• Published 4th Mar 2013
  • 1,279 Views, 69 Comments

These Are The Days Of Our Lives - ADRNEL

Twilight and Time Turner are getting married, but that doesn't mean the drama must end.

  • ...

Winter (part 2)

A cold winter morning in the city of Fillydelphia, at 30th Street Station, ponies of all walks of life are traveling or commuiting in and out of the city from other parts of Equestria, most of them as part of their daily route to work. At the platform, a white unicorn mare, named Vinyl Scratch, with a scarf and sunglasses is sitting on a bench listening to the blasting music through her headphones. She takes a quick moment to check the time; 10:05. She then looks around for the stallion that was supposed to meet her by now, but sees no signs of him. She just sighs and takes off her headphones, and music player, and puts them in her saddlebags.

"Here ah am." announced a masculine voice. The mare turns around and smiles at the sigh of Big Mac standing before her, having accepted her offer to be her equipment manager.

"And for moment there I thought you weren't going to show up." mused Vinyl with a smirk. "Anyways, I would like to thank you for taking my offer, now you don't have to worry about hauling any equipment at the moment, I already took care of that in case you weren't going to show up and are in the luggage compartment of the train as of right now." explained the unicorn. "But if you're going to do this, I need to give you this!" she then reaches into her saddlebag and takes out a white hoodie, with the word "CREW" engraved in blue letters and a picture of Vinyl's cutie mark below it.

Big Mac looks hesitant to wear it and was about to politely decline, but then he feels Vinyl using her magic to remove his yolk. "It's best that you wear it, it's so ponies can tell that you're part of my entorage." stated the mare.

"Whar is yer entorage?" asked Big Mac as he reluctantly takes the hoodie and puts it on.

"It's just you." bluntly answered Vinyl with a smile. "I tried to get some but they all prefer to know if they're going to be paid before taking up the offer." she sheepishly explains. "You're the first pony that was willing to do this for free."

"Ah's not doin' this here fo' yo' Miss Scratch, ah's doin' this to keep me busy." bluntly explained the stallion now in the white hoodie.

"Oh, to keep you from thinking about HER? I understand." stated Vinyl, knowing full well what Big Mac meant when he wanted to be kept busy. "And don't worry about the yolk, it'll be safe in my saddlebags." she then uses her magic to put the yolk in the saddlebag as promised. "Now the train is going to leave at any moment, so let's go!"

Both Vinyl and Big Mac then trot off and get on the train heading towards Manehatten.

At Sweet Apple Acres, Twilight Sparkle is knocking on the door to the farmhouse waiting for somepony to answer. She then sees the front door open to reveal Applejack, with bags under her eyes.

"Are you okay?" asked a concered Twilight to her friend.

"If this here is about Dash, ah told yo', until she's willin' t'talk t'me again, then ah's not talkin' t'her." explained the orange mare.

"No, it's not about Dash, I just wanted to know how your family is holding up with Big Mac gone." explained Twilight. "He was the one who did the physically demanding chores and the finances."

"Yo' reckon Mac is th' only pony here that can do th' finances?" stated Applejack with an annoyed tone.

"Well, last time I checked, you hate math, Apple Bloom is too young and Granny Smith is...well...not completly mentally there." explained Twilight in a way that won't offend the farmer pony.

"Look, ah don't know what you heared, but we is doin' just fine at th' moment without him, okay?!" snapped Applejack, her lack of sleep making her irritable. Twilight fully knows why her friend hasn't been sleeping as much as she should.

"You still miss Soarin, don't you?" stated Twilight. Applejack just gives a defeated sigh.

"Yes, Yes ah do, a lot." stated Applejack with sadness and longing in her voice.

"Well, why don't you go and tell him how miserable you are without him? Didn't you say you already have his address?" suggested Twilight.

"Ah don't know, ah doubt he wants anythin' t'do with me after what happend t'Dash." explained a reluctant Applejack.

"But at least you can make peace with him and move with the rest of your life." stated Twilight.

Applejack just stands there in deep thought, unsure what to say. "I'll think about it." she then waves to the unicorn goodbye and closes the door to get back inside.

"Make the right choice." pleaded Twilight, knowing full well that Applejack didn't hear that.

"...and that's why they called me DJ Scooter for a short while, because I REALLY got around during my music academy days." finished Vinyl Scratch her story.

Big Mac and Vinyl are sitting together in the same compartment in the train. During the train ride, the two used the time to try to get to know each other, although Big Mac was surprised at how comfortable the unicorn mare was at sharing some very intimate, personal and explicit stories.

