• Published 21st Mar 2013
  • 2,350 Views, 36 Comments

Fallen Stars - Zachurra

Queen Chrysalis has returned, and is not alone. Desperate to keep their kingdom safe, the two Princesses enlist the aid of some very strange and unlikely allies

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Chapter 17 - End Times "Symphony of the Sick"

As the meteor fell to crater the earth, Vice flew at Dante in a flurry of anger and knives. Vice was known for his speed, but the fact that he was lashing out in anger made his moves predictable. He thrust his arm out with knife in hand. Dante slipped around it the attack, grabbing Vice’s arm and nearly breaking it. Quickly, Dante swung his leg, sweeping Vice’s legs out from under him. In one motion, he continued sliding his leg forward and raised it high before slamming it down into Vice’s gut.

He hit the ground with a hard thud. As his head cracked against the ground, his eyes shot wide as what looked like a million thoughts and memories flashed before him. He lay still on the ground for a few seconds, his eyes darting around as if trying to catch them all. His breathing was quick and heavy.

Dante swayed his weight to the side gently. The movement immediately caught Vice’s eyes as he reached out and grabbed Dante’s ankle. “Where are we… Why do I have a headache… and what the hell is that?”

Dante held out his hand and Vice grabbed his forearm. He was pulled back to his feet and opened his mouth as he saw Desolate and Horrus fighting to the death. As Dante gave Vice the short version of what was going on, both turned and watched as Desolate began writhing as he transformed back into War.

“War!” Vice began running towards his comrade, but Dante held him back.

“You’ll just get in the way!”

Vice tugged himself away from Dante, but did not try to run again. They both shielded their eyes as War shot a blast up towards the meteor. The light grew in intensity to the point where it was like looking directly into the sun itself. As the light began to fade, Dante and Vice slowly looked back towards their friend, who stood alone and looked towards the empty sky. The two Horsemen shared a double-take before laughing and cheering.

Their celebrating did not last long, as both their eyes tracked the sword that flew into War’s chest, sending him onto his back.

“War!!” Vice ran with what strength he still had in his legs towards his fallen friend. Dante was about to rush forward as well before something yellow shot out from behind him. Fluttershy and Vice arrived at War’s side together.

War’s eyes slowly slid between the two that hovered over him. “Famine…” he said with a gentle turn of his head. Vice instinctively grabbed War’s hand, “I’m here War… I have my memories back, and I’m here…” He closed his eyes tightly, “I should have seen through Horrus’ plan… if I had, this wouldn’t have happened…”

War looked at Vice with his same hollow glare. His words, however, seemed soft and rather comforting. “Famine… never regret your actions… you stood to protect what you loved… just as we all do…”

He slowly turned his head towards the weeping yellow Pegasus beside him. Vice had only just realized her presence. “And you…” Fluttershy raised her head and opened her eyes, unintentionally releasing a flow of tears. She inched closer to better hear his quiet words. “Do not shed a tear for me… I have avoided the cold hand of death for far too long…” He raised a hand and wiped away a fresh stream that had appeared on her face. “I have achieved what I have longed for centuries…”

He pulled her face closer, barely touching their noses together, “My War has come to an end… and I can finally sleep…”

Vice almost seemed to stop breathing completely as the light in War’s eyes slowly began to dim, until there was nothing there at all.

“No… No no no no NO!!” His chest shot in and out as his heart shot like a bullet. His eyes began burning with hatred as he got to his feet and looked towards Horrus. Horrus held his hand out and his blade pried itself from War’s body and returned to him.

“Tragic.” He said monotonously.

Vice had had enough. He tried to start sprinting towards Horrus with full intent to kill, but something snagged the collar of his shirt. He turned around, ready to end whatever held him back. His anger was almost completely washed away from the look he got from Dante’s eyes.

Dante’s posture remained static and for the most part seemed perfectly unaffected. Vice felt like yelling at him at first, but his voice forsook him when he took one look into his eyes. They were cold and black. Vice had never seen such menacing eyes before in his life.

Dante pulled on the collar, throwing him onto his rear. “Go. Take care Fluttershy back to the girls and stop Madora.” Vice’s eyes opened wider as Dante’s shadow seemed to be coiling around and moving of its own free will. “I’ll be the one to kill him.”

