• Published 16th Mar 2013
  • 2,075 Views, 95 Comments

A Fresh Start - QuilliamPenn

After moving out of his parents home in Cloudsdale, a pegasus named Sketch tries to start a new life.

  • ...

Bonus Chapter: Warmed Hearts

Bonus Chapter: Warmed Hearts

“Ohmygosh WHAT!”

Gears bounced around happily at the object before him.

Amidst a heap of torn paper and bows, was the object that had generated his excitement.

A welding torch.

Normally such a tool was considered unsafe and unorthodox as a gift for a foal as young as Gears.

However for the weeks leading up to Hearthswarming Eve, he had been bugging Sketch, and Lyra too, about how badly he wished he had one.

So Sketch had made it happen.

“I’m glad you like it bud.” Sketch said warmly, a grin plastered across his face as he watched his younger brother bounce up and down.

“I LOVE it, thank you sooo much Sketch!” Gears hugged his brother’s front leg quickly, then turned to go fiddle around with his new tool.

“I think he likes it.”

Lyra nuzzled Sketch’s chin softly and giggled a bit.

“You should probably give him your present, before he asks about a-“

“Hey wait, I need a mask otherwise I can’t use it…” Gears cut his brother off, then gasped a bit. “Wait! No I’m not saying this isn’t an awesome present or anything! I just-“

“Open your other present.” Lyra said with a giggle.

“Oh uh…ok.”

Gears trotted over to his second present, wrappings and bows flying aside as he trudged through them.
He stared intently at his second box for a moment, as if trying to figure out what it is.

“Wait…is this…” His voice started getting excited again.

“Open it…” Sketch reiterated what Lyra had said, his grin only getting wider as he did so.

Gears tore into the wrappings eagerly, bits of paper and cardboard flying left and right as he did. A moment later, on top of its own pile of paper and what used to be a box.

Was a welding mask, perfectly sized for a young stallion such as Gears.

Gears was literally speechless; a rare feat. He was silent for a moment, before letting out a loud whoop of joy.

Sketch didn’t even try to understand the long string of unyielding words that Gears spewed out over the course of the next two minutes.

“I think he likes your present, honey.” Sketch whispered into Lyra’s ear as Gears ranted.

A few minutes later, Gears had calmed down and was trotting around the living room sporting his new welding mask, utterly crushing any suggestion Lyra or Sketch had made that he take it off until after they had finished opening presents.

“Oh! I have presents for you guys too!” Gears muffled, excited, voice came from behind his mask.

“You do?” Sketch and Lyra said in unison, honestly not expecting a present.

“Yes, yes! Wait here, don’t go anywhere!”

Gears zipped off; although slowly due to his mask, up the stairs into his room in the attic, leaving Lyra and his brother alone in the living room.

Sketch sighed happily and repositioned himself on the couch he had bought just a few weeks ago, pulling Lyra closer to him as he did so.

The two sat there in silence for a moment, enjoying the company of one another.

The two of them had had many moments like this one since they met, they were never planned or expected, they just sort of happened. They would just be together, not doing anything really, just silently enjoying one another’s company.
Lyra sighed happily and rested her head on Sketch’s shoulder.

“Pretty nice for our first Hearthswarming Eve.” She said softly, yet happily.

Sketch smiled.

“Indeed it is.” He stroked her mane softly as he thought back to when he had first met Lyra.

The party Pinkie had thrown, when Lyra had taken him to get those horribly sour smoothies he still hadn’t gotten used to.
How she had moved in with him shortly after.

The incident with now deceased Bon Bon.

The wedding.

The massive, fantastic, glorious wedding.

He had asked Lyra to marry him as soon as he had fully recovered and gotten out of the hospital.

He didn’t know what the future would hold, especially not after what happened with Bon Bon, all he knew was he wanted Lyra in that future with him, and she happily said agreed to make that a realty.

Sketch had even managed to get his job back at Sweet Apple Acres, or rather, Applejack had asked him to come back, and even doubled his pay for a while; even though he protested quite a bit.

