• Published 1st Feb 2012
  • 7,242 Views, 429 Comments

War of the Fallen Race - PegasusKlondike

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Avatars of The Earth

Starswirl walked amongst the ponies and other creatures that had come to this cave for shelter, the cavern dimly lit by flickering torches. So many had died out there, and so many more sat inside here wounded, not only physically, but the mental scars would never leave these ponies. They had failed, they could not find the strength or the courage to defend this mountain, and now the humans freely walked upon it, burning away every trace of ponykind. Many had simply fled entirely, not taking shelter at all. Starswirl came upon a pegasus clad in black armor, his head bent in shame and melancholy.

Starswirl placed a comforting hoof on the pegasus general's shoulder, "Cloud Hoof."

Cloud stared at the floor, his stare speaking of failure and pain, "We couldn't do it Starswirl, from the beginning we never had a chance. Why? Why were we brought here to die?"

Starswirl sat next to the younger pony, "Some things are beyond our understanding, young warrior. The Earth Mother gave us a chance, and we failed her. But do not lose faith."

"How? How can I not lose faith? The humans massacred us out there! If the Earth Mother were on our side, she would have intervened somehow. I doubt she even exists anymore!"

"Do not say things like that! I know that somepony is watching us, waiting for the opportunity to give us aid! We just have to prove ourselves worthy."


The human army was victorious, the world had been reclaimed by them! Everywhere, soldiers and civilian draftees burned and plundered what they could from the humble pony and creature villages. But the war was not over yet, many pockets of resistance remained in the mountains, posing a threat to the security of the human victory. But that would change, even now the devices of their ultimate victory moved into position, by dusk they would contain the Surges and corrupt the source, ensuring something like this could never happen again. General Winters stood on what was left of the original field of battle, not concerned with the amount of dead humans heaped around him. His trusted lieutenant secretary tailed the general, keeping notes on the constantly in-flowing radio calls.

"Lieutenant, what is the count on casualties?"

"Well sir at last count we lost around 10,000, mostly civilian draftees. Damn sons of bitches didn't follow the plan and went haywire. Couldn't do our proper preemptive bombardment with those idiots charging like Custer."

"No matter, they played their insignificant part. Now the real men can end this."

The lieutenant received a call from his personal radio. "Sir, General Esera wants to see you immediately in the command post."

"Finally, some recognition." With that the general reentered his light jeep with the lieutenant at the wheel. All around them flames danced on the blood soaked ground as the carrion birds screamed delightfully at their feast. The drive went by shortly, the command post was guarded by actual soldiers instead of the expendable cannon fodder conscripts. General Winters stepped out of his jeep, saluting the two soldiers guarding the entrance to the command tent. "You two are dismissed. I need to speak to the General alone." He entered alone, and standing across the room, bent over a aerial map like a warrior-king of antiquity, was General Esera. Esera placed something in his coat pocket.

"You wanted to see me sir?"

"Yes, Winters. Tell me, what the hell happened out there?!"

"We assaulted the mountain and took the mountain. What else is there to know?"

"10,000 men died out there! I'll give you the fact that we underestimated the enemy, who could have possibly known they would summon the perfect lightning storm on us? And the booby trapped battlefield evaded even our best intelligence, yes. But how is it that every single first wave unit completely ignored the battle plan? And who assigned the conscripts to a frontline situation when professional soldiers would not have cracked like a egg?"

"I don't know sir. One of the reasons Rome fell was the fact that it relied too heavily on its conscripts, I consider this a winnowing, to rid us of the chaff."

"You're a sick man Winters, those were American citizens sent to their deaths! Not faceless soldiers that you can march off a cliff without regrets, but the very people this Army is meant to protect!"

"And they were weak, General Esera. With this victory we have rid ourselves of the mindless drivel that held us down, both enemy and friendly."