Kill? Dante had killed before, but he never before in his life was he so blunt about it. Vice got to his feet and started arguing, but his voice fell to barely a whisper when Dante’s eyes turned to glare at him.

“R-right…” he said after a sigh. He pried the weeping Pegasus away from War’s body and, with a finale look at the two Horsemen, ran off towards Ponyville.

Dante grabbed his hand by the top and tossed it carelessly into the air.

The grip on Horrus’ blades tightened. “So, what do you plan to do Pestilence? Are you going to capture me and take me back to our world?”

“I’m going to kill you.”

Horrus chuckled lightly even though it hurt after his grueling battle with Desolate. “Killing isn’t your style Dante. Or are you going to have Carnage do it for you like War did with Desolate?”

“I won’t need Carnage for this.” Dante’s shadow began rising out of the ground and began absorbing itself into Dante’s coat. Soon his coat was entirely black. The shadow burned like fire, rising off his body only to evaporate into the air. He twisted his arm around and pulled his sword, sheath and all, off of his back. He grabbed the hilt and slid it out, tossing the sheath away like he did his hat.

“You can’t be serious.” Horrus said, already knowing what Dante was about to do.

“You know,” Dante said, “I have a saying I like to live by.” He turned his sword towards the ground and planted the blade into the dirt, only deep enough for the sword to remain upright on its own. “Do unto others as they would do unto you if they had half a chance.” He smirked.

Horrus sighed and twirled his blades around in his hands before poising to strike, “Let’s get this over with.”

“My thoughts exactly.” Dante put his two index fingers to the tip of the hilt and slid them down the body of the blade. Following his fingers were four thin strings that went down and planted themselves in the dirt. Dante pulled the small staff from his back next. He looked over it closely, “You know, most people never notice this is a rosin bow.”

He lowered the rosin bow down to the strings and played a single note. He closed his eyes as the sound reaches his ears. He smiled softly. “It’s tuned perfectly…” He raised his eyes back to Horrus, “I’m not going to fight you Horrus. I’m just going to play you a song, and then I’ll kill you.”

Horrus tried to look into the near future and see what he planned, but all he saw was darkness. “What are you planning, you little—“

“Ah,” Dante interrupted, “language.” Dante began playing several more notes. The sky began darkening as he played. Horrus looked up, but there were still not a single cloud in the sky. His eyes searched for what was causing the darkness before opening them wide in shock.

The sun had turned black.

It was not entirely black, but more of what it would look like if it were covered by an eclipse. While he was distracted, he didn’t notice the walls of shadow rising all around him. He looked around for a way out, but every exit was soon blocked off. A small window opened to reveal Dante exactly where he stood. He pulled his bow away from his instrument slowly to cease the sound. He held his forearm out and a large bird, like a vulture, flew out of the shadows around him and roosted on his arm. It was black like the shadows, but seemed to be rotting away and barely holding together.

Dante smiled and pet the creature’s head as if it were a simple house cat. “You were foolish to think War was the only one who was an actual threat to you, Horrus. For you see, before they reach the domain of Death… they often rot with Pestilence.”

The vulture cried loudly before taking flight. The window closed and Horrus found himself surrounded by darkness once more. He could hardly see his own swords in his hands. Out of the corner of his eye he could see two lights glaring at him. They bound for him, getting closer and closer until revealing to be the eyes of a wolf. It, too, was rotting and showed flesh and muscle on random spots across its body. It dove for Horrus, aiming for his neck. He quickly disposed of the sickening creature with his sword. Upon impact, it exploded into black smoke. Horrus could hear more growling coming from behind him, and soon found himself surrounded by glowing eyes.

On the outside, Dante returned the bow to the strings. “I’ve been practicing so hard, day and night… I do hope you enjoy my lullaby.”

He slowly pulled it back and forth, gradually quickening in pace as he found a rhythm he enjoyed. His voice was quiet at first, but soon began to grow with each word he spoke.

Life is still spinning… Your end, my beginning… everything I hoped for has been strangely set aside…

Reason for living… My mind is forgiving… Destiny is proving to be absent from my life…

From the inside of the tunnel, Dante could hear Horrus battling with the creatures of pestilence. Horrus slaughtered rats, wolves, birds and other decaying animals as they attacked him. Dante could feel each one of them dying as if a little bit of himself was being severed every time. He continued his song regardless of the feeling.

