• Published 8th Mar 2013
  • 4,900 Views, 261 Comments

Forge World: The Full Metal Fantasy Role Playing Game - shenadri

The mane six discover the joy of good old fashion pen and paper rpgs as they team up together on an epic quests within the "Forge World!"

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Forge World: Expanded Compedium, Weapons (Updated (8/17/2014)

Author's Note:


Still a work in progress that will be updated as I write the main story

Weapons and gear have been categorized by type and are in alphabetically order for your convenience.

Table of Contents
-Swords and Boards (Melee Weapons and Shields)
>/Swords and Others
>/Knives and Daggers
>/Staves, Spears, and Polearms
-Death from a Distance (Ranged Weaponry)
>/Bows and Crossbows
>/Pistols and Others
>/Rifles and Others
-Engines of Destruction (Weapons for Engines)
-Ammunition's Boutiques (Ammo and Explosives)
>/Arrows and Bolts
>/Pistol Ammunition
>/Rifle Ammunition
-Accessories and More
>/Weapon Accessories

Welcome To The Forge World Armory!

"Greetings, traveler! So you're looking to start your grand adventure across the Forge World, eh? Well, good for you! But be honest. You're not seriously thinking of taking on your foes with just, grit, confidence and enthusiasm alone are you? Heh, heh. I thought not. This is where I come in! Here in the armory is everything that you'll ever need to maim, burn, and/or terrorize your enemies down to their rotten core! But, uh, for a price of course."

"Good hunting, my man!"

Swords and Boards

In an age where modern firearms and powerful magic have dominated the world of warfare and combat, you have to remember that it was good ol' fashion swords and shields that really got the job done back in the day. To this day, melee weapons of all kinds are still being employed for use in nearly every active military on the continent of Metallos, and are still a major source of firepower for armies everywhere.

Be it a handy short sword, a menacing mauler, or the multipurpose halberd, close combat weaponry will never lose their place upon the fertile fields of battle. Not ever. Also, they don't jam either, as others have said.

[Swords and Others]

-Brass Knuckles:

A popular choice among bar brawlers and pirates. The brass knuckles are lightweight and easily concealable but packs that extra oomph that your punches need. Brass knuckles come in all sorts of different shapes and sizes and usually caters to everyone's special needs.


The claymore is a massive two handed sword that is said to have originated from the northern island of Divided Golderan. While slightly smaller than large weapons like the great cleaver or war cross, this general difference allows for even the weakest to wield it properly. However, only mighty characters with great strength can wield two in both hands or wield one with a shield in the other.


A popular and abundant sword among pirates given how they were formerly marines and naval officers before they turned to piracy. Since most cutlasses usually have a very distinct ornate design than most swords do, they give off a certain prestigious air that can be used as integral part of a disguise if you wish to fool members of the military, high class society or even the local government.

-Entrenching Tool:

The entrenching tool (abbr. E. Tool) is a much smaller variation of the common shovel and is primarily a standard issue equipment for soldiers everywhere. What makes it different from the shovel apart from its much smaller size is the fact that it can be folded up for compact carrying. One side of the shovel head is sharp like a blade while the other is serrated like a saw respectively, therefore increasing its killing potential and utility out on the field.

-Great Cleaver:

The great cleaver is a massive single edged square sword reminiscent of a butcher's cleaver. It is the titular weapon of the Judicators, capable of cutting down swaths of foes in one fell swoop or crushing them with the blunt end. Given its gargantuan size and weight only Judicators and the mighty may wield such a devastating weapon to its full extent.



To the common eye, the pickaxe is but a tool used to mine rocks and minerals. But to the dedicated miner, the pickaxe is a sacred symbol of their work. Anyone can swing a pickaxe, but only miners can transform the simple tool into a mighty weapon that can pry armor off of soldiers like peeling the skin off of an orange.

-Pipe Wrench:


Large curved swords that are commonplace around Bronza of the Blazing Sands. It's unique exaggerated curved design may hinder its ability to stab properly but the weighted edge gives more slashing power that can cut through flesh and bone with relative ease.


The shillelagh is an short walking cane made of extremely tough blackthorn wood that can be swung as a bludgeon given how sturdy it is. Able to withstand even the harshest of conditions, the shillelagh can cave a griffon's face in while retaining its pristine conditions and still guide you throughout your travels.

-Short Sword:

A classic among myrmidons, noblemen and soldiers alike. The short sword has withstood the test of time and has been used as a mainstay and quintessential weapon. Being a jack of all trades, the sword has no real disadvantages but also has no real advantage over the enemy.


