• Published 26th Mar 2013
  • 1,395 Views, 39 Comments

Hug Everypony - KillerSteel

[Collab between KillerSteel and Art Inspired] Chrysalis just wants some hugs! But can she get them from the ponies she did such a terrible wrong to? For the sake of her loveable children, she goes to find out!

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Chapter 2: Flames For Breakfast

The morning sun graced the pleasant town of Ponyville, as well its unexpectedly kind guest. Sunlight peeked just over the mountains to the East, giving them the same majestic glow Chrysalis now donned. Golden light blinded the Queen as she opened her eyes, being unlucky enough to have fallen asleep in the lobby facing the window, but her sight’s savior came in a lift of her hoof.

The holes in it didn’t really help much, but it was a start, as her mind began to wonder; where would she go now? Twilight had been rather accepting of her wishes, but could she depend on others being anywhere near as kind?

“Twilight did have friends with her... Are they all in this town though?” she mumbled, standing up to escape the light of the sun, “Perhaps... the yellow one, Fluttershy I believe. So little information,” she grumbled, eyes moving around the library lobby. They fell on the stairs, then shifted up to Twilight’s room.

“Well, who better to ask than her friend?” She nodded at the thought; it was a good plan. If she didn’t know enough, she could always ask somepony else, a neglected fact when she first plotted the attack on Canterlot. Her eyes turned back to the sunrise while she sighed, for the town was barely awake yet. The streets outside still remained dead silent. With a shrug, she decided to waste some time in the kitchen; there had to be some treats left around.

“Changelings don’t even need to eat... shouldn’t steal from her,” the Queen grimaced; darned morals keeping her from the delicious morsels most definitely hidden in the cupboards and fridge. Suddenly, she noticed some eggs lying on the shelf in an open carton. They would probably make for a delicious breakfast, and with her debt unpaid, Chrysalis decided it would be perfectly generous to prepare Twilight a yummy and well deserved meal. If only she knew how to cook.

“I’m in a library... must be some books on cooking around here.” She exited the kitchen, curious as to where she would look for such a tome. The monolithic bookcases all stared back at her, no noticeable organization strategy having been used. The titles appeared to be in alphabetical order, but the subjects of the books jumped from magic theory, to geography, to mathematics, then back to magic theory. It was all completely random.

“Does she memorize where each of these books sit, or something? Alphabetical order doesn’t really help with hunting down a b-”

Her eyes landed on a shelf, blinking in confusion.

“Cooking For Foals. There’s a whole series of them here!” She was bewildered by it; didn’t titles vary at all in Equestria? “Well, may as well try it.”

Her magic grasped two volumes from the shelf, gently pulling them from their brethren, “Have to remember where these were... hmm.” Looking for a proper object to remind her of where the books would go, she returned to the kitchen. Numerous tools of supposed culinary origin sat on the counter, lined up and ready for use. She drew a wooden spoon from the line, thinking it would be as good a reminder as any. With a quick flick of her magic, the spoon landed perfectly in the space the books left behind; a perfect shot.

She turned back to the kitchen and moved to the counter, grabbing the carton of eggs and pulling it to her front. “Alright, eggs... what confection could you be put in?” She turned the cover of the book, staring at the print; this was a book for foals, wasn’t it?

“This print is tiny...” She leaned towards the book, focusing on the writing. “Baking, frying, stove-top cooking, fry pan use... well, aren’t you a page-filled tutor?” Her brow rose with her shrug, and she started flipping through the pages. Recipes for cupcakes, cakes, muffins - so many muffins -, omelettes, hashbrowns, potato dishes, salads... “How did they manage to fit so many recipes in this book?”

She closed the book and lifted it up, staring at the spine; it was barely bigger than a typical novel, yet the recipes contained within would fill an archive. “Those are some very thin pages...”

She returned to her quest for a proper breakfast recipe, the thought of spending weeks finding out how such a book was made scaring her away from thinking further on the issue. After five minutes and nearly making herself sick by the mere sight of a certain cupcake’s sugar content, the recipe for a basic scrambled eggs dish revealed itself.