I know when you’re sleeping…

I know the things you’re dreaming…

Dante opened his eyes halfway and watched the swirling tower of darkness before him.

And I know you will never give up and die…

His tune was haunting in nature. The rosin bow slid across the strings flawlessly. He pricked and held down strings near the hilt with his free hand. From his back grew two massive black wings that stretched out wide. They, too, seemed to be made of the shadows themselves.

Conscious fulfilling… The darkness revealing…

All thoughts and insecurities are shinning like the sun…

He couldn’t help but smirk at the irony in the lyrics.

Eyes are deceiving…

Your mind will stop breathing…

All that you are made of will now rightly become mine…

Horrus swung his leg out, catching bird and bringing it forcefully into the ground. He was growing tired and his breaths were growing heavy. His eyes were beginning to be more of a nuisance rather than an advantage. He cried out as a dog came from behind and bit hard into his left arm. He swung his blade, severing its head. The body fell with a thump before joining the walls of shadow that imprisoned him. He grit his teeth, the pain being far more than he expected.

“Oooo, that’s a nasty bite.” Dante’s voice filled the entirety of the small chamber. “You might want to get that patched up. You wouldn’t want to get an infection, would you?”

His voice was clearly sarcastic and mocking, but as soon as he spoke Horrus lost all feeling in his left arm.

“What? What did you—“ Horrus wasn’t able to yell in frustration, as the attacks from the shadow beasts continued relentlessly.

I know when you’re sleeping…

I know the things you’re dreaming…

I love it when you’re weeping… Even Death can’t stop this feeling…

And I wish you would just give up and die…

Dante continued plucking away at the strings of his instrument. His eyes watered softly as more and more of himself were destroyed with each one of Horrus’ strikes. He ignored it all, knowing that it was a necessary sacrifice if it meant that vengeance would be his.

He slowly slid the bow away from the strings. The sound ceased but almost seemed to remain, as if it had burrowed into the minds of all who heard it. The shadows died away, seeping back into the ground. Horrus was once again allowed to see the dim light of day. A dog held to each of his limbs, sinking their teeth deep into his skin. He looked about ready to collapse, only his will for power keeping him standing. The strings on Dante’s sword slowly plucked themselves off the hilt, falling onto the ground.

Dante slowly lifted his sword from the dirt and moved to a side stance, holding the tip of the blade towards Horrus with the blade near Dante’s face. He put his left hand to the base of the blade, just barely keeping it off the sharp edge. He slowly pushed his hand along to edge. A blue flame followed alongside his hand, eventually encompassing the entirety of the blade itself. The claymore burned but gave no heat.

And I know you will just give up and die…

He charged towards Horrus, who could only watch as they blade pierced straight through his chest. He made no sound and almost didn’t move at all as it cut through him like paper. The colors in his eyes came to a sudden halt in their movements and paled.

Dante closed his eyes and breathed slowly. “A very taboo art… ‘Nemod Los’. The Soul Crusher.”

The dogs let go of the body and slid into darkness. Horrus’ body fell to its knees. His eyes were cold and lifeless. No, it was more than that. There was absolutely nothing in them now. Dante had destroyed Horrus’ soul. There was nothing left of who he was.

The shadows covering the sun slowly slid back away, causing the scene to light up brightly. Dante looked down at the fallen Horsemen for a few moments longer before putting his hand out and closing Horrus’ eyes. He began walking away as the wings on his back folded back into his coat. The shadows around his coat dissipated into nothingness, completing his return to normalcy. Well, as normal as a Horsemen could get.

Dante sighed softly and turned his attention towards Ponyville. “Sorry Vice. I’ve killed enough people today.” Dante grabbed his sheath and slid the blade inside, slipping both it and the rosin bow onto his their parallel positions on his back. He picked up his hat and placed it on his head gingerly, straightening it slightly.


Since Fluttershy had broken formation with the rest of the Elements of Harmony, the barrier was easily broken and the Changelings swarmed the city like a horde of bees attacking those who dared disturb their hive. Madora laughed at the feeble attempts of the remaining Elements.

