• Published 20th Mar 2013
  • 1,434 Views, 15 Comments

What's Missing? - Liaf112

  • ...

Chapter 4

Oh great.

"Alrighty then, you two come with me." I say and turn around and walk forward. I walk directly into the door.

I shake my head from the impact and reach around for the door knob until the door opens from someone else.

"Thank you, now come on you two." I say as I walk out the door into what I think is the hallway. It smells like old books

Once I walk all the way through I bump into a wall. I turn around and hear hooves and talons clicking and clopping on the obviously wood floor. After they get close enough they both get in with me and shut the door.

What I didn't realize was that it was the instructor supply closet. All three of us are crammed into a closet that is supposed to be used for extra boxes of chalk and paper. I now have feathers in my face, a hoof up against my knee and what feels like a talon touching my man area.

I let out a sigh and say "Well this is interesting...Gilda could you move that just a bit. Maybe you can start touching that after we've been dating for longer than a day."

The talon moves and I hear a quiet mumble that went along the lines of 'not in front of her'.

I give a light chuckle and say "Alright, what exactly is the problem?"

The mare I learn was actually best friends with Gilda back when they were in flight school and her name is Rainbow Dash. Gilda was extremely mean to Rainbow's new friends.

"Now, what is your side of this Gilda?" I ask her.

"All I wanted to do was spend some time with her. Around her new friends I can't be as...emotional as i wanted to be. I just wanted a friend to talk to about my parents passing. I-I-I just wanted to be alone with my friend."

I hear some sniffling and reach behind me for some paper. I maneuver my arm in front of me offering them both some. I feel them both take some.

"Are all three of us cool here now?" I ask them.

"Yeah I think we're cool." Says Rainbow.

"Yeah, but I'm going to still have to apologize to your friends." says Gilda.

"Well, I came here with one of them. You remember Fluttershy?" asks Rainbow.

"Uh, no which one was that?"

"Yellow pegasus, pink mane and tail. You screamed at her after she ran into you."



"Can we leave the closet now?" I ask them.

They both start laughing. Someone opens the door and we walk out .

As we were walking out Gilda asks " Why did you bring us in the closet in the first place?"

"I...thought it was the door to the hall..." I replied to them.

The entire class burst into laughter. I crossed my arms and pouted then loosened up and started laughing too. I started laughing so hard that I had to lean on my walking stick. After I calmed down I calmed down the class and started teaching. While I teach Gilda said she was going to sit with Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy.

After the class I hear two sets of hoof steps and the click thud of talons and paws comming towards me.

"Hey B, Dash and Fluttershy are going to join us for dinner, but it's my treat this time." Gilda says to me.

"But if you start doing that I'll probably start feeling like I'm only using you for your money." I say while making a pouty face.

"And if you are the only one paying I'll feel like I'm not pulling my own weight." She starts back at me.

She is starting to get when I'm messing with her.

"Alright, alright, hehehe. So, where are we going?"

"How about the same place we went yesterday?" Gilda asks me.

"Do they serve food there that Rainbow Dash and Fluttershe can actually eat?" I ask her.

"Um...my name is actually F-Fluttershy..."

"Sorry miss." I say to her.

Gilda pipes up with "Yeah they have a vegetarian menu there too."

"Okay, is it alright with you two that we go to the Hungry Gryphon?" I ask the two mares.

"Eh, it's cool with me. What about you Flutters?"

"Oh...um...y-yes that sounds f-fine to m-m-me." She says quietly, whispering near the end.

"She's cool with it." Says Rainbow. "It'll be kinda like a double date."

"Well, I've never been on a double date before." I state as a matter of fact.

"Get used to it B, you are going to be doing a LOT of things you have never done before." Gilda says to me.

I give a scared look. "Some of those things won't involve whips and chains will they?"

I hear what sounds like someone getting slapped and then three voices laughing. I start laughing too.

When we all calmed down I say "Come on everyone lets go." I walk through the door.

"....What is with him and that supply closet?" Rainbow asks then starts laughing.

Gilda follows me and starts leading me by my walking stick. We exited the building about a minute later and started heading towards the restaurant.

Author's Note:

If anyone sees a mistake let me know because I did this on my Galaxy Player.