• Published 20th Mar 2013
  • 7,408 Views, 223 Comments

Deadpool and Pinkie Pie - Dashzilla93

Deadpool in Equestria. 'Nuff said. Pinkie pie tags along too. oh boy.

  • ...

Deadpool vs. The Diamond Dogs

“What’s going on now?!” Celestia shouted, uneasy from that scream.

A royal guard dashed in the throne room and panicked with a beat of sweat on the side of his head. He past Twilight and the others and breathed heavily before speaking “Princess Celestia, Diamond dogs have appeared in Canterlot. They are attacking our citizens”

“Oh no, not those ruffians again” Rarity said, remembering the last time she encountered those dogs.

“Diamond dogs? Are they dogs made out of diamond?” asked Deadpool with question marks appearing over his head.

“No silly," Pinkie giggled, "they are dogs that steal diamonds from anypony who has some, or dig them up”

“What! No one steals diamonds but me,” All the ponies look at him, “I mean, we should stop them before they steal any more diamonds” They look away from him, except Pinkie Pie. Deadpool sighed in relief before looking at Pinkie Pie who was just smiling and giggling at him.

“First changelings and now Diamond dog. What’s going on here?” Twilight thought to herself out loud.

“No time for thinking, let’s just stop them already!” Rainbow Dash was excited and eager to fight the dogs.

“Cadence and Shining are doing their best, so far. Their warriors are holding the changelings off as long as they can,” said Celestia.

“Good,” Twilight said in a breath of relief.

“Welp, I don’t know about you ponies but I am going outside to get some fresh air,” Deadpool joked as he started to walk back outside

“Deadpool's right. You and the others must find out why these dogs are attacking Canterlot,” Celestia said, "If it's necessary, use as much force as possible to stop"

"Can do, Princess," Rainbow Dash said with a determined smile and clopping her hooves together, ready to fight.

“Understood, Princess” Twilight and the others head outside along with Deadpool. As they reached the entrance just in time, they could to see up to twenty or thirty Diamond dogs attack, rob and bully the citizens of Canterlot.

“Oh dear, there are so many,” Fluttershy squeaked and hid behind Applejack.

“Pfft, that’s it? Are you serious? Please, I’ve handled more clones of Gambit than this,” Deadpool grabbed a chair and sat down on the opposite side, resting his arms on the head, “I think you ponies can handle this. These dogs don’t seem like a challenge at all,” he lay his head on his arms and watched the action take place.

Diamond Dogs pushed, kicked, scratched and scared any pony that they came across. Some even grabbed random objects and unthinkably threw them at stores, running bystanders and even other dogs; they were just going insane, barking and snarling like they were born to do.

“I’ll handle this,” Rainbow dash said as she flew after two Diamond dogs who were chasing after a couple heading east.

“Don’t start without me!” Applejack raced after Rainbow dash.

"Oh my," Fluttershy squealed in fright and hid in a bush in front of the castle.

Pinkie Pie watched the action go on, until her smiled faded upon seeing three Diamond dogs, one of them familiar to her, approach the Cake family with snarling smiles; they where only looking for Pinkie Pie when this happened, but maybe a little fun wouldn't hurt.

“Alright ponies, hand over your bits,” Rover demanded and growled at his victims. The two Diamond dogs with him snarled at them like mindless thugs.

“Please, don’t hurt us,” Mrs. Cake pleaded in fear.

“If you give us all your bits, we’ll let you live,” Rover chuckled as he narrowed his eyes at the foals, Pumpkin and Pound Cake.

“Mr. and Mrs. Cake! Pound and Pumpkin Cake! No!" Pinkie glared her eyes at the dogs and growled in anger "Get away from them you bullies!” she flared her nostrils and dashed after Rover and his goons. Deadpool watched as he teleported, along with the chair, and sat under an umbrella near the Cakes and dogs, watching the dramatic event.

Rover looked back at the Cakes, “Now be good ponies and hand over your bits, or else!”

“Or else what?” Mr. Cake asked

“Or else those two little ponies will be my meal.”

"No, don't!" Mrs. Cake turned her back from the dogs and covered her foals, "not my babies!" She held them close as they started to cry in fear.

"You wouldn't dare," Mr. Cake protested.

"Try me," Rover was fixing to snap his fingers when Pinkie Pie jumped in between them and glared daggers at the three murderous dogs.

“You stay away from them!” Pinkie shouted at them.

