• Published 16th Mar 2013
  • 6,354 Views, 374 Comments

Got it Memorized? - Flamer_Brony

Number VIII, Axel, the flurry of flames, faded away saving his friends and the worlds that exist in the stars. But where does a Nobody go when they fade? Do they dissapear, or do they go to another realm? Like Equestria.

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I. The Name's Axel...

Sora an enthusiastic boy who became the hero of worlds and the chosen wielder of the KeyBlade , the legendary sword that could purge darkness from the worlds, looked towards the on approaching Nobody army of Dusks.

His grip tightened around his weapon as the Dusks got closer and closer. Sora looked at their ranks, seeing wave upon wave of the Nobody shells that longed for a heart of their own. His gaze stopped at one, its zippered mouth open, and the dark face within giving a mischievous smile to the KeyBlade wielder.

By Sora's side, his two best friends, Donald and Goofy, were preparing themselves for the battle of their life.

They had been at Sora’s side since they started their journey across the worlds, searching for King Mickey and finding the answer to the riddle that was Organization XIII. Through each world they visited they found the darkness of the Heartless, making hearts of light fall into the darkness, only to become another amongst their own ranks. Sometimes they left an empty shell behind, a Nobody, to follow orders from its new masters of the Organization.

The only thing defeating them was the KeyBlade our hero held in his hands. It could free the hearts stolen by the Heartless, and it was Sora's duty to defeat all darkness.

But that was all along the answer to the Organization’s riddle. They desired hearts of their own, and to do this they brought the Heartless to the worlds, to let their darkness grow and let them be slain by the KeyBlade wielder. The more Sora freed hearts stolen by darkness, the closer it brought the Organization to its goal; Kingdom Hearts.

Hearts that were freed grouped together into the enigma that was Kingdom Hearts. The Organization would use this legend to give themselves hearts of their own, and be whole once again.

The Organization was darkness unleashed, and as the KeyBlade master’s duty, Sora had to defeat them. He journeyed to their headquarters, The World That Never Was, through the realm that he and his companions were now trapped in. Betwixt and Between, a vortex of nothingness that would drive any man insane if they stayed too long. Sora had to cross this place to accomplish his goal, and it was here that he felt true, undeniable fear.

The Dusk army had appeared out of nowhere, blocking the heroes' path forward. They were all trapped, soon to be in the middle of a battle that would only end with their defeat.

Out of sight from the three heroes a portal of darkness appeared. From it came a man, taller than any of the three, wearing a black overcoat that went down to the tip of his shoes, the coat of an Organization member. The member that had walked out had red spiky hair, and markings below his turquoise eyes. The only difference between his original and Nobody form.

Number VIII, Axel, the Flurry of Dancing Flames, master over fire. He always found it coincidental that he was a master of fire with red spiky hair.

He looked over at the mess Sora had gotten himself into and laughed. You always know how to find trouble don’t you Sora? He thought, looking as the Dusks continued their slow approach towards the group of heroes.

“It’s no use!” he heard Sora state over the army of Dusks.

A smile appeared on the Organization member’s face as he summoned his weapons in a flash of flames.

His weapons, two chakrams that he had mastered over the years of being a Nobody, were given the title of Eternal Flames. A title they rightfully deserved.

Guess I’ll have to save your sorry butt again Sora. How many times is it now? Too many to count I say. Axel thought to himself as he prepared to jump into the fray of the battle.

Bending down, Axel soared through half of the Dusk army, being carried by his momentum, “Don’t stop moving, or the darkness will overtake you!”

The words spewed from Axel’s mouth as he jumped the rest of the distance to get to the front lines of the Dusk army.

Besides where he had landed was a Dusk, preparing itself to attack the KeyBlade master. Axel took this window of opportunity and raised one of his Eternal Flames, ripping through the creature as if it was paper.

The Dusk disappeared in a brilliant flash of light after Eternal Flames had struck its foe down with a single attack.

That was the problem with Dusks now; they were too easy to beat.

Huh, I guess that’s why we have so many of them. Axel concluded to himself as he threw his other Eternal Flame at another Dusk close to the one he had already slain.

The chakram hit the Dusk square in the chest, making it disappear much like its counterpart.

At least they die with style. Axel thought as he commanded his weapon to fly back to his open palm.

