• Published 5th Mar 2013
  • 1,136 Views, 34 Comments

Enough is Enough! - TwizzleDragon

The retaliation against Mary Sue.

  • ...

This is not a serious story.

They stormed in, crashing all the ceramic vases, breaking all the breakable furniture, destroying it all. They splashed a liquid all over, gasoline. They ransacked it without mercy, preparing to destroy that which they came so far to destroy.

“Mary!” Rainbow Dash screamed, circling her jewel filled living room. “Come out, Mary!”

Harry the bear rammed himself through the doorway of Mary’s castle, smashing the door hinges clean off and flying into the room. He slammed ponies out of his way, gaining himself more room into the situation.

“Thanks for letting us have Harry for the day, darling.” Rarity directed to Fluttershy.

“Oh, no problem, Rarity, I’m glad to help get rid of her, just as long as Harry is ok. I mean, if he doesn’t mind, he doesn’t seem to be rig-” Rarity cut her off.

“Let’s find this bitch!” She screamed, only for chanting to roar from the crowd after her.

The villagers of Ponyville filled her house, ready to kill the one called “Mary Sue.” They stormed her upstairs in half of their numbers, leaving the rest to scour the plains for her existence to be exterminated.

Torches were carried in their mouths, each ready to set aflame her house, or her body itself. The time for her death was imminent, as soon as she appeared to them.

Then the flash came...

In a second it was blinding, none could resist turning their eyes. Cries of pain carried through the house, causing a depressed morale to return. The clash of flesh was apparent through the blinding light, even Harry could not fight off this magic.

And then there was silence...

The villagers laid on the floor of Mary’s house, all either beaten or blind. There was no resisting, their hopes were futile, their minds flushed of thought, it was a lost caused to fight her.

“Hahaha!” Mary laughed, “You really think you could beat me?”

Rarity struggled, but she stood us in success. She blasted jewels, that had fallen off the walls with her magic, straight at the alicorn. Mary formed a shield, failing the fragments of gems. Rarity attempted again, and again she failed. All hope was spreading thing, the villagers were giving up.

Rainbow Dash zoomed across the floor, smashing into Mary, taking her off and straight onto the floor.

“Ha!” Rainbow Dash gloated, tainting Mary.

“Wha-?” Mary whined, spreading out a chronological sphere around herself. It exploded, sending them back in time to when Rainbow Dash was just about to smack her off her feet. She simply stepped to the left, causing Rainbow to flatten herself against the crystal wall.

“Oh, come on!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, he head throbbing in pain.

“Don’t you wish you had my powers now, girl?” Mary taunted.

“You don’t know what real power is!” shot a different voice, it was Twilight, entering from the blown down, her wings stretched far, her horn didn’t stretch at all, but it was pretty magical, and someplace else on her body, stretched very far, farther than any part on a mare should stretch, her legs. She had been limbering herself up for this battle for hours, readying herself to fight Mary Sue.

“Power is the ability to have the perfect life, bending everything to your own will!” Mary shouted.

“Then tell me why you were hiding!” Mary froze, not an answer to give out. Twilight took this opportunity and blasted her with her princess magic. Mary fell to the ground, Twilight approaching her body.


“I’m a pretty princess.” Mary gave out her last breath, and in an instance, she was shot to the moon through Twilight’s princess magic. “Problem solved, as always.” She turned around, readying to face her friends with triumph.

“Kill the Sue!” A pony from the crowd shouted, throwing his torch high in the air to say such words, others followed to do the same.

Twilight teleported behind the crowd, vaporizing most with her magic, most likely sending those to the moon, rather than killing them.

“Stop! I’mma tell Celestia on you all!” Twilight wailed, only for the ponies to ignore her. She continued to vaporize each and every one of them, even the colts and fillies who were there for career day.

Rarity snuck behind Twilight, sneakingly and did some stealthy black ops stuff back there. She positioned herself just right behind the alicorn mare, readying her body for the pain about to be inflicted.

