• Published 2nd Feb 2012
  • 2,448 Views, 17 Comments

Fallout Equestria: Cloppenhagen chronicles. - neoxxx666

2 mares goes into the wasteland to find adventure and treasure.

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From Fillygrad to Cloppenhagen.

Chapter 5: From Fillygrad to Cloppenhagen.

“Wow, I’ve never seen so many plants in my whole life.” Peach said as she pressed her nose to one of the glass panels of one of the many greenhouses of Fillygrad, her eyes big as saucers.

We had arrived at the settlement a few hours after our clash with the zombie herd, and once there, we had split up; Hoofer went to his house, which wasn’t far from the entrance gate, which had a giant sign with the settlement’s name on it, the lower part having gotten a fresh coat of paint, hiding the rest of the sign’s text, and Zodi went to her lab, a big, looming building about a kilometer away from the settlement; we went to the small market, and spent a good part of the caps we had on chems, bandages, ammo and food, both fresh and preserved; now we were walking around, looking at the little miracles of flowers, grass, fruit and vegetables that happened in the greenhouses of the settlement.

“We have back in the stable, but I don’t think we’ve ever such a big variety of them before.” Sky said as she too looked into the greenhouse, her eyes as big and curious as Peaches.

I chuckled at the display of curiosity; they both looked so cute with their noses pressed to the windows, and their wide eyes looking at the sprouting life within; after a while, watching the two watching the vegetables got a bit boring “Come on you two, as fun as it is to watch vegetables grow, I think we should head over to Zodis, so she won’t have wait for us, once she’s charged her wagon.” I said, getting the twos attention.

“Sounds like an idea, better be early than late.” Sky said after prying her eyes away from the greenhouse window; she went over to me before she turned to Peach and asked “You coming Peach?”.

“But I wanted to look at the pretty plants some more.” The little earth pony whined as she looked pleadingly at us with huge puppy dog eyes.

We both chuckled at the display of cuteness, before I said “But don’t you want to go back to your mommy again sweetie?” My words had the desired effect; peach took one final look at the greenhouse interior, before she ran over to us and tried to push us in the direction of the lab, which was a futile task since we were larger and stronger than her, while babbling about how her mom was waiting and looking for her back in Cloppenhagen.

Sky chuckled as we started to walk towards the exit and Zodis laboratory “How did you do that? I mean, convinced her to come along.” She asked in a whisper.

“I’ve learned a few tricks, treating foals at the clinic.” I whispered back, along with a return chuckle and a nuzzle, which was returned lovingly by my marefriend. Peach had stopped trying to push us and was now happily skipping in front of us, while humming a happy little tune.

When we reached the gate, we saw Hoofer about to leave with a small box of vegetables and flowers on his back “Hey Hoofer…!” Sky called, making the brown unicorn turn and smile as we approached him “Where are you going?” She asked when we reached him.

“I thought we could have lunch in Zodis lab while we wait for that energy cell to charge.” Hoofer said as we started walking past the gate guards and out the gate.

“Sounds good.” I said, licking my lips along with sky; it would be the first time I tasted any food that wasn’t from 200 years ago. Besides the nutrition crackers the stable produced, all the traders that sold food in the stable, only had the preserved food that they found in the ruins of the old cities, so fresh food was something we both looked forward to taste. I walked up to Hoofer and said “Hoofer, can I ask you a question?”.

“Sure, go ahead.” The gardener unicorn said and directed his attention from the laboratory to me.

“Well, I’ve heard a good deal about Fillygrad on the radio, about how well your harvest has been and so on, but how can you grow plants out here with when the soil is as irradiated as it is?” I asked as I took a quick look back at the settlement before focusing back on Hoofer.

Hoofer tipped his sunhat back a little, before he answered “When I arrived, along with the first settlers, this place was the ruins of a giant shopping mall, and we decided to start our settlement there, since we could use the concrete and glass, and other things to build houses out of. But the best thing happened when cracked open the asphalt, which we wanted to melt down and use for the roofs, we discovered that the soil underneath was somehow untouched by the radiation, and we decided to use that to our advantage; we bought seeds and sunlight talismans from the zebras in Cloppenhagen, and we were lucky enough to find and buy a water talisman from a salvage fisher in Mare’s cove, who found it on one of his trips out to the cove’s shipwrecks, and it has given us clean water to this day. We then went to work, building greenhouses, planting the seeds and building an underground water tank where we could get water from, it was hard, but it was worth it.” Hoofer finished his story just as we arrived at Zodis laboratory. He knocked hard on the door and we waited for the scientist to open.

