• Published 2nd Feb 2012
  • 21,662 Views, 683 Comments

Between Day and Night - Davesknd

Twilight is called back to Canterlot to spend some time with the princesses

  • ...

Phase Seven

There are no photons more charged than the ones attacking the closed eyes of a dreamer. Twilight had on several occasions considered measuring their power and see how much stronger they were. Maybe one could improve solar panels by putting huge eyelids onto them.
And on this morning, they were as merciless as always.

The unicorn was torn from her dreamless slumber with a groan and shook her bed-deformed mane.
The sun had already risen a little into the slightly cloudy sky and a quick glance towards the clock informed Twilight that Celestia had allowed her to sleep in a little. It was strange enough that she had been able to sleep in the first place.

“Time for my last meal…” she muttered and got up.

The purple mare spent a little more time than usual in the bathroom. For a moment, she considered putting on more make-up than usual and asking for a pretty dress… but she had to be honest with herself: Twilight did not care about surface appearances and neither did Celestia.
No, she would confess her love exactly as she was. Well… very clean and slightly more groomed than usual, but that was just courtesy. She brushed her teeth fourteen times in a row, not so much due to optimism, but because she wanted to play for time.
As she finished her hygiene, Twilight did something she usually avoided. She called for a maid.
Seconds later, one of the many well dressed and highly competent maids entered the room.

“How may I serve you, Lady Sparkle?” she asked professionally.

“Erm… is Princess Celestia still at breakfast?” Twilight asked awkwardly. It was always difficult for her to address the servants when they called her “Lady”. Sometimes she wondered how Shining Armour dealt with being a prince.

“In fact, yes.” The maid answered “She has not yet finished. Would you like me to deliver a message?”

“No, thank you. I will just join her.” The unicorn answered carefully “Oh! Is Princess Luna with her?”

“Princess Luna insisted on eating alone today.” The maid answered briefly.

Suddenly the unicorn recognized the voice and a question popped into her head. “Say, where did you get the iron ore from?” she asked carefully.

“We have our sources.” Came the professional answer.

“Could you please tell me?” the scientist in Twilight begged “I’ve been wondering all evening!”

“Bribed Discord with four pies.” The maid answered after harrumphing.

Twilight nodded. Pastries were a hard currency in Equestria.

“Well, I should go and join the princess.” She added and left the maid to her duties.

The unicorn trotted towards the dining hall. Whatever would happen later, she needed something in her belly. While she was not too hungry, a part of her expected to lose a lot of liquid due to tears soon.
As she reached the door to the dining hall, the unicorn stopped. Her stomach was in knots and her heart had decided to move towards her throat and have a house warming party.

*Maybe I shouldn’t do it…* came a thought from the back of her head *Maybe I can keep pretending that there is nothing and… and what?*

She let out a groan and shook her head. “No! I have to do it! Otherwise, the Mirror-Twilights would have died for nothing!”

A soft clinking sound alarmed her and Twilight turned to look into the eyes of a very worried looking servant, who had just dropped an empty milk can.

“And I just said that out loud…” she sighed and entered the room, ignoring the confused stallion.

The sun was just high enough to bath the whole room in gold and at the end of the table sat Celesita, clad in her regalia and the light of her foster sphere.

The unicorn let out a small sigh at the sight and moved towards the princess, who was still nursing a cup of tea and two cupcakes as she was reading in a book.

“Twilight!” the monarch said cheerfully “Good morning! Did you rest well?”

No matter how nervous Twilight had been mere minutes ago, the cheeriness immediately brought a smile onto her face. It was tough being nervous and afraid, when you were just so happy.

“Yes, I slept well.” The unicorn answered happily and made her way towards the table.

“Come closer, there is something I want to show you.” Celestia said with a playful smile.

Carefully, Twilight moved closer. “This doesn’t involve any squirting flowers, does it?”

“Oh, Twilight!” the princess giggled “I respect the classics, but I that one is probably older than me…”

The unicorn suppressed a giggle, imagining two amoebas in the primal soup being completely taken aback by the originality of a squirting flower. She moved next to the princess, who took a quick glance around.

The princess gently pushed her hair aside, revealing he covered eye.

