• Published 7th Mar 2013
  • 5,485 Views, 114 Comments

The Lost Alicorn - RainbowFlash96

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Gots to give props to Stormy Venture for the help.

"Q-Queen Lunesta... King Equestor.. It's an honor." Twilight said as she bowed.

"My dear Twilight Sparkle, stand up." Queen Lunesta said.

"I-It was you the whole time?" The young alicorn asked.

"Yes and No. It was both of us talking through one voice." The King said.

"I must admit Twilight, I am impressed how quickly you figured it out. We didn't even reach the end yet." Lunesta said.

"The end of what?"

"The end of the tunnel. Well this is not exactly a tunnel, but you get the point." King Equestor explained. "The last 'room' in this place."

"Come now Twilight, we must get you back."

"Really! You can get me back?"

"Of course Twilight. Did you think we were lying before?"

"Um..uh-..um..." Twilight stuttered. The Queen wrapped a reassuring hoof around Twilight.

"Calm down, I was only joking." Twilight looked up at the smiling Queen, and began to calm down. She took a reassuring breath.

"Alright, I'm ready."


"So if you can send me back, why didn't ever send yourselves back." The two elder alicorn looked at each other, surprised at the question.

"If we were to go back to The Land... er I mean Equestria.... The Elements of Harmony would cease to exist." The Queen explained.

"We are the elements, if we were to go back they would no longer be able to stay in their current form." The King added.

"But if you do go back, you could replace the elements." Twilight suggested.

"I'm not sure if I follow.."

"The necklaces and the crown are what the elements took the form of when my friends and I found them. If you were to come back, there would be no need for them. You could protect Equestria, see Celestia and Luna again."

"You have a valid point Miss Sparkle" King Equestor said.

"We shall keep that in mind. But for now we need to talk." Twilight lowered her head, she knew this was coming.

"Your friends loved you, your family loved you, my...daughter loved you. Why did you do it?"

"I told you why when I came here."

"No you didn't." Twilight sighed, she might as well tell her.

"It all started abut two months ago...."



Sorry I can't come by, me and the Wonderbolts are going on a tour of Equestria. I really wish I could come but I just don't have the time. I'll catch up with you later.

Your friend and Wonderbolt,

Rainbow Dash

Twilight sighed and picked up another letter.


I was so happy to receive a letter from you. Alas, I am not able to come and see you. I am very busy, a huge order came in yesterday. I hope to see you soon.

Your friend,


The rest of the letters were similar, Sorry Twilight I can't. I'm too busy right now. She felt as though nopony even care about her anymore. She hasn't seen high or tail of any of her friends in months. She had always felt that, about a month after her coronation, her friends saw her differently. They saw each other less and less.

"Twilight." a familiar voice came from behind her. Twilight turned around to see Princess Luna. The Princess of the Night came in and made her way to Twilight.

"Hello Princess Luna."

"Twilight I told you, call me Luna."

"Oh I'm sorry, I forgot."

"Are you alright Twilight? My sister is worried about you."

Twilight sighed. "I'm fine."

Luna didn't believe her. "Twilight I know how you feel. I too once felt the way you do now."

"Really?!" she gasped.

"Yes, I even once considered killing myself."

"B-but Luna that's terrible!"

"Yes, yes I know. It was a terrible time however. When I was taken over by Nightmare Moon I could not control what she was doing to me. She wanted to hurt my sister."

Twilight just kept staring and listening to Luna.

"When Celestia banished me to the moon, I was relieved that Nightmare Moon could no longer try and harm my sister. I had many years to think about what I had done: one thousand years to be exact. During those thousand years, I though about killing myself. I thought that if I could off myself, Nightmare Moon would cease to exist. I remembered a spell that King Sombra came up with, but in the end when it came down to it, I realized it was not worth it. I had confidence that my sister would find a way to save me."

"King Sombra created spells?" Twilight asked confused.

"Yes, yes he did. It was very dark magic, Celestia had it banned from Equestria."

"And how could you kill yourself? You are an alicorn."

"It was a spell that can turn an immortal alicorn mortal and then kill them. It is a horrid thing, I still can't believe I almost considered using it."

"It's alright Luna, I forgive you."

