• Published 28th Mar 2013
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The Code's Apprentice - Lapis-Lazuli and Stitch

For a thousand years, the Code of Harmony has ruled Equestria, and the Code of Dissonance has sabotaged its works at every turn. Now the war for control over the land will come to a head, and one unicorn's decision may decide the fate of all.

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Chapter 20 - The Opening

~~~~20 hours until the arrival of the H.M.S Commander Hurricane~~~~

The white and black checkered board unfolded onto the table with the gentle glow of magic around it. A wooden case opened without a sound and carved pieces of white and black stone began to float out onto the board. The pawns made to look like armored ponies and changelings. The rooks were towering black crystals and white elegant spires bearing the banner of Equestria. The knights were vamponies and armored pegasi, the bishops were unicorn mages on both sides.

The white Queen was Celestia and though traditionally Luna had stood in the place of the white Princess, recent events had changed that. Now, a carved book laid upon a pedestal in her place. On the other end of the board, a carving of the newly reborn Nightmare Queen Twilight Sparkle stood opposite her mentor. Next to her, a carving of Luna in black stone sat regally.

The board was set.

Sombra smiled to himself as he examined the setup, hooves pressed together in satisfaction. His beloved wife sat next to him at the small outdoors cafe, tilting the white Luna piece around in her hooves. Sombra felt a softening inside, regarding the beautiful mare he'd fallen in love for so long ago. "Does it feel odd that we've been left off the board this time?" Sombra asked, his voice soft and curious.

Chrysalis shook her head, a little smile crossing her lips. She really did look beautiful like this. "No dearest. This is not really our war any longer. We have merely ensured that the battlefield is fair." She laughed harshly, the sound still beautiful to Sombra. "It feels strange, to think this is what it has come to." She extended an elegant hoof and tapped the newly minted black Queen piece upon the head. "Dissonance has made fools of us both. You know she will destroy us, beloved."

Sombra chuckled richly, his own hooves tapping together slowly. "With the power she holds now? With that brother of hers, and the Elements of Dissonance at her command? I do not doubt it." His horn lit up faintly and pushed the first white pawn forward two spaces - the traditional move of an aggressor. "But before our time comes, we will see Celestia brought low." Black's pawn moved forward two spaces in response, Sombra's voice becoming slightly distant.

Chrysalis shook her head, rapping her husband impatiently on the head. "You do realize we will be dead as well, yes?" Her voice was sarcastic and acidic, practically melting a hole in the table.

Yet Sombra laughed still, his eyes shining with green fire towards her. "Relax, dearest. We still have one more chapter of this tale to write."


Far off in Canterlot, a mind struggled against a spell. Hurling bolts of pure willpower against an ever weakening shield that kept her body in ensorcelled sleep. Cadence had lost track of how long she had been doing this for, and did not care. Her mind was capable of incredibly swift recovery, and the shield weakened by the moment.

Within her mind, what had once been a perfect dome of magic hovering above her slumbering body was now broken and bulging outwards. Her mind hurled against it with titanic blows, the shell bulging a little bit further out with every strike. Come on you stupid thing! Break!

She struck and struck against it, never wearying for longer than a few moments. The subtle dig of the red paper 'invitation' against her side gave her mind what it needed to focus on the spell. It was a minor discomfort, but that was enough to break through the perfection.

Outside her mind, the pulses of magic radiating out from her bed began to grow in power. At first, nopony could notice it. Then it began to subtly shake the floor as the magic of the spell slowly began to give way. Cadence was going to be there for her. Celestia was not going to win like this.


Luna sat straddled over the still form of Rainbow Dash upon the bed, her eyes closed and horn glowing a bright sky blue color. The magic seemed to melt from the tip of her horn and slowly drip down onto Dash's wings and back as she slowly worked her hooves into the damaged muscles and bones of the cyan pegasus.

Dash winced a little from time to time, but the effect of the spell was really weird. For a long while after a drop hit her, she didn't seem to feel any pain from that place. The hooves were massaging the strange magical stuff into her body, deeper with every stroke of Luna's skilled hooves. Of course, the down side was this whole situation was seriously hot from a sexual standpoint.

