• Published 9th Mar 2013
  • 786 Views, 12 Comments

Gray - Mayclore

Twilight and company try to deal with the ramifications of Pinkie's brilliant idea, while Fuyu attempts to reconcile life in Ponyville with her particular appetite. A quest for revenge will upend the fragile balance -- and reveal a dark truth.

  • ...

The Good Word

A week flew by, and Fuyu found herself spending less and less time in the library. She gave Twilight the excuse that she went out every morning to practice her new found skills, but the look on the librarian's face indicated that she had stopped buying that on the third evening. Twilight never tried to follow her, however, and Fuyu was thankful for the lack of intrusion.

As she had six times before, she walked down the street – she never floated, figuring it would increase the already chilly distance between her and the townspeople – and the people traveling by would give her odd looks. Now, they were accompanied by whispers which stung her. She managed to stick to Twilight's advice on this matter: be patient. They will eventually see you for who you really are.

That posed a problem for the pale woman, because she was really a serial-killing weapon of mass destruction. Yes, she had saved Applejack once, and the town at large once, but she was fairly certain that wouldn't balance her deeds before her arrival. So, again, she found herself wandering toward the south of town to have a conversation with the other two people that knew her – the actual, genuine Fuyu – almost as well as Twilight and her friends did.

“Hey, ma'am,” the young girl at the hotel's front desk waved. She was a tanned tomboy with blazing red hair whose name escaped the pale woman; it didn't matter, because she'd only answer to the nickname Garnet. She was also one of the few in Ponyville who regarded Fuyu warmly – after all, this was her family's main source of income. “I guess they're waiting upstairs like usual.”

“Thank you,” Fuyu nodded, moving up the staircase. Now that the place was back in its original configuration, one side of the space to the left held four bedrooms. This was separated by a central, blue carpet hallway that lead to the back, and the stairs to the third floor. To the right of this corridor was an open area; the dining room, more or less, where travelers would eat the food prepared in the ground floor's rear kitchen. The tables were rounded and made of polished elm that shone in the overhead lights. Seated at one of these were Trixie and Stormy.

“I see you haven't stabbed each other yet,” the pale woman said, sliding out a chair and sitting down. The two women were playing a card game, and had two cards each, face down, on the table. Three cards, face up, were between them – the ace of clubs, the four of diamonds, and the jack of hearts. The rest of the deck was stacked neatly off to Trixie's left. “What are you playing?”

“Hold 'em,” Stormy said, lifting her cards. “Besides, I forgave her for that the first day you came up here.”

“Trixie didn't even cheat on that particular occasion, regardless.” She too eyed her cards, then looked across the table at the ex-thief. “Show the turn.”

“You totally cheated, and fine, I will.” Stormy drew a card and turned it over before placing it beside the other three. It was the five of spades. “Shit.”

“Folding again?” Trixie's tone was dripping with smug satisfaction. Sure enough, Stormy flicked her face down cards away. “You always curse before you fold. It's an incredible tell.”

“Oh, get off your high fucking horse. We ain't even playing for money.” Stormy looked over at Fuyu and nodded to the cards. “Wanna play? It's not hard to learn.”

“I'm not interested.” She watched as Trixie magically shuffled the cards for the next hand. “How is the town treating you?”

“Slow progress. Trixie is sure that at least the children no longer hate her.” She dealt two cards to herself, then two across to Stormy before looking at her own with a stone face. “What about you?”

“It's only getting worse. They think I don't hear the gossip.” She blinked as the magician slid two cards over. “I have no idea how to play this.”

Trixie gave her a smile. “It's fine. Like Stormy says, it isn't difficult to learn.”

“Man, I can't believe the government is paying me to sit here and play cards.” She frowned down at her pair and began to mutter. “And yet, I can't seem to buy a decent hand...”

That drew a smirk on her lips. “Ha. Oh, Fuyu, thank you for putting in the good word. Pinkie Pie was very receptive of Trixie's apology.”

The pale woman shrugged, taking a peek at her cards. She held the ace of hearts and ace of spades, although that really meant nothing to her at the moment. “I didn't talk to her. I think she just loves everyone.”