“Gaaahhh!” Twilight screamed, unable to convert the situation into reality. Rarity had just stabbed Twilight with her horn in a peculiar place.

Magic ooze dripped from Twilight’s thigh, because blood is not cool enough for a Mary Sue. Rarity was forced out by the rapid healing of Twilight’s legs, forcing the cut shut, harder than ironwood.

Twilight turned around, turning into a human for a second and bitch slapped Rarity across the face, breaking her horn, because everyone knows Mary Sue’s have super strength. Rarity cried in pain, because she just did.

Rainbow got up, zooming across the room since that is literally all she can do is fly and be useless. Twilight turned back into a pony and tossed crystals at her, cutting her skin in various ways, her body was but mush when it landed.

It was then that Harry finally got up. “Rawr!” Harry roared.

He was instantly vaporized, I mean, sent to the moon. The narrator winked.

It was then that a freaking xenomorph baby thing exploded out of Twilight’s chest, the villagers ran in terror. Twilight laid there, dead, lifeless, silent, and incredibly underpowered now. Rarity smiled in joy, filling her body with pleasure, even though there was a xenomorph baby around, but Rarity didn’t care, she’s a horrible character anyways.

“Well, well, well.” It was a new voice again, because Mary Sue writer’s have no imagination so they just repeat everything over and over. This time it was Celestia. “What I miss?” Her voice was like that of a black man’s, deep, strong, and sexy.


Comments ( 32 )

Welp. That happened.

At least I tried something.


Wambulance is on its way!
Nah I'm joking.

I...What....I don't even.....Dafuq?....

Well. If the Dalek emperor says so, we shall attack the alicorn and apparently do some seriously retarded stuff in between.

...What the actual fuck?

Even as a troll fic, just... what the actual fuck?

Wow, I know I shouldn't take seriously, but wow.

(On an unrelated note, I don't think Twilcorn will be a mary sue)

Your opinion is your own, and mine is mine.

I swear to Luna, I think your hatred for Mary Sues is unhealthy and misguided. Seriously, not all Mary Sues are Alicorns!
And no, I don't care if this story isn't serious.

Huh.......ok, so the Goddess of Magic was defeated by an OC? How stupid:facehoof: Buck it, I'll like and fav:yay:

In life you must always ask why.
But not here, no this came from the foulest pits of hell itself to bring a scourge of writing upon the interwebs.
And i applaud you good sir.

Unless I misthought what I wrote, I'm pretty sure Twilight beats the OC, not vice versa.
What are you smok-nvm... I know...

Morgan Freeman FTW!

I didn't even read the story.

Liked for the Picture and Video.

I've been looking for that image everywhere.

Am I the only person who immediately thought of Samuel L. Jackson in Snakes of a Plane when I saw the title :unsuresweetie:

YOU RUINED IT FOR ME!!! :raritydespair:
YOU DID IT ALL WRONG!!! :flutterrage:

You see, there was supposed to be a black and red alicorn with no memory. He was supposed to wake up in the Everfree forest. And then he was supposed to be gang-raped with baseball bats by Princess Celestia and a crowd of critics from FimFiction, myself included. :twilightblush:

Needs random tag. :rainbowderp:

KILL IT! KILL IT WITH FIRE! ... Wait that's a stereotype.
Let's make her eat her own legs and then heal the wounds so she doesn't dies. Now we puncture the lungs, so she dies from suffocation.
:pinkiecrazy: It will be a slow, painful abd beautiful death. :pinkiecrazy:

2215422 I thought of How Jurassic Park Should've Ended...

Bitch, I write how I want!

2214876 So much red and black it hurts. Silver is were it's at :trixieshiftleft::trixieshiftright: now that's sexy :rainbowlaugh:

I have nothing to sa, but ....... Wow

This time it was Celestia. “What I miss?” Her voice was like that of a black man’s, deep, strong, and sexy.

Nigerian Celestia is now canon. :rainbowkiss:

I didn't really steal it, I found out about Killing Mary Sue after I wrote this.

2249449 Personally, I think the line works well if you use Morgan Freeman's voice...

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