It wasn’t long before we heard the sound of sliders being pulled back and a single lock being unlocked, before the door was opened and the navy blue unicorn stuck her head out “Hi guys, I was just wondering when you’d show up.” She said and opened the door entirely so we could walk into the building “Oooh, you brought lunch.” She said when she saw the box that Hoofer was carrying.

“Oooh, pretty colors.” Peach said when she saw the inside of the lab. The walls looked like someone had exploded a bomb full of different colored paint, and then left it to dry; to me, it had its own unique charm, though it wasn’t a place I’d want to live in.

“Yeah, this place is really psychedelic, how did you do that thing with the paint?” Sky asked as she looked interested at the palette of color splotches.

“Well, after I finished painting the other rooms, I had a lot of leftover paint, so I decided to get a little creative; I found some plastic bags in a storage room, and filled them with paint, and threw them at the walls, thus making this pattern. Now let’s go to the main lab and get something to eat, while the energy cell finishes charging.” Zodi said and started walking down one of the corridors, with us following close behind.

“You better not get any ideas for our home missy.” I whispered to Sky as we walked. I knew when she got that look of interest in her eyes, she got ideas and wanted to make them reality.

“Don’t worry, I was thinking about doing some sort of artwork with paint throwing involved...“ Sky said and gave me quick peck on the cheek, before she continued “I like our house just the way it is.”.

“Good to know honey.” I said with a smile, and returned the small kiss. I was happy that my marefriend was not about to repaint our house, and that she had found inspiration for her next project. It wasn’t long before we entered what Zodi called her ‘main lab’; the walls were colored a light gray with small scorch marks here and there, probably from experiments gone wrong during the time Zodi had lived in the huge building.
In the middle of the room, there was a table with 6 chairs around it, on the table itself, there was a gas burner, a coffeepot, a tin marked ‘Coffee’ and 6 mugs with different colored hearts on them. At the far wall was an enormous tool bench, with what I assumed was just about every single tool you’d need for whatever it was that Zodi did around the laboratory. To the right of us was a table with a taken apart energy rifle and other parts I couldn’t recognize; underneath it were boxes with what I assumed were spare parts, and other things Zodi didn’t need that often. And finally to our left, there was big, bulky, red colored machine; it gave off a steady hum, while multicolored light danced through the various glass tubes on the exterior of the machine.

“Well, here we are, sit down while I get some plates.” Zodi said and walked back out into the corridor.

We walked over and me, Sky and Peach sat down, while Hoofer levitated the box from his back onto the table, before sitting down himself. Zodi returned a few moments after, levitating 5 plates alongside her, she sat down and placed a plate in front of each of us; soon after, we were eating the plants and vegetables from Hoofers box, with the brown stallion explaining to us what the plants were called, and me and Sky were enjoying them immensely, at least from what I could gather from the expression on my marefriend’s face. There were so many different flavors, and all of them were just about the best thing I had ever tasted, from the perfumed, slightly bitter taste of the tropical flowers, to the sweetness of the yams, and of course there were classics like apples and carrots, all of them were a symphony of flavors in my mouth, and I enjoyed every single one of them.

While we ate, I tore my attention away from the lovely food on my plate, and looked over at the dark blue mare and asked her “Zodi, can I ask what you do here?”.

Zodi swallowed the piece carrot she had been chewing on and said “Well I repair things for the settlers; you know, weapons, farming tools, things from the prewar world, you know those sorts of things, and in return, I get caps, spare parts, sometimes food and whenever a merchant who deals with machine parts and the like comes by, the settlers sends them this way.”.

I swallowed the large tropical petal I had been chewing on while listening to the inventor mare, and said “Wow, sounds like you have a really good life here.”.

“Yeah it’s okay, but it can become a little dull from time to time, but after meeting those Drake claws, I want life to be really dull for a while.” Zodi said and dug back into her lunch.

It wasn’t long after we had finished our lunch, that the machine stopped humming and a hatch opened, revealing a glowing, blue green rod of crystal with runes edged into it and a metal cap at the end, which also had arcane runes engraved onto it.

