• Published 11th Mar 2013
  • 20,880 Views, 889 Comments

Enter Nurse Luna! - Foxy Kimchi

Princess Celestia contracts the flu. Who other than her dear, loving sister to take care of her?

  • ...

Drastic Measures

“Lethe, come on!” Hoplite whined as he buckled the last piece of his armor on.

“You’re still complaining?” Lethe replied as she rolled her eyes, playing with Hoplite’s helmet in her hooves.

“This is serious, Lethe!” Hoplite exclaimed as he reached a hoof out to his helmet.

Lethe hissed as she pulled it away.

“Come on!” Hoplite complained.

“Why should I?” Lethe asked as she raised an eyebrow.

“Shining Armor is going to tan my flank if I tell him I lost part of my uniform!”

“So it is my fault that you decided to bet all of it away in a game of strip poker?”

“I…” Hoplite muttered as he fell to his haunches. “I thought I was going to win…”

“You should be thanking me instead!” Lethe exclaimed as she held onto her prize. “Even though you bet your helmet for the rest of your gear, I still gave your stuff back. And now you’re mad at me even though, out of the generosity of my heart, I gave the rest of your uniform back.”

“But I still need my helmet!”

“Well you should have just folded instead.”

“But I had four aces!”

“And I had a straight flush. Tough luck.”

“There was no way you had a hoof higher than mine!”

“But I did.”

“You had to be cheating.”

“Hey!” Lethe snapped as she brought her head right in front of Hoplite. “I didn’t cheat, got that? I won because I can read you like a book.”


“No butts! Not even Celestia or Luna’s! I won. You lost. That is all there is to it.”

“But you’re not even going to use it…”

“I will.”


“Hmmm…” Lethe replied as she rubbed her chin.

“Lethe, seriously, just give me back my hel—”

“Aha!” Lethe suddenly exclaimed. She took the helmet and placed it on top of her own helmet. She stood at attention and puffed out her chest, two helmets stacked atop her head.

There was a loud thud as Hoplite’s face hit his hoof. “Lethe… what are you doing?”

“That is no way to speak to your superior, Private!” Lethe snapped.

There was another loud thud. “Lethe… we are both privates.”

“Nuh uh.”

“Yes huh, now stop acting like an idiot, and give me my helmet back.”

“Don’t sass me, Private!” Lethe chastised sternly as she pointed her hoof at him.

“Lethe, for the last time you don’t outrank me… we are both privates.”

“That is double private to you!” Lethe stated with a grin.

“Wait, what?” Hoplite asked as his eyes widened. “How does that work?”

“Double the hat, double the stat,” Lethe replied with a smirk.

“It does not work like that!”

“Somepony sounds jealous…”

“I’m not jealous!”

There was a soft click as the door between them opened slightly, a blue hoof appearing as neither of the two guards took notice.

“Ahem,” a soft voice called out.

Both Lethe and Hoplite snapped to attention. “Princess Luna!” they both said in unison.

“At ease, you two,” Luna replied as she walked out and stood in front of the two. An eyebrow arched up as she took a look at the two. “Private Lethe, may I ask why you are wearing two helmets?”

“Won it in a bet, ma’am,” Lethe replied, her face serious.

“And Private Hoplite, may I ask why you are not wearing a helmet?” Luna asked.

“I… I lost it in a bet…” Hoplite muttered as he wilted.

“I see,” Luna said as she rubbed her chin. “And I can presume that this ‘bet’ was between you two?”

Both guards nodded, Lethe more vigorously.

“Very well,” Luna said with a slight shrug. “Private Hoplite.”

“Yes, Princess?” Hoplite replied as he stood back at attention.

“You should never bet against Private Lethe,” Luna remarked with a smirk.

“That’s double private, Princess,” Lethe interrupted.

“Yes, Double Private Lethe. As I was saying, Private Hoplite, she doesn’t lose,” Luna replied with a smile.

Hoplite hung his head again. “I know…”

“Anyway,” Luna said, “my sister is finally asleep. I am going to make an announcement about what is going on, so I want you to make sure that Celestia is not disturbed. Do not let anypony bother her. Is that clear?”

“Aye aye, Princess!” Lethe replied with a salute, a wicked, toothy grin on her face.


“Yes, Princess?”

“No lethal force.”

“What?” Lethe whined, her helmets rattling.


“Fine…” Lethe said as she fell on her haunches, crossing her forehooves.

“Good, now, make sure no pony disturbs my sister.”

“Yes, Princess,” Hoplite and Lethe replied with a salute, Lethe’s shoulders drooping slightly.

The two guards watched as Princess Luna walked out of sight. Hoplite glared at his partner. “Why didn’t you tell me Princess Luna was here?” he hissed.

“Hey,” Lethe replied as she raised her hooves. “Don’t get mad at me because you passed out when you saw your boss in socks.”