“It’s getting better!” Twilight said happily.

Celestia simply nodded, equally glad. Her eye still had red spots, but they had become smaller.
“Soon, I will be able to return to my duties.”

This sentence hit Twilight like a whip. All thoughts of remaining quiet or taking time were thrown out in an instant. She had to confess today! The sooner, the better!

“Erm… Celestia?” the unicorn asked carefully, quickly grabbing some food with her magic off the set table.

The princess set down the book and gave Twiight her full attention. “Yes?”

“Is there a place we could talk after breakfast?” the purple unicorn asked carefully “Somewhere private?” *And romantic?*

“Hm? We can talk wherever we want. My resting chambers, my office, your room, my private gardens…”

Twilight thought over her options. What was the room where she felt most comfortable, where she was truly happy?

The library!


“Could we go to your chambers?” the unicorn decided, nervousness slowly working its way back up. Books were soothing, but a view of the red-golden clouds and sun-drenched country was more romantic.

“Of course. Whatever you want.” The sun princess answered gently.

Twilight quickly busied herself with eating and drinking, leaving Celestia to her book. The unicorn was not very hungry, but she hoped that she could untie some of the knots in her stomach by forcing food through them.

When both mares had eaten, they left the servants to their duty and headed for the chambers of the princess.
Twilight didn’t speak a single word on the way and Celestia had to wonder why her friend had such a stern expression on her face. Convicts on the way to the gallows would tell her to cheer up a little.
They reached the princess’ room, high in the towers of Canterlot castle.
After entering, Twilight walked towards the window, looking outside and leaving a slightly confused Celestia by the door.
The ponies of Canterlot had done a wonderful job, painting the leaves in hundred colours and the clouds moved slowly in the blue sky, their bottom drenched in the gold of the rising sun.
It was a wonderful view.

*For mirror Twilight…*

“Would you join me?” Twilight asked gently, turning to look at the princess.

Celestia simply nodded and closed in on the pony, not sure what to expect. The smaller pony had behaved rather curiously today. Well… there was a small blossom of hope, deep within.

Twilight looked up at her mentor, teacher, ruler … princess! She pushed the thought away and calmed herself in the way Cadence had taught her long ago.

“Celestia… this is something I just… no, this is something that is long overdue and I only recently realized.” Twilight slowly began, fighting to keep her eyes locked with the gentle gaze of the princess. “Celestia… you have known me for so long… you took me in when I was just a filly with a fresh cutie mark. You have done so much for me. You inspired me to study magic. You showed me my love for books, for reading and learning.” Her will crumbled and her eyes dropped, as Twilight felt her cheeks burn and her tongue drying “You reintroduced me with Spike, as you raised him, you led me towards my best friends and you always watch over me and help me when I need you.” The unicorn could feel her heart smashing against her ribs, as if trying to escape its bony prison “You are literally the sun of my life. I can look up to you and just bask in your glory, but you never burn me…”
The unicorn forced everything into those last words “Celestia! I can no longer deny or hide it! I love you! I thought I only admired, adored or idolize you… but this is not the case. I love you! I love who you are, I love spending time with you and I love seeing you happy! I… I know this is selfish of me, but I want to see you happy on every day of my life… because your smile makes me happier than…” Words lost meaning as a tear dropped from Twilight’s cheek. She closed her eyes and sobbed softly at the silent Princess.

Celestia had remained quiet throughout the confession, her countenance unreadable.

“Twilight…” she started calmly, but almost without gentleness. “I am the alicorn of the sun. The ruler of Equestria for centuries. I bring the fire of life to the sky, the warmth to the earth and light to all things that walk upon it. As much as I wish it was differently, to all ponies in Equestria, I am a god.”

Twilight felt cracks run over her heart.

“When ponies look to me, they must see a flawless being. Something to inspire them, just like I inspired you. I cannot have a flaw, weakness or taint. In our chaotic world, they must know that the sun will rise and set and nothing will change that.” The sun princess drew a quick breath and continued, as the unicorn’s lip started to quiver.
“They must also know that I rule them fairly and just, without favouring anyone. That my rule is true and just.”
Another tear dropped from the unicorn’s cheek and was quickly followed by another.
“If I ever gave my heart to somepony, that person would be in grave danger, for I have many enemies and some so powerful that I could only protect him or her with all of my might. And that would mean leaving my post. And that would mean abandoning my subjects.”

