• Published 16th Mar 2013
  • 1,609 Views, 54 Comments

The Seasons - Scootareader

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Spring - Part 2

She was afraid.

Fluttershy wasn't the kind of pony to be bold like she had been lately. She put it down to jittery nerves and the nice weather. It wasn't like her to act this way, and she needed to ensure it wouldn't happen again.

Even so, she wanted to see him. There was something wrong with how she was feeling about him.

She wished more than anything that she'd never seen him that morning. Why did she even feel this way? It wasn't as if she'd never met the dashing stallion before....

She reflected on her previous encounters with Big Macintosh. Not a single word spoken... not to each other, at least. And I never looked into his eyes. In fact, I never really looked at him at all. It just... feels different now, though. Than before.

Nodding her head to herself, Fluttershy confirmed her resolution. I won't see him anymore, that's that.

She felt a tapping on her leg.

The yellow pegasus looked down to see her bunny kicking her to get her attention. "Oh, do you need something, Angel?"

Angel pointed at a cabinet where Fluttershy held food for herself, then pointed at her, crossed his arms, and began tapping his foot.

Fluttershy glanced at the clock: 12:00 noon. "Oh, it is that time. But... don't you want some of the yummy food that the other critters will get?" At the shaking of the white bunny's head, she said, "Well, all right... I guess you can eat some of my food today."

She flew to the cabinet and opened it, baring its contents. Within was a tasty-looking hay-and-tulip sandwich and nothing else. "Um, Angel... if I give you this, then I won't have anything to eat. That's not very fair, is it?"

In reply, Angel threw a food bowl at her. The pegasus caught it with a practiced movement, deftly placing the fragile container onto the top of a nearby counter. "Well, all right... I guess I do need to get some shopping done today, anyway."

Fluttershy strolled through the marketplace of Ponyville, looking for food. Her tummy was rumbling, and she knew it was a bad idea to shop on an empty stomach... but she needed to find something to eat.

As she cursorily looked from shop to shop, the pangs of hunger becoming steadily stronger from wafts of baked goods, her eyes darting voraciously from stall to stall of food, she felt ready to gorge herself on everything at once. Patience, she counseled herself. I have to find something I'll eat, not just nibble on.

She found herself drifting off to something she would actually eat. Apples immediately came to mind. She would go for a big, red, juicy apple. That sounded like the best idea for her right now; maybe an apple or two, and she would be fine to get her actual shopping done. She began trotting toward the apple stall—

She felt a tap on her shoulder.

Not expecting to be touched by another pony, Fluttershy squeaked and bolted straight into the air, hovering a few feet above the ground.

Standing on the ground and giving a grin that quickly turned into a quizzical raise of an eyebrow was Big Macintosh. "Well, uh, howdy, Fluttershy!"

Fluttershy didn't reply, instead lowering herself back to the ground and lowering her head to stare at the dirt meekly.

"How're you today?"

The shy pegasus scuffed the ground with her hoof, looking to the side.

"Ah, uh, was just walkin' through town, and Ah saw ya and thought t' mahself, 'That Fluttershy, she looks pretty lonely.' So Ah came here to see how y'all were doin'." The stallion seemed happy to see her, being uncharacteristically chatty and sociable.

Oh, why can't he just stay quiet? Fluttershy silently berated herself for not foreseeing this. This is a bad idea....

Her stomach gave a small gurgle of protest.

Big Macintosh's eyes lit up. "Are ya hungry? Ah could whip ya up somethin' tasty back at the farm, if ya'd like. We could catch up and see how we're comin' along." He obviously thought that there was more to things than Fluttershy did.

He was offering apples, though... apples that she was craving greatly.

"Um... yes." She offered a weak smile as she accepted. Subconsciously, he knew why she decided to say yes. It had nothing to do with the apples.

The walk to Sweet Apple Acres was deliberately devoid of conversation. Big Macintosh would glance at Fluttershy occasionally, open his mouth as if to tell her something, then snap his mouth shut and not say a word. Once, he decided to mention the nice spring weather they were having, to which Fluttershy replied with a timid "Yes." He decided to keep quiet for the remainder of the trip.

Once they had arrived at Sweet Apple Acres, Fluttershy began glancing at the trees, her mouth watering as she imagined munching on delicious apples. Perhaps this wasn't such a bad idea, after all.

Big Macintosh, as perceptive as ever, noticed her sneaking glances at the bountiful fruit. "We're almost there, don't ya worry. Ah can't respectfully leave another pony hungry, especially with as big a harvest as we're gonna have this year."

The shy pegasus kept her peace, enjoying the sound of Big Macintosh's voice as he attempted to break the ice. It was a voice quite unlike any she'd ever heard before. She liked the sound of it, when she thought about it.

