• Published 4th Mar 2013
  • 1,228 Views, 14 Comments

Recollection Letter to Celestia - Pinkamena_Rocks_57

Twilight writes a letter to celestia about past events involving her and a certain mare.

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Recolection letter to Celestia

Jo Testarossa

Recollection letter to Celestia

“Nothing makes sense!” I yelled as I pace in circles in the middle of my home. I was frustrated, you would be too if you had one though in your mind all day and no matter what you did to prove it wrong it stayed there tormenting you. Suddenly Spike came down the stairs, his face showed confusion and I knew exactly what words were going to come out of his mouth next.
“Why are you yelling Twilight? What doesn’t make sense?”
I explained the situation to Spike only to have him ask what the thought was. This is where I became tense. I didn’t know whether to tell him or not. I had never told him that I was a fillyfooler before so I would probably have to explain that first, moreover, I would probably have to explain what a fillyfooler was so he would actually understand. My second reason on debating to tell him was that this though was about Rarity; Spike is a bit… okay. He is really weird when he is around her, sometimes I see him start to float around behind her and that is just creepy, because he likes her even though he already knows it will never happen due to age difference and the fact that he is a dragon and she is a pony he still hopes it will one day become real.
I didn’t want to hurt him so I didn’t tell him. I made up a fake situation about some random test that the princess had given me and told him I needed to go out for a while. He accepted the story and went back upstairs to take a nap seeing as today was his day off.
While out I began to ponder the idea of me and Rarity together again and shouted in anger because the thought had entered my mind once again. I decided that I needed help from a friend, somepony who has already gone through this kind of thing, Applejack, but as I walked towards Sweet Apple Acres I ran into Fluttershy as she was walking home from the market.
“Hello Twilight, how are you today?” she said with a kind smile on her face.
I answer honestly to my shy friend. “I’m not doing too well Fluttershy. I’ve had this one thought stuck in my head all day and no matter what I do to prove it wrong it still comes back.”
She looked at me with concern written all over her face as she asked me if I wanted to come over to her cottage and talk about it too see if that would help my case. I knew that I wanted to talk to Applejack to see how she got together with Rainbow Dash, but I needed every chance I was presented so I thanked her and followed her home.
Once at Fluttershy’s cottage she began to make some tea for us as I sat down. She came in with the cups of warm mint tea and sat down across from me. I tell you one thing; her house was a beautiful one. The environment was just so peaceful and open; it felt good to be in her home. I had doubts about Fluttershy being able to help me, but I quickly got rid of them as soon as I entered her house.
“So, what’s been on your mind Twilight, I mean... if you want to share that is.” After a couple of years of being friends she still was so timid, yet I knew not why.
“Well… so you already know that I’m a fillyfooler right?” She nodded in acknowledgement and motioned for me to continue. “So, over the years I have felt something… something more than just a desire for friendship. I have felt the need to be in a relationship with a certain somepony, but I, one, don’t know if she feels the same way about me, and two, Don’t know if it would even work out between us. I like her a lot, but there are so many differences between us that it just doesn’t seem possible for us to become a couple… you know what I mean?” I finish with a sigh as I take a drink of the tea she had given me.
“Twilight, if you don’t mind me asking that is, could you please tell me who it is you have feelings for?”
“To tell the truth Fluttershy, I’d like to keep her anonymous for now if I could.”
“I understand. Twilight, it seems that you’ve been doubting yourself a lot, but… that’s just my opinion. I would start by figuring where you stand with this certain somepony, like… are you friends with her, are you close or distant, like that. I wish I could offer more advice, but I’m going out on a limb as it is with what I’ve already suggested, I’m sorry Twilight but that’s really all I’ve got. Sorry.”
I nodded in acceptance and got up. I thanked Fluttershy for the tea and advice, and left.
Once I left I began to walk through the park. I needed time to think so I quickly found the nearest open bench and sat down. Next to me was a teal mare. She began to strum her hooves against her lyre so that the soft calming music began to enter all of the ears near it. The music was slow and sweet. It was like a lullaby and, just as a lullaby should, it slowly made me drift off into sleep.
I was in my bedroom. I could hear spike snoring as he lay peacefully in his bed, but something was different. Over the years I realized that it was almost always cold in my house because of all the moisture that the tree held inside of it and usually I would feel a bit chilly even if I was under my blankets, but it was different this time. I felt something to the other side of me, something soft and warm. It was comfortable, but still confusing as to what it was. I began to feel around to see if I could get any clues as to what was next to me, and then I felt it. I felt the hoof of the pony next to me. I turned to see who it was and I saw her. I saw Rarity next to me.

I awoke to find that the mare had left. I was alone on the park bench at what seemed to be eight at night. The moon shone brightly on the park giving everything a soft, beautiful, glow like no other. I really have to hand it to Luna, she really does make wonderful nights. I sat staring at the sky and gazing at the many constellations that could be found and then, just like in my dream, I felt warmth at my side.