The three heroes looked over in surprise. Well, everyone but Donald. He looked over with a hatred bearing in his eyes at the sight of Axel. For understandable reasons, given the man had done some bad stuff to them in the past.

Axel turned towards the three, still in battle position, preparing to fight the rest of the Dusk army by himself, even though he knew it was suicide, “Get goin’!”

The three heroes calmed themselves out of battle position.

“Why?” Sora asked; puzzled as to why Axel was helping him after everything he had already done.

This kid just doesn’t get it. Axel got out of battle position and held his Eternal Flames firmly in his grip. “Don’t ask. Just do it!” he ordered once again, but just like the last time, they didn’t move.

Before Axel could try to convince them any further, a Dusk had sneaked up behind him and struck him in the neck, causing him to crash down to the invisible floor with a hard thud. The Dusk gently landing on top of him, ready to give the final blow.

Dying to a worthless Dusk, go figure. Was all Axel thought, not caring that much that he might actually die. He was just worried he wouldn’t go out with a bang.

From the corner of his eye, Axel saw Sora's form dashing over to his aid, KeyBlade in hand. The boy gave one powerful slash, cutting through the Dusk on top of him, and another close beside it, both dying in a flash of light.

Oh, that was good Sora, you’ve gotten better.

“You okay?” Sora said as he extended his hand, concern clear as crystal in his voice.

He really is Roxas. A small chuckle escaped Axel’s lips. Well of course he is. Roxas is a part of him; they are pretty much the same person, except Sora has more of a personality with being real and all. I guess it’s time to apologize though.

Axel looked up to Sora, small pieces of regret showing through his eyes.

“I kidnapped Kairi, but she got away from me,” Axel flicked a hand in the air as he spoke, “After that, Saïx caught her,” the hand soon fell to the ground, “He’s a member of Organization XIII. Saïx. Got it memorized?”

Sora gave a quick nod of his head. I knew you were always a quick leaner Sora. I even told you that when we met in Castle Oblivion, not like you’d remember.

“Now go save her!” Axel finished his apology and he felt… lighter, like a huge burden had been lifted off his shoulder.

A Dusk appeared behind KeyBlade wielder and instantly charged at him. Before Axel even had the chance to warn the boy, Sora turned with cat-like reflexes that reminded Axel of his old comrade Larxene, and cut the Dusk in half with his KeyBlade.

Getting back into battle position he yelled to the Nobodies, “Leave us alone!”

Axel stood up from the ground he was thrown to and summoned his Eternal Flames to his hands, getting into battle position as the others did the same.

Really Sora, you’re telling the Dusks to leave us alone? They only follow orders from their masters. Huh, I guess I don’t count as one of their masters anymore. The thought made him chuckle. But who wants to be in a group of bores? It got really dull when Roxas left.


The thought of his old, best friend brought a pang of sadness to the heart Axel denied existence to.

The sounds of the Dusk army approaching snapped Axel out of his trance. He saw Sora looking at him, concern in his eyes. The red haired man gave a smile before spinning Eternal Flames in his hands, “What are we waiting for?”

With those last few words said the battle had begun.

Donald used every spell he knew, defeating Dusk after Dusk with fire, ice, and lightning, while Goofy threw his shield at his enemies to cut through them with ease. A few Dusks had the misfortune to be crushed under Goofy and his shield. His skill with the defensive weapon was impressive, but not as much as Sora’s own.

Even though he was just a boy, he was well practised with his KeyBlade and had defeated hundreds of Dusks in mere minutes. Though, every time he slashed through a few enemies, he left himself wide open for an attack.

Dusks would hoard towards him in the hope that they could take this opportunity to defeat the KeyBlade master. Usually a chakram would cleave right through them, whizzing towards them with incredible speed Other times Axel would summon several balls of fire to charge towards them, burning them on impact.

To Axel the battle was fun and amusing. He danced around the battlefield with a grace that only skill and practise could provide. His chakrams would leave his hands for an attack, reappearing moments later as if they had never left

Hundreds of Dusks had been defeated, but it looked as if not a dent had been made in the army.

Axel and Sora jumped back-to-back after defeating double the amount of Dusks they had just a minute before. Axel looked across the battlefield, no longer able to see Donald or Goofy.

Walking slowly and strangely, the Dusks approached the two. Okay, this is harder than I thought. Axel thought to himself, beads of sweat starting to form on his brow.