"Or what?" Rover said, amused by Pinkie, "You're out numbered, pony. What exactly are you going to do?"

"This!" she jumped up and viciously bit Rover’s arm, holding on tight.

Rover pulled his head back and howled in pain. “Get off me pony,” he shakes his arm violently to try and shake Pinkie off to no avail. Pinkie held on for dear life, but one last swing forced her off the dog's arm. Deadpool watched in amusement and getting enjoyment out of this; he was even surprised by the fight Pinkie had in her.

"Pinkie, Pinkie, she's our girl! If she can't do it, no one can!" he cheered her on as the fight continued; though in Pinkie's case, she was just ignoring Deadpool to protect her second family from these thuggish dogs.

“You little mule!" Rover growled, grabbing his bleeding arm "You’ll regret ever doing that!” he snarled as he grabbed his arm.

“Pinkie, thank you,” Mr. Cake said as he sighed in relief.

“Nice one, Pinkie, its Deadpool approved. I would have gone with a headbutt. But a bite is just as hilarious,” he laughed and gave Pinkie a thumbs up.

“Thanks, Deadpool,” She gave him her attention and smiled with light blush spots appearing on her cheeks. Rover growled and pointed at Pinkie Pie, telling one of his fellow Diamond dogs to attack her. A bulky armored dog nodded and approached the distracted Pinkie Pie. He raised his left arm and swung it with all his might.

“Pinkie, look out!” Mrs. Cake shouted. But it was too late; Pinkie Pie looked back in time to only see the Diamond dog's paw come at her with a solid smack, hitting her hard enough to send her flying. She flew over the Cakes and crashed into a pile of barrels so hard they explode upon impact. The pink pony laid unconscious as piles wood and metal cover her entire body.

The Cakes and Deadpool widen their eyes in shock, “Pinkie Pie!” shouted both Pound and Pumpkin Cake. Pound cake flapped his tiny wings and flew toward the pile of wreckage, while Pumpkin Cake used her magic to levitate herself out of Mrs. Cake arms and towards the barrel pile. Mr. and Mrs. Cake gallop to the bed of debris, leaving Deadpool behind.

Deadpool looked at the Cakes with pity and sadness. But more importantly, he felt a wave of shock course through his mind. He looked at the ground feeling regret punch in his chest. He blinked a few times and thought that maybe he was wrong about the ponies handling a situation like this; he looked at the Cakes one more time before jerking his head at the Diamond dogs with a fierce look on his face. "Now shit gets real," He gets up off the chair and kicked it away from him as he walked towards Rover, pulling one of his weapons out of his belt.

“Hilarious! Did you see how that pony flew? What could be funnier than that?” Rover laughed evilly while the other dogs laugh with him.

“How about a bullet through your head,” Deadpool said sternly as he stood behind Rover and pointed his desert eagle pistol at the back of Rover's head.

“What the--…" Rover was about to turn around but stood stiff as a board when Deadpool shouted at him.

“Don’t you even think about moving an inch, unless you want to be puppy chow for my dog at home!” Rover gulped in fear, remembering the rumors about a stranger with a device that fired ketchup and mustard, and that that mysterious stranger appeared out of nowhere and fought a griffon.

He quickly figured it was the same stranger from the rumors and chuckled, “Wait, I know who you are. You’re the stranger who fought a griffon not to long ago” He didn't turn around to see, but he knew he was right and he kept a cool demeanor about it . Yet, he was still terrified of him and in the inside, which he was hiding it pretty well.

“Wow! Glad I’m already being recognized here. I’ll sign their autographs later when I'm done making hot dogs,” he said before chuckled in amusement while holding his desert eagle at Rover and pointing the barrel at his head. The other dogs growled at Deadpool and waited for orders. If they attacked directly, they’ll risk getting their boss hurt. "That was a cheap shot you pulled on her," Deadpool said, "Dirty move, for a shit-smelling dog.

“I-I’m not scared of you. After all, that weapon you have only shoots ketchup and mustard, right?” he says, letting out a slow laugh.

