• Published 27th Jun 2013
  • 987 Views, 21 Comments

Paper Pie and the Thousand Year Dream - zerozoner

After Celestia and Luna accidentally change all of Equestria due to a drunken dream it's up to Pinkie Pie to get her old world back.

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Chapter 1: A Rogue’s Welcome

Author's Note:

Currently under maintenance to fix future continuity.

Exiting the boat Discord couldn't hide his astonishment at the wonderland that stood before him. couldn't hide his bafflement. “I just don’t get it Pinkie,”

“Get what Discord?”

“This wonderful world we’re in." commented discord as he stared at looming walls of gingerbread smothered in icing and laced with gumdrops. "When I imagine Celestia's dream world well, this was the last thing on my mind. It just doesn't suit her."

Pulling her head out of the ocean Pinkie gave her companion a puzzled look. “Um, Discord what Equestria are you from? This place fits princess Celestia perfectly.”

“Oh come now Pinkie Pie if you think you can pull a fast one on me the ex-spirit of chaos and practical jokes think again,” chuckled discord, though the serious look of puzzlement on the pony’s face suggested that she was being serious.

“Discord do you have any idea what happens to all the sweets in Equestria before they go bad?”

"Why would I know and why should I care?"

Pressing her pace against the spirit of chaos Pinkie grasped Discord firmly between her hoofs. “She eats it! she eats it all! Every week she eats her castles weight in deserts! That’s why on the surface she seems like such a health nut with extreme diets and exercise. It’s all so that she doesn't gain any weight from what she eats in secret!”

The ancient being couldn't believe what his nonexistent ears were hearing Celestia the anti-sugar tyrant of old had a sweet tooth bigger than him? Surely this was just Pinkie Pie pulling his leg or trying to get back at him for some mean spirit joke of his past life, but Pinkie Pie wasn't one to hold a grudge like that he thought.

But I might father,” remarked a sharp frigid voice from behind him.

Chills suddenly wracked his body as he felt something like a hot knife scrape against his back. In his prior urgency brought about by the current situation, he’d completely forgotten that Pinkie Pie was never truly by herself. And now that he was without his godlike powers to protect him all he could do was stand still fearing the worse.

Noticing the color drain from Discords face, the pink pony grew concerned, “You alright there Goomcord, you look like you've seen a ghost?”

Regaining what little remained of his composure Discord tried to keep his cool. “It was not ghost Pinkie, more like a living nightmare. Also ‘Goomcord’ where did that nickname come from?” For the time being he was still talking to the element of laughter, but he wondered when the other one would show herself again.

“Well I had a few other ideas for nicknames since you’re now a Goomba and all, but-“

“-PINKIE PIE! EXPLAIN everything you know NOW!” This was getting crazy, here he was yelling at Pinkie Pie of all ponies to explain something in somepony else’s drunk dream.

“Oh that’s simple silly the dessert theme is Princess Celestia’s work thanks to her large sweet tooth and Equestria being shaped after a video game is due to Princess Luna, who is the second biggest gamer in Equestria after yours truly. Okay I lied I’m now officially the second biggest gamer as she took the title of number one from me two months ago, but second biggest gamer isn't something to sneeze at. This game just so happens to be one of my favorite games Paper Pony, so I know almost everything about it. Though don’t ask me why the sky is magenta. Oh, oh maybe its made of ice cream!" blurted Pinkie excitedly at the thought of ice cream rain. A quick nudge from Discord foot brought the mare back from the land of sugary fantasies. "Right sorry, well if you need any proof, just walk past that corner there and some weirdos should try to mug us.”

Discord stared at his partner in disbelieve as his voice oozed with sarcasm. “Glad to know at least one of us has a clue to what’s going on. Let’s get this adventure underway and get mugged already.”

Much to Discords surprise Pinkie Pie had been telling him the truth. Rounding the corner the two travelers had to cover their ears as s griffons sharp shriek rent the air. The previous calm atmosphere exploded with blood lust as sailors, pirates, and gangsters drew their weapons ready to fall on one another at the drop of a hat. At the far end of the harbor Discord caught sight of the beast in question that was in heated pursuit of a purple creature not unlike himself.

“Hah, enough of this stupid game of tag dweep!" Roared the griffon pinning the purple goomba under her claws. "Give us the map and all the information you got on the thousand year door or me and my Echo friends here are going to start playing rough.”

Realizing the threat wasn't aimed towards them the other citizens stowed their weapons and continued to ignore the griffon. Muggings and Murders were a common part of Chocoport, it wasn't something worth sticking their necks out for.

“Hey don’t get any closer! I’ll scream!” protested the besieged goomba, as a horde of hooded creatures advanced upon her.