“I think I liked it better when they were on my side,” Axel said to Sora, as he looked at the Dusks in front of him.

Sora went partially out of battle position and turned towards his fiery haired companion. “Feeling a little… regret?” he asked.

Yeah, I’m feeling regret about trying to turn you into a heartless. Axel chuckled under his breath, eyes scanning at the waves of Nobodies that were slowly approaching, as if they had already won.

And I thought I was arrogant. “Nah… I can handle these punks,” Axel turned his head to Sora, realizing that there were more Dusks than he thought Xemnas had even commanded.

Seeing that there would be only one way for them, at least for Sora to survive, he would have to use his final technique.

At least I’ll go out in a bang! Axel thought, a smile crawling upon his lips, “Watch this!”

He jumped through the air, his Eternal Flames glowing red with energy.

He landed in the midst of the army of Nobodies, his chakrams falling out of his grip and floating around him.

Charging his power they began to spin faster and faster around their master. Flames formed around them, strings of darkness flowing about Axel. The heat rose to unbearable levels, the Dusks cringing away in pain.

After moments of pouring all of his essence and strength into his final attack, Axel released it all at once, creating an explosion of fire and light that filled his vision. He even closed his eyes at the surge of light.

Mere seconds after the light and fire had blinded him it was gone. It took his eyes a while to adjust to the change in light, but after a second or two, Axel saw an amazing sight.

All the Dusks were gone, defeated by his attack. He couldn’t believe that he had done such a deed.

He could hear Sora’s amazement from the attack he had done.

Axel lay there on the floor, feeling great joy from what he had done. He had saved his friends, and did it in style the whole time.

However, that joy quickly disappeared and was replaced by an empty feeling that was consuming Axel’s essence. Not the empty feeling of not having a heart that he had almost always felt, but a feeling as if he didn’t exist.

I guess this is what fading feels like. Huh, I always thought it would be different. Maybe feel a little cold, but I just feel…nothing. I guess that’s what happens to Nobodies when they die.

Lying on his back, Axel looked up at the blue part of the vortex overhead. He was reminded of a clear, summer sky.

From the corner of his eye he could see the three heroes running towards him, with Sora taking the lead. You always were a fast one Sora. Just like Roxas.

Eventually Sora got to where Axel lay and spoke with a sadness he didn’t expect from the energetic hero, “You’re… fading away…”

Axel would have laughed had he the strength, “Well, that’s what happens when you put your whole being into an attack. You know what I mean?”

“Not that Nobodies actually HAVE beings… right?” His voice faltered as he spoke, “Anyways, I digress. Go, find Kairi. Oh almost forgot… Sorry for what I did to her.”

Sora looked at his friend with tears in his eyes. Though that didn’t falter his voice, he was just as calm as ever, just with a little bit of sadness in his voice, “When we find her, you can tell her that yourself.”

You just don’t get it kid, do ya? Axel thought to himself, vision blurring from the withering of his strength.

Deciding just to give up on trying focusing on Sora as he spoke, Axel let his head turn back towards the non-existent ceiling.

“Think I’ll pass. My heart just wouldn’t be in it, you know? Haven’t got one.”

He managed a laugh that surprised him. Maybe I’m not that weak. Axel thought before his vision blurred again. Nope, still fading.

Sora, looking over Axel’s fading shell of a body, asked, “Axel, what were you trying to do?”

Guess its truth time. Axel thought as Sora finished his question.

“I wanted to see Roxas,” Axel answered, strength ebbing away from him at an alarming rate.

Sora was taken aback by his answer, realizing how much of a friend Roxas was to Axel. I swear Sora if you are going to cry at my death I’ll come back and haunt you for the rest of your life.

“He… was the only one I liked…” Axel explained to Sora, his vision starting to blacken. Pausing for a minute to swallow a lump in his throat Axel continued, “He made me feel… like I had a heart. It’s kind of… funny…”

Axel turned his head towards Sora, even though he knew it would only take more of his almost non-existent strength away, “You make me feel… the same…”

As his essence was near to nothing he realized he did not have long before he fades completely. I have to end this now, he needs to save Kairi and stop Xemnas. “Kairi’s in the Castle Dungeon. Now go.”

With what remained of his strength Axel opened a portal to The World That Never Was. There, done. Ha, I guess I’ve turned into a hero. Axel thought to himself, feeling a great accomplishment.