Deadpool raised a brow under his mask and looked at his gun “Wait, you think…?” he looked back at Rover “Oh! You think this is my toy pistol?” Deadpool was laughing hysterically. Rover started to get confused at first and raised and raised his brow, but soon laughed with Deadpool. The other dogs started to chuckle and giggle, too. “That’s a good one. I should write that down,” He laughed more before swinging and pointing his desert eagle at the dog on the right, then squeezing the trigger. The gun launched a medium sized silver bullet out of the barrel and aimed directly at the dog's forehead, piercing the air at blinding speeds where the naked eye can’t spot it, yet it left a loud thundering bang when the trigger was pulled. The bullet made contact to the dog's forehead, aiming in between the eyes, piercing right through his skull and brain and exited out of the back of the dog's head, leaving a massive, gaping hole that looked as if the dog's head exploded from a miniature bomb. Rover narrowed his eyes and watched as his fellow Diamond dog fell back and collapsed on his back, lying in a pool of his own blood and brain matter. The sound of Deadpool's gun left ringing noises in his, and his remaining goon's, ears.

The Cakes heard the sound from the gun and turned their heads, but thought maybe it was a mistake as they quickly grabbed Pound and Pumpkin Cake, covering their eyes and dashed behind the barrel pile.

“First kill in this story. Your welcome,” Deadpool said, talking to the readers.

“I thought that device only shot ketchup. What was that?” Rover shivered in fear

“Oh that? That was a bullet that killed your mutt," Deadpool explained, "But don’t worry, another one will come right for you,” he pointed his gun at the back of Rover's head, "And it has your name written all over it."

“Please don’t kill me,” Rover whimpered.

“Hmm. On the count you had one of your mutts sneak attacked a lady, I don’t think you're in a spot to beg for mercy” Deadpool said with a snarl on his face and talking in a tough guy voice. Another Diamond dog that was with them charged at Deadpool with blind fury, angered that his comrade died at the hands of this crimson creature, and to see his boss pinned down. He lunged at Deadpool with his claws extended. Deadpool, still looking at Rover and aiming his desert eagle at him, however, pulled a fast one by drawing another desert eagle out and pulling the trigger, shooting the dog dead center in head. The blast sent the dog flying back and hitting the ground, but the dog was already dead the moment Deadpool pulled that trigger.

Deadpool slid his extra gun back into his belt as he kept his eyes glued on Rover, “Looks like you're out of mutts. What now, ...bitch,” he kept a stern face as he cocked his gun, about to shoot Rover.

Rover growled, but sighed narrowing his eyes without turning his head and grinned menacingly, “I don’t think so, crimson murderer,” he quickly brought out a dog whistle and blew it, much to Deadpool's confusion.

Deadpool tilted his head and raised a brow, completely unaware of the tactic Rover used. He scratched his head in bewilderment before Rover spoke out.

“You're an idiot! Did you really think I’d come without more backup,” Rover sneered with an evil smile

“Backup?” Deadpool realized and completely forgot about the other dogs roaming Canterlot, "Oh shit!"

The sudden noise of barking filled Deadpool's ears. He widened his eyes as the remaining twenty-eight Diamond dogs appeared and surrounded him in different shapes and sizes. Deadpool looked around and gulped, “um…nice doggies,” he retracted his desert eagle back into his belt.

“You’re outmatched, Stranger," Rover smiled with glee at the outcome he put Deadpool in, "Twenty eight Diamond Dogs, and only one you; what are you going to do now, red chew toy?” Rover laughed victoriously as he turned around to look at Deadpool.

Deadpool shrugged and replied to him as if he wasn't scared at all. “Easy.” he grabbed two grip-like handles over his shoulders in a X position and pulled out his twin katanas from the sheaths on his back; the sun's rays reflected off the tip of the blades and shined brightly like a stain free window, letting the dogs know of their pure awesomeness. “I’m about to make a fur coat for that stuck up Marshmallow pony,” he said in an intimidating voice and displayed a samurai position that matched the swords he wielded.

At the front of the castle, Rarity sneezed randomly and rubbed her nose, “Hey, who’s talking about me?” She said with an unamused look.

Rover widened his eyes; baffled at the sight of Deadpool's swords, “How many weapons do you have?” he asked.

“None of your business! That’s how many I have,” the twenty-eight dogs bark, snarl and growl at Deadpool and waited for Rover to give the orders to attack.

“First epic fight, too. This is going to be good everyone. Though, I think Pinkie Pie won’t be joining in on this one. But, at least you can... you know what, screw it. Just read and enjoy the carnage, ya bunch of sick-os!” Deadpool yelled at the readers while flashing his katanas at the dogs.