"Thank you Twilight, I've never even told Celestia about it."

"Really, wow... Why did he create a spell like that anyway?"

"One could say that it is our fault. My sister and I created many alicorn by accident. When we first wielded the Elements of Harmony we were not aware of how much power they contained. We would be talking to ponies and next thing you know, we create another alicorn. We finally realized that we had to do something, we sealed the Elements away in the castle. There were so many alicorn running around that we decided they could run the other towns and cities in Equestria. One pony in particular, Sombra, was sent to rule the Crystal Empire."

"He began to feel as though somepony was going to overthrow him. That was when he created the spell. It took away an alicorn's immortality and then when the alicorn went to sleep, the other half of the spell would kick in and kill the pony. He used it on many alicorn, it was many months before my sister and I realized what was happening. We once again used the Elements of Harmony, however you know that those didn't work. Only the spirit of the crystal ponies could stop Sombra, so we used the elements to create the crystal heart. The ponies were the real ones who stopped Sombra."

"Wow, I never knew that."

"Yes, most ponies do not know that. All of the alicorn were almost wiped out, only my sister, Princess Cadence, and I survived. There is a book all about that in the Canterlot Library if you want to read about it. There is probably more that I just cannot remember at the moment."

"Thank you Luna I might look at it sometime."

"Your welcome Twilight. I hope you feel better." Luna gave her a quick hug before she left.

The next day Twilight went to the Library to look up the topic. She found only one book on it, but it was at least something. The alicorn took the book back to her room and began to read it. The book mostly had the same things that Luna said. It was a quick read.

**** a few weeks later****

Twilight still hasn't seen her friends in weeks, some for months. She kept sending out letters but she would always get the same response. 'Sorry, busy.' She has grown even sadder and more depressed. She did the same thing everyday: got up, had breakfast, do some reading, have lunch, do various royal duties, read some more, have dinner, go to bed.

She would occasionally send letters to her friends. Eventually she just stopped, there was no point.

"Twilight." Celestia said.

"Yes Princess?"

"Twilight, I'm seriously worried about you."

"You don't need to be, don't worry I'm fine." She said with the best fake smile she could manage.

"Please Twilight, just be safe..."

"Always am." Celestia sighed and gave Twilight a smile. She back out the door, worrying about her friend.

*****The morning of her death*****

Twilight could not take it any longer. Nopony bothered to see her anymore, she was all alone. She just wanted to escape the horrible life she was living. She remembered what Princess Luna told her, she remembered the spell. She knew it was eventually going to come to this. Twilight went back to her room, and got the book from under her bed. She scanned the pages for the spell until she found it.

That was when she did it. She casted the spell. This would be her last day of life, she greeted it gladly. Although this was the end, she felt almost glad that her pain and suffering were almost over.

She did not once think of the consequences of her decision.


"And that's basically everything. I know it was stupid and I regret everything." Twilight finished.

"I understand Twilight, it was irresponsible, but I understand." Queen Lunesta said.

"Thank you." They continued to walk until they reached a door.

"Where are we?" Twilight asked.

They did not answer her, they merely showed her. The three alicorn walked up to the rustic wooden door, King Equestor slowly opened it.

Before her, Twilight saw what looked like Canterlot. The land looked similar, but there were no buildings that looked the same. There was no castle, just small houses. The land looked so peaceful, so calm. All of the ponies in this place were alicorn, and they were all staring at the King and Queen. There were about two dozen alicorn that resided here, all of them now bowing.

"W-what is this place?" Twilight asked.

"This is The Land." The Queen said.

"The Land as like the Land in the story?" The purple alicorn asked

"Well not exactly. It is a recreation of it." The King verified.

"Wow. This place is amazing!"

"Thank you." Both the King and Queen said in unison.

"After we saw what happened to all these alicorn and Sombra, we had to do something." The Queen said.

"That was a very kind thing you did." Twilight said.

"Thank you. Now... lets get you back." Queen Lunesta turned to Twilight and gave her a warm smile.

Author's Note:

This was sort of a side chapter explaining some of the loose ends in the story. Thanks to Stormy Venture for pointing some stuff out, and giving me some ideas!!