The tears were now running freely and Twilight could feel how the cracks ran deeper, almost deep enough to shatter her heart. “PLEASE!” she suddenly yelled “Stop! Just reject m...”

“NO” Celestia answered, her voice hard as a diamond sharp as a scalpel, sending Twilight to her haunch. “I have to say this and you have to hear this! ALL OF IT! IF I EVER MEANT SOMETHING TO YOU, YOU WILL HEAR AND LISTEN!

Calmness returned not without effort and Twilight looked at the princess in shock. ”But I am flawed... I am not made of stone, nor am I a ball of fire in the sky. I can hunger, I can tire, I can cry and I can be beaten.”

Suddenly, a hint of sadness crept onto Celestia’s visage. “Twilight... loving me would mean living a lie. It would mean hiding your feelings from the entire world. Only your closest friends would be allowed to know and even they would have to take the secret to the grave. No matter how much you would like to shout it into the world, no matter how deeply you want to express it, to the outside world those feelings cannot exist. Maybe you would spend the best years of your life, sacrificing the chance to have your own family. No husband or wife at home, no children, no family for yourself. You would not even enjoy the privilege of marrying into nobility. Maybe the sister of Shining Armour will be invited, but not Twilight Sparkle, the lover of the princess. At best, you would be my shadow; maybe a cunning observer would express a suspicion and get laughed at for it. And finally, loving an eternal being would mean slowly withering while I remain eternal and unchanging. You would become an old mare... and die. Nothing I know can save you from that fate. Only a happy memory would remain.”

Celestia allowed herself a sigh and moved a bit closer.

“Twilight, have you understood what I just said?”

The unicorn nodded very slowly.

“After hearing all this...” Celestia asked, much softer and gentler “Could you still love me? Could you still want to spend your days with me? Could you accept the lies, the sacrifice and the knowledge that even I know no magic spare you death?”
There was a minute of silence that seemed to last for hours. Celestia had closed her eyes and did not bother to read the unicorn’s mien. The speech had drained her emotional batteries and now she had to deal with the guilt of taking this happy moment and beating it to death.


The sun princess looked up, as the word caught her by surprise.

“I would still love you! “ The unicorn stressed, now sounding firm and determined “I don’t want fame, fortune or this kind of family... I want to... I want to be with you! I want the chance to make you happy in a way only a lover can make another happy! Even if it’s just for a fraction of your life! That is all I care about! That is what would make me truly happy!”

Celestia looked at Twilight with surprise. She bit down the tears that she felt approaching her eyes and nodded.
“Then so be it.” She said softly “Twilight Sparkle, I accept your love, for I feel the same.” The unicorn’s jaw dropped “I saw you grow into a wonderful mare and I have adored you for a long time, but only recently have I found it in my heart that this adoration is gone and has been replaced with the will and urge bring you happiness. Deep and true happiness. I enjoy your presence, I admire your kindness and I thrive on your happiness. Every morning, I look forward to raising the sun, because I know, somewhere, the sun will shine on you.”

Twilight was about to stutter something, when the princess’ horn lit up and a hoofkerchief appeared out of thin air. It was pristine white, with a broad, golden brim and Celestia’s sun adorned the middle. Silently, if levitated towards the right upper arm of the smaller pony. Twilight felt the soft silk tie fasten itself around her arm.

For a moment, she just looked at it, still trying to understand what had just happened.

As she looked at Celestia again, the gentle mask had vanished and a deeply happy and slightly shaken mare had taken her place. Twilight could see a single tear glisten in the morning sun, as Celestia slowly extended her foreleg.
“Come, my heroine!” the alicorn said with a slightly shaking voice. “You have completed this part of your journey. It’s time to rest... kiss and claim your princess! It’s the only reward worthy of your valour.”