Zodi levitated the rod out of the machine and led us to the garage, which was in the eastern part of the building. In the center of the room was Zodis motorized wagon; it had 2 seats in the front and a sofa like seat in the back, which were set in the middle of the contraption, 4 doors which granted access to the vehicle, and metal plating that made up the sides, roof and also covered its quite big metal wheels; the engine, which was mounted on the back part of the wagon, was an impressive piece of work; it looked like some sort of bug shell made out of metal, though I couldn’t for my life remember where I had seen such a shell, with clear plastic tubing running to it from a clear plastic container, which held a weird, fluorescent blue fluid; more crystal glyphs had been inserted into strategically placed slots along the upper part of the engine, and though I couldn’t even begin to guess their function, I could figure out the they helped the engine run.

“Wow, this is… I don’t even know what to say about it, it’s just so new to me.” I said as me, Sky and Peach walked around the vehicle to get a better look at it; I made a little stop at the front, and noticed that it was hollow and held 2 folded up harnesses, which I guessed was for if the wagon ran out of energy “How did you make this thing?” I asked once I had had my look.

“When I found this place, I also found some blueprints, left behind by a Doctor T.T. Whooves, they had all the information I needed to make this, from the engine, to the energy cell, even a feature that lets it fly with the help of up to two pegasi, and of cause, the charging station for the energy cell, which, if you’re curious, works by spinning two drums in different directions, which I do with a spark battery; I then add a spark of magic, which is then multiplied over 100.000 times, at least according to the blueprints; the energy is then absorbed by a large gem, placed at the bottom of the drum chamber, and sent into the energy cell, thus charging it. There is also a smaller gem in the chamber that’s connected to the battery that recharges it, so I never have to switch it out. Dr. Whooves must have been a brilliant pony for his time to have gotten the ideas for these things.” Zodi said as she opened a section of the motor with her magic and inserted the energy cell. The runes started lighting up one by one, before going out again; only the ones closest to the wagon itself remained lit.

“Amazing, I’m impressed that you managed to find all the parts for this thing out here in the wasteland.” Sky said as she came to a stop beside me, having satisfied her own curiosity about the contraption.

“Yep it sure is, and believe me it was hard; the body, wheels and seats for the wagon were easy to come by, but the parts for the engine and steering took me the better part of three years to find and assemble.” Zodi said as she closed the engine and walked over to her rifle, which stood in one of the corners of the garage with 4 spark packs loaded into it; I figured she had found a replacement gem in her collection of spare parts, that could handle repeated firing, as opposed to the gem from my beam gun, which could only handle one shot at a time from the mighty weapon. Zodi picked up the rifle and walked over to us, handing it over to me and said “Take this, we might run into raiders on the way, and then it’s better to hit them before they can hit us.” She then opened the door to the left front seat and got in.

“But I’ve never used this kind of weapon before.” I said and looked at the impressive weapon, I held in my hooves.

“It’s really not that different from using a gun, you just use the scope, and brace yourself a little more for the recoil than you would with a pistol.” She said with a reassuring smile. Her horn glowed and a compartment in the roof opened; small crystal rod, enveloped in Zodis dark blue magic, floated down and inserted itself into a slot behind the steering wheel. The motor started humming and all its runes lit up, this time staying lit.

”Would two of you be so kind and open the gate?” Zodi asked as she closed the door; Sky and Hoofer nodded, and while they went over to the roll-up gate to open it, Zodi turned to me and Peach, and said “You two jump in the back, we’ll be off faster if we don’t have to get everypony in at the same time.”.

I nodded, seeing Zodis logic, and opened the left side backdoor with my mouth, helping Peach onto the soft seats, before I got in myself and shut the door. It was a bit odd, sitting upright and leaning against the seat, as opposed to how a pony normally sat; Peach had opted to lying down on her part of the seat, like she was about to take a nap.

Sky and Hoofer opened the gate, and Zodi drove the motorized wagon out of the garage, the motor not giving of any more noise than when the dark blue unicorn started it, though the wheels did screech a good deal against the gravel; I looked over the inventor’s shoulder to see how she made the machine move, it turned out that there were 2 pedals on the floor of the wagon, Zodi kept one down to make the wagon move, and she pressed the other to stop; there was also a stick to her left with some crudely painted numbers beside it, I had no idea about what it was for but I figured at it was something important.

Sky got into the backseat beside Peach, and removed her helmet, while Hoofer used his magic to close the gate, before he took the last seat in the wagon beside Zodi and asked “Say, could we stop by Fillygrad? It’s just, if we’re going to Cloppenhagen, I’d like to have something to defend myself with, so I don’t end up like last time.”.