A raspy laugh cackled from the griffons beak. "Look around you twerp. This is Chocoport. No one is going to sa..."

"Back off you feathered windbag!" Demanded Pinkie Pie, lunging at the griffon wielding a wooden mallet she'd found laying around.

Seeing the size difference between herself and her smaller adversary the griffon lowered her guard. After all there was no need for her to dodge or block an attack from such a weak looking creature. It was a decision that she quickly regretted as she felt the tectonic force of the mallet collide with her body. A sickening crack echoed throughout the harbor as the mare's weapon snapped in half under the weight of the blow.

'Just how can such a small wingless creature be so strong!' thought the griffon as she was flung violently through the air.

The hit itself would've easily carried her into the town square if it wasn't for the wall of crates that barred her path. A loud cheer broke out from the onlookers for the sudden unexpected violent turn of events. Muggings and murders were just business tools the citizens of chocoport, but brawls were spectator sports.

Erupting from the pile of broken and shattered boxes the griffon's rage was conveyed in a single ear splitting cry.


Tossing the broken stick aside Pinkie slammed her hoofs into the ground. "Bring it on Gilda, I still owe you for menacing Fluttershy."

Immediately the area was covered in scores of hooded figures that heedlessly fling themselves at the opposing trio in a never ending dog pile. It was chaos as shipping crates, barrels, and hooded bodies were all crushed in the attack everything except for the targeted trio. Who snuck out through the seething masses and out of the docks through the back streets. The barbaric attackers continued on oblivious to the fact that their foes were no longer at the center of the attack rather it was now Gilda who was taking the assault.

“STOP IT YOU DWEEPS!”-Out of fear the Echo’s stop the assault- “Can’t you see their not here anymore, did anyone of you see which way they went?” A wave of shrugged shoulders greets her question.

After several wrong turns in the back alleys the odd looking trio finally emerged into the bright afternoon sun, as they arrived in Chocosquare. Neither Discord nor Pinkie Pie thought it was possible, but the square was even shadier than the harbor and the alleys they’d spent the last hour or so in. For one instead of a statue being at the center the square it had an empty noose swinging in the wind that carried a heavy stench of booze on it.

“Thanks for helping me back there,” before the two aliens to the world could observe any more of the finer details of this new place the goomba continued her ranting. “That bunch of freaks just would listen to logic. Sure I was snooping around for information about the dessert stars, but that doesn't automatically mean that I have the legendary map!”

“Of course silly cause I have the map in my hat,” giggled Pinkie, as she flipped her hat off and pulled an ancient looking piece of paper from it.

Semi ignorant of what just happened the purple goomba continues with her rant. “Because everyone knows that the map has been lost for centuries inside of your hat… WAIT WHAT!?”

“Here take a look for yourself Twilight,”

Wordlessly the goomba studies both the map and Pinkie, “The map does look authentic how’d you come across it? Also have we met before?” inquired Twilight quite bewildered.

Clearing his throat with a cough Discord decided it was about time he stopped being the third wheel of the party, “that map is Pinkie’s Families heirloom along with that hammer, as for meeting you before. You could say that we have or that we just read your name tag, you egghead,” he of course uttered the last part under his breath hoping not to be heard by either of them. Unfortunately for him, he was heard and he cringed under the glare of the hammer brandishing mare.

“Hmmmm, that’s odd I thought I only, put my first name on my student I.D.”-A faint purple light grabs the tag off Twilights chest as she inspects it- “I was right! So how’d you know my full name was Twilight Egghead?”

Pinkie’s incessant glare at her companion stops as both of them stare blankly at the purple goomba for an eerie amount of time. Only the odd blink now and then changes the appearance off their faces much to Twilight’s growing discomfort. She was about to ask if they were okay when the pair turned around and walked back into the gloom of the back street red as beats.

Twilight gave a longing sigh of knowing, it always happened when anypony learned her full name. At least these two seemed decent enough not to laugh and mock her to her face. She could even become friends with them! Wait why did she just say ‘anypony’ in her train of thought instead of anygoomba?

In the meantime the crazy duo had spent the last quarter hour busting their lungs laughing in the dank dimness behind warehouse three. Neither of them had the strength left to stand for the longest time as both laid on the ground gasping for much needed breath. Laughter being her element Pinkie Pie was the first to recover enough to stand.

“Hahahaha, who know Celestia could have such a witty sense of humor when she’s drunk,” chimed Pinkie, while she helped the goomba back to his feet. Though she couldn't understand why she found something potentially so hurtful to one of her friend’s funny, was the new reality getting to her?