Twilight took a shaky step forward, her eyes glued to Celestia’s. The next step almost propelled her into a tight embrace, as she threw her forelegs around the alicorn’s neck and rubbed her tear soaked cheek against the soft coat of Celestia’s neck, just above her regalia. A strong arm held her gentle, yet firm against the alabaster chest and with a soft flapping sound, two wings covered the sides of the unicorn.

Her gaze went upwards again and her heart skipped a beat as she saw Celestia’s eyes moisten with sheer happiness. Slowly, the embraced unicorn craned her neck and stood on her hind legs.
Closing the distance was a bit awkward and difficult, but she had come too far.
And before she knew it, their lips met and Twilight’s heart melted.

The unicorn had expected to be blown away by the aeons of experience, but Celestia’s kiss was gentle and patient. The alicorn’s lips moved carefully against Twilight’s, reacting to her, rather than guiding her.
The awkward pose and her inexperience made Twilight’s kiss a tad clumsy, but the unicorn made up for it with sheer sincerity and joy.
Their kiss broke and Twilight slumped back to her hooves. They were still looking into each other’s eyes, both smiling. The unicorn could even see a tint of rose on the princess’ cheeks. Had she really done that? Celestia had blushed because of her?
A hint of surprise came over Celestia, as Twilight suddenly started to tremble in her wings. She loosened her embrace a little and seconds later, it happened.


A pony shaped, purple bouncing ball circled the princess, loudly proclaiming her agreement with the current state of the world.

“Oh Twilight...” Celestia laughed merrily, feeling how Twilight’s honest and open joy infected her as well.

“I love you! I love you!” Twilight suddenly added to her staccato of approval and her final jump landed her on Celestia’s back, her forelegs around the princess’ neck. “I love my beautiful, kind, humongous princess!”

Celestia couldn’t help but let out a happy sigh at the feeling of the smaller pony snuggling against her neck. She craned her neck around and moved her muzzle to Twilight’s ear. “This is one of the reasons why I love you so much: You are not just happy, you make the whole world brighter with your happiness.” She gently nibbled at the ear, earning a cute yelp from Twilight. “It makes my sun rather miniscule...”

“Nothing about you is miniscule.” The unicorn answered and rubbed her cheek against the princess. She let out a happy sigh. “I have dreamed of this for so long... but I couldn’t believe that you would ever want me.”

“And what made you think that, my dear?” Celestia asked playfully “The constant praise, the great pride I always have when talking about you or the fact that I entrusted my adoptive son into your care?”

Twilight’s already crimson blush somehow deepened. “Oh, princess... you are too good to me...”

“Oh my, this will not do, dear! Even when you are sprawled on my back and look me in the eye, you still address me wrong!” the alicorn remarked with pretended sharpness and softly smacked Twilight on the cutie mark with the tip of her wing “Apparently Celestia is a bit too long for you to remember.”

“Being so close to you does make my brain all fuzzy...” the smaller pony admitted.

“Then I suggest you come up with a pet name.” The princess suggested “Maybe you have an easier time remembering something you came up with yourself.” A soft grin snuck onto her lips “Now make up for it...” Then she puckered them inviting.

No power in Equestria could have kept Twilight from kissing those lips again. This time the kiss was a bit longer and Celestia put more of herself into it, making the unicorn shiver on her back.

For Twilight it was less dreamy and surreal, but sweeter in its reality. She was truly kissing the princess of all of Equestria.
They separated again, both smiling, Twilight broadly and Celestia sheepishly.

“As much as I enjoy looking into your eyes, my spark of joy.” The princess whispered softly, earning a gasp of surprise from the unicorn “My neck is getting a bit sore and I don’t think that we are the point of this relationship where you are supposed to be on my back.” She leaned closer to Twilight’s ear “At least not yet.”

Again, Twilight followed the path of the tomato and reddened. “Sorry. I was just so happy and-“

“And yourself. It was delightful, Twilight.” Celestia ensured while sitting down, she extended her wing to allow the unicorn to slip off her back.

Standing face to face again, the two mares stood there with slight awkwardness. Their body language was clearly showing that they had to spend quite a bit of willpower to not just jump into each other’s arms again.

“So, what now?” Twilight asked, hoping to break the magnetism.