“Sure thing Hoofer, first top on the Cloppenhagen express, Fillygrad.” Zodi said and started driving towards the settlement. Once we were at the settlement, Hoofer got out and returned a few minutes later with his means of defense, which turned out to be a sledgehammer; once he was back in the wagon, we set course for Cloppenhagen.


The first hour of the trip home went by without anything happening, so we used the time to talk and enjoy ourselves. When the subject of our small talk turned to caps, an idea suddenly hit me and I tapped Zodi on the shoulder to get her attention “Zodi, I was thinking, now that we have a means of transportation that can get us back to Cloppenhagen before nightfall, could we maybe make a quick stop at that Drake claw camp, and get some of that salvage from their supply tent? We’ll split all we get for it between the four of us; how does that sound?” I asked.

Zodi looked thoughtful for a few seconds, before she said “Okay everypony, we’ll take a toilet and snack break at the Drake claw camp, and then we’re heading straight for Cloppenhagen.” I plotted a course with the help of my pipbuck, and relayed the instructions the wrist mounted computer gave me.

By the time we reached the camp, my back was aching from sitting like I did in the wagon; I wasn’t used to sit like that, so it put a certain degree of stress on my spine, and so the first thing I did when I exited the vehicle, was to stretch out along with Sky and Hoofer, who was as used to the wagon as I was, to remove the strain the trip had put on our backs; Zodi and Peach stood and watched us stretch, as Zodi was used to the weird way of sitting, and Peach had been laying down the entire time.

Once we were done stretching, we walked to the supply tent to get the things we would sell once got back to the city. We quickly agreed that one of us should keep guard, just in case we got uninvited guests, and Hoofer volunteered; he also promised to look after Peach, who was using the time to play with the earth pony doll she had taken with her from the moving van. Me, Sky and Zodi then went into the tent and started looking through the shelves.

I had just finished filling a bag with comics and magazines, and was leaving the tent, when a radroach slithered out from under a shelf and hissed at me; the sudden appearance and hissing of the insect, made me squeak and jump back into a shelf. A couple of glass bottles, filled with a ruby red fluid, fell from the top shelf, and shattered against the other shelves and the ground, the contents splattering over my legs, breast and face, some of it ending up in my mouth as well, but at the time I was too shocked to notice. I sat down and took a few deep breaths to calm myself, when I heard both Sky and Zodi call my name, and their hoof beats coming in my direction “I’m okay; it was just a stupid radroach that scared me.” I said as I checked myself over for cuts from the bottles, more out of instinct from my nurse training than anything else, I’d rather be sure I didn’t have glass in my lower legs and hooves than risk infection. After making sure I didn’t have any glass stuck in me, I looked up and saw Sky and Zodi with shocked expressions on their faces, and I could see why with all the red fluid on me; I swallowed once and said “Don’t worry, I know how it looks, but none of it is mine.”.

“Oh thank the goddesses. For a moment there, I thought you had slipped and cut yourself on some broken glass.” Sky said and walked over to me; she dug into the bag she had around her neck, and pulled out a large bottle of water, which she opened and started pouring over me, cleaning off the fluid that was on my face and legs, making my Geiger counter in my pipbuck tick slightly because of the light radiation in the water, though my barding would need some cleaning once we got back to Cloppenhagen. Once my coat wasn’t red anymore, Sky closed the bottle and put it and the remaining water back in the bag and said “There, good as new.” She then gave me a quick peck on the forehead before walking off to gather more things for us to sell.

Zodi gave a sigh of relief, before giving me an equally relieved smile, before walking off herself.

I took a final deep breath before I got up and found a package of radaway, which I gulped down, before carefully stepping over the broken bottles and what remained of the fluid, and walked to the tent exit; I opened the flap and took a quick look back at my marefriend, who was standing with her back to me “By the goddesses I love that mare.” I said to myself and giggled for a few seconds, before I went outside to put the bag in the wagon.

Since Zodis wagon didn’t have any place to store the many bags, we resorted to strapping the bags we filled to the roof of the wagon with some rope we had found in the supply tent; after a good half hour, we had gathered all the things that we wanted to take with us, and after a quick eating- and pee break, during which I decided to add Hoofer and Zodis names to my adventurers license, which would save us the trouble of having Hoofer and Zodi spend time filling out trading papers in the gate’s guard station, we were back on the road towards Cloppenhagen.