“Sense of humor indeed she nearly just killed us with laughter right there. Seriously I almost forgot how utterly stupid and crazy these drunken worlds can get. Gotta keep my guard up or Celestia’s next joke might be my last,” remarked Discord, as they both made their way back to the square.

By the time they made it back the unpleasant square the sky was already beginning to be painted green by the setting sun. As to be expected Twilight had given up waiting for their return hours ago realizing that they’d probably once again gotten lost in the back streets. This wouldn't have upset Discord in the slightest if she wasn't still in procession of the important map, which Pinkie Pie had spent the last few hours explaining about in complex video game nerd talk, that went straight over his short head.

Despite the lack of the essential item Pinkie’s spirit seemed to be higher than ever before as she quickly trotted off to the North. Even after spending a whole day in his new form Discord had a hard time keeping pace with the pony and quickly fell behind. This quickly turned out to be in his favor as an elderly mare began yelling at his companion for an unknown reason. Much to his bewilderment Pinkie just smiled at her attacker before wandering off into one of the buildings. A couple more minutes passed before she returned to Discord who was inwardly dying to know what the hay just happened.

“May I ask what that was all about?”

“Oh you mean Miss Z? She’s part of the game and no matter what you do you always break one of her contact lenses. And until you get her a replacement she blocks off a third of the city, so I’m just getting this out of the way now so it doesn't hinder us later,” she sighed, it was obvious she didn't enjoy being the villain even if it was necessary and only temporary.

“Just how many times have you played this game my friend, actually never mind I probably don’t want to know. But I can’t help feel like we’re forgetting something important. Like a certain piece of ancient paper!” Shouted the enraged goomba.

The long day spent mainly being lost was taking its toll on him, not to mention being surrounded by food he couldn't eat all day while being hungry wasn't helping either.

“When looking for a tree go to a forest, when looking for Twilight go to a library.”The mare gives Discord a knowing wink. “Lucky for us there’s only one place in Chocoport that has books.”

Being slightly more conscious of her partner’s awkwardness in his new form the mare keeps her pace at a slow walk. Even at this slower pace it takes them less than ten minutes to reach the homeliest of the rundown ginger bread buildings in the slums. With her height advantage Pinkie catches a fleeting glimpse of a purple hued goomba leaving the window. Within a few seconds a whirlwind of clicking and clanking could be heard from the other side of the door as locks and bars were being undone to allow them entry.

“Wonder how she expected us to find this place without directions? If you hadn't turned out to be such a gamer pony we could have been lost for days looking for this place!” muttered Discord

“Eeyup, it’s finally paying off to be a gamer, but I’m just hoping they have some pony sized beds in there, I’m bushed.”

After a few more sounds the door gave a groaning creak and opened inward releasing a flood of light into the now darkening streets. Alongside the light came the succulent aroma of food, which neither Pinkie nor Discord had enjoyed since early morning. Abruptly pangs of hunger struck both of them as their mouths started to produce small streams of salivation.

Twilight had intended to chide both of them out for leaving her at the plaza like that and for just letting a complete stranger keep such an important historical map. But the look of longing upon their faces directed at the leftovers of her supper told her that if she didn't want to get trampled she needed to get out of the way fast!

“Uh I've already finished eating, so feel free to help yourselves to what’s,” the goomba didn't have time to finish as the two starved creatures dived upon what remained. “,left…”

“Hey Twilight are you sure we can just stay here? I mean you did mention during supper that this was you professor’s house after all,” asked Pinkie Pie, as she was combining a group of smaller beds into a more pony sizable one. Upon completion of her project the playful pony immediately jumps onto them like one would a pool.

Putting her book down, Twilight replied “Technically he’s also my legal guardian so if we think of this as a sleep over it should be fine. But honestly Pinkie just who are you and where do you come from you seem so familiar it’s like déjà vu. Not to mention you appear out of the blue holding a legendary map that has been lost for hundreds of years.”

In defiance of her will several soft sobs escape Pinkie’s throat, as she was hit with the sudden weight of just how serious of a problem this world was. Years of not only her life, but of everypony she knew and loved had been completely erased and replaced with fake ones. Even if she did befriend all of them again the original experiences that brought them together and made them close would never re-exist. Regardless of the limitless fun that this world seemed to offer her for a life time, it was something in Twilight’s words that stung her heart so deep that an unspeakable fire began to burn within it. A fire that she vowed upon that no matter who she had to face and beat down, even if it was an old friend, she’d turn everything back to normal!

Hearing the sobs coming from her guest Twilight laid her book on her night stand. “Are you okay there Pinkie?” It was a stupid question to ask, but she couldn't think of anything else to do.