From all that he had done he felt…calm. As odd as it was, Axel felt calm about his death. He had saved his friends, and made jokes along the way. What more could he ask for.


“Axel,” Sora said as he watched his friend fade away.

Axel, however, could have sworn it was Roxas who said it.

As he faded, Axel became surrounded in darkness. He could see his hands, legs, and even a piece of red hair that fell in front of his eyes, but he couldn’t breathe. He couldn’t feel. He tried to make a sarcastic comment about this place, but no words came out of his mouth.

Well this is great, I’m going to be stuck here forever and I don’t even get to joke about it. This is going to be boring with a capital “B.” Can I at least walk here?

Axel lifted his foot in the darkness and took a step forward. I guess that answers that. Now, where to go?

A faint light flicked in and out of existence in the ongoing distance. That way it is. Axel agreed in his mind, guessing that the light must mean some way to get back to the real world, maybe even save Sora, again.

As he started walking towards the place where the light had been shining, Axel thought over everything that had just happened. His wonder to what will happen to Sora and his friends. Will he ever find Kairi or Riku? Will he ever see Roxas again?

After a while he decided to give up on the thoughts, seeing that they were not really important at the moment. He simply continued his walk forwards.

You know, this is actually kind of calming. Yeah I’m dead, but I feel as light as a feather. Well I guess you’d feel as light as a feather when your essence is gone. Man, I wonder how long it’ll be like this. Will I just be here in darkness with only my own thoughts and memories for the rest of time? Or will this place change? Man this place is almost as boring as Xemnas’ personality.

Laughing silently Axel continued his train of thought. Sora would have loved to hear that one, maybe if I get back I can tell it to him. He’s always in the mood for a good laugh. At least he’s more alive than Roxas was when we first met. That kid was such a zombie, glad I finally snapped that out of him.

After another pang of sadness from the mention of Axel’s old chum, he decided it would be best to figure out what that light was first before continuing his chain of memories.

Minutes of walking in the dark nothingness passed with Axel only wondering what that light was. Was it his imagination? Or did he actually see it?

It didn’t really matter. He hadn’t seen it again its first appearance, and it didn't look like it was likely to appear again anytime soon. But that’s where he was wrong.

He saw the bright light flash in and out of existence again, closer this time though.

I’m getting closer to getting out of this place. I could use for a good change of scenery. Axel’s thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a bird tweeting.

Was that… no, it couldn’t have been real. I don’t see any birds around. Axel thought as he looked around for any birds in the darkness.

He heard the tweeting again, closer as he continued to walk. Okay, that is real. Now where is it?

His question was answered when a blinding flash of light that appeared when he took a step forwards, shattering the darkness around him as if it were glass.

When the light had faded he looked to see he was on a cylinder platform. It had the appearance of a stained glass window. In the centre of the platform was a symbol of the sun and moon rotating around each other, like Yin and Yang.

Six points protruded from the symbol, going out towards six other symbols around the edge of the circular platform. All were encased within six circles.

The symbol directly opposite to where Axel stood was a symbol of a purple gem. To its right was a symbol of a light-pink butterfly and to its left was a symbol of an orange apple. The irony in the colour choice made Axel laugh, except this time he heard himself.

“Finally! I can talk. Not being able to talk just made it even more boring than before. I couldn’t even enjoy listening to my own voice.”

Axel returned his attention to the symbols and saw to the left of the rather ironic orange apple was a pinkish-purple eight-pointed star with smaller white stars coming out of it. That one seemed to be the most powerful and important of the symbols he had seen so far he'd seen. He'd even begun to start sounding like Vexen for a minute.

Pushing the notion of his Vexen-like actions to one side, Axel continued on. To the right of where he stood was a symbol of a blue balloon that he couldn’t help but smile at.

I think that’s my favorite so far.

The symbol brought back happy memories of hanging out with Roxas on the clock tower eating sea-salt ice-cream and laughing.

Leaving the symbol Axel looked back at the centre and followed the last point that protruded from the centre to a symbol he was standing on. He walked off of it and turned to see what it was, without the obstruction of his own body. To his surprise it was a red lightning bolt.

“A red lightning bolt, eh? I guess red is pretty cool here,” Axel smiled and placed a hand on his hip, “Oh I can get used to this place.”

But you now have to leave.

Axel spun around on his heels, summoning his Eternal Flames in a flash of fire. When he saw no one there he became confused. He stood with a straight back and started talking to whatever it was that had just spooked him.