“Perfect. We’ll start with this then!” She smiled and set to work. The recipe demanded dishes, of course, as well as a pan, oil, three eggs, a certain temperature, a stove, constant attention, a ‘spatula’, whatever that was, and numerous other things. The writer of the book likely found himself with a large hospital bill...

After several minutes of fighting with the dishes, trying not to upset the excessively clogged pan drawer, and thinking of what a ‘spatula’ would actually be, she’d assembled her tools, thanks to a very helpful set of pictures located in the back.

“You would think they would place these pictures somewhere more useful.” She shook her head and set about her cooking. With little help of the instructions in the book, she cracked three eggs into the pan, and then dropped the shells in assuming they were part of the mixture, a layer of oil already heated to help them cook, and kept an eagle’s eye on the reaction taking place in front of her. She had to retreat several times from getting too close to the pillar of steam. After about fifteen minutes, though, black fog began to waft from the pan.

“Gah! Wha- did... I do something wrong?”

Naturally, this being her first time trying to prepare anything, she neglected to coat the pan with cooking spray. Her relying solely on the pictured was a mistake as well, for she put the temperature way too high, igniting the dish and waking Twilight abruptly. At first, she thought Spike had burped in the middle of his sleep and caught the house on fire, again. However, he was in his picnic basket, heavily lost in dreamland, and the smoke was wafting from down stairs, which could only mean one thing in Twilight’s mind.

“Chrysalis is trying to burn the house down! I knew she couldn’t be trusted!”

With great speed, not even bothering to run down stairs, she teleported herself to the lobby, only to find it filled with smoke, and no Changeling Queen to be found. She reached for the door, this time it wished to be opened from the bottom instead of the regular way, only infuriating Twilight even more. As she grunted, she heard her house destroying guest in the kitchen making odd sounds and coughing to the point of wheezing.

Twilight ran in and asked, “What did you do?!”

Without much choice, she summoned a magical vortex in the roof that sucked all the smoke in, leaving nothing but clear, purified air in the atmosphere of the house. Chrysalis, in tears and a damaged sounding voice said, “I was just trying to muh-... make you a nice breakfast.”

The unicorn’s mouth dropped at the statement. Her eyes gazed at the burnt meal in the ruined pan, and sighed. She was more relieved than mad. How could she possibly be upset with the truth? It was clear she’d misjudged the mare in the worst way. “You... tried to cook me a breakfast?”

“I’m sorry...” She collapsed and covered her head with her hooves, too embarrassed by her failure to want to be seen. Twilight walked over to her and placed a hoof on her shoulder, sitting down.

“It’s alright. The pan wasn’t... all that expensive, I can have it replaced. And only the food burned, right? None of the kitchen, or the libary, or the books!” Twilight grinned, trying to cheer her guest up; she was right after all. The pan was a twenty bit affair, and it could be replaced just like any other kitchen utensil.

Had any of the books burned, however, heads would have rolled. Then been launched into outer space as she tried to replace her beloved texts and tomes.

“W-Well... I suppose not,” Chrysalis shivered, moving a hoof away from her eyes. Only one day in this library, and you’ve already destroyed something... stupid mare... I need to get it replaced, but where should I go? Wait, perhaps... Chrysalis raised her head, looking up at Twilight, a spark of conviction in her eyes, “Twilight, if you would allow me to... I could get your pan replaced. Do you have any friends that may have a spare or two?”

“Friends? Uhh... ah, I know who. I’d say Pinkie, but she destroys that kitchen every other week, so all her pay is used on replacing pots, pans, stoves, walls, ceiling tiles, even the odd window. Fluttershy, however, keeps a nice stock of kitchenware off-hoof... not sure why, but she’s been doing a lot of cooking lately,” Twilight nodded, smiling. Great idea, Twilight! Fluttershy owes you for losing that Daring Do book anyway, a new frying pan shouldn’t be that big an investment!

“Fluttershy? I shall go to her abode immediately,” Chrysalis stood up, regaining her regal posture as she looked back at her host, “Just, erm... where does she live?”