She knew this was a bad idea. It was a terrible idea. Yet, she couldn't turn around now. She was with Big Macintosh, alone, at Sweet Apple Acres. There was no telling what he would say or do... or what she would say or do.

Fluttershy followed Big Macintosh into the farmhouse, which was now familiar to her from her previous visit. She trotted absentmindedly to the dining area, seating herself daintily on a stool.

The big red stallion disappeared into the kitchen, emerging about a minute later with a grin on his face. “Pie's cookin'.”

Fluttershy smiled politely, her heart melting inside. This was just too much for her, too fast. She didn't want to be noticed by him; she didn't want this kind stallion to know she didn't exist.

Her inner sense hissed at her, Why not?

Because I don't deserve him, came her reply. I don't deserve anypony, let alone a wonderful pony like Big Macintosh. I'm just so... unworthy.

So prove that you're worthy. Prove that he's worth things to you.

She shook her head at herself. Oh, no, there's no way I'm doing that! He'll... he'll deny me! Make me feel worthless! I can't take the pressure, I'll just—

“Uh... Fluttershy?”

The yellow pegasus snapped back to reality, realizing that she'd been staring into Big Macintosh's face for several long moments. She blushed and consigned herself to staring at the ground once again.

Big Macintosh looked down silently as well, mirroring his guest's meekness. He didn't seem very sure of himself, and as prone to freezing up as she could expect from such a shy pony... she would do the same thing in his place.

Fluttershy gulped down a mouthful of fear. Her suddenly completely dry mouth opened slowly as she prepared to say something. Just tell him thank you. That's all. You can do it.

“I—I...” she stuttered. “I... um....” Trailing off, the pegasus winced and closed her eyes, the words unable to come forth. She shook on her chair, afraid to move lest he think something of her, whether it was good or bad.

She didn't know how to act. She'd never been in this situation before. There was nothing she could do. Nothing she could think of. This was hopeless for her.

“Now, c'mon.” The big stallion spoke encouragingly to her. “Ah wanna hear what ya have ta say, Fluttershy.”

She half-opened an eye and looked at him. He had a wise, understanding smile on him. He seemed to get how much trouble she was having. He also had the bearing of infinite patience, as if he would wait centuries just for her to speak a word.

“Thank you.” The little pegasus said it quickly, mumbling a little near the end, but she said it. In response, Big Macintosh's grin grew wider as he said, “Eeyup,” nodding his head politely in regards to the compliment.

An incredibly deep silence pervaded the room afterward. Fluttershy continued her perpetual fascinated stare at the floorboards while Big Macintosh waited for a miracle to happen.

Finally, the big stallion couldn't take it anymore. “Fluttershy... Ah've got somethin' Ah wanna ask ya.”

She peeked demurely at his face, nodding once quickly before looking down again.

“Well, Ah've been wonderin' this fer a while, and seein' ya today has made me wonder about somethin'. Ah figger you'd be the best one t' ask, seein' as how we're friends 'n all.”

Fluttershy's heart quickened its pace. She felt the edges of her vision growing dark.

“How's it...” he paused thoughtfully, “how's it feel t' fly?”

Immediately, Fluttershy's vision brightened. She had been expecting something far more suggestive, or romantic; perhaps Big Macintosh didn't feel that way about her.

“Well, um...” she began, “it—it's not that special....”

After an awkward silence, Big Macintosh said, “Ah think it is. Anypony who c'n fly is really lucky.”

“It's... not that special...” she repeated.

“But it is,” came the enthused reply. “Y'all don't know what kind of gift y'all got. Ah look up at the sky and wish Ah could see what it looks like up there mahself.”

Fluttershy inwardly beamed at the stallion's sincerity. “Well, I, um... I know what it's like... but I'd rather stay on the ground with you.”

There was a moment or two of silence.

“Oh, no, no! That's not what I meant! I meant, stay with my animals! I—I...”

Big Macintosh held a hoof to Fluttershy's mouth. “Ya don't need t' try ta justify it t' me. Ah'll just pretend Ah never heard it.” He smiled charmingly at the flustered mare.

At that moment, a ding sounded in the kitchen. Big Macintosh glanced in the direction of the obtrusive sound as he heard it. “Yer pie's done.”

He plodded slowly from the dining room to go retrieve Fluttershy's meal.

For a few moments, there was stillness in the room once again.

Then Fluttershy bolted out of the room, out of the house, and out of Sweet Apple Acres, tears in her eyes as she flew home as quickly as her wings would allow.

What is wrong with me?

That evening, Fluttershy lay on the floor of her cottage, Angel curled up next to her as she sullenly glared at the wall.

Fluttershy the foal. Fluttershy the stupid mare. Fluttershy the hopeless wreck. She taunted herself in her mind, degrading and grinding her morale as she berated every thought of hope and optimism that dared sneak into her psyche.