“As much as I want to take you outside a frolic through the gardens, I think we have to discuss a few of the things I explained earlier.” Celestia answered with a sigh. “Please, make yourself at home. I’ll be with you in a moment.”

The unicorn nodded and took place on the rug Celestia usually used when reading letters or books. As the princess walked towards the door, Twilight suddenly realized something: She could finally justify it to herself to stare! The slim barrel, the wonderful curve of her haunch, the strong leg muscles underneath the white, the point where the pristine coat turned into the flowing tail... she could finally allow herself to be mesmerized by the display of sheer beauty and sexiness before her.
Celestia felt Twilight’s eyes on her body and it put a slight spring in her step.

She quickly rang a bell to summon a maid.

Seconds later, her hoof maiden arrived.

“Dusty, I am not to be disturbed for the rest of the day!” Celestia stressed gently.

Dusty Feathers saluted “Princess Luna already ordered not to disturb your holiday, princess.”

“No, I mean that Twilight and I have things of high magical property to talk about. Consider this a state visit.”

“Guards out of earshot range, Pegasi are kept away from all windows and Prince Blueblood will be bound and gagged on sight! Understood!”

“Thank you.” Celestia answered with a smile and closed the door.

She returned to a slightly flustered Twilight. The unicorn had spend the time to study her former teachers body to her heart’s content and was now featuring yet another blush. Her cheek capillaries were surely getting a workout today.

“Did you enjoy the show, my dear?” the alicorn asked sheepishly.

“Yes...” Twilight answered, well aware that denying it was useless.

“So, after several millennia, I still got it!” Celestia stated proudly and took place right next to the smaller pony. Her horn lit up for a second and a glint of magic ran over the windows.

As a wing was extended over her, Twilight looked up in surprise. “Weren’t we supposed to talk about the serious part of our relationship?” she asked.

“That doesn’t mean that we can’t cuddle while doing so!” the alicorn ruled.

“I refuse to argue with that!” The smaller pony answered promptly and snuggled into the pristine white coat next to her.

Celestia gave Twilight a gentle kiss just below her horn.

The unicorn sighed and forced herself to seriousness. “Repercussions!” she said bluntly “I want this out of the way to get back to the mushy stuff.”

“And some ponies say that romance is dead.” The alicorn said sheepishly. “Yes, there are things we have to make clear.”

“Who am I allowed to tell?” Twilight asked carefully.

Celestia’s face fell. “I don’t want you to think that I forbid you from telling anyone, Twilight!” she said crestfallen.

“I didn’t want to imply that.” The unicorn answered quickly “I just... you were right, you know. I want to yell it from the highest tower and write it into the clouds. I want to tell the entire world that I love you. Getting it out was hard enough.”

“Luna will be delighted to hear it.” Celestia began “Cadence and Shining Armour are trustworthy enough and family. I will ask for permission from your parents, of course.”


“I may go with the times, but I am an old fashioned mare in some aspects, my dear Twilight.” The princess stated gently.

“How come you are fine to be with another mare then?” The unicorn asked sheepishly.

“Much older fashioned than this particular kind of prejudice.”

Twilight bit the inside of her cheek and averted her gaze. “I guess it’s plain stupid to ask if I’m not your first. Your age, that speech...”

Celestia leaned closer and her wing moved to lift Twilight’s chin. “No, Twilight. You are not the first pony that I have ever loved. And fate will dictate that you are not the last pony that I will ever love.” A gentle, bitter sweet smile crept onto her face

“But for as long as you live, you will be the only creature that I love.”

“How many?”

“Many. And I can tell you every single name, colour, quirk...” the alicorn sighed “I am both gifted and cursed with immortality, but luckily, this body and mind were meant to be eternal. I can remember them all, just like I will remember you.”

“Actually, I am kind of glad that you have experience with this...” the unicorn admitted “Because I am really lost here.”

“Oh.” Celestia deadpanned “I was about to give a ‘stars in the sky’ metaphor and... You are sure you are ok with it?”

“Don’t act as if I had much of a choice. I love you. So you have a past.” Twilight shrugged “Right now: I have you!” she cuddled against the slightly surprised alicorn again.

“You truly are a smart mare.” Celestia giggled “I assume that I am your first?”