While the pickaxe is the signature tool and weapon of miners, it is the shovel that Diamond Dogs everywhere use to represent their culture and livelihood as hard workers and technological innovators. A common tools used for digging, the shovel can be found almost everywhere and can be used as an effective weapon to a degree either as a bludgeon should you swing it on the flat end, piercing if you thrust with it, or as a slashing weapon should you choose to sharpen the shovel head.

-Sword Cane:

A favorite for tough aristocrats looking to get into a scrap and duelists who want to fight with style without looking unsightly. The sword cane is a sword and scabbard that have been deliberately designed to look and work like an ordinary cane. Skilled fighters know how to make use of both its unassuming appearance and ability to charm the ladies of the world.

-Terror Blade:

The terror blade is a weapon of untold atrocity and horror. Relics of a time long since forgotten, the terror blade whispers omens of death to their users that drives them to the brink of insanity. Only the strong willed can resist the blade's thirst for destruction, but even then the owner is driven to kill without mercy nor remorse. Only experienced Fear Mongers* may wield this weapon properly, if at all.

*This career has yet to be established.

-War Cross:

The war cross has a bit of a fickle history as both a weapon of terrible wrath and a symbol of religious devotion. Story has it that one day, a high ranking priest from the Sect of the Brood Mother was helping the poor when brigands attacked his temple. As he and many others stood helpless before the blades of the brigands, the cross that adorned the arches of their humble temple broke off and unceremoniously crushed one of the brigands underneath.

Seeing this as a sign from the great conscience, the priest took upon the cross and went on to deliver terrible vengeance upon those who would dare to threaten the innocent. Thus starting the trend of focusing combat for the Sect rather than healing spells and the likes.

The war cross is basically a large wooden, stone, or metal slab that is shaped like a large ornate cross with a handle attached to it, allowing for it to be swing around like a weighty maul. Those high up in the hierarchy of the Sect are often seen with these menacing symbols of their faith worn upon their backs at all times, just itching to smash some punk into the good earth.

[Knives and Daggers]

-Assassin's Blade:

You might ask yourself, what makes an assassin's blade so much more different than the average dagger? Aside from being sharper than a razor, and lighter than aluminium, the assassin's blade can be collapsed into its hilt via a brilliant telescopic design that is still being sought after by blacksmiths and artificers everywhere. And with a flick of a switch, the blade will come out of the hilt and extend to its full length almost effortlessly, ready to claim its next victim.


Otherwise known as the great equalizer, the bayonet is a long sharp knife that can act as an optional add on to both rifles and pistols. The bayonet transforms the ordinary firearm into a deadly melee weapon for before and after you run out of ammo.

-Bow Blade:

The bow blade is a custom made knife that is designed to fit the curvature of the bow. Much like the bayonet for a firearm, it adds some much needed melee potential to your medieval bow.


From its humble origins as a lowly stone knife, the dagger stays true as a trustworthy weapon for hunters, crooks, and wary members of royalty in times both old and new. Small, easily hidden, and dependable, the dagger really is the sword of knives.


Injectors are normally found around alchemist labs or at your local apothecary. Injectors are clunky devices with multiple needles that are designed to quickly spread healing salves or virulent poison throughout an individual's body. It is recommended to thoroughly sterilize each individual needle after each use to prevent the risk of transmitting diseases.

-Sacrificial Dagger:

A crude, almost archaic knife that's been carved out of a chunk of black obsidian. A sacrificial dagger is used to perform rites and rituals where live tribute are required for the appeasement of gods, both good and bad. It's not uncommon to find one of these caked in blood at all times and reek of salt and rust.


A springblade is a small knife that can be extended and retracted with help from a complex housing mechanism. The blade is easily concealable and can be put to use almost immediately and hidden away before anyone gets suspicious.

-Throwing Knife:

Lightweight, balanced, and sharp enough to shave with, the throwing knife is an assassin's best friend when it comes to silently murdering someone from a distance or for winning bar bets down by the local pub. Throwing knifes can still be used like regular melee weapon and can be retrieved from the corpse of your enemies if they remain intact.

-Trench Knife:

The trench knife is a knife where it has a knuckle guard that can double as a set of brass knuckles. Whether you choose to stab or pummel your foe is usually up to the owner's preference.

[Staves, Spears, and Polearms]

-Battle Cross:

The battle cross is a polearm that is essentially a metal cross, often sharpened or studded, that has been attached to a wooden or metal shaft. Formerly used as a symbol for religious faith, people eventually found out how good it was for self defense and decided to make nearly every single one of it battle ready.