Gears was still living with them, and his inventions were becoming rather well known-about throughout Ponyville, usually because Scootaloo was making a lot of noise helping Gears test them out.

All in all.

Everything in Sketch’s life was perfect.

“Whatcha thinking about?”

Lyra’s soft voice penetrated his thoughts, rousing him from his trip down memory lane.


Before he could answer, a masked Gears came barreling down the steps up to his room, a small bag in tow.

“Ok, ok, ok. Get ready you two, you’ll love this I just know it!” He said ecstatically.

“You’re awfully excited about it bud.” Lyra giggled.

“You will be too, I promise!” Gears stuck his hooves into the bag then stopped, looking up at his brother.

“You guys gotta close your eyes, ok?”

“If you insist…” Sketch let out a fake sigh of exasperation causing Lyra to giggle a bit, then closed his eyes.

There was a soft rustling, then a moment later he felt Gears place a small object in his lap.

“Ok…open them.”

Sketch opened his eyes, to find a small, black notebook in his lap, it was shiny, black, and otherwise unimpressive, for a notebook at least. He turned his head to see Lyra had one exactly alike, her face was puzzled.

“Uh, thank you Gears!” She said, trying to understand the gift and hide the fact she was doing so at the same time.
Gears let out a muffled sigh of exasperation.

“Really! This is great buddy! Thank you a bunch, I-“

“Oh my gosh, Sketch, Lyra, Move the notebooks close to one another.” He sighed again through his mask.
The two looked at one another quizzically for a moment, then did as asked.

At first nothing happened, the black shiny notebooks were just that. Black and Shiny. However upon touching the notebooks to one another, the most fantastic thing happened.

The notebooks both let out a gentle hum, causing Lyra to let out a small yelp.

A large golden heart appeared on Sketch’s notebook, it let out a warm glow and hummed softly, small wisps of gold whizzing around the notebook and sparkling softly. Lyra’s notebook was doing the exact same thing, although Sketch didn’t notice due to the fact he was entranced with his own hoof sized wonder.

A moment later the wisps faded away and only the golden heart remained, pulsating and glowing warmly.
Both of them were silent for a minute, staring in amazement at what they had just witnessed.
Lyra broke the silence.

“Gears…that was-“

“Write something in your notebook Lyra.” Gears said in a hushed, happy tone; holding out a pencil to Lyra.
She took the pencil from Gears, writing “Sketchy” into her notebook. A second later, the words glowed golden and then returned to their previous grey.

A moment later, a small gleam shown out from under the cover of Sketch’s notebook, surprising him a bit.

“Wait what is-“

Gears cut his brother off again.

“Open yours, Sketch.”

Sketch complied, and slowly opened his notebook.

What he saw stunned him.

There, on the first line of the page, was the nickname Lyra had given him.


He didn’t know what to say.

“I had Twilight help me make them, I came up with the idea myself and she helped me make it happen, you can send each other messages on the paper from wherever you are, and when you erase them it doesn’t mess up the paper, and, the heart on the front, glows brighter the closer you two are to each other.”

Gears sat up straight and proud, his mask covering his look of joy.

“Gears, this is just…”

“…Amazing.” Lyra finished.

“I’m glad you two like them, I thought I should get you something nice since I live with you and you are so great and put up with all the noise I make with my friends and inventions…”

Sketch didn’t know what to say, it wasn’t often his brother became so serious and sweet about something.
In one fluid motion, Lyra had moved off the couch and was hugging Gears tightly, not even seeming to care that she was hugging his metal mask as well.

Gears was a bit surprised, and although his mask hid it, he was blushing.

“Oh my sweet Celestia, thank you so much, this is the sweetest thing ever, Gears.” She said, muffled a bit as she dug her nose into Gears’ shoulder.

“Uh…I uh…You’re welcome Miss Lyra…” Gears flustered, as much as he had become accustomed to Lyra, he had never really gotten used to her hugs.

Sketch smiled like a fool as he watched the scene before him.

To be honest he was extremely surprised at this gift, he hadn’t really expected a gift from Gears at all, especially not one of this magnitude.