“Goodness, yes!” the unicorn answered while shaking her head “Until recently, I was not even aware that I am into mares... and I still don’t think that I am. The pony that I love just happens to be one.”

“Older mare leads young filly astray... I know a lot of ponies who would love to outrage over this.” The princess giggled “Back to topic: The other elements may also know. They are your best friends and each of them is trustworthy.”

“We just have to make sure that Pinkie Pie makes a private party out of it. And don’t forget Spike!” Twilight insisted “Even though he will probably need counselling.”

“His current situation would make Saddlemund Freud squee.” Celestia admitted.


“The good doctor loved a challenge. And had a great sense of humour.” The princess answered sagely.

“Did you-“

“No. And please don’t ask this about every famous pony in history.” Celestia teased “Discretion is difficult if one is famous. Goodness, if you had not been my student, every pony in the castle would cry havoc and slip the dogs of gossip. The way it is, we can pretend that I teach you.”

“I think that will happen most of the time anyways.” Twilight answered sheepishly “I am not exactly well versed in courtly romance, being the affair of the princess and...” a blush spread again “things like kissing.”

“Oh, my dear, those things are indeed best learned by practice and not from books.” The alicorn explained sagely “But don’t despair, dear Twilight, this old pony will gladly take you...” the princess paused just long enough to make Twilight squirm “under her wing.”

“You are terrible.”

“What can I do? I am off duty, I am well fed, and I am in love! I couldn’t be happier!” Celestia giggled and squeezed the pony in her wing “Well, mostly because I am in love with you.”

Twilight felt her heart melt at the sheer happiness radiating from the princess. She nuzzled her neck again, enjoying the scent of rose... weird, Celestia usually preferred almond.

“Did you change shampoo?” the unicorn asked in surprise.

“Oh, you noticed?” the princess wondered “Apparently one of the maids nicked the bottle and Dusty had to replace it on short notice.”

“Does that happen often?”

“No, I was quite surprised. The castle maids pride themselves on never abusing their privileges.” Celestia explained “But I won’t have them look into it. It’s just a shampoo bottle.”

Twilight bit her lip. The strangeness was adding up. A part of her wanted to go and investigate. But most of her was happy underneath the princess’ wing.

“So, what do you have planned for today?” she asked, trying to distract herself.

“I was going to suggest that you got into contact with your family and spent at least an evening with them. And honestly, still think that should happen. But-“

“You really want to ask for permission? YOU think you need permission to be with me?” The unicorn asked bemused.

“Not instantly. But I do want to inform your parents.” The princess answered “And yes, I want to ask for permission. Call it a quirk, if you want to.”

“I will write them a letter.”

“We could also pay Luna a visit during the early break of day court.” Celestia suggested “I think my little sister will be... interested.”

*And what if she just tried to hook us up to distract us from her evil plan?* a voice inside Twilight demanded to know. “Yes, we should talk to Luna.” She said “I have a few things to ask her.”

“You sound troubled.”

“It’s nothing.” Twilight lied. She quickly reassured herself that there was no way to interrupt day court and busied herself with snuggling against the princess. Her gaze drifted towards the windows. “Can we just stay like this?” she asked “What if a Pegasus flew by and saw us?”

“I allowed myself to cast a spell on the windows. Right now, light only enters this room.” Celestia explained “Nopony can look into this room.”

“So, nopony can see me doing this?” the unicorn asked smugly and placed a kiss on Celestia’s cheek.


“Then nopony can see me doing this?” Twilight asked lovingly and gently kissed the alicorn’s jawbone, followed by a row of kissed over her neck down to her regalia.

Suddenly a rather loud flapping sound filled the room and coolness assaulted Twilight’s body.
Both mares remained silent for a while.

“Did I just...” The unicorn began, blushing.

“It has been a while.” Celestia answered, as if addressing a very old friend.

A few moments later, laughter filled the room again, as both beheld the princess’ fully outspread wings.

Author's Note:

It finally happened! Mirrior Twilight would be proud!
Now don't worry, this is not the point where the story ends. Celestia still has 4 holidays left.
Don't forget to leave a comment.
Proofread by ALSilvertongue