“Will you drop the third-person bullshit? You're giving me a headache,” Stormy grumbled. “You guys ready for the flop?”

“The...flop?” Fuyu tilted her head. Stormy drew three cards and turned them over in the center of the table. “Oh. That's what that's called.”

They eyed the cards – the four of diamonds and clubs, and the king of hearts – and the magician couldn't help but smirk again. “Trixie is not a psychic, but she predicts someone will be folding again. And by the way, I have a reputation to keep up.”

“You know what? Fuck you. I'm going all the way to the end. Fuyu, you gonna fold your cards?” She frowned at the blank stare she got in reply. “That means discard them 'cause you don't think you can win.”

Fuyu considered it for a moment, then shook her head. “Oh. I will keep going too.”

“Awesome. Turn it is.” The ex-thief drew and revealed the ace of diamonds. “Huh.”

The pale woman glanced down at her cards again. “If you say so. Were either of you invited to the function tonight?”

“Trixie was surprised to receive an invitation, but declined. She does not feel it's appropriate to attend.” She also looked at her cards, but her face was somewhat more displeased. “Hmm.”

Stormy grinned excitedly and shifted in her chair. “I'm going! I'd be nuts to turn down free booze. Ready for the river?”

Fuyu had other things on her mind. “If the town knew what I did before, do you think they'd want me gone?”

Stormy grew suddenly pale, and the magician blinked at both of them. “Trixie doesn't think she's heard this before.”

“You probably don't wanna, either,” the ex-thief muttered. “It's pretty damn terrible.” She drew a card and set it down. This was the king of clubs. “Ha! Show your hands, suckers.”

“Hmm.” Trixie peeked down at her cards before flipping them over. “Two pair, kings and jacks.”

Stormy lost control of her grin and flipped her ponytail over her shoulder. “My pair beats your pair! Queens and kings.”

Fuyu tilted her head and showed her cards. “...this.” She watched as both of their jaws dropped. “What?”

“Full house, aces full of kings,” the magician muttered. She used her power to grab them all and begin the process of re-shuffling. “Trixie is curious to know what you did before you showed up here.”

“I was a serial killer.”

She dropped the cards and nearly fell out of her chair before the look on her face changed from shock to nervous disbelief. “Right. That's a poor joke,” she said, steadying herself in the chair and using her power to gather the cards. “What did you really do?” Her question met a stony wall of silence, and she glanced around. “You're...you're serious?”

“Yes. I killed...” Fuyu's eyes drifted up as she calculated the tally. “Four hundred and eighty-eight people. After I killed them, I ate most of them.”

Trixie looked ready to pass out, and Stormy was doing little better. “Y-you a-ate them?” the magician stuttered fearfully.

“To feed that black stuff. You've seen it, right? That's what that shit runs off of, human flesh,” Stormy clarified.

“That's not actually correct. I consumed people for their internal stores of magic.” Fuyu looked at their horror and sighed. “The effect is the same, regardless. Thanks to the amulet, however, I no longer need to do that.”

The magician was still the most dumbfounded of the two by far; so deep was her feeling that she visibly trembling. “Trixie is not sure what to think now.”

“People keep saying that.” Fuyu watched her deal the cards again. “It's not something I wanted to do.”

“Trixie would certainly hope not.” She took a moment to regain her composure before looking at her cards. “Ugh. Trixie will not even pretend to bother with these.” She thumped the cards away and sighed.

Fuyu was just about to check her own hand when a series of sharp noises came echoing up the stairs. They all turned to see the cause, and found Rarity scaling the steps. She was clad in her full professional outfit, which consisted of a white suit over a white blouse, a knee-length, white skirt, and shining white heels.

“Fuyu, darling, what are you doing with these two?” she asked, folding her arms and cocking her hips in displeasure as she peered at Trixie.

“Playing cards,” she replied, finally peeking at her own – the ace of spades, and the king of diamonds. “I still don't know what this means.”