“She lives near the Everfree Forest in a cottage. If you leave the library, take a left, right, left right, go straight for about three blocks, then take another left, follow the street to the edge of the town, then walk down the left road until the next exit, then head down that-”

“J-Just some written instructions would be appreciated, Twilight! Thank you,” Chrysalis smiled, just trying to keep her from passing out during her mad rambling. After a few minutes and the threat of another fire starting from just how quickly Twilight scribbled the instructions - that smoke trail was getting awfully wide -, Chrysalis was out the door in a new disguise; that of a blue mare with an emerald mane and tail. Completely inconspicuous and natural.

Well, that was what she thought as she began her walk, horn lit to carry the thirty step set of instructions to get to Fluttershy’s cottage, but the strange looks from ponies around her made her rethink her disguise.

Why are all these ponies staring at me? Is it my coat? No, blue is quite natural... my horn? I made it as straight as I could, but maybe there’s still a sharp coil to it. What about my teeth? No fangs... her eyes turned up to her mane, a faint glow coming from its glorious green, My mane looks perfectly fine! Matches my eyes.

Finding nothing out of the ordinary, she simply carried on her march to the abode, eyes all around watching her every move. Mares’ jaws dropped, stallions felt themselves dragged toward her, even colts and fillies around felt trapped by her form and angelic glow.

Alright. Go right after one block, left after one block, right after one block, left after one block, then go straight to the edge of town. Then, we turn left and walk to the next exit and walk up the hill into Everfree Glades. After that, it’s a set of turns and a winding path, and I just need to follow the sound of birds to get where I want to go... hm, simple. Very long winded, but simple!

After about half an hour of following the meticulous directions to the letter, the Queen found herself at the entrance to the fearsome Everfree Forest. The trees stood gnarled and tall over her head, a few streams of light barely poking through the canopy of interlocking leaves, as if the forest grew specifically to produce a dark environment. As she wandered onto the covered path, her eyes moved up to the leaves, all fit together like a jigsaw puzzle.

“This forest always was strange... Hydras banging on the walls of the hive as they slept in the bog, manticore threats, the dangers of the plant life itself... it’s no wonder we moved near Neighagra Falls,” Chrysalis mumbled, remembering the troubles of maintaining the Everfree Hive. Every single day, a new problem would arise, from a manticore following a patrol back home, to a few of the foals running off to hunt down a mighty Hydra, to so many problems with the Hive’s structure itself from the numerous, massive creatures both slumbering in Froggy Bottom Bog, and the equally massive, hostile plants whose roots burrowed so deep, it was amazing they hadn’t struck gold.

“I still remember when we had that one gigantic Venus fly trap grow into the Hive... that was a troublesome affair for the Court indeed,” she grimaced a bit, thinking back to her children trying to burn the invading monster with their magic. Thankfully, no lives were lost, but two of the drones did lose their exoskeletons in the process... a horrific sight that nopony should ever have to endure. Her spine froze at the memory, and she frantically shook her head rid her mind’s eye of it, “I never want to see something like that again...”

Her mind began to swim despite her resistance, thinking back to the rampant starvation in the Falls Hive... it turned her stomach, seeing so many of her children wasting away. I should have listened to them... should have simply let them leave the Hive, find love on their own, even requested help from the monarchy. I was blind enough to believe their starvation would drive them to be effective soldiers, but that all blew up in my face about as well as that stupid shield Shining Armor and his wife cleared us all out of Canterlot with. That’s the last time I ever ignore the wishes of my Changelings.

Far off in Fillydelphia... or rather, under it, a new hive was growing under the leadership of a Changeling soldier, he and his workers all listening to the thoughts of their Queen.

“She finally gets it. Took long enough!” One of the workers grumbled, chewing on a stubborn rock as he tried to cut a path towards the new nursery.

“She was working at it, just be thankful that she’ll listen to us more,” Another cried out, lounging against the wall as he waited for his next work shift to start.

“Listen to us? Please. Her Highness always believes she’s in the right, no matter what her followers say,” yet another cried out, chucking rocks at the wall as she listened for a hollow section. There’s gotta be a cave here somewhere... tunnels are so natural under cities!

“All of you be quiet and keep working. We’ve gotta figure out a way to get food ourselves if Queen Chrysalis fails,” the soldier shouted, the workers falling silent under his bellow, “Just believe in her, and we’ll see this through.”