Rover backed away and barked, “Get him, Diamond dogs," All the dogs charge at Deadpool. A few dogs lunged but Deadpool teleported away and reappeared behind two dogs. The dogs crashed into one another and fell to the ground, yelping. Two other dogs spotted Deadpool and charged after him, “Where’s a t-bone steak when you need one?” Deadpool dashed at the dogs at his top speed. He lunged forward and slashed at the dogs, appearing behind them with his katanas spread out. Both dogs fall to the dirt, cleaved in two with blood gushing and intestines laying on the ground.

Rover climbed up a building behind up and jumped on a rooftop. He turned around and got a front row seat to the bloodiest battle he's ever seen. One by one, he witnessed his goons being cleaved in two, beaten to death, decapitated and stabbed. It was as if he was watching a war take place; only thing is, it was just one being. "Who is this guy?" he asked himself before noticing the ponies appear on the scene to try and help out. Rover growled but noticed another thing wrong with the scene he was looking at, “Only four! Where’s the purple one?” he looked around for the leader of this pony group before hearing hooves clopping behind him.

“Right here,” Twilight said with her horn emitting a purple aura. Rover slowly turned around and glared at Twilight…

“Need any help, sugercube?” Applejack asked kindly as they approached Deadpool.

“Nope, I got this, unless you have a t-bone steak. That can be really helpful right now.”

“What’s a t-bone steak?” asked Fluttershy.

Deadpool looks at Fluttershy shocked, “You’re kidding right? You ponies don’t eat meat?”

They all look at him and say “No.”

Another Diamond dog charged at Deadpool and jumped at him, but Deadpool swiftly twirled his body around to the side with a katana held high in the air and swinging perfectly in the middle of the dog's face as it jumped over him. The dog could not react in time as the sharp blade made contact with his face and sliced him in half; from head to tail. The two halves of the dog splashed on the ground in front of Applejack and Rarity.

“Oh dear sweet--“ Rarity was cut-off by a huge amount of vomit splashing out of her mouth and onto the ground.

Applejack stood strong and glared at Deadpool, “What in the wide world of Equestria, Deadpool,” she shouted. Fluttershy fainted easily from seeing so much blood and body parts.

“That was awesome!” Rainbow Dash shouted and smiled wide from the grotesque and awesome action she witnessed.

“Hey, they didn’t obey their master. So, I had to put him down," Deadpool turned around to face five remaining diamond dogs.

“Where’s Pinkie pie?” Applejack asked in curiosity.

“Over there,” Deadpool pointed his katana at the destroyed barrel pile where the Cakes happen to pop up briefly, digging behind the pile to try and get Pinkie Pie out of there. Rainbow and Applejack rush over to help the Cakes. Fluttershy and Rarity remained still, trying to regain their wits from what they just witnessed.

The rest of the Diamond dogs barked and howled at Deadpool. But Deadpool just stared at them and gripped his katanas tight. “Alright mutts, time to put you down. Tell Cujo I said hello.”

The Diamond dog all charged at once, stampeding like bulls. Deadpool sprinted toward the dogs and swung his blades, slashing three dogs and decapitating the last two. Deadpool swiftly turned his body and slashed his right katana down and cleaved it right through one of the surviving dogs while slicing the ground as well. Deadpool, still grabbing hold of his swords handle, jumped and planted a lunge kick to a smaller diamond dog in the face, knocking it back and breaking its jaw. The dog who was not attacked tried to bite Deadpool's head but ended up rolling on the ground and seeing its body fall limp on the ground. The dog with the broken jaw actually manages to strike Deadpool's right arm and rip it off its socket. “Ow! Damnit, son-of-a-“ he was interrupted by the same diamond dog who struck him and lashed out, knocking him down and clawing his entire body; the dog growled and shredded Deadpool in an animalistic show of fury, causing his blood to fly everywhere.

The ponies watched in horror and knew that the anti-hero would surely die from that dog’s animalistic assault. They all shout, “Deadpool!” The dog clawed and slashed, never giving up its attack while letting out barks and growls.

Fluttershy and Rarity galloped to the barrel pile and watched on. Fluttershy looked down at the ground as a tear rolled down her face and splashed on the dirt.

“He’s gone,” whispered Rainbow, sad that this was happening. She could have rushed in and helped, but if she did, she’d end up losing her life too. There was nothing she could do. They all lower their heads and mourned.

“Why do you ponies look like you just witnessed someone died?” Deadpool asked, somehow still alive. The ponies jumped in shock and looked at Deadpool who was standing behind them.