“I did not!” Hoplite cried out, his face turning red.

“Yeah, yeah. You just took a nap, right?”


“Mmmhmmm, just resting your eyes.”

“I-I…” Hoplite stammered.

There was a thump as Hoplite sat down. “Did Princess Luna get mad when she saw me?”

“Nah, I just threw your armor on and said you were not feeling well. Just needed a minute to lay down. It worked.”

“Oh… thanks.”


“Can I have my helmet back?”

“Fat chance.”

There was a loud murmur throughout the throne room. The entire palace staff and both the Day and Night guard stood shoulder to shoulder in the cramped room. Most of the Night Guard and the staff that worked the graveyard shift yawned and rubbed their eyes. There were a few shouts between ponies, shoving one another as they tried to make room.

Soft hoofbeats filled the room as Luna appeared from behind the throne. She stood there, closing her eyes and puffing out her chest. She hated to admit it, but she did like when ponies gave her a bow, especially after her long vacation.

Seconds passed. There was no sound of shuffling hooves or ponies scrambling to bow, just silence. Luna opened her eyes, gasping ever so slightly as she looked at the crowd.

They all stood there, their eyes wide and jaws open, a blush on most of their faces.

“What?” Luna asked nervously. “Is… is something wrong?”

Again seconds passed.

“Is that a nurse outfit?” a pony called out in the back.

“Oh,” Luna said with a blush. “How silly and inappropriate of me.” With a clap of her hooves, Luna’s crown replaced the nurse’s cap on her head. “There, much better.”

The crowd continued to stare, their blushes more prevalent.

Luna coughed into her hoof. “Now, I know many of you ponies are wondering why I have summoned you. Sadly, my sister has caught the flu.”

A loud gasp came from the audience.

“Now, now, there is no need to worry. It is just a simple illness, and my sister will make a full recovery.”

There was a collective sigh of relief among the ponies.

“Now, being a good sister and following an ancient law that my sister had placed, it is my duty to take care of her until she recovers.”

The ponies in the crowd nodded in agreement.

“With my sister and I unable to perform our normal duties, beside raising and lowering the sun and the moon, it is up to you fine ponies to run Equestria in our absence,” Luna announced with a smile. “I am confident that you are up the task. You are the best of the best.”

Another loud gasp filled the room.

“Wait, what?” a pony cried out.

Silence filled the room.

Suddenly, another pony cried out. “Wait, you mean we have to work?

“What?” Luna asked, her face scrunched in confusion before she let out a laugh. “Oh, I see, this must be some clever, modern joke. Tis most funny. Surely my sister didn’t do all the work while I was gone.”

Yet another silence descended upon the room.

Sure…” the crowd mumbled.

“Excellent,” Luna said with a smile and a clasp of her hooves. However, her smile slowly disappeared as she saw the desperate faces of her little ponies.

They must be so sad knowing my sister is sick, Luna thought as she rubbed her chin with a hoof. Always about my sister, probably worrying over her large posterior. What about me? Where is my thanks for taking care of her? Shouldn’t I get some affection too?

Luna gasped as her eyes widened. “Excuse me, my little ponies,” she called out. She watched as the entire room looked at her. Taking her cue, she took a few steps away from the throne before stopping. Remembering the advice from Chef Ram Sea, she gave her flank the slightest of shakes with a flick of her tail.

There was a loud crash.

Luna looked back. Most of her subjects had collapsed to the ground. The few that were standing were trying to hide their beet-red faces. With a satisfied ‘hmph’, she took her leave.

After exiting the throne room, the Night Princess gave a small jump in the air, pumping her hoof. “The Moon Flank still has it!” she cried out.

Hoplite’s head felt empty and cold without his helmet. His eyes scanned the bat pony next to him, his helmet sitting half-hazardly on top of another helmet.

He let out a large sigh.

“Something wrong, Private?” Lethe asked.

“We are both privates…”

“Double private.”

“Lethe… just no.”

“You know, if I am a double private, then that must make you a half private.”


“Well, you don’t have a helmet, so….”

“It does not work like that!”

“Then how does it work, hmmm?”

“I… I,” Hoplite stammered.

“Exactly!” Lethe exclaimed. “You don’t know, now shush.”

Hoplite hung his head for the hundredth time that day.

The two stood there, a silence between them.

“Hey, hey!” a voice called out.

Lethe and Hoplite both turned their head towards the end of the hallway. Lethe let out a loud groan as she saw none other than Prince Blueblood walk up to them.

“Why him?” Lethe whispered to herself.

Blueblood stopped before the two guards, his nose held high. “I need to speak with the Princess.”

Hoplite tugged on his breastplate. “Um, sorry Prince Blueblood, but Princess Celestia is not seeing anyone right now.”

“What, why not?” Blueblood replied as he raised an eyebrow.

“Sorry, but we have orders. Princess Celestia is not to be disturbed at all.” Hoplite stated.