Sure, she was still badly broken up in body, but the dark blue Alicorn on her back was somehow healing her with her bare hooves. Cadence had just hit her with this huge white beam that she ran all over Dash's busted up wings. This? This was something way deeper, something that felt like it could've belonged in some really trashy Daring Do knockoff.

Luna had not spoken for the last few hours while she did this. She simply moved slowly and sinuously back and forth with hooves and body. Slowly, surely Dash could feel her wings returning to strength. Ever since the Sonic Rainboom, Dash had been worried about long term damage to her wings. Something told her she wasn't going to need to worry about that now.

Luna exhaled in what sounded like satisfaction and shook her hooves out, her voice softly echoing in the mostly empty bedroom. "Ahh, tis' coming along well. You have a fine form, Miss Dash." There was a teasing, a hint of admiration in Luna's tone. "Would that I could still match such a physique."

Dash blushed furiously, glad that she was facing away from the moon princess. An Alicorn thought she was good looking? Dash would admit she was in damn fine shape. A lifetime of pushing herself to the absolute limit every time she got into the air had given her the kind of physical prowess most other pegasi could only dream of.

This was different though. Luna, for all of the weirdness that was currently going on here, was still a freakin' princess. Luna laughed, a gently rolling sound. "You are healing quickly I see, Miss Dash." Dash dared to peek behind her, only to see her wings fully extended and flared out in the air. Aw, ponyfeathers. she groused silently.

Luna covered a smile with her hoof and began to work her hooves into the now stiffened up wings. "Do not be embarrassed Miss Dash. Your wings are not used to several days of disuse." The glowing magic stuff seeped into Dash's wing muscles and felt like the one time she'd been dragged to the spa by Rarity. Luna kept speaking, though Dash was really enjoying the feeling a bit too much to notice. "Tis only a natural reaction."

Another hour passed by in companionable silence, and finally Luna stretched out herself before slipping off to the bedside. "There. That is the most I can do without risking damage." Luna exhaled as though she'd just performed some light exercise and then smiled coyly at Dash. "So. How long hath you been in love with Mistress?"

Dash fell promptly off the bed with a crash, splaying her limbs in every direction. "Wh-wha-wha-what!?" She stammered out, Luna lifting herself back up atop the bed and leaning over the edge. Luna crossed her hooves and grinned knowingly at Dash, who licked her own dry lips and sighed gustily. "Geeze, is it that obvious?"

Luna nodded once and Dash blew out a breath, stretching her still sore wings out, then tucking them back behind her. "Look, It's stupid okay?" Dash muttered, rolling onto her hooves and trying to trot out of the way of those knowing eyes. Only to find them tracking her across the room. "Twi's gone on to the big leagues. She isn't gonna have time for some... stupid... sappy... relationship thing, okay?" Dash huffed out, moving towards the door. "I gotta get stretching if I'm gonna be worth a buck tomorrow."

Luna's voice called out behind her softly. "Rainbow Dash. Remember thy element. Not merely Loyalty anymore, but Victory." Dash turned, eyes widening in surprise as Luna kept speaking. "She will be precious to all of us in the days to come. Yet that does not mean she cannot hold ponies precious to her." Luna winked at Dash. "You can find your victory, Miss Dash. If only you are prepared to fight for it."


Twilight emerged from the Everfree Forest alone. Shining Armor had elected to remain behind and begin, in his words 'whipping this rabble into shape.' Twilight was not entirely sure she wanted to understand the context of that statement, but she trusted Shining Armor to know what he was doing. That went surprisingly well. Now, to find Sombra and speak to him about-

She never got to finish her thought process, as her instincts screamed at her to duck. A tiny glass orb when shimmering over her head and smashed into the ground some thirty feet away, exploding on contact. Explosive Potion! her thoughts raced as she embraced the power within her, her horn bursting into blinding life and lashing out with power.