“Aye aye!” The workers cried out, and they all carried on with their work.

“Now where is that cottage?” Chrysalis raised her eyebrow as she dropped the disguise, looking at the instructions trapped in her green aura, “I followed every single note here to the letter. Did I get lost or something?”

Her eyes wandered, trying to pick out a branching path from the single, curved one she’d been following for quite a while. There hadn’t been any turns since the start of her walk, the instructions simply marking which trees to pass through onto another path, but in every direction she looked, there were just more irritatingly tall trees.

But something echoed through the forest that guided her ears, though her eyes were unable to follow their leadership. Is that... somepony singing?

Sure enough, a heavenly chorus drifted on the breeze, the Changeling happily following the auditory trail. She kept to cover, hiding behind trees and bushes so she could at least get a sight of the singer. Wouldn’t do to scare this pony off... but my goodness, that’s a marvelous sound.

A clearing suddenly broke the pattern of trees appearing after trees, revealing the sound she’d meant to listen for from the instructions; the sounds of birds singing. Well... I think I found her. Hopefully.

Her eyes quested across the clearing, first spotting a cottage built into the side of a hill. It reminded her of her own hives, but it was much more homely and wooden, rather than being built of ichor and rock. We should get some carpenters in our Hive, make the place a bit more liveable...

Eventually, the emerald eyes fell upon a buttercup pony, the ears pointing toward them as well. Pegasus, pink mane and tail... that’s definitely her. Need to think of how to do this though. How do I approa-

Her mind locked up as she saw the path leading away from the cottage, a clear view of Ponyville as well as a swath of a path cut through to the edge of town. I was going to the wrong way! Alright, note to self, ask Twilight to dumb down any directions she writes for me... it was hard enough following those directions. Curse my bad sense of direction!

A quick shake of her head set her eyes back on the objective at hoof, and she receded into the bushes. A careful approach is necessary... hmmm... just how do I approach her though? What can I use? Darn it. She ran a multitude of ideas through her head; injured Changeling, using one of her friends as a disguise, simply going up to her, even taking on the form of an animal! It all didn’t suit her needs, or move away from lying or forcing to get her way. Direct approach would scare her off, injured animal or pony would plant me on my flank for weeks as she treated me, or worst case, send me off to the hospital, and the injured Changeling would just result in the same as the first approach!

Her teeth scraped together in aggitation, and the singing suddenly stopped. Oh... shoot.

“I-Is somepony there?” The pony looked around, wings flitting slightly, “P-Please, come out... I don’t like it when ponies hide...”

The idea of simply walking out slowly came to Chrysalis’ mind, but her logic stopped the thought short. The attack was only a few days ago! What reason would she have for trusting me? But I can’t lie, either... well, here goes everything. With a heavy gulp, the Queen stepped out into the sunlight, moving slowly so she didn’t disturb the serenity of the scene. The birds stopped chirping, squirrels stopped scampering about, and even the pony herself froze up... everything just stopped, as eyes slowly turned to the Changeling.

“W-W-Who’s-” Fluttershy’s head turned slowly, but as soon as her eyes set upon the black devil advancing from the edge of the forest like a hungry predator, she felt her muscles seize completely. Her mind was completely blank as her pupils shrunk, terror ravaging every bastion and defense in her thoughts. Run... I-I have to run... legs, move, please...

The Changeling looked around the meadow as if it were a scene frozen in time, birds floating stationary as they stared at her. She felt uneasy with the observers, but forced her eyes back to the target of her goal, and made her slow advance. She softened her expression to as gentle a look as she could, but the shivering pegasus merely stood, frozen.

“P-Please... d-don’t hurt me...” tears ran down the poor pony’s cheeks as her emotions took over, wobbling slightly as her muscles started to shut down. “J-Just l-l-leave me a-alone...”

“I’m not going to hurt you... your name is Fluttershy, yes?” Chrysalis kept her voice as level and quiet as possible, stopping a good distance away from the pegasus. Any kind of aggressive movement, and she’s going to pass out...

“Y-Y-Yes... a-and y-you’re C-C-Chrys-s-salis...” Fluttershy could barely keep her voice stable, bottom lip quivering as she willed her legs to move... but the dragon’s eyes of the Changeling were almost hypnotic, like a snake ready to snatch the defenseless mouse from its den... and devour her whole.

