• Published 2nd Apr 2013
  • 2,141 Views, 225 Comments

My Harshwhinnial - horizon

Medal Pector'al Biathlon Lula Whinny is an ALICORN, not a troll, ok? So this is an ALICORN fic like "My Immortal" but less goffik. also sports

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Chapter 17: The (Capital i) of Our Con

Author's Note:

Transcriber's Note:

No mere transcription can give the true flavor of the original document of this chapter of My Harshwhinnial. During his trip to Bronycon, Luther apparently typed this up on an ancient manual typewriter. Some letters were so faint as to be barely readable, many were overstruck, and some that were to be removed never got x'd over. Most lines ran off the side of the page, while paragraphs were separated by a single line break. And there were illustrations — I cannot do them justice in mere words, and (perhaps fortunately for the world) they appear to have been accidentally used as catbox liners before reaching a scanner, but they were a match for the text.

I have attempted to guess the words beyond the right-hand margins. Otherwise, all effort has been made to retain the full and correct text, preserving even mis-spellings and dropped spaces. Dad (also an excellent proofreader) has checked it for errors both omitted and committed. What mis-matches remain are mine.

I have provided further context (and a photograph of the original page) in the comments.

— Amanda Blissett

Next chaptre exclation point exclamtion pt ex pt ex pt exc

an: this tipe triter dose not have a (( )) key
i cammot tll u which key is mssign
(becuz is mssing)
but hint i cant not type exclatin pts

Medal rushes ito the bildng wheree DISCRDOD is esclation point. It is a [trap]
but he is not aware of t esclation point. AN: i typewwrited off edge o[f page, oops]

AN: i dont hve quote ether :( so snow senicolns arrquotes

;;DISCORD EXCLATION POint; i sholted exclation pt. ;;i am in teh bild[ing where you]
are exclatim pitno;;

AN: i aev ust been tdol. that terhe arenquoutes afteeal sonow i will use [them for exclamation points]

roled through the landscape and thunr flashed. ;NOW my plan can come t[o]
its most evil fruit tion""""";

but phroan aPLE BLOOM was tere and she said ;NOT SO FAST DCCRD"""; and [???? with?]
an evil lagh. ;Because I am the most vil (number less than two)"";

;WHAT""QESTIN MARK; said discOrd. AN: there is a swshy mark whch i wil[l]
use 4 quastins now ok⎰

APple boom;s friends gasped. ;what⎰; they gasped"

But mom was there too since dscord dad captored her""" and with one le[ap]
she was free""""(numbr less than two) ;DISCOARED"" she rord. and she star[ted]
to rn. At him. She would nt run awaa frmhim. she was not scared bcuz [????]
and not scardness runs in teh fambly.

Appelblom trips her thogh & se trips to te floor"" ;eddle"; she gasped[. U]
must save evry (numeer less than two)""";

AN: imbeging told to use captal i for the numbr icant type so ok

;U must saev evry capital i"";

Dscord said he will stop me" thogh

bt Appel blom was the REAL evil and was sdupr ofended"" so she chalgen[ged me]
toa SPORTS battle""

;I except"; i sad" and discord gasped. Now we were on the same side.

She chalgned us to a triping contest and at first i gasped bcuz she
was the besat triping excep fr m sinccmedel is the bestb at everything
bt i Knew apple bolm was goggto lose secne she had no poy to trip. Unt[il]
mom volentired. ;Appel boom sad good mom.; i cant not watch u lose byd
efzault so u willhaev me as teamte";

Everycapital i gasped.

;Mom waht are u dogn"⎰"⎰"⎰; i gaspked. AN: this is gasping && asking
;Bcz now WE r on difident sides""";

Evil Mom smilked. (AN: smilggand smikkng) ;thats is ok mμdle bcuz now W[E]
ARE on the same side to""";

I wuod have gasped but i stilsort of hrted her so i was ok w⎰ith that[.]

And we started te sports contest"""

Wich we wil tell u abt next chacter.