“You're alive!” shouted Rainbow, “but how?”

“I can teleport, remember?”

“What the hay, Deadpool,” Applejack shouted in anger, “You almost gave us a-- ” she looked at his missing arm before she could finish “ --Y-your arm, its gone,” she widened her eyes in shock and pointed it his severed socket.

“Oh yeah that reminds me, we should probably duck behind that pile over there,” he pointed to the barrel pile.

They looked at him confused and asked “Why?”

“Just do it!” Deadpool jumped behind the barrel pile next to the Cakes and spooked them a bit. The ponies quickly jumped and hid behind the barrel pile, while the last remaining dog was still attacking, thinking it was still attacking Deadpool. It stopped its attack to see the results, only to hear beeping and a timer. The dog tilted its head in confusion.

“So, why are we hiding again?” Rarity asked “And how are you not screaming in pain right now?”

“Easy Marshmallow! I-- ” Before Deadpool had a chance to speak, an explosion briefly erupts in front of the barrel pile, causing the ground to shake. A high pitched lady-like scream echoed as the ground stopped shaking.

“Yeesh Rarity, calm down, it wasn’t like it was an actual earthquake or something,” Applejack said as she looked at Rarity.

“It wasn’t me, Applejack!” They looked at Deadpool to him in a fetal position and hugging a very confused Fluttershy like a teddy bear, with his arm already fully regenerated but without the sleeve of his suit.

“Um, please let me go. If you don’t mind that is,” She looked at Deadpool, shyly. It wasn't that she didn't enjoy hugs, its just that Deadpool's arms felt a little rough.

“Is it over?” Deadpool asked, faking the whole being scared tactic.

“Yeah, the explosions over,” Rainbow answered him while smirking at how hilarious Deadpool was hugging Fluttershy.

Deadpool looked at Rainbow Dash with an unamused look, “Not that! I was talking about this yellow pony’s adorableness. I want to hug her and cuddle her all day,” Deadpool smiled under his mask, hugging Fluttershy tighter and loving how soft she felt.

“Oh dear,” Fluttershy squeaked “h-help."

“Deadpool, let Fluttershy go,” Applejack demanded.

“But mommy, it's so fluffy,” he acted like a little kid hugging his teddy bear.

“Put her down, now!" Rainbow Dash shouted, demanding him to do so.

Deadpool pouted at the ponies, “Fine,” he put Fluttershy down as she wobbled away from him, “Ruin my fun why don’t ya,”

"He's a strange fella," Mr. Cake thought while holding Pumpkin Cake.

"You have no idea," Applejack replied with an annoyed look towards Deadpool.

“Um, guys I think you should look at this,” Rarity informed, getting their attention while trying her best not to puke, again.

Everyone popped their heads over the barrel pile to see nothing but a pool of gore. The sight was so grotesque, that it made Fluttershy fall back and faint again, defeated Rarity into swinging her head back and yak up her lunch and breakfast, forced the Cakes to cover their kid's eyes, yet Rainbow dash and Applejack remained strong from seeing a sight like this. Deadpool, on the other hand, clapped at his performance. “Encore, encore,” he shouted with delight. The ponies glanced at him as if Pinkie Pie would have done the same thing.

Then the thought occurred to them: Pinkie Pie was still under the barrel pile. They gasped and dug at the pile. Deadpool stopped his clapping and watched the ponies dig like moles, until the same thought occurred to him as well. He helped dig at the pile until Applejack and Rarity found and pulled Pinkie out of the pile. Fluttershy looked and gasped at Pinkie’s condition. She came up to her and placed an ear on Pinkie's chest and faintly heard a heartbeat; she’s alive, but unconscious, severely injured and badly bleeding.

“Where’s the nearest hospital?!” Rainbow Dash asked in a panic.

“Two miles from here,” Mr. Cake quickly replied while holding Pound Cake as he whimpered from seeing Pinkie in her messed up condition. Pumpkin Cake had the same expression. But all it took was a tear from an unconscious Pinkie Pie to get them to start crying. “Oh babies, don’t cry. She’ll be alright” Mrs. Cake said reassuringly, trying to calm the two fillies down.

Deadpool looked away from the scene, but to his surprise, the blood bath started moving, “Round two everyone!” he said in a serious tone and picking up his katanas and retracting them for some reason.