“Yes. Queen Chrysalis... I’m not here to harm you, or disturb anything here. I just require something of you...”

“W-W-What d-do you w-want with me?”

“I just... I’m trying to find my children, and bring home enough food to help them... but in order to do that, I first need to gather enough love.”

“Y-Y-You want t-to c-control my mind, j-just like the Captain...” Fluttershy’s legs twitched, control returning.

Shoot, she’s starting to move! C’mon, Chrysalis, reassure her! Her panic merely resulted in a quick blink as she thought of something to say, “No, no, honest... there’s just one thing I want from you. I just...”


“I just want a hug,” Chrysalis’ brow rose slightly. No devious grin, no twinkle in her eye, no glint from her waiting fangs... nothing. She didn’t even take a step forward, as if relying on her words alone.

“A... hug?” Fluttershy turned to the Changeling, wings out in preparation. S-She’s lying... she just wants you so she can feed... she’s a monster.

But with each look into those worried, pained eyes, Fluttershy felt her own accusations lose ground. “You... j-just... want a hug, right?”

“Yes. That’s all I want.” Chrysalis nodded as she spoke, gently sitting down on the grass below her. She made no movement beyond that, simply looking at the grass before Fluttershy’s hooves, waiting for the pegasus to decide on her own. I can’t get anything from her if I force it... so, if it’s going to happen... it will simply happen. Hopefully. She quirked her mouth slightly, I’m putting a lot of trust in this mare...

Fluttershy simply blinked at the submissive Changeling, looking around at the forest edge. Nothing blinked back at her, no bushes shuddered with a creature trying to hide from her gaze, none of the trees held any shadows. She knew the glade she lived in like her hoof, all the hiding places, all the concealing shadows, even where the darkness would appear at each time of the day. She had to...

She often used those places to hide herself. Every single competent hiding place, however, revealed nothing to her inspective eyes; they were all empty. Chrysalis was alone. Why’d she come alone...? Isn’t she trying to feed on love? Or...

Her eyes fell back to Chrysalis, feeling a bit more sure of herself. “You came alone...?”

“Yes. It’s just me here. My goal is simply to receive love the way my children wanted to... and I’m hoping you will be kind enough to grant me what I desire.” She remained still as a statue.

“Well...” Fluttershy bit her lip, taking a step toward the Changeling. Chrysalis held down any twitches or random movements, though her heart couldn’t hold back from showing her excitement, beating faster. The pegasus made step after tentative step, slowly building her courage, as well as the strength in her tense wings; trust was something she couldn’t give, not yet... but she did have a way of testing her. “If... you’re honest, then you can do something for me.”

Chrysalis’ brow fell a bit, noticing a change in the pony’s voice. Is that... authority in her tone? Strange... “What would you have me do?”

“Just look into my eyes.”

“What will that accomplish?”

“Honest ponies look each other in the eye... well, while they’re speaking, anyway.”

A twinge of worry hit her, inexplicably, but she looked up into Fluttershy’s cerulean eyes. There was certainly something... different in them. Instead of the gentle, shy look that she was used to from the wedding, this was more of a soul-piercing stare into her mind, wordlessly demanding everything...

“Tell me... why you came here...” Fluttershy whispered, her brow falling further as she burrowed into Chrysalis’ eyes. The Changeling blinked, unable to break the stare, but her gaze remained unchanged.

“I came for a hug. That’s it,” she said flatly, keeping her stare as non-aggressive as possible, but she felt her own emotions boil below her heart. What’s she trying to do with that look? Control yourself, Chrysalis, control yourself...


“Yes. Perfectly.”

The glare held itself, strengthening as Fluttershy sought some hint of a lie, some fracture in Chrysalis’ armor, a crack she could pull open and see into her purest intentions. But no chink or opening revealed itself; either the Changeling was one of the world’s best liers, or she was honest... eventually, the Stare fell away, and the pegasus let out a sigh. “Well, alright... just, don’t grab me, ok?”