-Blasting Pike:

The signature weapon of the skyterrors. The blasting pike is a perfectly balanced pike with interchangeable heads. A regular spearhead and one that is filled to the brim with high explosives. Rarely ever sold on the market unless an entire shipment gets hijacked and sold on the black market. To own such a weapon is to be the envy of all soldiers.


Often regarded as the swiss army knives of polearms, the halberd is a fearsome combination of a spear and an axe. Because of this, it has many uses and is often employed for use by local town guards and policemen due to its versality.




-Wooden Staff


-Gun Shield
-Mirror Shield
-Rosebush Shield
-Skyterror Shield
-Tower Shield

Death from a Distance

As the ages past by for the kingdoms of Metallos, people eventually came to the conclusion that fighting up close with large imposing armies was no longer a viable tactic in war. Modern warfare would have to be fought from a distance. When bows and other various firearms came onto the scene, many pugilist and warriors alike have displayed a particular loathing towards these dishonorable weapons. They say that fighting from afar was cowardly, and that real soldiers fought each other face to face.

These people have obviously been shot at at some point in their career as a fighter and lost very badly. The moral of all this? Never bring a knife to a gunfight if you value the entirety of your kingdom.

[Bow and Crossbows]

-Auto Bow:

A large and heavy crossbow that is built like an automatic weapon. Using a crank this weapon is capable of sending hundreds of arrows flying at the enemy. It only be used by strong characters unless it is mounted or operated by a small team. Fires wooden bolts only.


A large heavy crossbow meant for heavy support or for sieging. Incredibly powerful in both areas of range and damage. Only fires heavy bolts and can only be used by strong characters if the ballista isn't mounted or operated by a small team.


A classic weapon, the bow. Ancient yet its effectiveness has been proven to withstand the test of time. It can fire regular wooden arrows or a myriad of the special arrows designed for it.

-Compound Bow:

Rare and viciously expensive, the compound bow is a high tech prototype designed by scientist of Rubinelle to increase the efficiency of an old favorite. The compound bow can double the draw strength of the user to increase the range of the arrows. The compound bow is also collapsible for easy storage and transport.


Considered to be an evolution of the bow, the crossbow is a silent alternative to rifles and pistols. It can fire regular crossbow bolts or any of its specialty bolts and can be equipped with a scope for more accurate shots or a bayonet for close combat.

-Great Bow:

A bigger variation of the bow. It can fire arrows further than the bow as well as hitting much, much harder. However, it requires greater strength to wield than the average bow.

-Pistol Crossbow:

Smaller and weaker, but just as silent and as reliable as a regular crossbow. Normally used as a replacement for a regular pistol, the pistol crossbow is a silent sidearm that can help you out in a pinch. Can only fire short bolts.


A carrying case for all your arrows and bolts. Comes in many shapes, sizes, styles, and gimmicks. Usually available with every purchase of a bow and its variations.

-Repeater Crossbow:

A special crossbow that has a magazine incorporated into its frame and a lever for the rapid loading of crossbow bolts, sacrificing range for speed and ease of reloading. This weapon can only fire basic wooden bolts due to the small size of the magazine.


An alternate version of the slingshot, the slingbow is basically a miniature bow that is capable of firing off arrows like a bow can. Which means that you can also use most of the bows various arrow types in conjunction with the slingbow. However, the slingbow loses its ability to lob random junk around in favor of having a far greater killing potential as a result.

When using a slingshot Conversion Kit, the slingbow can be turned into the versatile slingshot.


The military version of a slingshot is by no means a toy. Mainly used by the Rubinelle reserve forces for guerrilla missions, the slingshot has proven itself to be much more versatile and compact when compared to most other range weaponry. Easily concealable and with the ability to lob rocks, bombs, etc. the slingshot has earned this weapon a special place in the hearts of Diamond Dogs everywhere.

When using a slingbow Conversion Kit, the slingshot can be turned into the fearsome slingbow.

[Pistols and Others]

-Double Hand Cannon:

Twin barrel variation of the Hand Cannon. Is capable of either firing each barrel one at a time or both at once for maximum damage.

-Emergency Flare Gun:

Often carried onboard ships and in rare cases, zeppelins, the flare gun is designed to send a bright, almost blinding signal flare high enough to be noticed by passing boats. Although, if the toll is used as a weapon, it should be noted that the flare gun is very clumsy and can start unwanted fires.