They peeked in front of him to find five Diamond dogs still alive. “But how?”, Rarity said, blown away by this, “They should be dead from… um, whatever it was that you did, Deadpool” she looks at him with a questioned look.

“I guess they're capable of surviving my jujitsu skills and Gangnam style,” he said jokingly but with a serious tone. "Oh well, I guess dog treats are out of the question," he approached the dogs for one final fight.

The ponies watched on in bewilderment. They were so surprised to see Deadpool take that much punishment from those dogs, and yet, still get up like a champion in a gladiator arena. Rainbow Dash secretly admitted that his stamina seemed like it was off the charts. The other ponies were more baffled at how he managed to heal so quickly from an assault like that; almost as if he never got a scratch from those dogs, at all.

“Hey Skittles?” He motioned his head towards Rainbow.


“Take Pinkie and go. You other ponies go on and follow her. Except you, Cowgirl pony,” He glanced back at the dogs.

“Why should I stay?” Applejack asked him, very confused.

“Because I want an apple pie when this is over,” He smiled in his mask before being serious, again.

“Um, how about I just go with them,” Applejack said, still very confused.


The five surviving diamond dogs growled ferociously at Deadpool while he just stared back at them, not even showing a speck of fear.

“That's out cue to leave,” Rarity trembled, wanting to leave badly.

“Let’s get out of here!” cried Applejack, carrying Pinkie pie with Rainbow dash helping her. The ponies galloped away from the fight and head straight for the hospital, leaving Deadpool behind.

Deadpool took the straps on his katanas off and slid his gun belt off and threw them down, then raised his fists up for combat. The fight was on! “Alright doggies, sit and stay,” he said with a serious look. The dogs barked and growled before charging at him like a pack of their wolf ancestors. Deadpool sprinted after the dogs and lunged at them, reeling in a fist. A small, thin brown dog lunged at Deadpool first, only to have a red fist slam into his face. Like a wrecking ball, Deadpool's punch caved in the dog's skull and completely destroying brain. The force sent the dog hurdling back at another dog just like him, but with a different color. Yet the punch already killed its victim the moment it crashed into the other dog. The two bulky, armored dogs charged at Deadpool like miniature bulldozers, but the merc swiftly turned his body and lowered himself with his leg out, swinging it out and tripping one dog while quickly getting back up as the other dog approached. The other armored dog yelped in retaliation, but was to slow to do anything as Deadpool let loose a deadly uppercut to the lower jaw. Thankfully, the dog was able to absorb most of the blow due to his body fat. But Deadpool wasn’t finished; he struck at the stunned dog again, unloading a barrage of punches, jabs and uppercuts. The dog’s armor could barely withstand the assault, but not for long. With a few more powerful punches, Deadpool went for the killing blow, swinging his right fist up and launching a solid uppercut right under the dog’s jaw, which emitted a loud impact sound as his fist made contact. The sound was loud enough to be heard across Canterlot, which Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow dash and Applejack heard and stop to look back.

“The hay was that?” Applejack asked.

“Don’t know, but it sounded like another explosion”, Rarity replied.

“I think we should go check if Deadpool's doing okay”, Fluttershy said, concerned. Applejack and Rarity agreed with her words and head straight back. Rainbow Dash following them, too

Applejack looked back at Fluttershy, “You stay with the Cakes and help ‘em take Pinkie to the hospital” She says as if she’s second in command.

“Right”, Fluttershy said with some confidence.

Applejack and the others rush back as fast as possible. Fluttershy and Mr. Cake carry Pinkie Pie to the hospital. Luckily for them, the hospital was two buildings down the road.

The blow from Deadpool's punch snapped the diamond dog's neck as it drops to the ground, dead. Deadpool looked down at the deceased dog for a moment until one of the smaller, agile dogs leaped from behind, claws extended and teeth showing. The dog almost made the kill, but the merc heard it coming and twirled his body around, swinging his heel in the air and roundhouse kicking the dog right in the temple. The Diamond dog never saw it coming. The dog spiraled in the air and thumps to the ground out cold, yet still alive.

The one dog who had his dead comrade on him, pushed him off and stood back up, glaring at Deadpool and growled menacingly.

“Are you dogs serious? Put up a fight, or something.” Deadpool said to the dogs, mocking them. The surviving dogs didn’t respond to him and only growled, prepare to attack again. “Alright doggies, fetch”, Deadpool got into his fighting stance, lifting his fists up and guarding his face.