Rarity and Trixie were still staring – or glaring – at each other. “How...lovely,” the dressmaker snarled politely. “Well, I need you to try on your dress for tonight, while I've still time to make the alterations.”

“Awwww, we just got started!” Stormy whined, leaning back in her chair and pouting. She shrugged at Rarity's annoyed glance and sighed. “Fine. Hey Fu...one quick round of fifty-two pickup?”

The pale woman knew exactly what this was and nodded with a smile. “Yes.”

Trixie used her magic to gather the cards again into a neatly stacked deck, which she then flung straight up at the ceiling. The cards caught air and flew in all sorts of directions, but within a second of their scattering a storm of shimmering black lines darted out of Fuyu's palms and tore up, adhering to them with a sticky point. By the time she'd latched on to them all, it looked like an abstract tree had sprouted from her hands.

“Oh my,” Rarity blinked, dropping her bristled pose and staring at the construction. “How in the world did you manage that?”

“I guess I can track a lot of targets.” She brought the lines back into her palms, one card at a time, until she had twenty-six in both hands in two decks. She sat these on the table and stood up to leave. “I'll see you later.”

They went downstairs and out to Rarity's gleaming silver SUV. The first thing that struck Fuyu about the black, leather-clad interior was how enormous it was, especially compared to Applejack's old truck and Twilight's blue compact.

“I went with something simple, but not too inconspicuous,” Rarity said, starting the engine and backing out into the street. “Your lines were hard to work with, but I think you'll be pleased with the results.”

Fuyu looked out the window as they drove. Even in here, once she was recognized she got those looks from the populace, and it started to grate on her nerves. “Why does Twilight insist I go to this thing?”

Rarity patted at her hair absentmindedly. “If I understand her right, the Princess personally requested your presence.”

“Why?” Fuyu asked, stunned enough to look back over her shoulder. The dressmaker shrugged her confusion. They didn't speak again during the rest of the short trip, and not even after they'd arrived at the Boutique and gone in. Only when Rarity appeared out of the back with the dress she'd designed did either talk.

“Here it is!” she chirped, holding it up and turning it for Fuyu to inspect. It was a shimmering turquoise number, strapless, with a matte black stripe that ran from where the back of her right thigh would be, curled around the left waist, and disappeared below the right shoulder. The bottom of the garment had a semi-pleated fringe around it. “What do you think?”

“Blue!” the pale woman blurted out. She blinked at herself and glanced away. “I don't know why I said that.”

“You said it with a smile, so I'll take it as a compliment,” Rarity smirked. “Here, try it on!” She handed the dress over and shooed Fuyu into one of the changing booths, pulling aside the purple curtain for her. “I'll get the shoes. Back in a jiffy!”

“Hmm...” Fuyu scratched her head and looked down at the dress in her hands. “Here goes, I suppose.” She disappeared into the booth.

Rarity got back just in time to see her step out, and nearly dropped the shoes in her hand at the sight. “Oh my word,” she said, walking circles around the pale woman. “I did very well, if I do say so myself.” She rubbed her shin with her free hand and came back around to look at Fuyu from the front. The dress came to an end just above her knees, and the top showed the barest hint of cleavage. “It's not too showy, is it? I cut something for Fluttershy too low once and she nearly had a heart attack, so I erred on the side of modesty for you.”

Fuyu looked down at herself and shook her head. “I feel fine. It fits perfectly.”

“Good! Now, try these on. They should be somewhat more comfortable than regular heels.” Rarity set down a pair of turquoise shoes on the floor in front of her feet. The soles were black, and consisted of a thick wedge of material that was three inches high under the heel, but much shorter under the ball and toes. Fuyu ditched her sandals and stepped into them. “Comfortable?”

The pale woman wiggled her toes. She had to look down a fairly long way at the dressmaker now, and the perspective took her a moment to get used to. “Yes, much better. Everything looks different from up here.”

“You're almost six feet tall in those, darling. You'll match up well with Princess Celestia.” Rarity raised her arms and set her chin on the back of her right hand, pondering the ensemble. Abruptly, she clapped her hands and let out a giddy laugh. “I am so good at this! You're absolutely gorgeous! Come over here, see for yourself!”