Angel was brushing her hair in an attempt to make her feel better, but the pegasus didn't want to feel better. She wanted to be with Big Macintosh right now, but she was afraid of how he might feel. She was almost certain that he didn't feel the same way.

Yet, she still thought about him.

She couldn't seem to tear any thought she had right now from that of him smiling, his hoof against her lips as he told her she didn't need to tell him anything to show him how she felt. He was... being nice. She knew he wouldn't like her. She was nopony... just a shy, foalish mare.

A knock sounded at her door.

Fluttershy kept her mouth shut. She knew better than to think it may be Big Macintosh. She wanted to be alone right now, anyway.

The knock sounded again. Sticking to her policy, the timid pegasus kept her lips sealed.

“Fluttershy, if ya don't answer, Ah'm gonna assume somethin's wrong and kick the door down. Open it up 'n save me a repair bill, would ya?”

Fluttershy, suddenly at a loss for words, looked panickingly toward the door. She kept silent, however.

Big Macintosh called, “Last warnin'!” before slamming his hooves on the door a few moments later, blasting open his entrance with a single practiced buck.

On the other side of the door, Fluttershy looked with horror as the stallion she'd been obsessing over lowered his hooves back to the ground, turned around, and locked his eyes to hers.

Squeaking in fear, Fluttershy leapt into the air and flew directly into her window, knocking it open and finding herself suddenly airborne outside her cottage. She gave a few powerful beats of her wings, rising above the building and dropping down silently to land on the thatched roof of her cottage.

Half a second after she'd alighted on the rooftop, Big Macintosh had arrived at the window, looking around wildly. Fluttershy pushed herself as flat against the roof as she could while the stallion stood at the window. She imagined his head jerking to and fro in an attempt to see what direction he suspected her of having flown off in.

Eventually, the earth pony spoke. “Look, Fluttershy... Ah dunno if yer around to hear me right now, but one thing that Applejack's taught me is ta always be honest t' other ponies. Ah'm tryin' t' be honest right now. Ah wanna spend more time with you.

“Ya seem like a real nice pony, and Ah think it'd be real nice to see ya again soon. But ya can't be afraid 'a talkin' t' me... or seein' me. Ah'm not tryin 'a push you, but it's just so frustratin' seein' ya get worked up in a tizzy over so little. Ah'll be at Sweet Apple Acres if ya wanna talk.”

With that, the big stallion departed once again through the front door.

Fluttershy let out a breath that she hadn't realized she'd been holding in. She already knew she wouldn't go to Sweet Apple Acres. She was just... too afraid.

She let out a sigh. “Fluttershy... why can't you do this? If not for him, then for yourself?”

Her only reply was an oppressive silence.

Sighing, the pegasus flew back into her home, closing the door and coaxing a shivering Angel from his hiding spot under the couch, singing a soothing lullaby to calm the agitated bunny.

On her table was an apple pie. She'd been so worked up thinking about Big Macintosh that she'd forgotten how incredibly hungry she was. Now, the stallion had delivered her meal and offered a companion to confide in.

She ate the entire apple pie with a vengeance, the debilitating pain in her stomach gradually receding until she no longer noticed it at all. She felt better... and, at the same time, worse.

That night, Fluttershy dreamed.

She was sitting at Sweet Apple Acres with Big Macintosh, the wind playing through her mane as he nuzzled her side. She had an incredible feeling of happiness infused within her body. She felt good and wonderful all over, as if everything was right with Equestria.

She looked at Big Mac questioningly, and he reached to the side, pulling out a pie and giving it to her. She ate happily next to him.

Angel hopped next to them, and Big Mac lifted Angel up playfully with his hoof, the small bunny smiling in excitement as he was lifted hundreds of feet in the air and then dropped safely back to the ground. Big Macintosh then bucked a single apple tree, all of them dropping their precious cargo and landing in front of Fluttershy, who ate all of them.

After she finished eating, the pegasus opened her wings and took off into the air, grabbing Big Macintosh in her hooves and bringing him up, up, into the sky, where they saw all of Equestria's beauty and splendor the way Princess Celestia intended. Very quickly, however, she didn't feel right, and began plummeting back to the ground.

About halfway through her free-fall, Big Macintosh pulled her into his hooves and held the scared pegasus in an embrace. Immediately, their fall slowed and they landed peacefully.

Fluttershy spoke in her dream. "I don't want to leave the ground. You're always there."

Big Macintosh smiled again, not saying a single word.

At this moment, Fluttershy knew that she loved him.

The yellow pegasus woke up with a start. Her dream had been so vivid... but she couldn't remember most of it.

She remembered eating. And Big Macintosh. And being happy.

What else matters? I've found him.

Author's Note:

After laboring for the better portion of today, I feel I have made a chapter worth posting. Hope you guys like the beginning of the second cycle!
