• Published 30th Jan 2012
  • 1,532 Views, 39 Comments

Don't Forget The Music - Les Pony

Nathan Kase is having trouble letting go of human life before his conversion.

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Chapter 2: Run Like Hell

Run Like Hell!

Before I had a chance to react to the noise, a bunch of men in what looked like old army uniforms busted through the door. Their entrance made me steam, and being the punk I was, I had a few words for the intruders.

What the hell are you doing in my apartment?!

What I failed to notice was the guns they were carrying by their sides. The man who seemed to be the leader of the group immediately pointed the barrel of his straight at my head.

“You have two options. One: I blow your head off your neck. Two: You get the hell out of our way.”

I noticed a patch on his arm in the shape of star with a fist embroidered in the middle of it: The symbol of the HLF. My brain couldn’t think of anything to counter his remark. My normally active mouth couldn’t come up with anything either. The only thing that came out of my mouth was a pathetic stutter.


“We can and WILL make the choice for you...”

The fear coursing through my veins kept my brain from making any decisions.

“Wh-wh-what are you doing?”

“If you don’t get out of here right now, I’ll personally paint this room with your blood!”

My cognitive ability finally kicked back in.

“I’ll leave, just don’t hurt me.”

The thug lowered his gun and shoved me towards the door. As soon as I was through the doorframe, I ran. Where was I running? I didn’t know. I never knew my nerves could be that shaken. I ran down the hall and into the stairwell, where I heard more screams of terror and gunshots from below. I bolted up the stairs. If I were actually thinking I would have remembered that I was already on the top floor. I didn’t care; I was running like somebody was after me. I just needed somewhere to collect my thoughts and figure out what to do.

I busted through the door onto the roof and slammed it shut behind me, leaning against it to keep any HLF members from getting me.

“Stupid” wheeze “asthma!”

It always acted up when I got any form exercise, whether it was working out, or running for my life. I stood with my hands on my knees panting until I caught my breath. I walked over to the gigantic AC unit and plopped down, using it as a back rest. I just sat there starring off into the distance, letting the adrenaline wear off and for my brain to start processing normally again.

After sitting for a few minutes, I stood up and collected myself.

“What the hell just happened?”

I replayed the events of the past few minutes over and over again in my mind. Why is the HLF here? What do they want? I to a quick conclusion when the putrid smell of burning polycarbonate and synthetic wood came filtering up through the air. My fingers started trembling and my eyes watered as the realization came over me.

“Oh my god. They’re burning down the building! All my stuff. The music, the guitars, the photo albums, my dad’s platinum slide! I’m gonna lose it all!”

I then realized that I was on top of said burning building. My brain was thinking well enough to realize that I was in bad position. I rushed to the edge of the roof and peered over to see where the thick black smoke was billowing up from. It appeared to be coming from the second floor. I would have to plan my way around the flames, and quick, before they spread and engulfed the entire building. I shot back to the door I had come blasting through earlier, once more fearing for my life.

My heart pounded, my legs ached, my lungs shrunk, and sweat rolled down my head as I descended the stairs to an uncertain fate. When I got to the fifth floor, smoke was rising through the stairwell. My only chance was the flight of stairs on the other side of the building. I pulled through the door and into the fifth floor hallway. When I finally got to the back stairwell, I could have jumped for joy that smoke wasn’t pouring out of its entrance. I resumed my descent into a fiery hell.

By the time I got to the ground floor, the fire had engulfed the sole hallway to the exit. I stood there not knowing what to do. My lungs ached from the smoke and stress of fueling my body. I knew there was only one way out, but my every fiber in my body told me not to do it. In an act of pure stupidity, ignoring all rationality, I charged.


Like a warrior charging into battle, I ran through the flames in a dead sprint. I could see what was left of the doors in front of me, and the glorious yellow sky that lay outside of their boundary. Sadly, there was still another two hundred feet between me and freedom. The huge amounts of smoke I was sucking in with my rapid breaths were getting to me. I started slowing down, choking out. I had to get out of the inferno that surrounded me. My body said otherwise.

My legs gave out, and I fell over gasping for air, unable to move any further.

“So this is how it’s gonna end?”

I took my last look down the tunnel of flames. Is something moving towards me? That was the last thing I thought before my eyes fluttered shut and I blacked out.


I felt like I was floating through the darkest depths of space. The sound of silence surrounded me as I stared into vast emptiness. Thoughts rang out through my mind.

Where am I? Am I dead? Is this what death is like?

I recalled my last memory of being surrounded by smoke and fire in the hallway of my apartment building.

“I must have died. There was nobody there to sa...”

I interrupted myself as I remembered seeing something moving towards me just as I blacked out.

There were noises beyond the clamor of my thoughts. They sounded like voices. Suddenly, I became aware of my body. I felt the cloud-like qualities of a mattress caressing my sides, the fire flowing through my lungs from the smoke I had inhaled, the smokey taste in my mouth, and a dull pain throughout all my muscles. I wiggled my limbs to make sure that I wasn’t dreaming and that my body still existed. The voices around me stopped, as if they had noticed my stirring.

I opened my eyes to a cold, grey ceiling. I let out a gurgling cough.

“Where am I?”

A voice beside me answered.

“You’re in Conversion Bureau number 227 sweetie.”

I sat up and looked to the source of the voice. I jumped in surprise at what I found, immediately wincing from the pain of moving. Sitting next to me was a snow white pony with a rose colored mane. I had never actually seen a pony up close, only the images of Celestia.

Despite the pain, I reached out to feel her coat in a pure state of curiosity. My fingers felt like they were pushing their way through an endless field of velvet fibers. Her reaction surprised me. She just stood there and let me feel her coat like it was something completely normal. With a quick blush on my face, I retracted my hand.

“Who are you?”

“My name is Nurse Redheart. How are you feeling sweetie? We got you out of that building just in time. You were unconscious when you were brought in here.”

I took in a deep breath, wincing from the pain searing through my lungs.

“Who brought me here? When I passed out I thought I was as good as dead.”

“Silver Star brought you here. He’s one of the newfoals. You’re very lucky he found you. You inhaled near fatal amounts of carbon monoxide.”

The thought that I was near death made me feel numb all over. I collapsed back on to the bed.

“It’s okay if you don’t want to talk now. Get some rest; I’ll check back up with you in the morning.”

“In the morning? How long was I out?”

“Well, when Silver brought you in here it was around ten thirty. You were out for about eight hours...”

“Eight hours!?!?”

“For the first two hours you were in here you were fighting to stay alive. Your skin wasn’t severely burned, but your lungs had taken quite a bit of damage. We were very worried about you. Luckily, we were able to get you stabilized after a couple hours. Your vitals were improving, but you weren’t awake. I figured it’d be best to let you wake up by yourself. Anyways, get some rest, your body needs it. If you’re uncomfortable during the night don’t be hesitant to page me.”

“Thank you, Nurse Redheart.”

I paused as I contemplated another question.

“Why was I taken here and not a real hospital?”

Realizing that was probably insulting I quickly added, “No offense to you and your staff, of course.” Like that would help...

“None taken, sweetie. I was surprised as well when Silver rushed in here with a human on his back. He said human hospitals wouldn’t help. Something about too many people waiting for treatment and not being able to afford them. I didn’t argue since I saw what terrible condition you were in. Get some rest now, you need it. Good night, sweetie.”

“Good night, nurse.”

She turned off the lights and left. I lay there thinking about how my day had gone. How I had no home, no possessions, and how I nearly lost my life. I was completely clueless as to what I should do next.

Then it hit me...

“I guess tomorrow is the day...”