-Hand Cannon:

Large, heavy, and extremely well made, the hand cannon is basically as its name imply. The hand cannon is a single shot pistol that kicks like an angry mule but will blow your enemies apart at twice the effective range that the average pistol can shoot.

-Holdout Pistol:

Smaller and less powerful that the average pistol but easily concealable. The holdout pistol is a popular choice among thieves and spies.

-K' Pistol:

The K' pistol was developed for combat against war engines. It is a heavy, single shot pistol that fires specially made slugs that can stop an engine dead in its tracks.


Standard flintlocks and single loaders. Widely used and popular as a cheap weapon for self defense.


Similar to the regular pistol only the revolver has a five chamber ammo wheel integrated into its frame, allowing the user to fire often and reload less.

-Rune Pistol:

Incredibly rare and hard to obtain, the rune pistol can only be used to its fullest by a full fledged gun mage. The run pistol can fire unique rune cartridges that can be affected by whichever spells you cast.

-The Hydra Quad Barrel Hand Cannon:

Considered to be the holy grail of pistols, the hydra is a quad barrel hand cannon that can cause serious devastation to your enemies. Utilizing an extremely heavy wheel this four barrel pistol can unload all of its chambers at once without breaking apart. Too bad the same cannot be said for your shoulder.

[Rifles and Others]


The blunderbuss is a short stubby rifle with a wide barrel. The blunderbuss fires tiny pellets stuffed into a cartridge that can result in a wide spread. It is absolute devastating up close but almost useless long distance.

-Brute Battle Cannon:

A smaller variation of a ship cannon that is designed to be used brutes for protection when patrolling the coastline. It is a single shot cannon that can also double as a bludgeon given its weight.

-Cannon Shield:


The carbine is basically the revolver of rifles. The carbine has a fave chamber ammo wheel which allows for rapid fire but at the cost of range.

-Harpoon Gun:

The harpoon gun is a pneumatic weapon that can fire harpoons at extreme velocity. The gun has several functions and can serve as a grappling hook.


The rifle is a common firearm found throughout Metallos, though maybe not as much as the pistol perhaps but just as abundant. The standard rifle is normally found within the military or by the side of adventurers. It is a single shot weapon with good range and is praised for its reliability in battle.

-Long Rifle:

A reinforced version of the common rifle. The long rifle is longer, sturdier and more accurate than the average rifle as well as being a bit more powerful.

-Rivet Gun:

A tool used for the construction of engines, vehicles and structure. The rivet gun is a pressurized tool that fires out superheated rivets at your enemies. Being such a clumsy weapon, it's probably most effective in the hand of a mechanikal engineer.

-Rune Rifle:

-Prototype Gatling Gun:

Ammunition's Boutiques

What are our guns and bows without bullets and arrows? The answer? Mere oblong shaped bludgeons that reek of gunpowder and dried animal sinew. Yes, without ammunition guns would be about as useful as a wooden club brought up from the stone age. In this day and age there is a staggering amount of ammunition choices to pick from. From uranium rounds to explosive tipped arrows, killing has never been more fun nor creative!

[Arrows and Bolts]

-Wooden Arrows/Bolts:

Basic arrow type. Cheap, reliable, and can be retrieved unless it is damaged.

-Piercing Arrows/Bolts:

Crossbow bolts with a unique arrowhead that is specially designed to penetrate through light armor plating. Uncommon though moderately inexpensive.

-Explosive Arrows/Bolts:

Arrows that have a hefty amount of explosives housed in the tip. Detonates on impact.

-Net/Trap Arrows/Bolts:

Specially designed arrows that are designed to trap and ensnare targets non lethally using a net or bolas.

-Grapple Arrows/Bolts:

An arrow that is basically a sturdy grappling hook that has been fitted to the shaft.

-Makeshift Arrows/Bolts:

These arrows are unique in which they must be crafted for use and are rarely sold in shops unless they're from a dedicated supplier. This arrow type varies and is usually dependent on what items you combine together. Be it with common items found in the wild or even other types of weapons, modified arrows can have a bevy of wild effects.

-Short Bolts:

Around half the size of a regular bolt, the short bolts are commonly used for the pistol crossbow. Short bolts can be used as a substitute for regular bolts for crossbows but will not be as effective.

-Heavy Bolts:

Heavy metal bolts that can pierce almost anything it hits, even the heavy armored plating of a war engine. Can only be used with the ballista.