Two more hurled bottles exploded in midair, followed by a fast moving creature flying towards her. Twilight growled softly beneath her breath "Oh please." A moment later, her power lashed out from her horn with a thick cord of black energy that wrapped around the leaping figure and slammed it into the ground in front of Twilight. The energy wrapped tightly around the writhing form and bound her tightly as Twilight advanced to get a better look at her attacker, eyes widening a moment later. "Zecora?"

The zebra half glared up at Twilight, her eyes narrowed in intensity. "The Twilight I know would not dark powers use! So confess dark creature, who are you?" Zecora's voice growled softly, setting Twilight aback.

Twilight shook her head. "Zecora, I am Twilight. It's been... a long couple of days for me." She sighed a little, as Zecora's gaze hardened. "I still have that Potions and Prophecy book of yours, which I keep forgetting to return to you."

Zecora's eyes widened a fraction, and then softened. "Twilight Sparkle, curious friend... What has forced you to this end?" Zecora's voice seemed full of heartbreak, and it struck at Twilight as little else had these last few days.

Twilight sighed gently, removing the dark binding from around Zecora. "Like I said, it's been a very long few days." She turned herself away, slowly beginning her walk to Ponyville again. The price of freedom and truth. she thought, sadly. "Zecora, It would probably be safer for you to stay out of Ponyville today and tomorrow. You don't deserve to get tangled up in this mess."

A firm hoof grasped her shoulder a moment later, and Twilight turned her head to see Zecora walking alongside her. "A terrible friend I would then be, as surely you may yet need me." Zecora winked, slyly. "We will have time on this long walk, for us to have a serious talk."

Twilight had to smile a little bit at that one. "Don't say I didn't warn you." She took a deep breath and sighed out. "It all began... sheesh, has it really been five days?"


Celestia gently placed her hoof atop the map table, eyebrow arching upwards. "Does everypony now understand our plans?" The room around her had gone silent, only the steady breathing and shocked looks of the ponies betraying any emotions amongst them.

Celestia kept speaking, as though she had been answered "We understand your fear, and your shock. This was not a decision arrived upon with ease. We have dedicated our life to the advancement of Harmony, and the destruction of Dissonance." She smiled slightly. "This is but the final realization of that lifetime of work. Yet each of you must know. You must understand the implications of what We are about to do." Celestia had rarely used the royal 'we' in recent memory, yet now she was invoking it left and right.

The reasons were obvious to the dozen or so ponies who sat around the table. She was giving them no choice but to go forward with this plan, or rebel on the spot. "Your Majesty... " began Captain Spitfire, her eyes calculating and cool behind her flight glasses. "I think I speak for everypony at this table when I ask you this. Why now?"

Celestia nodded a little, "That is a fair question, Captain. The answer is complex, but We shall try to keep it simple." She gently tapped the scale model of ponyville, now covered with trays of carefully deployed soldier models. "Simply put, a powerful nexus event is going to occur here very shortly. Dissonant and Harmonic energies are building up under ponyville at a highly accelerated rate. This sort of event only happens when something of great importance is about to occur. Its energies will serve to fuel the Ritual, and ultimately our victory."

Spitfire nodded slightly, raising up a hoof. "Begging your pardon, Princess. You still haven't answered my question. Why are you going to do this?" All eyes traveled to the tiny figurine of Twilight Sparkle, standing in the town square. Spitfire kept speaking, despite nervous looks from Soarin. "Your wisdom is legendary your Majesty, but this is a foalish course of action."

Gasps of disbelief circled the table, and Spitfire planted her hooves on the table, pushing herself up to stand over it. "I'm not going to mince words, Princess. You are risking our entire kingdom with this. There is no telling what the effects might be, long or short term. Twilight Sparkle might very well be every bit the pony you say she is. But this is insane and you know it!" Soarin was practically hiding under the table as Spitfire's words thundered across it.

The two headstrong mares glared at each other across the length of the table, neither Celestia nor Spitfire giving ground. Spitfire rapped her hoof on the table, her voice as hot as the phoenix that was her cutie mark. "I am not going to risk the safety of the First Air Wing without an explanation, Princess. Not in pitched battle against an entrenched enemy. And sure as hell not so you can risk everything we have bled, suffered and died to build on the strength of maybe's."