It was one of the greatest things he had ever been given.

Lyra planted a kiss on the forehead of Gears’ mask as she pulled away, smiling like she had just been crowned princess.
“Blugh! Good thing I’m wearing this mask…” Gears sounded disgusted behind the emotionless slab of metal that was his welding mask.

Lyra giggled a bit and sat back up on the couch next to Sketch, nuzzling him happily.

“Really Gears…this is…I can’t even describe…these notebooks are…” Sketch tried to find the words.

“Beautiful…” Lyra finished, resting her head on Sketch’s shoulder.

“Awww….you guys are making me feel all warm and fuzzy.” Gears fidgeted with a scrap of paper on the floor.

“You should…this is amazing, thank you buddy.” Sketch smiled at his sweet little brother.

Shortly after that, Sketch had cleaned up the wrapping paper and Gears had fallen asleep on the floor, still wearing his welding mask. Lyra had used her magic to levitate him up to his bedroom.

Gears had actually had a very busy day, he had woken himself up extremely early to make a present for Scootaloo; whom he had a massive crush on, but denied it wholeheartedly.

Then he spent a good part of the morning playing in the snow with Lyra and Sketch. After that, Scootaloo and her friends had shown up and that had turned into a massive snowball fight that lasted about two hours. After that they all realized they had forgotten to eat breakfast and so Lyra had cooked a massive lunch for everypony.

Then Gears had gone back outside to play with his friends for about an hour.

An hour that Sketch and Lyra spent rather...frivolously.

After that it started snowing like mad and Gears said goodbye to his friends and came inside to shelter from the blizzard, and the rest of the day was spent inside, enjoying one another’s company.

“I wouldn’t be surprised if he slept all day tomorrow…poor little fella, he’s exhausted.” Lyra said softly as she climbed down the staircase that led up to Gears’ room.

Sketch smiled as he flipped through the many empty pages of the notebook Gears had given to him.

“He’s had a busy day, he deserves rest.” He said softly.


Lyra sighed happily and slumped down on the couch next to him, nuzzling his neck as she did so.

Sketch grinned, still staring at his notebook.


He said nothing. Instead, he took a pencil and turned his notebook away from Lyra so she couldn’t see, then scribbled something in it. A moment later, Lyra’s notebook gave off a warm golden glow. She raised an eyebrow at Sketch; who was grinning like an idiot, and reached her hoof out for the notebook, opening it slowly.

What she read made her cheeks turn bright red.

“You are such a perv, Sketch, like seriously it’s a good thing I love you.” She scoffed, her cheeks only getting redder as she gave him a playful punch on the shoulder.

“I love you too.” He chuckled and kissed her softly, wrapping a hoof around her waist.

Lyra kissed back for a moment, then giggled and put a hoof on his chest, pushing him a bit so that her muzzle was a few inches away from his.

“Not tonight, Sketchy. Gears is in the house you know.” She smirked playfully.

Sketch huffed.

“But it’s Hearthswarming Eve…”

Lyra smiled, still only inches away from him.

“And you got some of that earlier this afternoon.” She kissed his nose.

“Alright…” He smiled at her.

“You know how loud I can get…I’ll make it up to you, I promise.” Lyra giggled, her voice laced with a seductive undertone that she never showed to anypony but Sketch.

“You better.” He gave her horn a playful lick.

“However!” She said suddenly, blushing even more than before, not expecting the lick at all. “I would like to sleep out in front of the fire tonight, if you don’t mind.” She sat up straight as a rail, suppressing certain urges she was having at that moment.

Sketch instantly picked up on this of course, and decided not to tease her about it.

“Of course I don’t mind, I would love that.” He kissed her quickly before standing up off the couch, causing Lyra to slump down behind him on the couch. She tucked her front legs up to her chest and rolled over on her back, looking up at him.
“Can you get the blankets, pleeeeeeease?” She gave a fake whine. “I’m super tired and I don’t think I can do it.” She gave him a pout.

“Really?” He smirked.