As the fight went on, Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Rarity made it back to the fight and noticed that Deadpool was still standing while three dogs lie on the ground, motionless.

“Land sakes, how did this scrawny critter take down three dogs in so little time?” Applejack said in shock and surprise. Rainbow Dash and Rarity watch on, amazed to see Deadpool without any scratches on him. Just who is he?

Without hesitation, the two dogs charge at Deadpool, barking as they did. Deadpool remained in place, waiting for them. The smaller, agile dog lunged at Deadpool, only for him to lean out of the way and let the dog land on his feet behind him. Deadpool rights himself as the bulky armored dog charged and ram into him like a mountain goat. But Deadpool managed to catch and hold the hulking dog by the head. The dog did scoot him back a bit, but Deadpool held his ground and challenged the dog's strength.

“Oh my, what strength,” Rarity watched with an amazed look. She pictured them as two different titans clashing into each other to prove who was stronger.

“Pfft, I could have done that,” Rainbow dash bragged, yet she lied to them and to herself, knowing she couldn’t do squat to stop that dog. She had speed on her side and hooves to back it up, but what she had in speed, she lacked in strength.

Applejack felt the same way, being she’s a hard worker. Her back legs were strong enough to shake trees and leap great distances, but even she could tell that she was no match for Deadpool's arm strength.

The bulky Diamond dog pushed Deadpool with all his might. He tried to swing his claws at Deadpool, but the merc saw them coming and countered the claws by leaning back with his boot on the dog’s chest and his hands on his shoulders. The dog yelped as Deadpool falls on his back and heaved the dog over him with a mighty push of his leg, sending him flying over the ponies and crashing into a wooden cart.

Applejack and the others glanced back to see the dog lying in the wood pile with their eyes widen. Deadpool rolled back on his feet and turned around, only to see the ponies back so soon. “Hey, how’s it going? I guess time speeds up with you ponies,” he cracked a joke while the last dog snuck up behind him.

The ponies look back at him with the same look, never expecting to see kung fu styles mixed into one. “Who are you?” asked Applejack.

As he was distracted, the dog took the opportunity to attack and leaped in the air.

“Look out!” Rarity shouted, but Deadpool was aware of the oncoming dog and swiftly duck down, grabbed the dog by the head and pinned it down with his arms around its head as it thrashed about. Deadpool held the dog's head tight with a firm grip before twisting its head with a sickening snap. The dog fell to the floor, dead

Rainbow Dash and Applejack held their necks from how bad that sounded. Rarity, being she had a weak stomach, tried not to puke and fully understood and recognized that attack Deadpool did. That move was from a movie she watched when she was in high school.

Deadpool stood up and walked up to his katanas and gun belt, picking them up and putting them on. The ponies looked at him more, until he turned around and pointed at them with both fingers, shouting, “Booyah, did you see that?! I just went Chuck Norris on their tiny furry asses,” he laughed excitedly, yet the ponies had no idea who or what he was talking about.

“How did ya know those moves?” Applejack asked.

“You took down all those diamond dogs like they were nothing but bugs,” Rainbow said, smiling with excitement, yet shocked, “how do you do these tricks? How do you fight so well?” she kept asking him question after question, flying near his head.

Deadpool leaned his head back, “And people say I talk too much,” Deadpool looked at the reader with a confused look.

“How?!” both Applejack and Rainbow dash shouted at him.

“Ok, Ok, yeesh, shut up already! I do a lot of push-ups and set-ups, ok,” he told them, yet they had no idea if he was either lying, joking, or tricking them.

“That’s it?”, they both said at the same time.


“Ugh, it smells like manure out here,” Rarity held her snout closed.

“Don’t look at me. Get a janitor to clean this up, or maybe get the homeless ponies to eat these dogs remains,” Deadpool looked at the bloody remains of the dogs and kicked a claw away.

“Yuck, look at you, you’re covered in blood and dirt, and your suit is all torn up, Unsanitary.” Rarity judged him, having a small phobia of dirt.

“Uh, Rarity, now is not the time for that,” Applejack informed the fashionista.

“Well excuse me for just giving my opinion. Besides, I even might offer this… ruffian a tune up,” she said with a generous tone.

“Thanks, but no thanks, Marshmallow. I’ve been in tougher situation than this. My outfits always got ruined back home. It’s not that big of a deal,” Deadpool stretched his sleeve and shrugged.