"I know it was you, you made the call that caused this disaster! You ordered a head on assault and expected to be a hero when it worked! As soon as control can be reestablished, I'm having you court martialed for war crimes." General Esera turned to call in the guards, but never saw the butt of the pistol as it crashed into the back of his head, sending the aged commander to the ground.

"You know who I envy, Esera? The Soviet Union. Sure, they may have had a quite flawed way of looking at government, but they knew how to make a weapon and outfit an army. They always had a sense of eminent victory about them, even though they lost their fair share of conflicts. Victory, no matter the cost. And don't get me started on their weapons! I personally prefer their early Nagant revolver over our current Beretta JCP's. Sure its a little weaker, but they never break even in the worst conditions. The ammo is what makes it truly special though, the unique design makes it the only revolver that can be silenced." He screwed on a tube to the end of his antique pistol, then aimed it at the back of General Esera's unconscious head. "And just so you know, I will be the last man standing here." A small pop, and General Winters had positioned himself as Commanding General of the Army.

He exited the tent, wiping the blood off of his coat and gloves, "Lieutenant, it appears the General suffered an accident, have a squad of our most loyal soldiers take him out to the battlefield and toss him on a fire with the other corpses. Maintain radio contact with the battalion transporting Lucifer, we end this tonight."


The Surge mountain was almost completely under human control. But it didn't matter, three of the Tesla towers were already in their places and generating their oppressive fields. Within the next six hours the ring would be completed and humans would be ultimately victorious over the rebellion of the Earth. And once contained, the energy would be corrupted and reversed with a single blast from Lucifer, and the very soul of the Earth would know fear and the pain of death.

Deep within the bowels of the mountain, Cloud Hoof and Starswirl contemplated their last hours alive.

"You know Cloud, I never lived out my dream."

"What was your dream?"

"To teach, to study, to read! Maybe open the first pony library or school and teach young minds."

"Kind of a weird dream Starswirl, I lived both of mine. I found the mare of my dreams and had a family with her, but now they are gone. And I learned to live in the freedom of the sky."

"I feel your pain my friend, I fancied White Dawn. I daydreamed about having her as a wife, shame she fell out on the battlefield."

"You and White Dawn? Did you actually, well, you know."

"Several times, young warrior. Her white fur would blush red with our passion! Heck, some days she would start it right after our councils, sometimes I had to chase her down! Why there was this one incident involving a feather and some grape jelly...."

"Augh! Stop it old stallion! I'm sorry I asked!"

"I'm not!" The two laughed at the story. Suddenly Starswirl stopped, holding his breath in mid laugh.

"What's the matter old stallion?"

Starswirl stood, looking around in the air, like he was sniffing for the source of a smell. "I feel something, something different. The magic is here, and building itself, but also there is a different force, something the humans have created to stop the magic. She calls to me Cloud, The Mother calls to me to stop the human magic and free us."

"How? You know as well as I do that we cannot fight them like this."

"Our time is short, The Mother asks for our sacrifice to aid Her, the humans intend to corrupt Her, and the only way to stop them is to remove the sources of their foul magic."

"So we are to risk our lives on the whim of a magical Earth goddess who we aren't even sure is there just to futilely attack some heavily guarded source of human magic? High chances of our annihilation, virtually no chance of success.... What are we waiting for? Call every pony that can still stand! Our tunnels go all around this mountain, we can come from below and strike before the end of the hour if we hurry! No, I have a better plan. Gather every tunneling creature that you can find."


Late afternoon, four of six now stood, and Lucifer was being born up the nearly sheer face of the mountain in a helicopter. Guards were indeed heavy around the standing Tesla towers, the entire plan relied on those towers functioning perfectly and not being harmed in any way. If Lucifer were fired without the suppressing fields generated by the towers, who knew what kind of effect the thing could have? Guarding tower number three was almost a complete battalion of the most elite Special Forces units in the military. Standing right below the tower was Specialist Sniper Aikens, positioned to fire on enemies coming up the gully leading to the tower.