It was her, the mare that I had been dreaming about for so long. She smiled and looked up at the sky. Her delicate white coat shined in the moon light and her long, curly, mane fell beautifully to her side.
My heart started to beat faster. What was I supposed to do? I wasn’t ready to talk to her yet. I still needed time to think, time to figure out what I needed to say.
She broke the silence “It is a great night tonight don’t you think Twilight?”
I nodded my head in response. What the hay, even her voice was attractive?!
She stopped looking at the sky and turned to me. She had something to say, I could tell that something was on her mind. I swallowed hard and took a deep breath. This was it, the time that I would have to say something.
We both started at the same time.
We both motioned for the other to go first but rarity insisted that I go.
“I… I don’t really know where to begin. Over the past few months, I have been admiring you from afar. There are feelings that I can’t, or don’t know how to, describe… Rarity…. What I’m trying to say is that… I like you… A lot and I want to be more than friends.”
She was in shock and I was scared. I was scared of her reaction; just looking at her face gave me thoughts of the worst possible thing happening between us. I could see thoughts of fights, of pure hatred. I didn’t want to lose one of my best friends but I couldn’t help thinking that I just did.
Her expression finally changed after about a minute. She took a deep breath and, to my surprise, began to smile. She began to lean on me.
“Twilight” she began after a few moments of silence “Are you free next weekend?”
That weekend she and I got together and throughout the day we continued to speak and have a good time. We ended up talking about why it took me so long to confess my feelings. It ended up coming down to what Fluttershy told me, I had doubted myself the entire time.
I guess that the moral of this letter is that you shouldn’t doubt yourself. Sometimes you shouldn’t over think things and go with your instincts.
Your faithful student
Twilight Sparkle

Comments ( 14 )

Neither the chapter name, nor story title is correct. I refuse to read this.

well fuck you then.

2212932 Because it's my fault the author can't even take the time to proof his own story's front page? If a story about Twilight, the most learned pony outside of the princesses, can't even have a grammatically correct title, then what does that say about the rest of the story?

how she ended getting together

I'm 99% certain that that is not what the story is about, either. Please, take your childish remarks somewhere else. Maybe they'll matter when the author starts to care about his/her own stuff.


Shhh no tears...
Only dreams now
Unrustle your jimmies

2213092 Nice attempt at trolling, and nice assumption that my jimmies are rustled. I am, of course, lying. I was laughing with my editors at your childish attempts of comeback-ery and this poor excuse of fiction.

2213080 I understand that you may not like the story, but please don't use the comment section as a place to argue. I'm sorry that you didn't like it and yes I probably will have to look it over one more time. I wrote this in little time and I didn't really like it at first, but one of my friends told me that the story was okay so I posted it. I guess I misjudged the quality of my story, but please do not imply that I don't care about my writing. Like I say in all of my stories constructive criticism is always appreciated, however if you don't like the story then don't make a scene about it. Thanks for pointing out my mistake and I shall try to work on that.
'Till next time

Yes see, I attacked you and then you attacked the author in some kind of egotistical bitchfit. That's grossly immature dude, I didn't write the story, so why'd you start being such a cunt about it. Jesus fuck calm down and unrustle yourself kid.

Another thing, you should try giving out constructive criticism next time instead of using childish insults, you are the reason the trainwreck explorers started moderating themselves, and probably why they got banned.

It was OK, not outright terrible. I think it's just me but I dislike first person stories in general (which is strange because I'm writing one), try showing the reader whats going on more instead of telling them, which is admittedly very hard to do in first person stories. I'd ask someone who actually knows what they're talking about.

Oh, and refusing to read something because a word is missing in the description is not acceptable business conduct.:ajbemused:

2213313 Because I'm the one that made a scene. I pointed out that not even the Story name or chapter name were correct. The other guy started shit. I then pointed out that the description was also probably wrong and you just admitted that you didn't really care about it yourself. You only posted it because a friend thought you should. You implied it yourself. As I said. I'm not even going to open a single chapter of a story that the author can't even make the front page of worthwhile.

Spelling isn't even something that hard to do since browsers, gdocs, word, and most other word processing software has a spell-checker to fix stuff like that. You didn't even put effort into it, so there isn't anything constructive I could say to you about it. No effort on the author's part = No effort from the audience.

2213428 I didn't read it because the Story and chapter names were spelled incorrectly, in two different ways, something that could have been fixed with just a cursory glance. The rest was noticed after finally reading the description.

you are the reason the trainwreck explorers started moderating themselves, and probably why they got banned.

Implying that I was a part of the TWE. Seriously. If the author cared, then this stuff would have been caught right off. I would also like to point out that none of it is fixed yet, either.

Do you have some form of autism? Why do you care about grammer so much. :rainbowhuh:

Again, I must ask that unrustle yourself good sir.

Ignore him, he's always been a trouble-maker.

2213531 Without proper grammar, you can't have structure, and without a proper structure, anything would fall apart. Case and point.

2213577 I know, I've seen plenty of his other stuff across other stories. It's fun, though.

Well, I'll just leave you to lovers alone then. :trollestia:

My advice:
- Fix the spelling errors on your title and chapter name (just cut and paste onto a word document/google docs and run a spell checker, but I'll tell you what the problem is anyway: recollection has two Ls.)
- Delete all unhelpful comments that popped up after you first posted this.
- Take some pride in your work, then ask Peppy Greyskull if he/she would revisit your story and make some actual critique (and me, as well.) I'd change that description, too. Tell us what the story is about, not about why you wrote it. Leave that for the author's note (which FIMfiction has an awesome version of that removes the need for such comments in the description.)
- You probably need a proofreader. There's no shame in that, by the way. Proofreaders help you to become a better writer by pointing out errors and giving advice on how to write better. Also see this. To be clear, I have been writing for many years, and I have both read that document on how to write fanfiction well, and I have a proofreader. Always be looking to improve your writing, it'll give you an awesome sense of satisfaction. And I also know that friends are perhaps not the best critics ever.

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