“Hey, aren’t we missing somepony?” Rainbow asked as Applejack, Rarity, Deadpool and she looked around.

Applejack raised a brow in confusion, “You’re right, Rainbow. Where’s Twilight?”.

“I completely forgot about her” Rarity said. They look around again, but saw no sign of Twilight anywhere.

“Hey, Twilight, where are you?” Rainbow called out but got no response.

Deadpool looked around as well. He knelt down and lifted up a small rock, “You down there, Twilight?”.

“Really, Deadpool?” Applejack facehooved herself.

Suddenly, an explosion of magic erupted from the top of a store just above Applejack and the others. They look back to see Rover fly over their heads and crash to the ground, splashing in the blood pool.

“Found her!” Deadpool comically said as Twilight popped out of nowhere in front of them, and glared down at Rover.

“Now I’ll ask again, who sent you here to attack us?” Twilight asked as she looked down at him, furiously.

“I’ll never tell you, pony. And you’ll never beat it out of me,” Rover coughs, being covered in bruises, cuts and bumps. Twilight snarled at Rover, wishing he'd regret he ever said that.

“I think you better tell this purple unicorn,” Deadpool sat on her back and poked the side of her head, “Otherwise, you’ll just end up getting the shit kicked out of you,” he smirked as Twilight glanced back at him with a straight face.

“Get off me or I’ll make you get off!” she said in an assertive tone. Deadpool heard her words and quickly got off, holding his hands up and giving her an apologetic smile while back up a bit.

“You’ll never get a word out of me!” Rover said, growling.

“Thought so,” she said, as a purple aura engulfs her horn.

“What is Twilight doing?” Rarity asked.

“Interrogating him. But this is new, even for her. She’s never acted like this before,” Applejack replied with a curious and worried look, “She seems to be more assertive than you, Rainbow dash,” she said jokingly as she looked over at Rainbow who was not too thrilled about that.

“Nuh-uh!" she looked at Applejack with an irritated glare, "You wanna see an interrogation?! I’ll show you an interrogation! Some pony find me a storm cloud! You know what?! I’ll just make one!” she flies up into the clouds and creates huge storm cloud, loaded with lightning bolts, and flies back down, positioning it right on top of Twilight and Rover. Unbeknownst to her, however, she was being ignored as the storm cloud added to Twilight's interrogation. Wind quickly picked up as the two locked eyes. Rover shook in fear as lightning bolts shot forth and flashed the dark skies above. Twilight stood over the scared dog as her mane and tail blew against the wind, flowing in a wavy motion.

“W-what are you going to do?” Rover asked, quivering in fear.

“Something that will make you wish you would’ve said yes to begin with,” Twilight’s horn started to flash a bright purple as her eyes shined like the morning sun. Small lightning bolts appeared and crackled out of her horn as she looked down upon him like an angry goddess. Deadpool and the others just stood there and watched in shock. Rainbow Dash peeked her head through the storm cloud and watched, but widened her eyes at how awesome she made this, even though she wanted to interrogate Rover with Twilight, but this was just as good. She flew back down with her friends to continue watching this epic interrogation.

“Any last words before you become a mere stain on the ground you walk on?!” Twilight said with a loud, echoed, aggressive tone.

Rover croaked in panic and accidentally pissed himself, “Ok, ok, I’ll talk, I’ll talk! Please, don’t kill me. I beg you!” Rover pleaded and cried as he talked, hoping Twilight would cease her supposed assault; which succeeded

Twilight’s glowing eyes and horn slowly dimmed as the wind, storm cloud and extra lightning bolts faded away, “That’s more like it."

"Damn," Deadpool said from watching that whole ordeal.

Rover shook in slight trauma as he looked up at Twilight with weak, puppy-dog eye.

"Now talk! Who sent you to attack Canterlot?” Twilight said as she looked at him sternly and waits for his answer.

“Alright, it was Queen--" A rock randomly appeared and bonked Rover on the head, knocking him out cold. Twilight widened her eyes in shock and angrily turned her head towards Deadpool who was standing with her friends.

“What?!" Deadpool said with a questioned look.

"Did you do this?!" Twilight asked, not too happy.

"Hey! Don’t look at me," Deadpool said with some sass, "It was that crossed eyed pony over there,” He pointed to Derpy lying on her back in the blood soaked ground.

“I think that explains a lot,” Twilight said with a gruntful sigh.