Fuyu walked over as Rarity waved toward a floor mirror. Her steps were a bit unsure at first, but it didn't take her long to get used to the shoes. Once in view of her reflection, she couldn't help but be surprised. “I look different,” she said, smoothing down the lower part of the dress. “I feel different.”

“Clothes make the woman, my dear. Goodness, you're living proof that Rainbow Dash and Applejack should get over themselves and wear a skirt once in a while.” Rarity peered closely at the curving black stripe and nodded her approval. “Flawless. Are we all set?”

“At least as far as appearance goes,” Fuyu muttered. “I still don't know how I feel about attending.”

Rarity came around front again and smiled up at her. “You'll have us there. And you don't have to stay the whole time, like I said before. Unless the Princess has other ideas.”

“Right.” Fuyu looked at herself again and smiled. “Thank you. If nothing else, I'll look very nice while they glare at me.”

Rarity patted her gently on the left shoulder. “Have some faith, dear. It takes time.”

The pale woman cast her eyes at the floor and sighed, wondering just how much patience she was really capable of.

“I cannot believe you are wearing that.”

Fuyu heard the outburst and looked over at Rarity, seated on her right, who was scowling at Rainbow Dash. The athlete had walked into the meeting hall in her usual clothes – only this time, the hoodie was gray and her blue jeans had no holes in the knees.

“Hey, if I'm gonna be sitting through this, I'm gonna be comfortable,” she countered, sitting on Fuyu's left. “I bet you Applejack is wearing the same thing I am.” The three of them were on the stage, seated at a rectangular table covered with a white cloth. To their left was the podium, and on the other side of that was another table, just like theirs. Its seats were empty; the dignitaries had not yet arrived.

“Thank goodness you're early, that's something. Wear some jewelry for once!” Rarity scolded, primping a purple curl as she glared. She was clad in a shiny, muted blue dress that resembled the color of her eyes.

Rainbow grinned back, pointing at the rings in her ears. “I am!” She snickered at the groan that came from the dressmaker and leaned back in her chair. That's when her eyes landed fully on Fuyu's new look, and she blinked. “Damn, girl.”

The pale woman glanced down at herself, then over at Rainbow. “What?”

“You look pretty good. Maybe Rare is right about me being able to wear a dress.” Rainbow tilted her head, then smiled to herself. “Nah, I'll never do that crap.”

“Rainbow Dash, I swear you are so...you!” Rarity huffed. More people were beginning to arrive, and they all paused to watch them enter. Out of nowhere came Pinkie Pie, in a cheerful pink shirt and skirt, popping up seemingly from under the table and scaring Rainbow Dash out of her wits.

“Hi!” she waved furiously, then presented Fuyu with a glass bottle full of yellowish liquid. “Try this!”

“Okay?” Fuyu peered at it for a moment before taking a swig. It was fizzy lemonade with a hint of peach, but unlike her previous attempts with such drinks, all the flavor reached her brain. She crinkled her face up, though she smiled regardless. “Tangy. I like it.”

“Great! Be right back!” She took the bottle and vanished under the table cloth.

“How in the hell does she keep doing that?!” Rainbow exclaimed, looking under the table. All she got was an eyeful of Fuyu's legs. “...wow.” She retreated from under the cloth and sat there with a blank look on her face.

Rarity was too busy scanning the growing crowd to tease her. “I see Fluttershy. Darling! Over here!”

They all watched her skitter through the benches, avoiding people as best she could. Because of her winding path, she only arrived two or three minutes later. “Hello. I'm glad I'm not late.” She, too, was in her usual modest garb, but sported a glittering yellow butterfly hairpin above her left ear.

Rarity smiled as she sat down. “You look lovely, darling.”

“Oh, so she wears her usual clothes and you don't care, but I wear mine and you pitch a fit,” Rainbow growled across Fuyu, leaning forward and glaring.

