• Published 28th Mar 2013
  • 11,204 Views, 207 Comments

Noblesse Oblige - Brony2893

The changelings numbers are dwindling and many did not return home. Faced with extinction, their queen has only one option available to her.

  • ...

A Message For The Queen

I stared down into the main cavern from my bedroom window, bored, tired, hungry... but most importantly I was scared. Scared for the lives of my remaining subjects in the ‘city’ below.

It had been two weeks to the day when I sent my letter of distress to the pony princesses. Two weeks to sit, wait, and worry. I could feel spring approaching with each passing minute, and when the rest of the hive woke up from hibernation, our stores of magic and food would be exhausted in no time.

My robes pulled tighter as I tried to hold in what little warmth there was. Changelings were not made for cold environments, and the interior of an arctic mountain in the dead of winter was no exception. I slowed my breathing, trying to keep as much precious warm air inside me as possible.

It wasn’t the simple arrival of a reply letter that worried me, but the contents of it. If they refused my plea for aid and forgiveness, we would surely be extinct by next year’s winter.

I can’t say I would blame the royal sisters for declining me. Any sentient race would think twice before aiding somebody who had attacked them not even a year prior. The lights down in the city where the remaining changelings slept were as faint and dim as my odds of being forgiven, I thought to myself.

When the hive was in hibernation there was not much I could do around the palace. With my most loyal servants tending to the minor tasks, most of my time was spent just thinking, and that was slowly killing me.

I pulled myself away from the window and paced around my room, once more feeling the crushing boredom that had been plaguing me.

I decided to turn in early that night. It was cold, and there simply wasn’t anything for me to do other than pass the time the quickest way I knew how. I slid under my fur beddings with a quiet moan of pure bliss. My momentary happiness was once more halted by my nervous thoughts.

“What will I do if they refuse me?” I asked myself. “What will become of my people?” I already knew the answer to that one.

A knock at my bedchambers stopped all of my thoughts as I snapped my head around.

Nobody was supposed to disturb me today, unless it was very important.

I flew out from under my bed with a flitter of my wings and landed in front of the door. I could hear somebody clearing their throat on the other side.

“Permission to ent—”

“Granted.” I interrupted and threw my door open before they could even finish. On the other side of the entryway was my trusted advisor and most loyal servant, Skeer.

He stood momentarily stunned, surely not expecting me to be so energetic.

“Y—Your Highness!” Skeer quickly bowed. He reached inside his cloak, rummaging for something. “This came for you today, I’m sure you already know what it is,” He brought out a small envelope. Even from my distance from him I could feel the sealing magic that was cast on it.

“Thank you, Skeer.” I took the letter from him and examined it. It was addressed directly to me, not the alias I sent it under. It had no return address. “Where did this come from?”

I knew a letter with the changeling queen’s name on it would raise some questions, and likely not reach its destination, especially with royal seals all over it.

“It appeared at the entrance to the tunnels, Your Highness.” Skeer quickly replied. “Somebody reported a strange flash to me, and this was there when I went to investigate.” He stated as I went over to my desk to examine it further.

“If I may... is this the reply we’ve been waiting for?” Skeer asked from the doorway.

“It most certainly is.” I answered as I stared at the envelope. I was just as equally excited as I was nervous to open it.

“I had better get back to my duties, but before I go...” Skeer hesitated. I looked over to see what had stopped him. He rubbed one of his forelegs over the other, nervous. “Whatever happens, it has been an honor to serve you, my queen.” Skeer gave me a quick salute before bowing and excusing himself.

I thought it was odd of him to say something like that, but dismissed it. He was likely as scared as I was about the hive’s future.

I turned my attention to the envelope. Such a curious thing, able to carry so much weight in such a small package.

There was a magical seal on it that wouldn’t open for anybody but the recipient. As I peeled the back flap of the envelope open I could feel the spell release itself and dissipate into the air, granting me access to the treasure within.

Inside appeared to be what I expected, a lengthy reply from Princess Celestia.

I steeled myself and began to read.

Queen Chrysalis,

Allow me to begin this letter by expressing my surprise at receiving a letter from you. More so, you are asking for assistance from us even after invading our capital with the intent of taking it from our control.

I winced at that, feeling like it would be just like the others. I bit my lip and continued onward.

We would be more than content to let you pay for your heinous mistake of attacking us, but we will not hold your subjects responsible for your decisions, Chrysalis.

We shall assist your changelings, but only under our strict conditions shall we do so.

Firstly, you and you alone will arrive in Canterlot under a pre-determined disguise and make your way to the castle. On the 1st of the upcoming month, you will use your magic to don the appearance of a pink pegasus mare and ask for an audience with the royal sisters. You will find a guard captain and tell them you have an appointment with us. The guards will grant you access, and you will be led to us for a private discussion far from the public.