[Pistol Ammunition]


-Small Lead Shots

-Large Lead Shots

-Uranium Rounds

-K' Pistol Spikes

-Pistol Rune Cartridge

[Rifle Ammunition]

-Rifle Rune Cartridges

-Rifle Rounds

-H.V. Rounds



Engines of Destruction

Accessories and More

Tired of your boring old gun? Are you sick of running our of ammo out on the field? Or perhaps you've been foiled one too many times from that damned lock box you've been trying to open. Then why not pick up a little accessory just for that special occasion? We've got lockpicks, disguise kits, and more weapon attachments than you can shake a stick at!

[Weapon Accessories]

-Ammo Bandoleer:

A belt used to hold all of your bullets on person, allowing you to reload and fire a bit quicker. There are two kinds of bandoleers, the old style which is essentially a bullet belt, and the newer style which allows you to store bullets in several pockets. Wearing the former could add to intimidation when making threats but having bullets exposed out in the open causes their quality to degrade over time. Wearing the latter will also make you intimidating, perhaps not as much as the open belt, but will protect your ammunition from the forces of nature and time.

-Ammo Casting Kit:

Gunners wouldn't be caught dead without ammunition in a firefight. Stay stocked up all the time with this casting kit which can create several bullets ranging from small lead shots to H.V rounds. This kit comes with everything needed to cast bullets. Materials not included.

-Ammo Wheel:

The ammo wheel, or chamber, comes in several variations and can hold up to five or six bullets at a time. Having many ammo wheels ensures that you can instantly reload a carbine or revolver in a single move by exchanging the chambers. But you will have to take extra time to refill each one after exhausting them.


A sniper and heavy weapons specialist's best friend. The bipod is a metal, or wooden, set of legs used to mount and balance weapons with powerful kickback. While it must be set up first, once it is it allows the user to fire from an entrenched position almost continuously without losing accuracy over long periods of fighting. Fully adjustable and reasonably priced, it is the perfect companion for the long ranged camper.

Rumor has it that one of the soldiers from the Iron Republic killed six enemy soldiers on his own during a raid with his bipod after his weapon was damaged saving him from a stray bullet. So if you're feeling up to it you can use the bipod as a weapon as well.

-Bow Blade

-Grenade Bandoleer:

The grenade bandoleer is a belt used to hold all of your grenades on person, usually up to six per bandoleer. With this bandoleer you can prepare and lob a grenade in one smooth action while suffering little penalties. Not only that, there is usually a quick release trigger that allows you to get rid of the belt should your grenades become compromised since they're out in the open. Wearing this also makes you a bit more intimidating when speaking with someone, it can come in handy in certain situation when a threat needs to be made.

-Grenade Launcher Converter Kit:

The grenade launcher converter kit has all the tools and materials needed to create a grenade launcher add on for one, and one ranged weapon only, with exceptions to weapons that cannot have a grenade launcher attached to it. When built, the grenade launcher converter can be put over the muzzle of either a pistol or a rifle where you can load and fire rifle grenades. Note, you cannot fire regularly with the grenade launcher in place. It must be removed in order to fire your weapon normally.

Since these kits are so complex they are rather scarce and are hard to find on the market. Odds are if you find a store stocked with these kits they're not gonna sell for cheap.

-Gun Brace:

A gun brace is a belt that allows you to holster several small firearms onto your person, usually two or more uncommonly, four at a time. Since most pistols are single loaders, or if you happen to be caught with your pants down with an empty revolver, you can automatically holster you empty weapon and draw out a loaded one freely. While gun braces can be bought, they can easily be made out of rope of straps of leather without having to pay a single bit, but the quality can be hit or miss.

-Gun Shield:

The gun shield, as its name implies, is a shaped shield that is meant to be mounted onto your weapon. Usually a small one for a rifle or a wide one for more larger firearm. Mounting this onto your rifle blocks most shots aimed at the upper midsection or at the face area when aimed with. While the extra weight added onto your weapon reduces the kickback, the wide metal plate can obscure your vision and act cumbersome when on the move.



-Slingbow Conversion Kit:

-Slingshot Conversion Kit:

-Underslung Weapon Attachment mod:

A simple mod, the underslung weapon attachment mod is essentially a metal frame that can be used to fit smaller weapons onto larger one, usually a pistol in place underneath a rifle. This allows the user to have two weapons at the same time, with alternate firing options at your disposal for a bevy of situations. The disadvantages of this mod is that the added weapon weight slows you down and greater profile makes you stick out like a sore thumb.

While you can still jury rig two separate weapons together, this mod is usually well worth the price if you want your weapon to do a little more in exchange for some bits.


-Disguise Kit

-Forged Papers

-Lockpick Set

-Mixing Kit

-Necklace of Faith

-Rune Etching Kit
