• Published 31st Mar 2013
  • 3,094 Views, 93 Comments

Writer's Block. - xXCondemnedSoulXx

  • ...

Welcome back, John.

John sat there in his spot, awestruck by this random turn of events. From working on a chapter to his story, to waking up in Equestria, a land full of ponies.

"I.. I don't understand... what?" He slowly stood to his feet, he looked around. His surroundings were fields of grass and hills. Trees scattered here and there with small brushes branching out. The air was warm and comforting, the rays of the sun bouncing off his face as if it were giving him a hug. The sun was just rising into the sky to greet the day, and the moist dew on the strands of grass surrounding John left a small chill against his soft white socks. Quickly, they began to dampen as he made his way through the field. He began his search for civilization, but in what direction he asked himself constantly. He had no idea where he was, no idea where to go, and what would the ponies of this world think of a human? These questions plagued his mind as he crossed the vast seas of grass and dirt.

"Is that... holy shit, no way." he said to himself as if expecting a response. John laid his eyes upon the distance silhouette of Ponyville in the far distance.

He did get a response to his rhetorical question though. This brain thought,'How in the living hell did we get here? Stop where you are and let's think this through before you go any further.'

'Ok, what do you want to talk about.' He thought back.

'Glad to know you still use me, anyways, we somehow got here after some freak show in the bedroom, where you couldn't even feel your body, and you watched as you slowly began to fade away into nothing, only to wake up in Equestria, a fictional land in a show. A cartoon show nonetheless, not an actual world. You know how no one knows what happens after death right? What if we're...'

'Dead, yes, I've given this a thought or two already if you don't remember. If I were dead then, I've come to a place based off friendship. Some people call the 'Better place' heaven, I'd rather it here.'

John turned away from his thoughts and continued on his way through the fields of green.

After about twenty or so minutes of walking, John finally arrived at the anticipated town of Ponyville. He gazed around and saw the many stalls, stores, and houses, all occupied by the ponies that lived or worked in them. He slowly made his way through the streets and found his way to the central park of the town. The eighteen year old native got many looks from ponies,"They're anthro... That's amazing! Just like my story!" John exclaimed in excitement.

A very familiar pegasus known as Ditzy doo approached the awe stricken native and asked,"Dark, are you feeling alright? Some ponies around town said you were acting strange... did you get younger?" she raised an eyebrow and gave John an odd look. She seemed confused and John finally pieced it together.

'Since I'm the creator of the story, and the character was based on an older version of me, the universe canceled out the replica and switched me in his place. Then that means that I'm the main character then, and that means...' John thought to himself.

Ditzy continued to give the constantly thought ridden John looks of confusion,"Dark, are you feeling alright? You seem off from your usual... well... usual you." John turned away from his thoughts and looked the grey pegasus in the eyes.

"Ditzy, something is wrong. I'm not supposed to be here, I should be back home, in my world."

Ditzy took a couple of glances around then turned her attention back to John,"What do you mean? I thought you're supposed to be the guardian? You're supposed to protect us!" she said through whispers to keep the attention off of the two of them.

"No, Darkmoon's Crescent is supposed to, but I'm not him. I'm... my name is John Dixon."

"John, Dark, It's all the same. Everybody knows both your human name and your equestrian one already. You don't need to explain this to me."

John ran his hand over his face in frustration. "No Ditzy, I'm a writer, I am the Guardian of Equestria in a sense but not the one you know, the Darkmoon you know is based off of me and he's the main character in a story I was writing back on Earth. But since I came here, I'm guessing that the universe cancelled him out. And he will continue to not exist as long as I'm here, sure I love the thought of me being here and all, but.. I can't fill his shoes."

"So you saying that Dark wasn't real?"

"During the time you knew him, yes he was. But now... no." John wrapped his hand around the back of his neck.

John placed a reassuring hand on the grey mares shoulder and said,"Don't worry though, I will try my best to get him back. I just need to get back to my home, earth. Can you help me with this task?" The lazy eyed pegasus nodded and began leading John towards the direction of Darkmoon's house.

As the two arrived, they tried opening the door only to be rejected due to the lock. "Oh yeah, well that means..." John began searching nearby objects near the door until he cried out,"Found it!"

"Found what?" asked the mare.

"The key, Dark never carried his key and always used spells to unlock his door. I wrote one time that he finally decided to leave the key to his house inside the flower pot Rarity gave him." John wiped the excess dirt off of the silver key and turned to the lock. Once he inserted and turned the key inside the lock, the sound of a click was heard and the door unlocked. "Ready or not, Dark. Here I come."

Author's Note:

Version 1.2
Talk about a self insert, well I hope you readers enjoy this alternate version of 'It's always worth the price.'

This idea came to me as I was typing up a chapter inside the original story and thought,'Imagine if I were thrown into Equestria during this story, that would be mind blowing! and since I know what's going to happen, I could try and stop it from happening... If I were inside then how would I react to this? and since I'm inside, how would I continue the story from the inside?'

Then Bam! Writer's Block came into fruition.

Keep it cool and hope you enjoy the ride(giggity.. Brain seriously?... sorry..)