She was concerned at first about the sudden eclipse of the sun, but was confident in Horrus’ ability and continued in her onslaught. “You truly believe you can best me? Ha! It took the combined power of King Cosmos and Queen Galactia to defeat me, and all they accomplished was locking me away in the mountains!”

“What are we gonna do Twi?” a tired Applejack said to her lavender friend, “We can’t win against her, she’s just too strong.”

“Come on girls, we can win this!” a scarred Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

Madora laughed at their pitiful displays of courage. Her smile did not fade in the slightest as Fluttershy returned to the group with her head held low. “I must thank you for leaving the rest of these vermin so that I would be able to break through the shield. Remind me to kill you last.”

“Fluttershy, where were you? Why did you run off like that?” Twilight asked.

Fluttershy said nothing. She raised her head, allowing her mane to fall back and reveal her eyes. Her angry, glaring eyes. Twilight and the other girls tried to talk to her, but she heard none of their words. “You hurt him.” She said. “You hurt him! It’s because of you that he got hurt!”

Her wings shot out in an aggressive stance. She looked ready to charge the Changeling queen.

“You’re kidding.” Madora said in a condescending fashion, “You’re kidding, right?”

Fluttershy hooved at the ground, kicking up small amounts of dirt. Before she had a chance to attack, her view of Madora was obscured. Vice raised his hand towards Fluttershy and flicked her forehead. The Pegasus squeaked and fell back on her haunches to hold her forehead. Her eyes watered as her resolve was so easily broken.

Vice put his hand on her shoulder and looked her in the eyes. His eyes weren’t piercing or even aggressive in the slightest. In fact, he looked rather calm. “Your name is Fluttershy, right? Listen, I need you to do me a favor. I’ve known War for a very long time… you could say he was something of an older brother to me, since I had no other family. I know that what he would want most is for the ponies of this town to be safe, above all else. I need you to take your friends and save the ponies from the Changelings. I’ll take care of miss high-and-mighty over there. Can you do that for me?”

Fluttershy was reluctant. She wanted to avenge War. She wanted to destroy Madora for what she had caused. But deep down, she knew she’d fail if she even tried. She forced a nod, which Vice returned with a small smile. “Don’t worry,” he said, “I’ll fight for the both of us.”

Fluttershy and the other Elements galloped away, leaving Vice alone with the Changeling Queen. Vice began stretching his limbs and cracking various parts of his body, “Thanks for being patient. As such, I’ll give you one chance to back off before I paint the town red with you as my brush.”

Madora responded with more laughter, “What a ridiculous sentiment! I’m not sure what is more unbelievable: the idea that you and these worthless ponies can actually defeat me, or that my daughter was so easily done away by such a defense.”

While Madora had been talking, Vice had slipped out one of his knives and was now tossing it in the air, making it do flips before he caught it by its hilt, only do it so again. He tossed it higher and this time he held out his index finger. The tip of the blade landed perfectly on the finger. A small trickle of blood slid down as the knife remained perfectly upright. “I’m really not in the mood to kill you.” He said, “I’d much rather be skinning Horrus alive for what he did to War. Hell, if not for him, you’d have been obliterated along with the rest of us.”

“Ah, yes. Remind me to thank him for that.” Madora replied with a sly smile.

Vice glared and tossed the knife up just high enough to grab the blade end and throw it at the Changeling. It shot through the air at surprising speeds, coming within inches of Madora’s face before she caught it in her magic. Her smile grew as the tip of her horn began glowing in its eerie green and a ball of magic began forming. A magical beam shot forward towards Vice. The attack was intense and surprisingly similar to the kind unleashed from the Seals.

Vice dashed left and began running towards Madora, dagger in hand and full intent to kill. Madora halted the blast and repositioned to fire again. It was too late, Vice was too close for the blast to fully charge. Before he could sink his blade into her neck, A green aura wrapped itself around Vice’s body. He started lifting off the ground before being thrown backwards into a large tree in the middle of town.

“People need to stop hitting me in the head…” he said as he rubbed the back of his head. Vice looked back up and saw Madora charging another blast. He quickly got back onto his feet and in the blink of an eye drew a Seal to match the attack. The blasts collided at the halfway point, each side struggling for dominance.

