• Published 21st Aug 2013
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Mordekaiser Recalls to Equestria - Dleifragcat

Mordekaiser, an unstoppable League of Legends Champion has his recall spell glitched and is sent to Equestria. As the Master of Metal he finds his experiance less than enjoyable and wants to go back home to bring pain and suffering to his enemies.

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Chapter 5: Your Inhibitor Has Been Destroyed

Mordekaiser knew he had felt something and he was right. This feeling of ancient magic had lead him to an immense city, covered in crystals and regal decorations. Everypony minded when his large spiky metallic appearance expectantly showed up and started tearing through the streets.

He was leaving giant footprints from his heavy armor into the ground.

Soon he found what he had felt, what had urged him from immediately leaving this ‘Equestria’. It was a pure crystal heart, emanating blue light from under this large tower and gave power to its surroundings. If this world functioned anything like his, he would have to destroy his enemy’s ‘inhibitor’ in order to make them weaker and to attack their base.

He could definitely feel it’s power, surely without this power source, the base he will attack which is named, Canterlot, will be subject to the might of his metal power.

Mordekaiser took out his mace in one hand and proceeded to charge himself into the crystal.

“STOP RIGHT THERE CRIMINAL SCUM!” a voice belonging to a pure white unicorn with a blue mane shouted. “I will not let harm come to my citizens!”

“What about you then?” Mordekaiser gave his reply. And before the unicorn could even say anything, Mordekaiser’s mace slammed into his ribcage and knocked him aside; he was down in pain and clutching at his sides.

A pink unicorn-pegasus or pegacorn or unigasus… or... magical flying equine creature...

I will find a suitable name eventually. For now, I'll stick with ponies and equine creatures resembling Hecarim for the time being...

Anyways, the pink magical flying pony was next in his line of sight who was standing near the crystalline heart floating within a device structure. Mordekaiser was certain it was an inhibitor, and yet it looked strangely different to the ones in his world. It makes sense that this world is trying to mock him, why should it stop at equines and rainbows?

What did I do to deserve this fate? And no less, the inhibitor is A DAMN CRYSTAL HEART!

The winged unicorn was ready to attack him, but a rush of metal ran past her in a blinding blur of speed. The pony didn’t get enough time to react in awe before Mordekaiser ran straight past her with his train-like speed. His mace raised high over his head as he positioned his body for a deafening swing.

He pulled back and his mace struck the heart right at its centre, lightning and energy burst from the mace as it imbedded itself into the heart, and shattered it in an explosion of a million pieces. As the dust cleared up, Mordekaiser reveled in his accomplishment.

“You…you destroyed the…” the pink pony tried to say something, but there were only tears in her eyes. “NO! It’s impossible!”

Mordekaiser disregarded the pink pony, he assumed she was a princess of some kind but didn’t care. It didn’t matter what your position was if you weren’t able to respond and deal with threats. He’s partially dead; he knows this better than any colourful equine. He looked up to the sky to see a darkening atmosphere replace the bright sunshine and rainbows his eyes had burned from before when he gazed at them the few hours prior.

His menacing stare turned around to the city he had just invaded, scared ponies peeked out from their shelters of holes and homes gasping with their hooves over their mouths trying to muffle their sounds. None of them could believe that he really did destroy their precious artifact. The feeling of dread cascaded over each and every one of them. How did it feel to see the one thing that had given them hope and a sense of protection taken away from them in mere seconds? None could have expected that one day an iron giant will slam through their confidences and imaginings within a shower of horror and fear. Mordekaiser could sense all of their pain.

And he reveled in it.

He swung his mace back up to rest on his shoulder; his shadowy gaze turned to the pink pony who was now trying to comfort the stallion Mordekaiser had hit before. Her face went to a horrified expression when she saw his large metallic body make his way over to them.

With his battle-torn general’s cape flowing through the restless wind, Mordekaiser looked down upon these pathetic excuses with only one thing to say to them.


Unknowingly to Mordekaiser, a dark shadow of ash was beginning to form around the remains of the crystal heart. It compacted together, giving legs and a body. Soon a body of an evil looking tyrant had completely materialized where the crystal heart used to be.

“I… livvvvvvvve,” the figure said with a heavy Spanish accent, its voice manifested a great evil within its echo of malice.

“Grrrr… Death could not hold me, gaaaah... for I, King Sombra have returned to enact my revenge on all of you crystal ponies! Hahaha…yes… crystals…” he licked his mouth with his serpent-like tounge, causing many ponies to recoil.

He laughed a bit more, and everypony who was terrified before are even more terrified now. It’s not every day they had to deal with a dead tyrant manifested as pure hatred.

Without any second glace, Mordekaiser lifted his arm towards the pony and curled his fingers into a fist.

“Ah good, a slave to help me leave this foul place.”

King Sombra didn’t know what happened next. First he was standing as a fully reanimated version of himself and soon his life essence had drained away leaving him as a pale grey ghost of himself.

“What!? NOO!”

Perhaps one of the most shortest “one versus one’s” in history, the irony of all of this was that Sombra had returned with a vengeance to re-slave the ponies of his empire only to now become Mordekaiser’s ghost slave and had serve HIM.

“Good game easy, well played, etcetera... etcetera,” he waved his hand with a bored expression for having to repeat these trivial sayings. “Though I don’t think it counts since you were already dead… you’ve only delayed my goal and now… you will repay me with your SOUL!”

For once in his life, King Sombra, the Dark Tyrant of everything fearful and terrifying, was scared.

Mordekaiser dashed away from the Empire as quickly as he came, and the spirit of King Sombra had no choice, but to follow this huge heap of metal through the frozen landscape. His once fluid words now garbled up into a ghostly speech of grumbles and grunts. Nevertheless, he did try his best to shout out insults as he was compelled to follow in the metal being’s footsteps and eventually the ‘soul-crushing’ labor he’s expecting.

All the crystal ponies just stared in total disbelief, they had no idea what just happened. Should they be sad that the crystal heart is destroyed, or glad that King Sombra is finally dead (again)?

The only sound that was made in the eerie snow-trodden city was by a blue haired stallion clutching his sides in pain on the cold ground.

“Did we—did we win, Cadence? Urgh… something makes me really want to nerf that guy, whatever it is.”

The pink pony next to his body could only stare ahead to the large metal creature that was disappearing over the horizon towards the city of Canterlot.

“I… I don’t know. I don’t even know if that would’ve worked…”