• Published 15th Mar 2013
  • 1,594 Views, 138 Comments

Princess Twilight and the Puzzling Curse - Parchment_Scroll

Newly-made alicorn Twilight Sparkle and her Number One Assistant have quite the brain-teaser on their hooves. Actually, they have several, since the citizens of Ponyville are plagued with riddles and puzzles lately.

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Well done unscrambling that particular mess!

Since Davenport miscast the spell, only Snips and Silver Spoon were telling the truth, exonerating Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, and Dinky Doo.

The statements "Snips is completely innocent" and "I'm innocent", being lies, point out the guilty parties: Snips and Snails.

Maybe Davenport should leave the spellcasting to the unicorns.

Davenport looked immensely relieved once Twilight was able to point out the culprits to him. Snips and Snails, however, looked anything but. "You two ought to be ashamed of yourselves, playing around on an expensive couch like that," Twilight said.

"We are," Snips said, hanging his head.

"Not me!" exclaimed Snails woefully. "I'm glad I broke Mr. Davenport's best couch!"

Twilight did a brief doubletake, then looked warily at Davenport. "Okay," she said slowly, "how long is that spell supposed to last?"

"I have no idea," Davenport said. "The spellbook doesn't say."

"What?" Twilight seized the book with her telekinesis and flipped to the relevant page. "What the hay kind of shoddy spellbook is this?" She read through the spell's description and wording several times. "I don't see how this thing could even work at all!" she exclaimed. "Unicorn magic requires power, focus, and a clear intent! This..." She trailed off. "Pardon me," she said, ducking out of the store.

Davenport looked over at Spike, nonplussed. "What was that all ab--" Before he could finish the question, however, Twilight had returned.

"I'll give this right back," she called out over her shoulder before the door closed behind her. Hovering in the air beside her, encased in her telekinetic magic, was a wooden crate labeled "soap". She set it down, climbed up on top of it, and continued her diatribe. "This so-called 'spellbook' is filled with nothing but nonsense words that almost rhyme. This isn't a grimoire, it's bad poetry!" With that, she stepped down off of the crate and levitated it back out the door.

"Feel better, Twi?" Spike asked.

"Now that I've gotten that out of my system," Twilight said, "yes."

"Okay, so... where to?"

"We still need to get the girls together," she replied.

Spike opened his mouth to say something, but Twilight cut him off, rolling her eyes. "Yes, Spike, we can go to Rarity's next."

"Oh boy!" Spike leapt into her saddle with vim, vigor, vitality, and other "v" adjectives.

* * * * *

The bell over the door of Carousel Boutique rang cheerfully as Twilight and Spike crossed the threshold.

"I'll be with you in a moment, darling," Rarity's voice called out from just beyond a door. "I'm just trying to wrap up one teeeeeeny tiny little detail."

"Rarity," Twilight called out, "it's me."

"Oh, Twilight, dear!" Rarity poked her head through the doorway. "Please, do come in and make yourself at home." She started to turn back to her work, then immediately turned back towards Twilight and Spike, bowing low. "I mean, if you would be so kind, Princess Twilight, I would be ever-so-honored to--"

"Rarity," Twilight said flatly, "it's just me. You don't have to do the whole bow-and-scrape thing."

"Oh, but I insist, darling," Rarity said. "Proprieties must be maintained, or what's the point of being a princess?"

Twilight grinned. "I think being a friend is more important anyway," she said.

"Oh, well, naturally you would, Twilight, considering how you became a princess in the first place." Rarity sat down primly opposite the lavender alicorn. "Well, what brings you to my boutique this fine day?"

"I'm trying to get all the girls together," Twilight said, "because--"

Rarity's eyes widened. "Oh dear, your celebratory picnic! How could I have possibly forgotten it?" She threw herself at Twilight's hooves. "Can you ever forgive me?"

"Rarity," Twilight said.

"I'm ever so sorry, but I'm afraid I shan't be able to attend."

"Rarity," the alicorn repeated.

"You see, I just had a rush order come in from Sapphire Shores and--"


"Yes, Twilight?"

"This isn't about the picnic."

"Oh." Rarity picked herself up and sat down primly. "Well, then. By all means, do tell. But make it quick, if you would. I have, as I said, a rush order to complete."

"Right," Twilight said. "In that case, the short version. Ponyville's in trouble. I need everyone together so we can find out what's causing all these riddles and puzzles and stop it."

"What riddles and puzzles, darling?"

Twilight stared. This was not the response she expected. "You're kidding, right?"

"Afraid not, dear." Rarity shrugged. "I've been a bit busy with my own problems, you see."

"What kind of problems?" Twilight had a sinking feeling she knew where this was going.

"Oh, it's just terrible. Awful! Of all the worst things that could happen, this is--"

"Let me guess," Twilight said. "The worst possible thing."

Rarity rolled her eyes. "Please, dear, when you say it like that, it takes all the fun out of it."


"Yes, fun."

"Okay," Twilight said, "skipping that, what's the problem?"

"It's this order for Sapphire Shores," Rarity explained. "I was just getting ready to cut my material when I realized that Sweetie Belle had just ruined the pattern! Fortunately, I still have my design sketch, but it still sets me back far too much to finish in time. She's expecting this jumpsuit to be finished this afternoon!"

"So," said Twilight, "if I can help you with your dress pattern problem--"

"Jumpsuit, dear," Rarity corrected.

"Jumpsuit problem," Twilight continued, "then you'll be free to help me figure out what's causing all these puzzles?"

"I don't see why not," the fashionista replied, "but really, dear, you're hardly the most experienced when it comes to this sort of thing."

"Trust me," Twilight said. "I wouldn't be surprised if this turned out to be some kind of riddle or puzzle or something, instead of something that needs a fashion designer's perspective. Let me see what you have."

"Well, all right. It couldn't make things worse, at any rate."

Puzzle 04
27/30 Bits

Sweetie Belle has drawn all over the pattern for Sapphire Shores' new jumpsuit! With all of these lines here, Rarity can't figure out what's part of her pattern and what's a result of the young filly's rambunctiousness.

Find the jumpsuit's design so that Rarity can finish this commission and join her friends.

Author's Note:

Twilight Sparkle's Saddlebags:
Hint Coins: 6
Bits: 108
Mysteries: Ponyville's Plague of Puzzles, The Earth Pony's Spellbook