Madora was far more powerful than Vice had anticipated. Her attack began inching its way towards him, closing in with each passing second. Vice clenched his teeth and narrowed his eyes, “I won’t go down like a dog… not this time!”

A massive burst erupted from Vice’s side, ending the duel and sending Madora back. She recovered and glared daggers towards the Horseman, angry at such willpower. She was not in the least startled when Vice’s back began opening and several black tentacles slithered out, flailing in random directions, occasionally lashing out at the ground and leaving a gash in the dirt.

Madora did not look impressed. “Am I supposed to be intimidated by your transformation into some kind of freak of nature?”

Two of the tendrils pressed against the ground and Vice was lifted several feet into the air. He held out each hand and a ball of pure energy formed in his palms. “Allow me to show you the real power of a Horseman!” He chucked both balls at her. Each vanished in a heavy explosion the moment they touched the ground. Madora had dodged them with ease, but was off-balance when one of the tendrils slammed into her side, sending her into a nearby house. The Changeling queen crashed through a few support pillars as she soared through the house, causing it to collapse on top of her.

She’s still alive…

Vice squinted his eyes, disgusted with the voice that plagued the inside of his head, “I’d be disappointed if she wasn’t.”

On cue, several wooden boards exploded out as Madora rose to her hooves, looking just as angry as ever. His wings flared up as her horn began glowing brightly. A magical blast shot out towards Vice. The tendrils that weren’t keeping him wrapped themselves around him, creating a shield. Madora fired blast after blast, but nothing managed to penetrate his defense.

As soon as Madora had finished her salvo, Vice’s barrier opened up and he threw himself at the Changeling before she could have a chance to recover. She was tackled to the ground, Vice pinning her beneath him by holding her by her throat. He slipped out yet another knife and raised it high, ready to end this.

Right as he was about to end the grand queen’s life, Vice was thrown off of her and sent flying a dozen feet away. Madora quickly rose back to her hooves, but found herself wrapped in a green glow and was soon off the ground. She spun her head around to see none other than Chrysalis standing off to the side, her jagged horn glowing.

“What is the meaning of—“ Before she could finish her sentence, Chrysalis threw Madora through the air and face first into the dirt. She was quickly picked up again and tossed amongst the rubble.

“I have had enough of this, mother!” Chrysalis growled, “I wanted vengeance, yes. But this is nothing more than murder!”
Without properly getting back on her hooves, Madora spun around and shot a magical blast at her daughter. Chrysalis shot into the air and retaliated with a blast of her own. A barrier formed around Madora, shielding her from the blast. As the dust cleared, Madora’s eyes burned with fury.

“I knew I should have left you to die out in that blizzard!” she said through gritted teeth.

“You are the reason the Changelings have been oppressed! You sent them on massacres and allowed our name to be slandered by countless murders!”

“Enough!” Madora hissed, “If you are so adamant about defending the lives of these poor wretches, than you can die alongside them!”

As Madora began charging another attack, two black tendrils slammed into the ground on either side of her. Vice had woken back up and was now being raised by the tendrils again. His pupils were gone from his eyes.

A tendril drove itself into the ground where Madora stood, but she dodged backwards. Another swept around and slammed into Chrysalis from the side. The Changeling hit the ground hard and slid a few feet. Madora fired a blast into Vice’s back, causing him to stumble forward. He turned and tried to crush her beneath one of the tendrils, but she dodged. She leapt up off the ground to avoid a second attack.

Chrysalis opened her eyes, dazed after such a strike. As her vision began to clear, her eyes opened wide behind her cerulean hair to see the relentless flurry that threatened her mother. She tried to stand and assist, and hopefully get in a hit for the way Vice had hit her, but she quickly dropped back to the ground. She whined softly. Had such a strike so easily broken bones?

After a dozen attempts, one of the attacks caught Madora off guard. It wrapped itself around her body, holding her still. As she struggled, another, smaller, tendril wrapped itself around her horn and in one quick movement snapped it off. Her shriek filled the town, causing every single Changeling that wasn’t already beaten into unconsciousness by Twilight and her friends to stop whatever they were doing and freeze. It seemed to affect them most as they soon began shaking and looked frightened.