While we were driving, I turned on the radio in my pipbuck, and tuned into a local station called ‘The Cloppenhagen Voice Radio’ or CVR for short, the announcer, a stallion who called himself Silver Tongue, had apparently just finished a news report, and was now announcing the next 3 songs he would be playing, and soon after that, the soft tones of a cello filled the vehicle; it was a song called ‘Moonlight sorrow’ by a prewar musician named Octavia, and it was probably one of the best pieces of music I had ever heard. We didn’t get to hear much music in the stable, as the selection that the intercom radio had was very limited, and hardly any merchants came into the stable with new music, so it we would usually hear the same music for months, just played in a different order, and it was a welcomed change when a new song was finally played.

I suddenly heard a loud ping coming off the side of the wagon, followed immediately by Peach squeaking and hiding at the bottom of the wagon to avoid getting shot.

I looked out the window and saw at least 6 raider ponies, I couldn’t see more than the 6 because of the dust cloud they were kicking up, but I guessed there were more, armed with shotguns, pistols and knives, galloping towards us; one of the raiders fired at the wagon again, and I quickly withdrew my head so it wouldn’t get blown off; I turned to my companions and yelled as I grabbed Zodis rifle “We’ve got raiders on our tail!” I then leaned out of the window, Sky doing the same while donning her helmet, her nova surge rifles powering up once the helmet was in place; I put the rifle’s mouthgrip in my mouth, and took aim at our pursuers; not long after, me and Sky were blasting the raiders with lethal beams of magic. I missed a good deal of shots at first, but as we fought, my missed shots came fewer and further between, plus it turned out that my hunch about there being more than 6 raiders, turned out to be correct, because when the first few fell to our shots, more stepped out of the dust; thanks to Sky, who did an excellent job at defending the right side of the wagon; and Hoofer, who helped me change spark packs when the rifle ran out of energy, it didn’t take long until the remaining raiders turned tail and ran back to whatever hole they had crawled out of.


The rest of the trip was relatively peaceful, only interrupted by the occasional attack of a few members of the local wildlife, which me, Sky and hoofer took care of, depending on how close said wildlife came to the wagon, and when the sun was about to touch the horizon, we arrived at the city gates.

I got out of the wagon, and went and knocked on the huge gate; after a short while, a door beside the gate opened, and one of the heavily armored Hagen Rangers stepped out and said in a more or less monotone voice “Welcome to Cloppenhagen, if you are new to the city, please follow me to the guard station, so an ID can be made, and if you’re a trader, a trading permit will be provided, so you can trade within the city wall; if you wish to trade in the stable, we will can provide you with a special permit. If you’re already a citizen of the city, or have been here before, please present your identification for verification.” I nodded, and quickly got my adventurers license out of my saddlebags, and presented it to the power armored pony before me; the guard looked the paper over for a moment and said, in a voice that didn’t sound like he was reading from a script “We’ll open the gates shortly, so you may want to go back to your vehicle.” He then went back through the door, which closed automatically behind him a shortly after.

I started walking back to the wagon, but as I did, I felt a little woozy, like I was getting a cold or something; I shrugged it off as me either getting used to being outside, or getting used to driving in the wagon. I got in the wagon and said to Zodi “They’re getting ready to open the gates for us.”.

“Okie dokie, I’ll drive a little closer then.” Zodi said and proceeded to do just that, and as we started to move, the woozy feeling in my head and stomach started to go away.

As we neared the gate, the huge metal slaps started to swing open, just enough to let us through, and once we were past, the gates closed with a loud ‘clonk’ that made the earth shake a little. Zodi was about to drive into the city proper, when a Hagen Ranger stepped out and waved us over to the side. Since none of us wanted piss off the power armored ponies, with massive weapons on their backs, Zodi obeyed the gesture and pulled over to the ranger, and killed the engine. The armor clad pony walked over to where Zodi was sitting and said “Identification please.”.

“But we just showed it to the guy outside, why do we have to show it again?” Zodi asked a little annoyed; I could agree with her that it was very odd that we had to show our ID twice before we could enter the city.

“We’ve had to step up security after the last attack on the stable, so we have to check your identification again, and we’ll also have to do a quick search of your wares, to make sure you’re not hiding anyone. Now, may I please see your identification?” The ranger asked, holding out a hoof.

“Just a moment.” I said and quickly found my license once again, I then handed the paper over to Zodi, who in turn handed it over to the ranger.