He had to admit that there were more than a few dozen mistakes regarding the first wave assault. Sending a conscripted rabble to distract the enemy while professional forces moved into position? Daring, but completely insane. Add the fact that half the tanks were lost in that first charge!

"Aikens! Quit daydreaming!"

"Yes sir, Master Sergeant."

The tower put off a slight hum, sending out its invisible constraining field of altered Surge energy. But something else lay behind that sound.

"Sir, do we have visuals on enemies? I'm hearing something that sounds like frying bacon."

"Just radio static or something, that or your stomach is playing tricks on your mind."

Aikens turned to the sniper next to him, "Ya know something, I saw a lot of dead enemies out there today, but it seemed like not enough."

"Getting a little bloodthirsty are we?"

"No, I'm saying we routed their army and they just disappeared, like they vanished into thin air."

"Somebody from Charlie company says they saw some running into caves and shit, hope they suffocate in there."

Aikens returned to his vigil. The damn sound was back! He reached to his ear and tore out his radio bud. Still the sound was all around him! Something nagged at him from his childhood memories. From a book by Robert Heinlein. What was it? Puppet Masters? No, maybe Stranger in a Strange Land? Wait! It was Starship Troopers! Why was he remembering Starship Troopers? Something about the bugs, the way they dug. Was it the fact that they sprayed acid? No, something about bacon oddly enough. When the bugs dug tunnels they made a sound like.....frying bacon.

"JESUS CHRIST! THEY'RE BELOW US!" The ground opened up, swallowing the entire tower and half the battalion with it. What remained of the Special Forces unit fired into the pit, blindly shooting and throwing grenades, but to no avail. The enemy had gotten smart, and fled as soon they finished the pit.


A single man stood at the head of a huge mass of well armed, under appreciated, and over abused American citizens. Torches flickered in the twilight, a testament to how far they had been drug down by the Army. A feeling of rage permeated the air, a powder keg of sheer anger at the military that had forced the men with the least combat experience right into the jaws of oblivion while the real soldiers stood back and let it happen.

The lone man had a deer rifle slung on his shoulder, the only weapon he could scrape up when the Army came recruiting. "I am sick of being a peon! This time they went too far!"

"YEAH!" the crowd shouted back.

"Those Army motherfuckers came knocking on our doors, tearing apart our lives with promises of protection and insurance of our freedom! And what do they do for us? They make us march to our deaths! They're the ones who are supposed to protect us, we're not supposed to be taking the blow for them!"


"I'm not a goddamned soldier! I am a fucking accountant, and those grunts out there are supposed to be looking out for us. For us accountants, us farmers, bankers, businessmen, laborers, carpenters! I for one blame this whole goddamned war on those bastards in charge of the Army. Did the enemy attack us when we were civilians? NO! Did they go out of their way to fight us? NO! Those ponies left us alone as civilians! Only when those Army sons of bitches showed up did they get mean!"

Hundreds of men nodded their heads and agreed, the ponies did seem to be very lax and very tolerant of non-aggressive civilian populations.

"If we let the Army keep abusing us like this, there won't be an America left when this is all over. So I say we pack our bags and get the hell out of here! Anyone who wants to get in our way, show them what it means to have Second Amendment rights!" He unslung his rifle, gripping it with both hands as he shook it over his head.

The entire force of conscripts raised their own weapons, a few firing off shots as the entire crowd began to surge out towards the main Army encampment.


Lieutenant McGoff placed a hand on his ear, drowning out the background noise to hear an emergency radio call. "General Winters Sir!"

"Go ahead lieutenant."

"Special Forces units at Tower three say they were hit hard with an underground attack! Tower three has been destroyed!"

"WHAT!?! Get Patterson on the radio! He has to know a way to salvage this situation!"

Another radio call buzzed the lieutenant's ear piece, something less expected than a Surge creature attack.