“Nonsense. I just heard the news that my aunt is sick, and I want to see her. I am family after all, so I think I count as an exception,” Blueblood calmly stated.

“I am sorry, Prince Blueblood, but we have our orders.”

“I do not have time with this. I will deal with the consequences later,” Blueblood said as he gently pushed Hoplite out of the way.

Lethe’s eye twitched, her teeth clenching.

“Woah there,” Lethe replied as she jumped in front of prince. “Didn’t you hear him? She is not seeing anypony right now. So beat it.”

“Excuse me?” Blueblood exclaimed, a hint of annoyance in his voice. “What did you say to me?”

“You heard me, beat it,” Lethe said, jabbing Blueblood’s chest with her hoof.

Blueblood jump back, a look of disgust in his face. “How dare you touch me you… you peasant!

Lethe frowned as she took a step forward. “Who you calling a peasant, chump?”

Blueblood took a step back, his face contorting in rage. “W-what did you call me?”

“You heard me, chump.”

Blueblood body quaked in anger, his face turning red. “You insolent b—”

“Holy crap, there is a changeling behind you!” Lethe interrupted as she pointed her hoof.

“What?” Blueblood yelped as he instantly turned around.

There was a sparkle in Lethe’s eye and a wicked grin on her face as she grabbed her extra helmet and swung it down with vicious force.

There was a loud crash as Blueblood dropped to the floor, a large bump on his head.

“Lethe!” Hoplite gasped.

“What?” Lethe asked as she looked down at the pony before her.

“W-what did you do?”

“Following orders, duh.”

“You just attacked Prince Blueblood!”

“No, I was making sure that doofus didn’t bother Princess Celestia. Remember our orders?”

"But... but Princess Luna said no lethal force!"

“Hmmm,” Lethe said as she rubbed her chin with her hoof. She gave Blueblood a gentle buck. The prince let out a gurgle in response. “See, he’s still alive. Pretty sure he has a thick skull.”

“But… but,” Hoplite replied, his eye twitching frantically.

Lethe, however, looked down at her extra helmet. A large dent had appeared in it. She pushed it towards Hoplite. “You can have your helmet back. I don’t want it anymore.”

There was a clanking of armor as Lethe and Hoplite carried Blueblood.

“By Celestia’s Sun, why did you hit Blueblood?” Hoplite groaned as he carried Blueblood’s hindlegs.

“I was following orders!” Lethe hissed as she held Blueblood’s forelegs. “Also, Luna has a Moon, you know.”

“What?” Hoplite asked as he blinked. He shook his head. “What does that have to do with anything? Regardless, you knocked him out!”

“Following orders.”

“Don’t you think you went a tad too far? Seriously, he just wanted to see his aunt.”

“He called me a peasant!” Lethe exclaimed as she threw her hooves in the air, dropping the prince.

Hoplite grunted as he stumbled forward. Sighing, he gently placed the prince down. “Lethe, you can’t hit somepony whenever you want, especially Prince Blueblood. He is royalty after all.”

“I don’t care! Nopony insults me like that!”

There was a thud as Hoplite’s hoof met his face. “Look, just let take care of this, okay?”

“Fine,” Lethe said with a groan, picking up Blueblood again.

Hoplite looked down at Blueblood’s lower half. He turned his head away as he picked him up again. “Why am I carrying his lower half?”

“I gave you back your helmet, didn’t I?”

Hoplite looked up at his helmet. “Yeah, with a massive dent in it.”

“Not my problem.”

Hoplite let out a loud sigh. “So… where are we taking him?”

“Don’t worry, I got this.”

The two guards continued before stopping in front of a plain wooden door.

“Ok, we’re here,” Lethe said as she dropped the prince again.

“What, where?” Hoplite asked as he looked around.

“There,” Lethe said as she pointed at the door.

Hoplite turned his head.

There was a heavy silence between the two.



“Thats a closet!”

Another silence.


“We can’t do that!”

“Yeah, we can, and yeah, we are.”

“That is so illegal!”

“Do you want him to see you when he wakes up?”

Hoplite looked away, biting his lower lip. “Fine, but this is all on you!”

“Yeah, yeah,” Lethe replied with a roll of her eyes while opening the door. “Just shut yer yap, and help me.”

“I can’t believe I am doing this…” Hoplite said as he picked up the unconscious prince.

“Then don’t,” Lethe replied as she dragged Blueblood into the closet. “Pretend this was all a dream. It’ll help my cover story.”

The two guards looked down at the prince, his head resting on a broom.

“You sure he will be okay?” Hoplite asked.

“Yes,” Lethe replied as she slammed the door shut. “Let’s get out of here before somepony sees us!”

Author's Note:

Thanks to Kevinltk for editing!

And special thanks to Dawnscroll for not only allowing me to use his characters, but also pre-reading it.