The armored pony took the license and looked it over, apparently looking back and forth between us and the paper, at least that’s what I figured, with the amount of time he used to look at the document, he finally turned his head back to us and addressed me “I see that there are only four names in your license, but you have five ponies in your vehicle, care to explain that?”.

“Oh yeah, it’s the filly here…” I said and put a hoof on Peach Roses shoulder “She was kidnapped, and we’re taking her back to her mother.”.

“Is she a citizen of Cloppenhagen?” The ranger asked as he handed the license back to me.

“Just a sec.” I said and turned to the light pink filly. I put my hooves on her shoulders and asked her “Peach, does your mommy live here in Cloppenhagen?”.

“Yeah, mommy’s always live here.” Came the filly’s immediate answer, along with a big smile on her face.

I gave the filly a warm smile, along with a peck on the forehead, which made the filly giggle, before I turned back to the ranger and asked “Well?”.

The ranger stood like he was thinking for a moment, before he asked “What’s her name?”.

“Peach Rose, Why?” I asked.

“I need to look through our files to verify her identity. It’s going to take a couple of hours, so you have to stay here, but you’re welcome to visit quartermaster Bronze Wire over there…” the ranger pointed to a large, bunker like structure that was built into the wall, on the left side of the gate “He’ll get you something to eat, and he’ll be more than happy to do some business with you, while you wait.” The ranger gave us a nod and walked off to the guard station, which was a building that looked very similar to the mess hall/shop, but only half its size.

“Well, I guess we’re stuck here for the time being, so let’s go get some food.” Zodi suggested before opening the door and started walking over to the mess hall.

“Sounds like an idea to me.” Hoofer said and quickly joined the inventor in her walk over to the mess.

“I think I’ll take a bit of the stuff we got from the camp, and get us some caps.” Sky said before she got out of the wagon herself.

I was about to get out myself, when I felt Peach tuck at my sleeve; I looked down at the pink foal, who looked like she was about to cry, and asked worriedly “What is it Peach.” ‘Could she be worried that the Rangers can’t find her name?’ I thought as I looked at her big, sad, purple eyes.

“Wha-what if they can’t find my name, then, then I’ll never see mommy again, and I’ll have to live outside the wall forever and, and, and…” her voice trailed off as tears started running down her cheeks and she buried her head in my chest, and let her tears flow, with her labored breathing as the only sound.

I started massaging her back gently, until her labored breathing slowed and was replaced with a gentle sniffing, I then pulled away and locked eyes with the foal “Don’t you worry about that Peach, of course they’re gonna find your name, and then you’ll be home with your mommy before you can say ‘Fluttershy’.” I said and gave the pink foal a nuzzle, which made her giggle “And if not, me and the others are not going to rest, until you’re safely back home.” I declared in an overly dramatic fasion, which made the foal giggle even more.

Once Peach calmed down from her giggling fit, and had been quiet for a little bit, she looked up at me and asked “Amora, will you hold me a little, like mommy does when I’m afraid?”.

“Of course my little cutie, come here.” I said and scooped her up into my lap and held her gently against my chest, and even though I didn’t have a foal of my own, at that moment, it really felt like she was.

After a few minutes of sitting like this, peach looked up at me and said “Amora.”.

“Yes.” I said and looked down at her.

“I wanna get something to eat now.” She said and rubbed her belly.

“Right, let’s go then.” I said and opened the door; I set Peach down on the ground, before getting out myself; I grabbed a bag full of comics and magazines and walked over to the mess, with Peach following me closely; as we walked, the woozy feeling I had had outside the gate returned, and it felt worse than that time.

A/N: Sorry that this came out so late, but my personal life and the weather has been against me, but I’m still here and try my very best to be faster about the next chapter. I know that there is a lot of exposition in this chapter, but that was more to get some eventual questions out of the way, and I promise that there will be a lot less in the next chapter. Well, hope you enjoyed the chapter, and I’ll see you next time.


Fillygrad: A small settlement to the North West of Cloppenhagen. The town is one of the few that has managed to make indoor gardens and uses them grow vegetables, grass and fruit, and makes a profit by selling their produce in Cloppenhagen.

Individual raider gangs: The individual gangs of the raider territories usually consist of 5 to 20 members; they use most of their time roaming the wasteland to find ponies they can rob. Many of them use chems to become more aggressive than they already are, and thus they can be hard to fight.