Second, you will remain under our watch in a location of our choosing for the entire duration of your stay while negotiations are made. If at any time we feel you have not come alone or wish to deceive us, you will be forcefully removed without hesitation, and you shall have to fend for yourself once more.

Lastly, you will remain inside the castle at all times and only travel to heavily-guarded areas we deem accessible to for you. Breaking this condition will void negotiations, no exception.

If you approach us at the pre-determined date, then we shall assume these terms and conditions have been accepted.

A reminder, Chrysalis. This is not for you, but for your subjects.

We await your arrival

-Princess Luna

I could hardly believe what I had just read. They had actually accepted my plea for assistance, instead of spitting in my face like the other species.

The only thing that troubled me was Princess Luna replied, but it was to Princess Celestia I had written my letter to. That could prove problematic down the line, but I was too elated to care. Even if Celestia spat at me and hated me for the rest of time, at least my species would get what it needs to survive.

I allowed myself a laugh to release my nervous energy that had been building up over the weeks. To know I was essentially going to be their prisoner was hardly a concern to me. I did not expect to be there long, only until I got what we needed.

’On the 1st of the upcoming month...’ that line repeated in my head. It took me a few moments to realize how soon that date actually was.

I quickly stood up from my desk and went into the corridor outside my room. If I was going to be leaving the hive, there were preparations to be made, and quickly if I was going to be there on time.

My pace down the corridor quickened the closer I came to my destination, which was only down a couple of short turns.

I didn’t stop as I pushed the door open and went inside the little room, into Skeer’s quarters.

Skeer was understandably alarmed and fell out of his bed on the opposite wall. I was glad his quarters were so close to mine, and he was not yet sleeping. Time was of the essence.

“Your Highness!” He said as he gathered himself at my intrusion. “Is... what can I do for you?”

“Fetch me my travelling gear, and gather my other advisors.” I ordered. “I’m leaving in the morning.”

“Y—yes my queen!” Skeer gathered his cloak and quickly readied himself to leave. “If I may, Your Highness... where are you going in such a hurry? What’s so important that you must leave the safety of our home?”

I smiled to him as I felt the realization of the moment sink in further.

“I’m securing our future. Now go get my things, there is not much time.”

Comments ( 109 )

What's this, a 2nd chapter out of nowhere???:pinkiegasp::trollestia::pinkiegasp::trollestia::pinkiegasp:

Hope you guys like it. This was totally random and out of nowhere:twilightsheepish:Before you all ask yes there is still an actual sequel in the works, this was just a little teaser for everybody that wanted more of it.

If you get sequel remember to get note chapter here ;p

Can't wait to see where the sequel will go, so many questions remain. Will the Changlings be saved? What are the conditions for Chrysalis? Who left the empty milk jug in the fridge?
I await the sequel in anticipation.

You giant tease, you!

I look forward to said sequel.

I can't wait for the sequel, hell I've been waiting for any kind of update on the situation, and you have just reaffirmed my interest in this story a hundredfold :rainbowwild::pinkiesmile::pinkiecrazy::ajsmug::pinkiegasp::rainbowkiss::rainbowdetermined2::trollestia::moustache::twistnerd::twilightsmile:

:raritystarry: pleaseeee, more!:twilightsmile:

This might get re-featured. :scootangel:

... hreat.... now I can wait even LESS for the an update than before.....:twilightsmile:

Oh, yes. :D Can't wait to see where this goes - so happy that is is being continued.

Amazing! It's very well written, if I do say so myself. I would give anything to write like that :twilightsmile: cant wait for the sequel!

Any sentient race

I think you mean sapient, unless you are trying to say something about Chrysalis's depression that she believes that even the animals who can't think wouldn't help her.

Ah ha ha!
Somebody caught that:raritywink:

Yeah, I lurk around the Sci Fi group a lot, and it always irritates me when people make that mistake, but if it was on purpose... Damn, she needs help.

Also, I thought that letter was awfully cold and harsh, and completely out of character for Celestia. Except it wasn't; was it? :trollestia:

Looking forwards to more.

You, I like you:trixieshiftright:

A second chapter, made as a teaser for an upcoming story, specifically a story I’ve READ. Alright, time to saddle up n’ see what’s up. :rainbowdetermined2:

This was sort of what I had expected, though I have to admit, having no contact with her hive as a condition seems really messed up, since Celestia should know that the changelings are a very co-dependent species, thus, not giving them other ponies is one thing, but not letting them contact their queen? Hmm... well this IS Luna, apparently.