"Sir, we just got reports of hostile actions."

"Tell me something new lieutenant!"

"The reports are coming from base camp, the conscripts are revolting."

The General stood and grabbed the lieutenant by the front of his shirt. "I must have just heard wrong, I could have sworn you just said our conscripted soldiers were revolting!" The General's eyes could shoot daggers for the amount of hatred pouring from them.

The lieutenant thought hard about his immediate future for a second, "Yes sir, all conscripted battalions are in revolt. They are up in arms over the massacre of the first wave. They are saying it shouldn't have been them in the first wave, and that if we use them for cannon fodder now, there won't be an American people left at wars end."

The psychotic general tightened his grip, "I want you to radio all remaining unit commanders not on active duty in the field and have this little rebellion crushed!"

The lieutenant pressed a finger to the call button on his personal radio transmitter, "All inactive units, report to base camp and assist with suppression of active uprising." He listened for a second, his face turning pale. "Sir, half the unit commanders are siding with the rebels."

General Winters let go of his lieutenant. He slowly walked back to the table, tracing a finger on the map. Rome was burning, and he had Nero stenciled in bold letters across his chest.

"Sir, Patterson is on."

"Give me your radio. Patterson, we lost a tower, what do we do?"

A dry voice cutting with an edge of smugness drifted in on the radio, "I told you they would get stronger, even if that meant we would get weaker. As for the tower, increase the power load on all standing towers by 50%, it should increase their range just far enough to cover for the lost one. We are in position with Lucifer, awaiting full coverage of the shield."


Cloud couldn't believe it, they had struck and succeeded! He didn't know how many of the other guerrilla groups had succeeded, but his plan had worked! He raced through the caverns, calling everypony to raise up arms once more, for once that day, they tasted the sweetness of victory.

"Rise my brothers and sisters! There is no rest for the weary! Give me your strength one last time and you may rest forever more in paradise!"

Ponies who but a few hours earlier had given up on life stood, grabbing whatever weapons they could hold. They may not live to see the end of the night, but they would not leave this world silently!

As they charged to the nearest exits, the very stones of the mountains took on a flickering glow of life, the human magic was being dispelled, and the Earth Mother would send her blessing to those who needed it the most.


Something was wrong, the tip of the mountain glowed green with visible Surge energy, but the barriers were at full strength! Patterson sat next to his creation in the back of a transport helicopter, half hoping that his plan of corruption would fail. The general had called about the lost tower, and Patterson gave him a plan that he knew would not work, the towers were already running at full capacity, increasing the power load would completely fry their internal components.

Sergeant Salazar wielded Lucifer, he was famous amongst the troops for his heroics concerning some bear cult, he himself having slain their god with only a knife. It seemed fitting that he strike the blow against a real god. A radio call from base was transferred to Patterson's headset.

"What in the hell Patterson! All towers but five and six overheated and fried! The energy can't be contained anymore! I order you to use Lucifer NOW! Regardless of the side effects!"

But whatever controlled the Surges had different plans. Everywhere along the battlefield, all the way back to Stronghold, omega detectors were losing their minds. Readings of energy so far off the charts that the detectors shook uncontrollably and burst in a shower of sparks.

Dr. Patterson looked on, the world seemed to freeze. Down on the ground, soldiers looked in amazement as sparks from fires fell infinitely slow, leaves blowing in the wind froze in place. Deep within the mountain itself, stones floated with the amount of raw magical power surging through them. Patterson knew, knew that now the enemy would display her true power.

A burst of light from the peak, a pillar of Surge energy so dense that it danced like green flames flew into the sky, shaking the very foundations of the earth. The pillar climbed higher, meeting the clouds. They began to mix in a vortex of unnatural force, waves of the energy pulsing from the base of the mountain, striking whatever stood in their way.

"What are you waiting for! Use the weapon!"