Vice tossed the jagged horn aside and lowered himself to his feet. The tendril that held Madora pressed her forcefully against a wall of a house. He grabbed her by her hair and pulled back. He grabbed one of the daggers off his person and shoved it through Madora’s throat. Her eyes shot wide as she tried to scream, but only disgusting gurgles and chokes were able to make it through.

“Horrus is dead by now, so I’ll have to settle for you.” He pushed the dagger deeper until none of the blade was showing anymore. She struggled lightly in defiance before her eyes rolled back and she fell limp. The tendril that held her against the wall slithered back into his body along with the rest. His pupils returned and his breathing returned to normal.
Looking up, he saw that every Changeling in the town was now flying away in random directions. None remained behind to avenge their queen.

“Let them go.”

“I’m not angry anymore.”

Dante walked up beside his friend and put a hand on his shoulder. He looked at the Madora who was still pinned to the wall. He grabbed the knife and pulled it out, letting the body drop to the ground. He swung the blade swiftly, letting the blood fly off before sliding it into one of Vice’s sheaths.

Hearing a few gasps off in the distance caused Vice and Dante to look up and see the girls not too far from them. A few held their hooves to the mouths after seeing Madora. Dante began walking towards them, feeling it would be better if the girls kept some distance from the dead Changeling.

Dante whistled softly to get their attention and pointed towards his face, “Hey, my eyes are up here.”

None of them could understand how he could still make jokes at a time like this. “So, it’s done then...?” Twilight said, still looking past them at the black body.

“The Changelings have no one left to lead them.” Vice said. “Without their queen, they will likely focus on survival rather than a counterattack.”

Vice leaned in closer to Dante, a spark of his anger reappearing in his eyes, “There is no one left to lead them, right?”
“Horrus has been dealt with.” Dante replied.

“So he got what he deserved?”

“If he was getting what he deserved, I’d still be dealing with him right now. No, but eternity will never behold his atrocities again.”

Before Vice could ask what he meant, Applejack walked up and began inspecting them both. She gently nudged them a few times, as if making sure they were real. “So, y’all are still you… right?”

“Well,” Dante tipped his hat up and put on a thick but bad southern accent, “I reckon so. The question is: are y’all still y’all, or are y’all some o’ dem scary bug-lookin’ things?”

Applejack couldn’t have brought her hoof to her face faster.

Just then, a bright light shone from behind them and a large boom echoed throughout the town. The two Horsemen spun around, ready to deal with whatever new threat had revealed itself. Their hands slowly fell away from the weapons as Dante took a few steps closer.

“I…” he began, turning back towards Vice, “I think it’s a way back!”

“Just like that?”

“I guess so… I guess whatever we were brought here to do, we did; and now we can go back.”

“You’re leaving?” Twilight stepped forward.

“We have to.” Dante said with a shrug. “We don’t belong in this world.”

“Why can’t we?” Vice said. “Why can’t we belong in this world? Why do we have to go back, just to be tools again?”

“We don’t belong here, Vice.” He said sternly. “We are Horsemen for a reason. We are the generals of the military and advisers to the king. We hold everything together. Without us, our way of life would have ended long ago.”

Vice wanted to retaliate, but Dante cut him off before he could say a word. “I know why you want to stay. And I wish I could say that I know how you feel. But that’s not the same Serena that you fell in love with.”

Dante turned and began walking towards the portal, “This is probably the only way back. If you want to stay, then that’s your decision. But I—“

Dante felt a hand grab his shoulder. He looked around and was eye to eye with Vice. Dante could see the water that threatened to break through, only held back by willpower. Vice turned and took one last look at the ponies behind him before walking forward through the gateway.

“Will he be okay?” Twilight said, concerned.

“Yeah, he’ll be okay.” Dante said, smiling softly. “He’s just finally getting over his pain.”


Shortly after Dante and Vice’s departure, the town was cleaned up and buildings were rebuilt with the assistance of the royal guard. Twilight ventured off to Canterlot to explain what had occurred in Ponyville.

Chrysalis recovered from her wounds and was brought before Celestia. The two made a bargain: all Changeling raids would come to a full halt on the condition that a group of volunteers be brought together to supply enough love for the dying breed to survive extinction, and that Chrysalis get any say in political affairs that may affect her people.

