeared: a katana, a broadsword and, Riposte’s favorite, a personally enchanted rapier. He quickly shut down the sabrecat’s eye before he lost control of the other spell that was charging.
“Riposte” shouted Crush. “Your blades!”
“Excellent” responded the white unicorn smoothly. His burning coal red eyes filled with glee as he telekinetically grabbed his weapons. He struck a pose with his slicked back red hair, magically twirled the end of his pointy red moustache, and displayed his sword cutie mark. With a wicked grin he brandished his three swords. “Form an orderly line gentlemen, everyone shall get a taste!”
He swung his blades around furiously at the monsters, impaling and killing a few. Despite this, it wasn’t long before things started going horribly wrong. Even with his intense focus and skill, his strokes were slowing down. Suddenly one of the beasts grabbed his rapier, biting at it incessantly. Several of the creatures piled on his rapier, and his connection with it broke entirely.
“What is this!?” shouted Riposte. “Razorspark, I need support!”
“A little busy here!” She cried back frantically.
Beads of sweat ran down Razorspark’s face as her wings struggled to maintain the cloud underground. She was growing tired and the creatures just kept coming. She smiled to herself as the beasts she had just blasted twitched, but her smile soon faded to dismay as the creatures righted themselves and continued their advance.

“Quin, you may need to revise your plan” said Crush, a concerned look crossing his face.
“Already have, several times.”
Quin’s eyes were still closed in concentration. He was only working on a single spell now, but it required intense focus due to its great magnitude. He had no choice; he had to finish them all in one blast. He was going to try to summon a storm of armor piercing arrows, but to set up such a spell took time.
The creatures had already swarmed over Riposte’s katana, leaving him with just his broadsword. He swung sluggishly at the creatures.
“Stay back you filth!” he shouted.
While it was a well known fact that Quin was the brains of their group, nopony gets to Alpha Squad of UMBRA without having a quick wit about them. Riposte scanned the field in an attempt to lcate his other weapons and try to make magical contact again. He found his trusty rapier and started to lift it off the ground. As the magic formed around it, several of the creatures pounced on it, some even turning back to get to reach the weapon. He struggled to fight them off by wielding the broadsword in his mouth as a last resort when it became clear that magic was getting them nowhere. He noticed one of the injured creatures bite the sword and, to his horror, its wounds immediately began to heal. Suddenly it became clear. He dropped the sword to speak.
“Quin, these things EAT magic!” He had to get that info to Quin, but as he tried to reach for his sword one of the creatures lunged at him. He fell down on his side as he jumped out of the way.
“Time’s up Quin” stated Crush calmly as he made an epic leap to Riposte’s position, the ground shaking as he landed. Riposte scrambled behind Stone, the creatures in close pursuit. Stone made quick work of a dozen or so, trampling and crushing them with his expert Hammerhoof style. The creatures backed off a bit, seemingly confused, then surged forward once again. Riposte tried to fight alongside Crush but the unicorn just didn’t have crush’s skill in unarmed combat.
“Get back” yelled Stone.
Riposte ran back to the wall with Quin, feeling utterly useless without a weapon. Stone crushed creature after creature, but somehow a few slipped past, uninterested in the big earth pony.
“Quin!” shouted Riposte.
“Almost!” Quin yelled.
Crush blew away a wave of the creatures with a mighty back kick then leapt onto the ones threatening his friends, spilling their entrails on the cavern floor.
“Now!” Quin cried “Spark, to me!”
The exhausted pegasus darted back to the group. Quin opened his eyelids, his eyes glowing white with magical power. The ground shook and spikes of stone burst forth from it, ripping into the creatures. Large stones broke away from the ceiling, whirling violently around the heroes, crushing all the creatures in their paths.
“Thanks for that” Riposte said to Quin, but the young pony was engrossed in his magic.
He didn’t have time to bring in the rain of arrows, so he resorted to a simpler geomantic spell. With as much charge time as he had, manipulating tons of rock was as natural to him as breathing. The creatures scampered wildly after the flying stone wreckage, trying to eat the magic guiding the rocks, only to be crushed before having time to feed. Before long the swarm was dead, but the walls continued to shake.
“I was afraid of this” Quin said. “The geomancy caused a cave in. We have to move now!” The ponies began running towards the exit of the cavern, but Stone Crusherhooves struggled to keep up.
“Stone move it!” shouted Razorspark, but then she noticed his limping leg. “Guys Stone’s hurt” she yelled ahead.
Quin and Riposte stopped. “Crush were you stung?” asked Quin with panic in his voice.
At first Crush said nothing, simply nodded, facing the ground. Then after a pause he looked straight at Quin. Stone’s face was stoic as ever, but Quin saw immense pain in those eyes.
“You have to keep moving, leave me” Stone said through gritted teeth.
“Bullshit we’re leaving you!” shouted Razorspark. She may not have the best demeanor, but there was no way she’d leave a friend behind.
“What other options do we have?” asked Riposte.
“EXCUSE ME?” challenged Razorspark furiously.
“You were busy Sparks, you didn’t see it” said Riposte. “Those things eat magic. They were after Quin and me. When I was fighting them they were agile and focused, but when monsieur Crusherhooves fought them they were sloppy and confused.”
“Maybe Stone is just, oh, I don’t know, BETTER THAN YOU!” She shouted.
“No” Quin started somberly. “Rip’s right.”
“What the hell Quin!?” Razorsparks shot him a poisonous glare.
“Sparks, those creatures had no eyes. There could be merit in what Rip says. For all we know, the presence of unicorns here will just make things worse.”
“You’re both just being cowards!” she yelled, but deep down she knew Quin was right, he almost always was. “Well I am NOT leaving Crush to the mercy of those…things.”
Crush looked down, saying nothing.
“Listen” began Quin. “We need to move fast, before those things return. I see only one possible course of action.” He began to draw a magical rune in the stone floor with a magical burst from his horn. “This transport rune is meant to send objects, not ponies. We can send you supplies Crush, but it would be too dangerous to try to transport you out of here.” He drew another, more complex rune a few yards away which glowed even after the magic faded. “There, that should keep those freaks busy for a while.”
“Quin I sai-“ started Razorspark.
“Sparks, I am sorry to ask this of you, but will you please stay and guard Crush? Just until we can come back with reinforcements and medical supplies.”
Razorspikes anger melted into a warm smile. She knew Quin would never ask her to leave a friend behind. “You got it Captain” she said, her voice brimming with determination as she walked over to Stone.
“Also” Quin spoke as he raised his horn, several of the dislodged boulders and stalactitesrising in unison. He closed his eyes in concentration as a magical pink adhesive bound the rocks together, creating a barrier all around Crush and Razorspar. He was sure to leave some cracks free of adhesive so they could breathe.
“This should keep you safe if those things do decide to come back” he called to them. “Don’t worry everypony, we are going to make it out of this ok.”
As he began walking away with Riposte Quin muttered under his breath “Just hang on Stone.”
“What was that Quin?” asked Riposte
“Oh, nothing.”
“Hurry back!” They heard Razorspark call.
“Will do cherie!” Riposte called back. “So Quin, what is the plan?”
“Well, we have to inform Princess Luna of our situation right away. According to my intel, there is a town with a dragon not too far from here.