"Well, I'm tired of talking, might as well get as much rest as I can before the show." stated Vinyl, she takes off her sunglasses to reveal a pair of ruby colored eyes. Big Mac just stares in awe at the sight. "Yes, yes, I know, I have red eyes, cut me some slack." stated Vinyl, not wanting to hear his reaction. Big Mac just looks at her confused on why she would say that. "You don't know why I cover my eyes?" asked Vinyl, shocked to finally meet a pony who has no idea what she's talking about. Big Mac just silently shakes his head no.

"You see, amoungst unicorns, it is considered taboo to have red eyes because many centuries ago, the majority of unicorns who particided dark magic and witchcraft had red eyes, and eventually red eyes became associated with evil and the dark arts." explained Vinyl like she was giving a horror story. "But don't worry, I'm not into magic, just my music and turntables." Vinyl then lays on her back on the seat she was sitting on and looks up to the ceiling. "So Mac, what are you planning on doing in the future, what do you want to do with your life?" asked the mare to her companion.

"Ah always dreamed of startin' mah own farm someday." stated the red stallion.

"A farm huh? Sounds like the perfect life to me!" smirked the unicorn. "Anyways, I'm going to be taking a nap now, wake me up when we get there." she says before closing her eyes and falling asleep.

"Um...are you sure this is a good idea?" asked a nervous Fluttershy as she and Rarity board the train to Canterlot.

"I'm positive! Only the most eligable of bachelors will be there!" stated Rarity. "Everypony knows that Hoity Toity's Hearth's Warming Eve parties is just THE event to go to if you want to meet the perfect stallion." as Rarity and Fluttershy take their seats in the train.

"I don't know...what if I don't find my special somepony at the party? What if it's my destiny to be alone forever." sadly mumbled Fluttershy. "No husband, no foals running around, just me and my animals."

"Don't say such things dear, it will only make it harder for you to find a stallion." stated Rarity, trying her best to cheer her up.

"But I don't want just ANY stallion, I want one who is hard working, kind, honest, will always put his loved ones first and will always be there when I needed him." explained Fluttershy, trying her best to convince Rarity to not take her along.

"Darling, I hadn't known better, you just described Big Mac." stated Rarity, pointing out the obvious truth, Fluttershy still loves Big Mac eventhough he cheated on her.

Fluttershy immediatly catches on to what Rarity pointed out and blushes. "Oh my..."

An hour later at the same train station, Applejack has just finishes buying a ticket to Canterlot and boards the train, her train is the one right after Rarity and Fluttershy's from earlier. She takes her seat in the train and looks out the window, she then reaches into her saddlebag and takes a pieace of paper with an address written on it.

"Soarin, here ah come!" exclaimes a determined Applejack to herself as the train begins to leave the station.

In Manehatten, both Vinyl and Big Mac are walking down the packed city streets, with the stallion hauling a cart of music and stereo equipment behind him. They soon come across a nightclub called "Studio DHX", on top of the entrance is a marquee reading;

Bar & Dance Club
Mare's Night: Mares drink for free
DJ Tonight: Vinyl "DJ-PON3" Scratch
Closed tomorrow and the day after for Hearth's Warming Eve

They go inside through the back and find the club's staff and employees getting ready for tonight.

"Okay Mac, just follow my set up instructions and you'll do fine." grinned an overconfident Vinyl to the stallion. Big Mac just nods along to what she's saying. "And who knows? Maybe tonight you'll finally find a mare that will make forget about her." continued Vinyl, eventhough she's wearing sunglasses Big Mac can tell that she's winking at him.

They both unload the cart and begin setting up the equipment.

The sun is setting over Canterlot as Applejack makes her through the maze of streets, struggling to find the right address. Soon she comes across a tall brick home in the middle of Canterlot's bronze district, the upper middle class district and one farthest away from the Royal Palace.

"This here must be th' place." comfirmed Applejack to herself. She knocks on the door several and waits for answer. After about a minute, she sees the door slowly open to reveal the stallion that she yerned for, for three months; Soarin.

"Applejack, what are you doing?" asked a surprised and shocked Soarin, never expecting her to be here.

"Ah want t'talk t'yo'." answered Applejack, with a tone of pleading in her voice.

To be continued...

Author's Note:

Chapter 7 of 13!

Things are getting interesting.

Thanks once again for the reviews and faves!
I greatly appreaciate it!