I was kind of amazed that she didn’t mention the use of an alias as an act of avoidance, be it “cowardice” or “security”. That was a point I was sort of hoping to see get pointed out: The queen of a species whose main trait is appearing as others, failed in her use of an alias somehow... I like to imagine she had, like, a really obvious/ridiculous alias, though. :derpytongue2:

Skeer… I was sort of hoping would do a bit more. Honestly, I expect him to become an important performer in this story. Not ROMANTIC, but more like the “pesky assistant” who might try risking Chrysalis’s negotiations by trying to reach/follow her out of concern. :twilightsheepish:

There are several ways this can go, though it seems to be heading in a pretty solid direction without signs of much veering off the moral, beaten path. So it's probably predictable... I mean... you wouldn't be sitting us down, getting us comfortable and relaxed, only to be ready to pull the rug out from under us... would you? :trixieshiftright:

Humm. Small crystal heart? Favor owed by the Crystal Empire from ages past ??? Retrieved,
possibly indicating that it was lost by the Changelings at some point. Recognized by Cadence by aura or what have you, more conflict.
Anything to hang more story on!!

Sweetness and light, man. Sweetness and light. :pinkiehappy:

To be fair, some of those races probably turned her down flat, too. :trollestia:

We all do, Mr. π. We all do.

Failure, or deliberate method of denoting who she is to the Princesses and informed guards. Note that the message didn't mention a Cutie Mark, either.

Think about that for a second. A pink Pegasus named Cheese Legs, with a wedge of Swiss Cheese as a Cutie Mark. ...and physically similar to the Queen's true form, complete with green eyes. Dang, now I need somepony to draw that.

3012692 3012707

I like him too. It is rather irritating when people mix up sapient and sentient.

An update? :rainbowhuh::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy: Excuse me while I happily dance while awaiting the full sequel.

Oh, question: Its the sequel going to be a one-shot or a multi chapter? I'm not sure if you've mentioned it or not before.:twilightblush:

YES! finally! omg I'm so excited! and nervios! i mean what will be her fate as well as the rest of her subjects! :D
the first story was great not good but GREAT but i HATED the ending it left such a cliff hanger.....and you did the same thing here! now i HAVE to follow you in order to see what happens next! XD

Allow me to begin this letter by expressing my surprise at receiving a letter from you. More so, you are asking for assistance from us even after invading our capital with the intent of taking it from our control.

Bold = us?

Wait, that was in bold?:rainbowhuh:

A sequel? Huzzah! :pinkiehappy:

Or they stole it:trollestia:


It was not, but if you want it to be consistent with the rest of the letter, it should be "us"

ok now you have done it.........ugh the story was excellent and....the new chapter is excellent....but the story still says complete.......if you had left it then fine....but now I really want this to turn into a full story, I can see this becoming something akin to march to the scaffold.......one of the best chrysillis focused stories I have read, both it and yours

Possibly. However to me the term, (retrieved) implies that it was theirs and had gotten out of their possession. Acquired would imply theft to me.


You forgot the Pokemon announcer voice...

Why am I willing to bet that Celestia might not know about this yet?

Or she's still kinda butthurt over it:trollestia:

Make it into a full story please!!! :pinkiehappy:

Oh yeah, this thing.
Will favorite to be warned of sequel.


Who left the empty milk jug in the fridge?

Oh, sorry... that was me.:twilightblush:

3014050 Chrysillis... LOL


I remember following this "one shot" a while ago in hope you'd continue it.
Well, I wasn't disappointed! Go ahead, I'm looking forward to see what happen next!

Why do I have feelings that Celestia does not know what Luna has planned ?

Your Higness is for adressing princes and princesses, Your Majesty is for adressing Kings and Queens.

Wonder how , if it is Luna, she could pull it out, even if Celestia would completly trust her would everyone else enough to let her do stuff behind Celestia's back.

Well, you did it. As much as I hate to see this end(if it is ending) That second chapter pulled the whole thing together WONDERFULLY. If you do decide to continue this or write a sequel, I'm all for it. But this story is still Marked as Complete, so It doesn't seem likely. All in all, I'm glad you updated.

Nicely done. Looking forward to the sequel. :twilightsmile:

That was a nice read. While I (as many) would love to see what happens in Canterlot, the story would have to be so different from this one's style that I as a writer can easily forgive not writing it. There's something to be said for ending the story while it's good. :twilightsmile:

Before you all ask yes there is still an actual sequel in the works





ARTL #48 · Aug 11th, 2013 · · 1 ·

... I... I...

Celestia's feelings are immaterial. An enemy has begged, for lack of a better term, humanitarian aid in dire conditions. Harmony requires she provide both aid and forgiveness if it is in good faith, and harmony is the lifeblood of Equestria. To do otherwise would poison the nation's very soul.

A reminder, Chrysalis. This is not for you, but for your subjects.

Luna, why have you got to be like that? I understand your being protective, but this is overboard. Chrysalis was only helping her people, and Luna would've done the same. Chrysalis, it would be funny if you disposed of her and imposed her at the same time. CHRYSALIS IN A LUNA DISGUISE, YAY!!! :trollestia:

Then again... no. That sounds a bit mean, and i'm letting this go to my head. I like Luna... :facehoof:

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