Every other face at the table was a study in shock, and Celestia lifted her head up to regard Spitfire haughtily. The fiery maned leader of the Wonderbolts glared back, unbowed by the royal gaze. After a moment, Celestia sighed deeply. "I... We accept your terms, Captain. You are correct. We owe you, all of you, an explanation." She cast her gaze around the table slowly. "None of what you are about to hear must leave this room. Until all has been accomplished, nopony else can know of my intentions or my plans beyond what has been discussed. That is final."

An hour passed. An explanation was given, and one by one the advisers, generals and assistants filed out of the room one by one, each of them filled with a somber duty.

All except Spitfire, who remained behind. The captain walked around the table to where Celestia now sat alone, a slim white tome lay on the table before her. "What happened with Princess Cadence, your majesty?" Spitfire quietly asked, sitting politely in front of her monarch.

Celestia sighed softly. "Do I have no secrets from you, captain?" Spitfire just smiled at her, and Celestia had to chuckle. "I suppose not. Knowing everything is your job." Celestia looked away in shame, and bowed her head. "She was going to try and stop me. I put her into a sleep trance."

Spitfire nodded once. "Not my place to question your decision making, ma'am but... Permission to speak freely?" Spitfire tilted her head. She so rarely asked for that permission. She usually only did when she was going to say something Celestia really was not going to like.

Celestia nodded once, and Spitfire smiled thinly before she spoke. "You should have let her try."


"Very well, I think the temptation of a large party tonight should prove enough to draw off most of the town's citizenry." Mayor Mare nodded, examining the plan drawn up by Applejack and Pinkie Pie. "Sweet Apple Acres is far enough away from town that evacuation once things begin will be much simpler."

Applejack nodded solemnly, eyes still narrowed in distrust. The Mayor being a traitor didn't sit well with AJ, and she wasn't about to trust her on every little thing she said any longer. "We thought so, Miz Mare. Pinkie's makin' the arrangements." AJ drawled out, wishing she had the authority to put the mayor someplace her scheming mind couldn't hurt anypony else.

The Mayor nodded once, sorting the papers back out and handing them to Applejack. "I understand. I'll do what I can to chivvy the locals along. Besides, a little hard cider and sugar will do the towns folk some good." Mayor Mare smiled quite brightly. "I don't suppose I could convince you to break out the good brandy? We will have far fewer problems if the citizens are mostly drunk before the dawn."

Applejack wanted to glare coldly at this lying mare. Yet she knew she was right. "Ah reckon we kin manage that." She'd have to keep a close eye on the ones who weren't getting drunk. Twilight would want to know the Mayor was taking orders behind her back, and she'd want to know who those orders were being given to. Need to git Twilight some honest help. Might have to see who else in th' family can come help me keep em' in line.

Applejack forced herself to smile a little bit though. "Will yeh be joining us, Mayor? I could bust out a bottle of the reserve fer us to toast the new world." The offer of Apple Family Reserve was the kind of thing royalty had been known to drool at. Applejack knew that the Mayor had a soft spot for the stuff, and she hadn't had a bottle since the Winter Wrap up four years ago.

The mayor blinked and her eyes went wide. "Well! I had hardly hoped you would see the light of the situation, Miss Applejack. Still, I think other important matters could wait for a nip of the good stuff." There was a broad smile on the Mayor's face and Applejack smiled slightly. Ah'll keep an eye on things, Twilight. You keep the town in one piece, we'll take care of the rest.


Rarity's shop was quiet, save for the sound of the sewing machine working furiously under her hooves. The shop sign read closed, and truly Rarity did not expect anyone to interrupt her work. Her finest dark blue and silver silk pleats were being stitched together by magic for the skirt and cloak. And her machine used its thickest needle to pull together the black dragon hide that would make up the corset and body of the dress.