The Queen nodded, and the shy pony walked up. The movement was labored, but she wrapped her forelegs around the black chitinous neck, a gentle hug held around her. Chrysalis sighed, not moving as the hug tightened slightly, and she could feel the warmth added to her own.

“Wow... you’re actually... warm,” Fluttershy blinked in surprise; it felt like she was hugging a soft blanket, rather than a hard plate of steel as the exoskeleton appeared in the light. She felt something leaving her as the red mist rose from her body, sucked away into the holes on the Changeling’s legs. Comfort washed over her mind, pulling worry away in the advancing tide, and she simply relaxed into the hug.

The Queen smiled, feeling quite proud of herself for this recent victory. I did it... I convinced the shyest pony in Equestria to give me a hug. Hehe... really should have tried this before the invasion. Much more fulfilling... she closed her eyes and brought her own leg around, returning the loving hug.

A quiver raced through her, one of appreciation and joy; far more than the Chrysalis of the past had felt during that fateful battle... and the two stayed in that meadow for a time; the request for the pan could come later, after all. For now, Chrysalis merely stored the love for her children.

Comments ( 36 )

Because hugging giant bugs= something you'd want to do.

Let's go hug a pony!


Let's go hug a changeling!


This will either end very well for the Changelings or they die out.




World's Most Huggable Being, 2013.


Let's go hug both a Changeling and a pony! Yes, let's be non-mainstream!

I would so hug Queen Chrysalis.


So would I. Despite the threat of dying to her feminine wiles.

2321725 I too would hug Chrysalis, though if my theory on the size of a pony compared to a human is correct, then I could pick her up and cuddle her against my chest like a dog, or have her lay on my lap like one.


Both excellent ideas. I see ponies as about waist high to people.

I want to hug everypony too!


Join the club and start hugging! Spread the love!

All my hugs are belong to them.

Had to do it.


Hugs are for all, though. Share some love for your fellow man and pony!


*Hugs Thorax.*

Also, welcome back, buddy. Been quite a while since you dropped by!

I haven't been doing much lately, so I thought I'd stop by when I saw the story in my message box.


Should drop in in the Skype chat more, man. What's been going on?

Can't, I was banned from that after the incident with Twow (The one where Art and I took the joke story too far.) At the time I was still completely unaware of what had happened to Twow in the past and apologized immediately.

That's more reason to hug her, I reckon :moustache:


Well, maybe... maybe it brings a smalllll benefit of being able to turn into whoever you want.

And what can I say? For an exoskeletal Changeling, she's quite soft...

Very nice Steel, very nice.


Just finished Chapter 5 of 120 Days of Blueblood... seeing this pop up in my notifications reminded me just how nice life outside of Bronystories'... stories was.

I'm gonna go imagine Chrysalis giving me a nice hug now... thanks for the cooommeeeent...

Oh God, I'm gonna be sick...


Glad you enjoyed, friend!

2366745 All that story did was fill me with the need to execute. If you know what I mean.

So...Chrysalis is gathering love the Luna way?

Attack of the adorables is certainly more effective than attack of the bloodthirsty.


She was never able to do.

You, Sir Steel, are a writing genius. First "Twilight's Nightmare", now this? I have to go to the bank to withdraw enough feels to give...:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:

That good enough?


Don't worry about paying me in feels now... I'll collect later.

With interest.

And this was done as a collab with a very good friend of mine, and since he came up with the idea, he deserves a lot of the credit. I just helped him write it and posted it here at his advice.

2321631 Ron taught me that big bugs are less scary than small ones :scootangel:

Lol just lol, nicely done sir you made me laugh, I like it so far, must read MAOR!!! :pinkiegasp:

I haven't read the first chapter and I already like it.

IS this dead :P?


Hopefully not, but it'll take some time for me to get motivation for writing again. It's on hiatus, and that's about all I can say on it. The plan's pretty clear, so continuing it shouldn't be too hard, at least.

So sweet! Moar hugs please!

nooooooo.... Its dead...


Sorry, buddy. My work ethic's been through the ringer lately, and my co-author's kinda dropped off the map. Tons of stories to continue, no time to continue 'em.

Still, glad you enjoyed what was there, buddy! Just doing things one story at a time here, so Fumble's getting my attention.

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