Before the argument could get going, Applejack strode in. She stopped for a moment and looked around with uncertain eyes; Fuyu guessed it was due to her clothes. She was wearing an apple-themed dress the pale woman had never seen before. Quickly, she moved to the table and sat down next to Rainbow. “Uh, I think I done dressed up too fancy,” she said, laughing nervously.

“You wore your Gala dress! I'm so proud!” Rarity then smirked at Rainbow. “So much for your assertion.”

“Damn it,” the athlete muttered, before giving Applejack a kiss on the cheek. “You look great.”

“Thanks! Hey, Fu! Speakin' of lookin' great, y'all look wonderful,” she said, waving a little. “How ya feel?”

“Anxious,” the pale woman admitted, eyes pointed down at the table.

“Shoot, relax. Just accept your thingy and we can get on outta here,” Applejack reassured her. “Well...after I eat. Ain't had nothin' since breakfast.”

“We're not here for that,” Rarity pounded the table lightly. “We are here to back up our friend.”

Fuyu's face twisted into a vaguely annoyed look as the four of them started chatting amongst themselves. Pinkie once again appeared from nowhere and took the seat on the end farthest from the podium, smiling widely. Only one empty chair remained, and it was on the other end. The pale woman began wondering where Twilight was.

She didn't have to wait long for her answer. “Wow, look at Miss Serious,” Rainbow said, pointing toward the open doors. Twilight walked directly down the aisle toward them. She had on a navy blue blazer, under which was a white blouse and a red necktie. Her skirt was also navy blue, and was so long Fuyu couldn't even see her shoes.

“It's not often she busts out the uniform,” Applejack blinked. “Well, least I don't feel too outta place now.”

“What uniform is that?” Fuyu asked, but none of them were able to answer before Twilight arrived. The figure in her head started to rail, but Fuyu did her very best to ignore its words.

The librarian walked up the steps and came around, taking her seat and looking over. “Phew, I'm still on time. What's with all the staring?”

“You look terribly grave, darling,” Rarity pointed out.

“Oh! Sorry, my Academy uniform was the only formal clothing I could find...in the closet I promised myself I'd clean out three months ago...” she grumbled, the volume of her voice dropping on that last line. “Applejack, you're wearing your Gala dress?” She watched the blonde blush and grinned at her. “It happened to you too, huh. Fuyu, you look very nice!”

“Thank you,” the pale woman shrugged. “I'd like to get this over with.”

Twilight smiled at her. “It'll be fine, I'm su--” Abruptly, she stood up, and the hall became quiet. Everyone else at the table rose too, so Fuyu did the same. Princess Celestia traveled down the aisle with regal grace. The Mayor was in tow, as was the chief of police, and a few other people Fuyu didn't recognize. While they all sat at the empty table, the crowd also seated itself, and the Mayor went to the podium.

“I'm gonna take a nap,” Rainbow whispered, jumping in her seat as Applejack jabbed her in the ribs.

The Mayor began speaking. Of the seven women at the table, only Twilight, Fuyu, and Fluttershy seemed able to maintain their attentiveness. Rainbow's head bobbed up and down as the speech bored her to tears, and her girlfriend started yawning a few minutes later. Even Rarity's eyes were droopy. Pinkie Pie was much too fascinated with the fancy accoutrements on the table – for her, most of the speech was spent making faces into the vases that contained the flowers. Soon, even Twilight had run out of attention, and by the time the Mayor was done using the opportunity to campaign for the next election, only Fuyu was still paying any attention, although that was basically jerking into alertness when she heard her name.

“Speech time,” Twilight advised her, nodding to the podium. “Now's your chance!”

“I don't...” she trailed off, glancing around at the six women, all of whom were making some sort of encouraging face or motion. She sighed and relented. “Fine.” She stood up and walked from the table, blinking at the Mayor as she quickly stepped aside. The crowd politely applauded, but the pale woman sensed the tension as she looked out over the people. Far in the rear, she saw someone waving – it was Stormy. Unable to resist, she waved back.