Salazar trembled like a frightened child, he realized he carried the weapon and aimed it out the door of the helicopter. Lucifer spat forth a bolt of dark energy, black as night, streaking across the sky like a devil sent from hell. True victory was upon them. But something happened, a great blinding flash of white light surrounded the pillar of energy, and Lucifer's bolt ricocheted off harmlessly. The pillar's base left the mountain's peak and joined the vortex in the clouds, and a great explosion threw the helicopter from the sky. Spinning out of control and crash landing, the last thing Patterson saw before slipping into darkness were two shapes flying downwards from the clouds, one white as snow, one dark as night.


The rebellion had ceased to watch the spectacle of magic happening within the sky, soldier and conscript staring in awe at the sight of Lucifer's failed attack. General Winters also watched, but he was less impressed. "What are you standing around for?!? All missile units, tanks, helicopters, FIRE AT THOSE TWO HOSTILES!"

A massive wave of destructive armaments erupted from the ground, aimed at the two specters who hovered now over the peak of the mountain, shining in a sun-like brilliance. The two new creatures simply looked at them as the assortment of missiles, rockets and shells screamed across the heavens. Then, they just stopped. In almost a perfect sphere around the two, the barrage stopped. Each weapon was coated by a black and white aura, and almost nonchalantly, the missiles flipped and began to return to those who sent them.


Cloud Hoof met with the gathering force at the blocked off cave entrance, many ponies lay on the ground, writhing in apparent agony.

"What is going on here?"

Cloud went to the side of his friend Starswirl, who had just begun to rise from the ground.

"Starswirl, what is happening?"

The older pony's mane parted, a glistening horn spiraled outward from his forehead.

"The blessing my brother. Now, we have a score to settle." His horn took on a purple glow, and the rocks blocking the entrance took on the same glow, flinging themselves out of the way. The pony army charged once again into the breach, the new unicorns leading the charge.

Squads of human soldiers were shocked by the appearance of the two godlike beings, but even more surprised to see the reemergence of the pony army. Quickly coming to their senses, they laid down suppressing fire to try and stop the charge. Mystical shields appeared at the front of the charge, and bullets melted when they struck them.

Roars sounded out from afar, drawn back to the battlefield by the cosmic beacon, the routed creature army had returned. Dragons swooped over the human camps in disarray, breathing their terrible gouts of flame to light the night. The gryphons dove in to combat human soldiers, now on equal terms with the demons. Manticores sprang from the shadows to sting with their venom and even a pair of wyverns blasted the field with their icy beams.


General Winters did what he could to maintain control, frantic radio calls did nothing in particular, the rebelling conscripts had fled in every direction when the missiles the forces had shot somehow made their way back. Most of the missile units and tanks had been utterly destroyed. This was not a battle, this was utter chaos! Now the damn ponies could sling magic and were immune to bullets!? The only areas that reported relative safety were under the two remaining Tesla Towers, but they were on the far side of the mountain, and no way in hell were they getting reinforcements out there.

He left his tent, grabbing whatever weapon happened to be lying in some dead marine's hands. He was not going to die here tonight. A massive brown shape charged at the general from behind a wrecked vehicle, only his paranoia and quick trigger finger managed to bring down the charging buffalo. He put two more bullets in the creature's head, then climbed into his personal jeep. He jammed the clutch into gear, driving as fast as he could towards safety. Off to his left, an artillery piece began to levitate, then collapsed in on itself like a crushed tin can.

"This can't be happening!" and the coward fled like a dog with its tail tucked in between it's legs.

Abandoned by his commanding officer, Lieutenant McGoff knew there was one thing he could do. He grabbed a radio, pressing down the call button and setting it to all channels. "All units, this is Lieutenant McGoff, General Winters has fled the field, all units fall back to Stronghold! Repeat, FALL BACK TO STRONGHOLD!"

Humanity had taken one hell of a blow that night. But the nightmare had only begun.