The body of Horrus was never truly found. All that remained on the battlefield was War and a pile of ashes. Upon special request, War was buried by the tree that he and Fluttershy used to sit by and listen to the birds. She visited his grave every day and would sit quietly for an hour, only listening to the songs of the birds and the gentle breeze. A popular perch was War’s sword, which was put into the ground as a tombstone.

The gates to the throne room opened, revealing a rather large and open room with a map of the world in the center and a doorway to a balcony on the right wall. Compared to the one in Canterlot, it was far from what would be depicted as “royal.” It was plain and simple, and that was just how the owner of the castle preferred.

King Damien sat on his throne, elbows on the armrests and fingers intertwined. To describe him as a pleasant looking man would be insulting. He was tall with very pale skin. His hair was long and black, with a single strip of silver contrasting and slightly off center. His eyes were blood red and piercing. He glared down at the two men who stood before him.

“So,” he said, “you are saying that you were transported to a different dimension?”

“Something like that, yes.” Dante had taken off his hat out of habit. Despite his laid back attitude, he still held respect for his king.

Vice had remained silent since entering the throne room.

Damien cared little for Vice’s silence and surprisingly showed no signs of disbelief when Dante had given him the gist of their little adventure.

“And what of War and Death?”

“They, uh—“

“—are missing.”

Both sets of eyes shot towards Vice. He opened his eyes and looked up with rather defiant eyes. “They stayed behind during the final battle. We don’t know what happened to them after that.”

Damien rose to his feet and walked down the steps that led to his throne and was soon face to face with Vice. His eyes seemed to pierce Vice’s very essence as he looked into his eyes. Damien’s eyes searched for any existence of a lie, but Vice remained calm and contained.

Satisfied, or at least he seemed to be because of the little expression he showed, with Vice’s response, he turned and returned up the stairs, stopping just below the last step. “A ceremony will be held for them."

“Sir?” Dante said, surprised by the suggestion.

“Do not think I am growing soft. I will hold this world together under an iron fist, that I promise. But if one keeps too tight of a grip on their people, they will soon find them slipping out from between their very fingers. As well, Death was an excellent adviser and military strategist. War was disobedient and never bowed down, but he was strong and loyal.” Damien sat back down upon his throne and dismissed the two men. Both bowed and left, the doors closing behind them.

The funerals were held later that night. Two podiums were set ablaze to commemorate the two Horsemen who did not return. The Four Horsemen were not friends to many, so the precession was rather quick and quiet. Dante stood before the two podiums with his hands behind his back. The only ones who were truly there because they wanted to be were he and Vice; the rest were only their for reputation’s sake.

Dante and Vice watched the fire crackle and burn. “Do you think he was happy?” Vice said quietly. Dante looked over and could see the reflected fire dancing across his eyes. After a brief moment and a sigh, Dante replied.

“War was never one for smiling, but I could tell when I looked in his eyes that there was something there that just wasn’t there before. That yellow mare that we left behind… I don’t know what it was about her, but she did something to our boy that no one in our world would ever be able to do. If he had survived the encounter, I don’t think I would have had the guts to tell him to come with us. What he would be leaving behind… I would have had no right to tell him to come with us.

“He found a world that didn’t see him as a weapon or a tool for destruction. He found a town that wanted to know who he was, not what he was capable of. He found a girl that saw him as more than a soldier and as more than a man. I think that for the first time in thousands of years, he actually felt something more than exhaustion or the need for survival. He found something that I just can’t find a name for. Love and happiness are only pieces to the treasure he discovered.”

“He found peace.”

Dante nodded softly, “His endless war came to a finish, and he found peace.”

Author's Note:

There it is, the story has finally come to a close.
I do wish to apologize, i really wanted to make the battles a lot more epic (especially War/Desolate vs. Horrus), but if my readers are anything like me, they'd tend to shy away from 10,000+ word chapters...
Anyways, will i possibly make a sequel to this in the future?
For now, i'm going to be taking a break to catch up on school work. I will be posting the prologue to my next chapter in the next week or so, so be on the lookout for that!
Also, i would like to confirm that the songs in the story are NOT my own. The links to the songs themselves are below:

Lullaby for a Deadman (Dante's Symphony)

Mirror Mirror (Serene Dream's song)

Those songs are phenomenal and i do hope you enjoy them