Rarity already could tell it would be her finest work, a magnum opus of dress making. The Princess - oh dear, Rarity did need to be more careful about such thoughts. The Acolyte had given her suggestions for the style and colors of the dress, and Rarity could not bring herself to disagree with them. The addition of the lunar symbols to it seemed a trifle odd, but Luna had been insistent on the imagery.

Rarity had to admit it looked good, though. The crescent moon nested around the spark of magic and a field of six golden stars had a certain something to it that Rarity could not put her hoof on. I suppose it is appropriate. The Moon now serves the Magic. Potent symbolism to be certain. The dragon hide would serve as both armor and enhancement, though where Acolyte Luna had acquired the incredibly rare stuff was anypony's guess.

Rarity wished Sweetie Belle was here. She might be over enthusiastic, but she was invaluable as an assistant at times. Hmph, still. This will be the finest work I have ever produced, and that is saying something! Rarity beamed, knowing that this outfit would be drawn into the history books. Amongst other places. Hmm, I'd better make sure a few cameras are around tomorrow to capture to the drama!

It was like a tale from one of her favorite novels! A climactic battle between student and teacher for the fate of the world! Dangerous of course, but life was nothing without a little danger. And the aftermath? Who knew what might come next? Oh Rarity, you have done well for yourself this time. Dear Twilight is going to shake the world with her hoofsteps, and you will be right at her side to bathe in the glory. She giggled softly. Of course, you'll also be able to change this dreadful world for the better. Once you've risen to the station you deserve.

Rarity laughed joyfully and carefully tucked the skirt around the hips of the ponyquin, examining it carefully for mistakes. Hmm, Perhaps I ought to fashion a few things for the other girls while I'm on such a roll.


"... Which brings us to today." Finished Twilight, as they began to approach Ponyville proper. "Zecora, I know you're worried about me and the girls. So why don't you just tell me why, and we'll see what can be done about it." Twilight hopped up onto a bench just outside of the main square, bustling with work ponies and carts hauling building material of all kinds.

Zecora sighed and hopped up onto the bench. "There may be little we can do, as dark power now has hold of you." Zecora's head shook mournfully. "Little is now set in stone, Celestia will not leave us alone." Zecora's head sunk into her hoof and she half glared into the distance. "Corrupt you, the power will. Will it let you remain Twilight, still?" Zecora turned to face Twilight, looking serious. "A monster you may turn into, and then no telling what you'll do."

Twilight sighed a little at that one. "I know that, Zecora. I knew that before I did this." She waved at her discolored eyes, green and purple, instead of the vibrant white of the normal pony. "I have to believe so long as I've got my friends, I won’t end up that way. But..." She hesitated. "If I do... change." she bit her lip and reached into the saddlebag, pulling out a little red book. "Maybe you can find a way to stop me with this."

Zecora took the book in both hooves, her eyes widening a touch at the title on the front. "An ancient tome full of lore, Perhaps with this I could do more." Zecora tucked the book carefully away in her satchel. “Keep it safe from harm I will, and hope in you I shall keep still."

Twilight smiled faintly, and Zecora hopped down. "Now, I must go watch over foolish fillies, to keep them from doing anything silly!" Twilight had to laugh at that, and so did Zecora. For a few moments, nothing seemed to have changed and Twilight could feel herself relax a little. "Yet warn you Twilight, I feel I must. Do not betray my sacred trust. Those young ones must not be touched, by the dark powers of passion and lust." Zecora's voice was quiet, warning. "I shall not warn thee again dear friend, that if you do it will be your end."

Zecora galloped back towards the forest, leaving a startled and saddened Twilight. Zecora. At the least I can trust you to make sure I never become like Sombra. Twilight slipped off of the bench. Everything she could do was now in place. All that remained... was the confrontation with Celestia.

Once, a long time ago Celestia had taught her student how to play chess. Twilight now wished she'd spent more time becoming familiar with the game. It had been a thing of logical patterns and strategies, something Twilight had very much enjoyed. Yet magic had always called her away from studying the intricacies of the board.

And now? Now she was playing in the highest stakes game of her life. Celestia had already seized command of the center. That meant all Twilight could do was gamble. Very well, Teacher. Pawn to C5. Let the game begin.