“You know you love it.” She giggled.

Sketch simply smiled and left to go get the blankets out of the bedroom. He and Lyra had managed to cover the previously bare bedroom walls with pictures and artwork he had drawn himself, quite a few of them were of her.
He grabbed the large, heavy comforter off of the bed, two pillows, one more blanket, and then turned over to his nightstand.

He opened the drawer up, and there, in the back of the drawer, was a small white box.

Sketch opened it to make sure its contents were safe and unharmed; which they were, then he trotted out into the living room once more, tucking the small box under his wing.

“You get lost, honey?” Lyra said from the couch, she had repositioned herself and was resting her head on the arm of the couch, watching him happily as he trotted into the room.

“Hey, it’s a lot of blankets for her royal highness, don’t complain.”

“Oh why Sir Sketch, art thou accusing me, the queen of all Equestria, of complaining? Why the very nerve!” Lyra giggled as she played off of what she had been called. She stood up, helping Sketch lay out the blankets.

“Indeed I am your majesty, indeed I am.” He grinned as he threw the pillows and second blanket atop the comforter. Then he turned and took one of the “fancy” fire logs; as Lyra liked to call them, from beside the fireplace, and placed it into the fireplace, pulling the cord that started the fire just as Lyra used her magic to turn off all the lights.

The result was rather pretty.

The flames cast flickering shadows out into the now darkened room as they grew bigger and brighter, dancing and whipping around like fiery blades of grass during a storm.

Lyra had already laid down on her back, leaning against the couch and watching the flames happily, almost looking entranced; as usual.

Sketch glanced out the window for a moment, the snowstorm was still raging. He wondered if anypony had gotten caught in it. Most of the Ponyville population was probably at the annual Hearthswarming Eve Play right now, it was being held in Ponyville this year in the town hall. Lyra had asked to stay home however, wanting to spend the day in relative peace with her husband.

“Sketchy.” Lyra said softly, rousing him.

“Hmm?” He looked over at her lazily.

She patted her hoof on the space next to her, indicating she wanted to snuggle. He smiled and strode over, lying next to her on his back, allowing her to snuggle up to him in such a way that his front leg was wrapped around her. She nestled into his embrace a bit, sighing happily once she had gotten settled in.

For a while neither pony said anything, they were perfectly happy laying there in silence, enjoying the fire.

Then Sketch remembered his present.

“Oh, hey…” He said softly, rousing Lyra from her fire induced trance-like state.

“Hmm?” She hummed, looking up at him, her golden iris’s gleaming beautifully in the light of the fire.

“I have a present for you.”

She gasped a little bit.

“What? Sketchy you didn’t have to get me anything…”

“Well I did so you’re just gonna have to deal with it.” He kissed her nose softly, then turned to fish the box out of where he had stashed it under his wing.

After a few seconds, he turned back to Lyra, hiding the box.

“Now…if you don’t like it you have to tell me, ok?” He said, getting a bit nervous.

“I’m certain I’ll love it Sketchy, whatever it is.” She smiled lovingly up at him
Sketch took a deep breath, and then revealed the small box to Lyra, opening it as he did so.


Inside the box, was a necklace perfectly shaped like Lyra’s cutie mark, it was a shiny gold and gleamed in the light of the fire. Outlining the entire shape, were tiny, perfectly cut diamonds, each one magnificent and perfectly shaped.

“Sketch is that…”

He nodded.

“I saw this one gold pendant at the jewelers a while back, the way it shined in the light reminded me of you for some reason…so I had this made…it’s one of a kind…the only one like it in the world…the diamonds…the gold…it’s all the real deal.”

Lyra said nothing, she only stared, her eyes large and wet.

Oh no.

She wasn’t upset was she?

“Lyra I didn’t mean to upset you or anything I honestly thought you would-“

“Sketch, I’m not upset…this is just…it’s gorgeous…just…I don’t have words…”

He sighed inwardly, relieved.

“Well…it’s our very first Hearthswarming eve…and I wanted it to be special, because you’re special…” He took the necklace out of the box, unhooking the latch and putting it around Lyra’s neck as he spoke.