“Come out and play, I won’t bite.”

You couldn't see me even if I tried. But I have come to tell you that you shall be given a new chance to live.

Axel heard the words but couldn’t believe them. This was one of the few times he was unsure of something, “So you mean you’re going to send me back to save the day, right?”

You are partially right. But you are not going back. You are going forwards.

After the voice spoke, Axel only got more confused, “What the heck does that mean?”

Enough questions Flurry of Flames. Sleep, sleep.

“I’m not slee-py,” Axel became drowsy and tired all of the sudden, slowly starting to lose consciousness. What… what is happening?

All your questions shall be answered old friend. But for now you must sleep.

Whatever you say, I could use a good nap. Have been too busy to sleep for the past few days, with saving Sora and betraying the Organization you know?

Axel fell into a deep, dreamless, slumber as his body toppled backwards and hit the circular platform.

He thought of nothing as he slept, but felt the air return to his lungs, and the ability to breathe once again.

When Axel awoke, he beheld a beautiful cloudless, blue sky. How’d I get here? Axel thought, starting to remember as to that strange voice that spoke to him. Well this must be the forward part of the deal. Now, where am I?

Axel picked himself up, for the second time that day, and looked around at his surroundings.

It was certainly the most colourful scenery he’d ever seen. It was a good change from the darkness. The thought of the dark realm that Axel decided to call the void made him shudder, but he continued looking around.

To his left was an orchard of apple trees that had dozens and dozens of apples that all seemed ripe for the picking.

Axel looked ahead of him and saw a flat clearing that went into a dark, gloomy forest.

“Well that just ruins the view,” Axel stated, a hand on his hip and the other towards the forest, his palm facing the clear sky, “This place would have been a great place to live. Too bad.”

As Axel continued his search of the area, looking at the path of flowers he woke up in, his thoughts were interrupted when he heard screams of three children coming from the dark forest behind him.

“Oh?” Axel turned around to see three miniature pastel coloured horses that were about knee-height running away from what seemed to be a giant wolf made out of wood that was about a head taller than him.

The strange thing about the horses though was that one with a white coat and pink and purple mane had a horn coming out of its forehead, one with an orange coat and purple mane had wings, and finally, one with a yellow coat, and red mane with a pink bow tied into it screamed, “HELP!”

Usually people would be surprised by seeing a unicorn, Pegasus, and miniature horse that could talk. But for Axel, it was just another day.

I’ve seen talking animals before, but this is a new one. Now the question is should I help them or not. Hmm, well I’m guessing that wolfy here won’t help me, so I guess that leaves me one option.

With his decision made Axel summoned his Eternal Flames once again and jumped through the air, throwing his chakrams at the beast. A smile appearing on his face as his weapons sailed through the air towards their destined target.

They struck the wooden wolf dead-on and knocked it to pieces.

The three small horses turned at the sight, and watched as Axel landed in front of them, catching his chakrams as they made their way back to his awaiting hands.

“Well that was anti-climactic,” Axel said, relaxing out of battle position.

He could hear the nervous voice of one of the fillies behind him ask, “Who… who are you?”

Axel turned to face them, about to answer when the three fillies screamed. Behind him, Axel could hear pieces of wood hitting each other.

He turned to see the wooden-wolf rebuild itself, and growl at him. The red haired man quickly shifted back into his battle stance, spinning his weapons within his hands, “So wolfy wants to play some more?”

Axel smiled, looking out of the corner of his eyes at the three scared little fillies, “Shouldn’t keep him waiting then should we. Oh, almost forgot. The name’s Axel,” gripping his Eternal Flames for dramatic effect, Axel continued, “Got it memorized?”

Author's Note:

Okay! I fixed some stuff in this chapter that you guys have pointed out, if you still notice any mistakes please notify me. I have no clue when the next chapter will come out, I have a bunch of other stuff to do with this story and I'm thinking of juggling this with a couple other stories, so just to warn you guys I'm not going to be constant with updates for this.

Anyways, thanks for reading this story (even though it isn't that great :derpytongue2:) and thanks for the comments! Seriously, they have made my day multiple times. So yeah, wish you blokes a good day and if you are a Jak and Daxter fan I recommend one of my editors stories, Jak: Adventures in Equestria.

Cheers mates, and happy reading!

- Flamer