• Published 5th Mar 2013
  • 1,935 Views, 116 Comments

Spitfires Mission: Babysitting at HQ - cantil

When Spitfire invites Rainbow Dash to the Wonderbolts HQ, what is supposed to be paying a crash bill, turns into much more wild events of this Friday night.

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One Way Ticket to Wacky World

After the air duct events, the group of ponies all decided to go get some sleep. After all, they still need to find Silver Lining and Fire Streak. They brought two couches from the lounge for Lightning Streak and Wave Chill to sleep on. While walking in the hall, Spitfire got a call from a worried Thunder Strike who just arrived at the spa with the others. He asked what they were doing and how everything was going, when Spitfire told him that they were heading to go to sleep, Thunder calmed down, very noticeable in his voice. When they finally arrived at Spitfires room, they discovered that Soarin' and Rapidfire were still sound asleep. Soon after they got the couches in, they all settled in and soon fell fast asleep, falling into the world of mystical wonders.

Rainbows Dream

Rainbow Dash was in the colosseum, the colosseum which is the destination of the Equestria Games. That meant she was at the Crystal Empire.

"What in Equestria am I doing here?" Rainbow wondered to herself.

She was sitting in the stands, she looked at the field infront of her and quickly recognized 3 of the ponies. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna on one side, and Applejack on the other. Applejack had something big hidden under a cloth, for a matter of fact, so did Princess Celestia.

"Okay, this is officially weird." Rainbow stated to herself.

Rainbow watched closely as Princess Celestia and Applejack started conversing, causing Luna to take a few steps back. Applejack then hurled backwards, ripping the cloth off of her... cannon? Applejack then threw two red and white balls onto the ground, they made a glow and then Vinyl Scratch and Octavia appeared.

"What the hay was that?!" Rainbow nearly shouted.

Applejack then started yelling.

"Vinyl, Octavia, power this baby up!" Applejack commanded.

Vinyl and Octavia then started playing music, and the bar on the cannon then turned green. Applejack then bucked the side of it and it fired towards Princess Celestia, while Applejack screamed.

"THIS IS MY BASS CANNON!" Applejack screamed.

Princess Celestia reacted very quickly. She pulled the cloth off of her cannon.

"She has a cannon too?!" Rainbow asked herself.

Just then a rainbow colored explosion happened and a life size discord went hurling out of the cannon. When both attacks met each other, a huge smoke explosion covered the whole colosseum.

"Okay, I'm not going to be here to witness the death of anypony so I'm just gonna, get going now. Bye!" Rainbow quickly said, and with that she woke up, to the challenge of wondering, "What the hell was that?"

Spitfires Dream

Spitfire was walking through her house with her child Glide. Her and Soarin were a very grateful couple for what they have. Suddenly she heard a knock at her door.

"Soarin? Could you get that?" Spitfire calmly asked.

"Yes Ma'am!" Soarin jokingly saluted. Soarin then opened the door revealing Rapidfire and Rainbow Dash.

"Yo, dudes, you ready or what?" Rapidfire slurred.

"Did you get drunk? Without us?" Spitfire asked, a hint of sarcastic hurt in her voice.

"I waited til we gathered you guys up. Plus I didn't want to be walking drunk in HQ with Thunder Strike still there. Rapid here is lucky that he didn't start a conversation with him." Rainbow said while nudging Rapidfire.

"Brah, I had that all under control." Rapidfire defended, earning a few chuckles from the group.

20 Minutes Later

The babysitter arrived to watch over Glide as the group went out to strike the bar.

"Bro, Give me a-another glass." Spitfire demanded before dropping unconscious and slamming her head on the ground causing her to wake up in a panic.

"What the hell was that?" Spitfire mumbled to herself.

Soarins Dream

Soarin was lounging on a fluffy pink cloud of cotton candy. He was surrounded by a chocolate river, with swedish fish swimming in them, candy cane trees, pies with wings, and chocolate rain. The were flowers made of gumdrops, and gingerbread houses.

"No Waaaaay! This. Is. SO AWESOME!" Soarin screamed like a little girl. 'Hehe, I just sounded like Rainbow Dash when she won the best young flier competition a few years back.

Soarin then plunged into the twizzler bushes and started eating anything he could, demolishing any food that came in his way.

5 Minutes Later

"Ugh! My stomach!" Soarin whined, rolling around.

His stomach eventually started hurting so badly that it woke him up.

'Awww' Soarin thought to himself.

Rapidfires Dream

"Rainbow! Please don't leave. I'm sorry!" Rapidfire squeaked out between sniffs. "I'm really sorry!"

"Rapid. It's too late!" Rainbow finished and then disappeared, leaving Rapidfire all alone to cry to himself.

In reality, Rainbow was still trying to think of what her dream was. She was cut from her thoughts when Rapids grip on her tightened.

'I wonder what he's dreaming about?' Rainbow wondered.

Wave Chill and Lightning Streaks Dream

"Dang it's hot in here. Or maybe it's just me." Wave Chill grinned to himself before looking down to see that he has no body.

"AHHH" Wave Chill screamed. "It IS just me!"

Just then some fluffy white stuff was dumped onto Wave Chill.

The fluffy white stuff was cheese. AND IT WAS LIGHTNING STREAK!

"BWAHAHAHA!" Wave Chill screamed. "We were totally right about the fan turning one of us into swiss cheese!" Wave Chill mocked.

"Hey Wave Chill or should I say Wave CHILI! Look at yourself. You're food just like me. Seems like you're the blood part of the cheese." Lightning yelled while laughing.

Wave Chill and Lightning Streak both woke up with a startle. They noticed each other and went.

"That was really weird." They said at the same time before going back to bed.

Author's Note:

Special Thanks to Mem for helping make up the idea of the fight scenes.
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