Lyra took the pendant in her hoof and stared at it, she was emanating so much happiness it was almost tangible. She then sniffled a bit, a happy tear running down her cheek as she hugged him tightly, burying her muzzle into his chest.

“I’m never, ever taking it off…” She said, muffled.

Sketch smiled like a fool.

“I’m glad you like it.”

“I love it…thank you, so much…” She removed herself from his chest as she spoke, wiping away her happy tears and clearing her throat.

“You’re welcome…” He bumped his nose onto hers softly, then she settled in again returning to cuddling him.

“I love you.” She said softly, after a few moments had passed.

“I love you too.” He smiled and kissed the top of her head, nearly stabbing himself on her horn and ruining the moment, as he had nearly done multiple times in the past.

“I have a present for you too…” She said softly, her tone seeming to change a bit.

“Oh really?” He raised an eyebrow at her as she looked at his chest.

She nodded.

Neither of them said anything for a moment, an almost awkward silence ensued.

“Are you going to give it to me or…?” He said after a moment, breaking the silence.

He wondered what it could be.

She nodded again, looking almost embarrassed.

“Lyra, is everything alright?” He tilted his head a bit as she slowly looked up at him.

She nodded yet again.

“Well…are you going to tell me what the present is?”

“Yes…” she seemed antsy, nervous and almost shy.

He stared into her eyes, awaiting her educating him on what this present was.


She paused.

“Sketchy…” She took a deep breath.

“I’m pregnant.”

Author's Note:

Oh well hello my friends.
It's been a while hasn't it?

It's good to be writing again, my computer decided to die on me and I haven't been able to write, but I got a new computer so now I can write again!

So yay.

A few people said that they wanted bonus chapters and/or a sequel to this story, so here's that bonus chapter.

As for a sequel.

I had forgotten how much I loved writing this story, how happy it made me to write Sketch and Lyra.

So there will most likely be an entire second story about them.

So yeah, that'll probably start here pretty soon because I've missed writing.

The couch part turned out a bit more sexually suggestive than I had intended, but oh well.

I attempted to proofread it myself because I want to get better at that sort of thing, so I hope there aren't too many grammar errors...


I hope you all enjoy it !

Comments ( 18 )

Hey, sketch! I don't think Lyra kept the note for that gift! :raritywink:

Somehow, the moment she said she had a gift of her own for Sketch, I knew she was going to reveal that she's in a family way... :twilightsmile:

Thanks for the awesome ride, dude!


An hour that Sketch and Lyra spent rather...frivolously.



Okay, I'll stop now... :twilightblush:

3509228 I'm glad you enjoyed it my friend! I should be able to start working on a sequel here pretty soon, so hopefully I can write that just as well as I did this :pinkiehappy:

I really am glad you enjoyed the story though, I loved writing it so very, very much.

You did well for proofreading it yourself. Proofreaders are supposed to see what your mind autocorrects.

Ps. Did you change your name?

Thank you! and yes, I did indeed change my name!

N'aww! I loved it, and it made me all smiley and warm :3
Well done, Sir! I look forward to the sequel :pinkiehappy:

3510712 Thank you very much! I'm glad you liked it!

I hope I can do as well with the sequel as I have with this one :twilightsmile:

3599555 omg thank you so much, that means a lot! I'm glad you like it :pinkiehappy:

Hurry up and write a sequel.

4018346 Already tried and canceled it.

Sorry :applejackunsure:

4018410 Umm.

No. :yay:

Sorry, I write what I like :twilightsmile:

4018689 I guess...?

I mean, if I'm what you call a troll, maybe you have a warped view of what a troll is...? :rainbowhuh:

4018705 What I meant is that it feels like you are trolling me, not that you are a troll. You know, that feeling when you want something and some troll takes it before you can get it?

Aaaaaaaannnndd... Cue Sketchy blacking out.

If you don't want to write a sequel you should see if others want to pick up and write off of it.

What does Sketch look like?

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