It was enough to dent her nervousness and loosen her lips. “I'm not sure what to say,” she started, gripping the sides of the podium, “but I know what I'm going to say. I understand that I'm different. I understand that it makes you afraid.” She frowned and glanced down to her right. Twilight nodded up to her and smiled back. “I'm different, but I'm something else, too. I'm not a dictator in waiting. I'm not going to burst into your house and demand you make me a cake throne.” A few chuckles rose from the audience, and her frown faded. “I'm mysterious, too, but a lot of me is a mystery to myself.” She paused there and looked down.

“You can do it,” Rainbow said, leaning back out of line so Fuyu could see her. “Just let it out.”

She nodded at the athlete and looked back at the crowd. “This is my home. Why do you think I fought Trixie in the first place? She was going to hurt you all. I didn't want to see that happen. I...” She faltered again; the figure was speaking to her, and once more she found its words fit beautifully in her train of thought. “I did what needed to be done to help the people I cared about. I won't be ashamed of it.”

The audience was murmuring amongst itself, and Fuyu could see the looks on their faces, especially in the closer rows. Fearing her words were only making things worse, she racked her brain for something else to say. “I guess my point is...please don't be afraid of me. I'd never do something like Trixie did. I don't even think I could do such a thing.” Spent, she drifted back from the podium and proceeded to return to her seat at the table. Before she could get there, out of the corner of her eye she saw someone stand up in the crowd.

It was Stormy. This time, everyone looked back at her as she walked into the aisle and toward the front with purposeful strides. When she reached the base of the stage, she turned to face them all and slammed her hands onto her hips. “Look, Fu can be scary as hell sometimes, but you know what? She keeps her word.” Again, the crowd was murmuring. “I owe her everything. My life, my safety. I know you guys think I'm just a thief. Come to think of it, Applejack probably still wants to shoot me in the face!” she grinned, thumbing over her shoulder at the blonde. “I'm just saying...give her a chance. She's really nice. Kinda quiet, but reliable as fuck. Errr, pardon my language, Your Highness,” she gulped, looking over her other shoulder at an amused Princess. She skittered back into the crowd and sat down, giving the pale woman a thumbs up.

Fuyu smiled broadly as she sat down, but the crowd was still limited to murmuring. The Mayor came over and whispered something into Pinkie's ear that made her stand up and start bouncing. “Okay! Who wants some food?” she yelled, streaking to the curtain behind the on stage and yanking it open. Behind it was the buffet table; the crowd stood up and started toward it.

“Okay, time to mingle,” Twilight said, stretching her legs as she rose. Her face went blank as the Princess motioned her over. “Hold on.”

“How did I do?” Fuyu asked Rarity, glancing at the librarian's retreating form.

“Wonderful, dear.” She gave the pale woman a tight hug. “Even if it doesn't help, you still have us.” They watched Applejack and Rainbow Dash, already at the buffet, fighting over the rolls. “Pardon me, I need to go separate the pigs.”

“It's okay,” Fluttershy said, coming up just as Rarity departed. “I thought you did great, too.” Fuyu nodded and smiled, then turned as Stormy stumbled up onto the stage and fell over her long skirt.

“Did I help?” she asked as Fuyu pulled her to her feet.

“I don't know. We'll see.” Off to the side, Twilight was waving for her. “I think I'm being summoned.”

She went over to the librarian, threading her way through the people. She was standing with the Princess and had a big smile on her face. “The Princess would like to speak with you in private,” she said, then pointed up. “Just follow her to the balcony.”

“Very well,” Fuyu nodded, looking at Celestia. Even in her new shoes, she lacked three inches compared to the Princess and had to raise her eyes slightly. They vanished stage right and ascended a spiral staircase, and Celestia moved aside the curtain with her magic to grant them entry. Once on the balcony, Fuyu looked down at the milling people below. “You didn't speak to me before. I'm glad you decided to now.”

The Princess smiled down at her, but the expression was laced with a sad anxiety that made Fuyu blink. “I think it's time you knew the truth.”

The pale woman stood there, motionless, analyzing the voice that had just addressed her. Once she made the connection, her face twisted into a confused scowl. “You did talk to me before,” she whispered, the realization overwhelming her. “You talked to me when I touched the amulet. You've been talking to me for the last five years!”