Dang it Twilight I was trying to end the chapter there climatically now I’m all sappy, “Don’t worry *hic* about it Twilight. I’m just feeling a little *hic* home sick right now *hic* so if that kind of talk could wait till morning…”

Respecting her new friends wishes Twilight decides not to pursue the subject any further and blows out the reading light, letting the calmness of the night claim the room as they drift off to sleep.

Meanwhile at the secret Echo base N.O.M sleep was the furthest thing from the mind of the leader of the hooded horde.

“So let me get this straight squad commander Gilda. You had our first lead to the map in over a year. Then some random pink hammer wielding psycho and a goomba stopped you, all of your troops, and managed to escape,” a blood thirsty sigh escapes through the leaders mask before she continues. “Gilda give me three good reasons why I shouldn't have my man Shade here erase you…”

In the ominous moments of silence that followed the Echo leader fully expected the soldier on the other side of the line to break down and beg for her life. After all in the face of such a failure what could an elevated grunt like her do to escape her eminent demise?

“Hey Donut Joe, better make that a triple dozen on the triple choco lava devil donuts.”

After a couple silent moments the masked figure speaks once again into the phone, “…Just hurry up and return to base with those donuts!”

This was the third time this month her wrath had been bought off with those extreme chocolate delights, if she was to maintain discipline she needed to find a solution to her chocolate addition.

“Mam,” whispered the shadowy silhouette

“DON’T SAY IT! I know very well it’s becoming a problem Shade,” said the leader, “but putting that aside, even without the map we have one of the seven locations. So I’m sending you personally down to retrieve it."

Comments ( 13 )

This is the second fic I have come across that is crossed in some way with "Paper Mario and The Thousand Year door". I'm interested in what you do with this idea. Good luck.

I am a total sucker for a Paper Mario fic.

Oh? Celly's finally gotten a sense of humor? Looking through the episodes, *at ths there is a shattering sound in the background,* I see she's certainly come up from the stuffy perfect princess she was before my ascension.


I believe I have I good idea of what the other Paper Mario related story you mentioned is, but if at all possible could you give me with a link? I'd love to know what fellow authors are doing with similar material.


Thanks for the helpful critique and you’re right I do have a significant lack of writing experience, so I appreciate all the help I can get. As for the Pinkie Pie and Discord being out of character I acknowledge that to be the sad truth. I could give several lame excuses for this, but the bottom line is my brain just didn't want to work with me on getting the characters right. So I'm just going to have to come back and revise this chapter later, once I grasp the characters better.

Anyways thanks for your helpful feedback, I’ll try my best to take it into consideration when writing the next chapter.

2877418 It's called The Glitz Pit and it crosses one of the more fun segments with ponies. The Glitz Pit was one of the more fun areas, and gave you one of the more useful character, which was also unique, the Yoshi. They came in a variety of colors, and you got to name them. It was fun spitting an enemy out at one of their allies to do both of them damage.

2876344 heh friends oh and ill give my criticism in my next comment:pinkiehappy:

K criticism time!:pinkiehappy:

i agree with>>2876344 that pinkie and discord are a little off. but i do see some bits of humor here and there that got me to smile!:pinkiehappy: but i do thing you need to describe more and or add fighting scenes other than just skipping to after the battle that you did with gilda. other than that i say good job and good night!:pinkiecrazy: (its 10:35 for me right now)

Sweet some more helpful feedback! Once again I agree with the flaws pointed out. Despite all of the apparent flaws I'm glad that some of the humor I was trying to get in wasn't lost. And with this I'm officially reworking the chapter so that Pinkie and Discrod are more in character. Along with adding more descriptions to the chapter.

2882530 Thanks cool!:pinkiehappy: good luck with that and ill read the chapter when it come sout i hope (if i dont forget no offence im reading over 20+ stories right now and amd criticizing them:fluttershysad: PEACE OFF HUUUUEAHHH!!:derpytongue2:)

2877643 Yeah I thought it was this one, that one been sitting on my watch list for a while, should really get around to reading it soon. Also I doubt you'd find a fan of the game that wouldn't agree with you about the Glitz Pit being one of the best areas in the game. Argh! I really want to start writing the Glitz Pit arc now!

2937255 I also liked the segment with Dooplis(think that is the spelling) I can't really remember the name of the area(maybe Twilight town), but it had a special feel to it and it seemed to apply some special and interesting dynamics and secrets , as well as the addition of the best character(in my opinion) to your team, Vivian(think that's the name).

Comment posted by Princess Lunar deleted Jan 3rd, 2014

My teachers always did say I had a problem with that, I'll try to keep that in mind when editing the next chapter. Also why does my notifications decide to work now, after being AFK on me for six months?

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